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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Freiheit Soldaten » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:07 pm

Istochniak Republic sends request for recognition of independence from Kalopia in Dorvik

This morning President Ivankovic issued a statement requesting Dorvish recognition of Istochniak independence from the Great Republic of Kalopia. Ivankovic also requested arms to help equip the Istochniak Defence Forces in the event of war breaking out with Kalopia.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby CCP » Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:27 am

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:11 pm

Presidential candidate Hössler and Benjamin Hauke tour accros Dorvik to prepare for the upcoming elections

Crowds of people gathered in Oppenbruck waiting for Benjamin Hauke to appear on the stage. They cheered when seeing their idol walking up to the stand and starting his speech. Hauke has been campaigning in the nation to gather support for his new party. Most of his supporters are rural family's which have been struck by the industrialization and the digital age. They see Hauke as their symbol of resistance to the urban "Order" in the north. But Hauke does not just campaign in the south. He has also visited Northern farmers as there is still a sizeable northern farmers population. He assured them that the HVV would fight for all farmers in the country.

Hauke giving a speech in Weinsedorf, Largonia

While Hauke visited rural community's the presidential candidate Hermann Hössler also visited the urban communities assuring them that their lives will only get better under HVV leadership.

We cannot deny that the damage done by this age of industrialization has also hit the urban populations of this country. With the HVV in power we will not lower the living standards of our urban populations as many are suggesting. We will however promote our agricultural traditions and give the authority to the farmers and people's in both the south and North to determine their own policy through self governance. This way we ensure that the farmers can grow their farms and maintain their heritage while others can also govern themselves. Our ultimate goal is known, a return to the pre industrial era. but we wont just shove this down your throats! We will promote you to look at our glorious past and see what good a agricultural economy can do to this nation. We will make you healthy, happy and strong to ensure that the dorvish people wont melt down in the streets but that the dorvish people will use their hands to grow their food and protect their land like we have always done!

Presidential candidate Hermann Hössler leaving a fundraiser for innovative techniques after giving a speech there

The HVV is getting more traction in the nation and especially in the south as more and more rural family's see Hauke and his Haukist ideology as the "saviour of our heritage"
Even urban family's see something in Haukism and the HVV and believe that "He truly wants to make the dorvish people stronger and get back to the core of what made us great and healthy" say some people in the city's

The HVV is campaigning a lot and we will see how this will end up in the elections and if the HVV can really make a difference.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:18 pm

President Welcomes Progress With Hawu, Plans Kurageri Visit 'Very Soon' // DNS Worldwide

Above: President Kilburg

President Kilburg has told DNS Worldwide that he is 'hopeful' that he will be able to deescalate tensions with Hawu Mumenhes. Kilburg first told reporters that he took Hamšemesses' explanation of his comments on the Dorvish media as 'exactly what I was aiming for, and I am very thankful that was explained properly and justly'. He also said that 'I great respect Mr Hamšemesses and his government, which have been doing good work in the Free Kingdom - and I wish them all the best in the future'. When asked if he was going to be visiting Hawu, despite it not being a formal but instead a working visit, he said he was 'absolutely' going to be visiting soon, and that he would be discussing multiple issues with the Hawu leadership, including trade and the launch of Dorvik's new super-carrier - which the Hawu government has shown interest in due to its own new military updates.

Asked about the ongoing drama around his Foreign Minister, Esther Fischer, he refused to defend her against the 'cheap seat' comments of Hamšemesses, and instead said 'while she's a highly intelligent and capable woman, she has a tendency to be authoritarian and seek personal power - this is why she will be looking at other cabinet position in the immediate future'. This development coincides with a leak from the government that Fischer will be reshuffled to another position even if the ADA stays in government. Fischer will not be running for the Presidency - like due to international concerns from across Terra - but she still remains highly powerful. Fischer, who happens to have worked at a cinema when she was younger, refused to comment on the issue in her own run-in with journalists - in which she strode to her car without answering any questions and simply saying 'good morning'.

Kilburg is also continuing to work on visiting Kurageri, which will be occurring very soon - within the year. Kilburg continues to state his 'excitement' at the prospect of new infrastructural and trade agreements that are going to be but on the table from the Dorvish side. 'It's all shaping up to be very good for the both of us,' he says, 'it could be a very beneficial deal for all sides - and massively increase development in Kurageri'. Kilburg has travelled to multiple 'first-world' nations in low-profile or less noteworthy visits, mainly to nearby countries. Kurageri will be his first visit to the less developed parts of Dovani - although Kilburg has 'been to Kazulia on vacation and saw across the border the stark difference'. Bit off a gaff, perhaps? Maybe, but it seems Dorvik doesn't care. His popularity is at 60%, way above the ADA's - a mere 20% at the moment, indicating an incoming seat loss.

ADA Presidential Hopefuls Official, Neither Fischer Nor Kayser Running // DNS

Above: Governor of Dorvan, Jan-Henrik Hatrig

The list is official, there are four people running to take the ADA's presidential candidacy forward next year. Big names like Esther Fischer and Ida Kayser have chosen not to run - despite being the clear favourites in the bedding odds and in public and party polling. Fischer was at nearly 40% with the membership in polls before she chose not to run, while Kayser was at 30% - but the clear favourite amongst the wider public. The full list of hopefulls are: Minister of Food and Agriculture, Jean-Claude Schlechter; Former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Romain Brandebourg; second-term Governor of Dorvan, Jan-Henrik Hatrig; businessman and general odd-ball Abel Maschner, The all-male line-up is quite the contrast to the female-dominated list of cabinet members the ADA has - with key figures like Fischer and Kayser not running, and lesser known ADA women seemingly unsure of party potential success.

Jean-Claude Schlechter is a particularly popular young liberal, firmly in the centre of the political spectrum. He's been a major favourite of the President since they were both elected and was formerly an independent councillor in Dorvan. He's the youngest running but probably the most experienced in terms of politics. His major advantage will be that he has had a no-frills time at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. His problem will come from fighting of the Haukist pull that will damage the ADA in farmland - a crucial place the party relies on. Romain Brandebourg sticks out on this list a bit, mainly because he actually lost his job heading the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport after just two years at the job. He was on the bad side of the Fischer branch of the party, although he is an ally of Ida Kayser's. His job loss was less due to incompetence than political expediency, but it still reflects badly on him.

Jan-Henrik Hatrig is competing with Schlechter fervently in terms of actually winning the contest. He's wealthy and can self-finance his own campaign to a degree the others simply can't. He's also popular as anything in Dorvan and has kept the ADA in charge there since the ADA started. His strengths also include: being a somewhat attractive, fairly young, pretty conservative and genuine person - at least in the public's view. But he will lose moderate support as he was endorsed by Esther Fischer, quite strong in fact - while Kayser and the President are staying neutral. Last on the list, and very unlikely to win, is eccentric businessman Abel Maschner. 69 years old and partial to a bit of yachting, he's not a very orthodox presidential candidate. But he also has a base of support among the people likely to defect from the ADA to the Haukists next year - so he could be more of a threat than we expect at the moment.

Polling varies on who it gives the exact edge, but polling averages say this: 37% for Hatrig, 36% for Schlechter, 12% for Brandebourg, 4% for Maschner, 11% undecided. With most of the electoral with their minds made up, it seems unlikely that Brandebourg or Maschner will win. As for Hatrig and Schlechter, they're neck-and-neck and no advantage is yet apparent. Hatrig will probably win in the South and Dorvan, while Schlechter has unanimous support from Kordusian ADA leaders and most of Westmark. The battlegrounds for the two will be cities in the South, that Hatrig currently is leading in but Schlechter is only about 3% to 6% behind in. Hatrig will need to moderate himself to take a wider lead, and focus on things other than Fischer's both toxic and magical endorsement. Schlechter needs Kayser's endorsement asap - only the President has agreed to be totally neutral, Kayser's just choosing that path for now.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:34 pm

Centre Party Looks Set to Abandon Party Founder
Despite being the party's founder and current chairman, it's members are questioning whether's it time for a fresh face to lead the party.

Christian Mayer arriving at party headquarter's earlier this morning.

As is the case with political parties across Dorvik, the race is on within the Centre Party as to who will lead the party into the next election. Party founder, and current Chairman Christian Mayer, was widely expected to be nominated by party members at last Thursday's conference in Hauzenwald. However, support for the man who led the party into government three years ago has slowly ebbed away since January. Indeed, Mayer garnered barely half of the vote in his bid to remain party chairman; 48.3 % of conference attendees cast a vote against Mayer despite no other contender being on the ballot. The surprise result quickly put into doubt a second ballot that was due to be held later that evening that would confirm him as the party’s presidential candidate for the upcoming elections next year.

Within an hour of the result, Ulrich Bluhm, the party’s Education spokesperson, announced that he would now challenge Mayer for the candidacy. Speaking to DNS, Bluhm said:
The Centre Party and its members have nothing but respect for Mr Mayer; within the space of a few short years he took the party from nothing to the third largest in the country. However, times have moved on. We need a fresh face that won’t shun responsibility in the future.

Bluhm’s comments reflect the growing discontent among grassroot members. Many of them still don’t understand why Mayer didn’t take a cabinet position when the party entered into coalition with the ADA and KRA. His decision to support the government from the backbenchers was summed up by conference attendee Margarethe Fischer:
What’s the point of him? He led us into government and then decides he doesn’t want a cabinet post. Now he asks us to make him President? I think someone who is prepared to work hard deserves that job

Bluhm's decision led to the second ballot being postponed; it has been reorganised by the party's committee to take place in a month's time. His announcement was unusual given that the Education spokesperson is not a well-known, let alone popular figure, within Dorvik. Political commentators see him as a 'stalking horse': opening the way for more serious candidates to challenge Mayer.

Education Spokesperson Ulrich Bluhm has contested Mayer for the party's presidential nomination for next year's election.

So far, however, Mayer has the support of the party’s senior leadership; the party’s four ministers have been reluctant to entertain the idea that anyone apart from Mayer will be the Centre’s presidential nominee for 4373. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly clear that Mayer will have to decide on his, and his party’s future: continue forward and risk dividing the party, or step aside and let more contenders enter the fray? A contested election would allow for open debate and it would surely do the party some good.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:11 am

Green Liberal Party Re-Enters Dorvish Political Scene

GLP Leader Mrs.Sophie Schultz at a Campaign Event in Haldor:-


The Green Liberal Party has been registered with the Election Commission Today after Decades of Absence from the Political Scene,The Party is led by Sophie Schultz,who was a Professor in the Department of Economics in the Kordusia State University.She Says that her Party is the Ideological Successor of The Green Liberal Party led by Katrina Klain in the 4190s.The Party sees itself as a big tent Centre Left Party and says that it will advocate a Progressive Agenda which will Put the "People First".The Party has been gaining Positive Response in Cities such as Haldor and Fairfax and has been seeing a steady rise in its membership.

Mrs.Schultz also Stated that her Parties Main Priority is to Enforce Stricter Environmental Regulations on Businesses and also states that her Party Intends to Protect the Environment for the Future Generations.She also stated that,Unlike it's ideological Predecessor which was mainly confined to Kordusia,It will try to Attract the Support of Voters all over the Nation.

Mrs.Schultz,when asked about Coalition Preferences Replied in a Non Committal Tone and said that her party will join hands with whichever party Supports it's Environmentalist and Progressive Agenda.She also stated that the Party will Announce it's Presidential Nominee in Early 4373.

It is to be seen whether this Party will be as Successful as it's Predecessor or if it will be relegated to the Sidelines of Dorvish Politics as a Fringe Party

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:34 am

Hössler warns the foreign ministry of the possible explosive situation in Dankuk

The HVV presidential candidate Hermann Hössler warned the current federal government of the potentially dangerous situation in Dankuk during a conference on foreign affairs he attended in Kordaw, Kordusia. He warned that the terrorist attacks in Dankuk could evolve into a broader conflict.

The potential of this situation escalating is present. Dankuks reaction on the terrorist attacks has been concerning. They have started to grow their military and despite foreign players blocking arm sales they are now becoming more desperate by offering millions to company's that want to make weapons for the nation. In my experience as diplomat this situation has all the symptoms of possible escalation and the Dorvish government should keep a watchfull eye on the situation as is our role as one of the big powers of the world.

Hössler at the foreign affairs conference in Kordaw

Said presidential candidate Hössler during the conference in Kordaw. Dankuk is currently being terrorized by Sørvestlanders and hundreds have already died according to some sources. With the government now growing its military to respond to this Hössler has expressed his concern.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:23 pm

Jan-Henrik Hatrig Wins ADA Presidential Nomination // DNS

Above: Governor of Dorvan, Jan-Henrik Hatrig

The vote was close, the results very tight - but a winner has emerged: Jan-Henrik Hatrig. The candidates were: Minister of Food and Agriculture, Jean-Claude Schlechter; Former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Romain Brandebourg; second-term Governor of Dorvan, Jan-Henrik Hatrig; businessman Abel Maschner. He will go on to contest the eleciton. Schlechter's campaign angled for the left of the party, supporting things like abortion rights and transgender rights. Hatrig struck a more economic and conservative tone, focusing on investment in infrastructure, traditional Dorvish-Hosian values and Dorvish supremacy in the north sea. Brandebourg also focused on infrastructure, but also seemed to side with Schlecher's socially liberal program. Maschner focused on libertarian philosophy, and supported a flat tax and restricting trade unions. Schlechter and Hatrig were the two favourites from the off. President Kilburg and Minister Kayser both stayed neutral, but behind closed doors preferred Schlechter.

301,681 ballots were cast in Miktar - an extremely high turnout. Hatrig won an expected victory in Miktar, where polls had shown him leading Schlechter by 7%. He ended up winning by 11% with 42% of the vote, outperforming expectations - while Schlechter under-performed at 31% despite previously polling slightly higher. Both minor candidates, particularly Mascher, outperformed expectations and won 15% and 12% respective to their final positions. This result suggested that Hatrig was the slight favourite to win. 540,113 ballots were cast in Dorvan - the party's heartland. Hatrig once again bested Schlechter, this time by 9% in both candidate's home state. As the popular incumbent governor, Hatrig outperformed his 3% polling lead while Brandebourg won only 12%. Maschner won just over 6%, and pressure was put onto him to pull out by party leadership - however, Maschner refused. At this point, Hatrig was the favourite to win and it would require major defeats in upcoming states to defeat him.

He was also being endorsed by controversial Minister for Foreign Affairs Esther Fischer - who was originally considered a liability - and Minister for Justice Tina Thorn. Minister for Environment and Tourism, Florence Kirsch, was the only cabinet member endorsing Schlechter. 395,556 ballots were cast in Largonia - where Governor Ada Brenscht had just endorsed Schlechter. Schlechter pulled off his first victory over Hatrig in Maschner's home state - Maschner still refused to drop out. Schlechter won 45% to Hatrig's 38%, while Brandebourg was all-but-eliminated with only 7% - Maschner won just 10% in his home state. At this point, with some momentum back in Schlechter's corner, Minister for Education and Culture and First Lady Lydie Kilburg - President Bernard Kilburg's wife - endorsed Schlechter, though her husband the President remained neutral on the race. Buoyed by newfound momentum and endorsements, Schlechter overtook Hatrig as the favourite - despite lagging behind by nearly 80,000 votes in the vote tally.

241,090 votes were cast in communist-held Westmark. Unfortunately for Schlechter, he was again defeated in Westmark and lost his favourite status once again. He lost by 16% - 53% to 37% - against Hatrig. Brandebourg won only 2% after no campaigning was done by his team in Westmark. Maschner managed to win 8%. 95,000 votes behind, Schlechter nearly conceded the election but was the favourite to win Kordusia and so retained hope that Kayser and/or the President would endorse him and he would be able to win. No such endorsement materialised, however. Brandebourg and Maschner still did not conceded going into Kordusia, but both made clear who they'd rather see win - Schlechter and Hatrig respectively. 330,285 Kordusian ballots later, Schlechter conceded to Hatrig. Despite having greatly closed the gap in Kordusia - winning 48% to 24%, and Brandebourg taking 21% - he still was left a very close 15,000 votes behind Hatrig. All three other candidates conceded to Hatrig, including Maschner who won just 7% in Kordusia. Schlechter would go on to say that he lost because of Kayser's refusal to endorse him. Hatrig will go on to contest the election - which he is losing in the polls.

Fischer: Government Has Made Itself Acutely Clear On Dankuk // DNS

Above: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer

Esther Fischer has responded to the HVV's Presidential Candidate, saying that the government has 'already made itself acutely clear on Dankuk and their regime'. Fischer has passed a series of measures against Dankuk as Foreign Minister, and asked Mr Hössler to 'acquaint himself with sanctions already in place on Dankuk'. The sanctions, passed in July 4370, prevent all economic and diplomatic relations between Dorvik and Dankuk due to Dankuk's execution of diplomats from Kazulia, which was done in response to Kazulia's uncovering of Dankuk's clandestine systems within Kazulia. 'Be under no illusions or false pretences, Mr Hössler,' Fischer told him through the press today, 'we have already made very, very clear that Dankuk is a rogue state and we refuse to have any diplomatic ties with such a state'. Fischer and the current government are allied to the Kingdom of Kazulia, which was attacked by Dankuk.

Hössler has 'warned' the government that the terrorist attacks in Dankuk could evolve into a broader conflict. Fischer noted that there had already recently been a war between Kazulia and Dankuk, which Kazulia had won decisively. 'We will do what we did in the Dankuk-Kazulia conflict,' she told DNS, 'we will face against Dankuk and its regime'. Dorvik's sanctions on Dankuk were regarded by some as important in preventing Dankuk from growing its military earlier, but Fischer said she is 'willing to take further steps to prevent weapons getting into the hands of this unhinged and incompetent regime'. Fischer, who has been the Minister for Foreign Affairs since 4367, has also made clear that: 'the government is more than capable of handling this issue, although we appreciate that Mr Hössler has taken an active concern in this area'. Fischer has been on a leash with the President since her spat with Hawu.

When asked what sorts of measures Dorvik would be willing to take to further weaken Dankuk, she said that the Dorvish position on the Security Council would be used 'to full effect' in pressuring other nations to take actions against the Dankuk regime. If things went really pair-shaped, she 'would be willing to create a blockade, mainly to prevent weapons but also general items that may further conflict'. Fischer was careful not to mention any kind of aggressive conflict in response to the Dankuk situation, as she has already been internationally scolded for her very hands-on approach in areas like Kurageri, where she was attacked by Hawu and other nations for her plans to have Dorvish overseers count ballots and act as judges in case of electoral discrepancy. This was during the first Kurageri democratic elections, with the President currently in Kurageri as this unfolds.

Fischer chose not to run for the Party leadership, and is now likely to lose her job even if the ADA retain their government position. She will likely not even enter cabinet, due to her gaffs on the world stage and lack of political allies at home. Though she has her close ally as the ADA's presidential candidate, the fractured nature of the election is not lost on her. All the Government's parties will be footing their own candidates, and it is unknown who their second preference will be. The ADA will have big chunks taken out by the HVV and DVP, and some predictions put them at as few as 40 to 50 seats. Fischer may have been a cunning operator to stay down this election, though, if the worst comes to the worst. It might be best to wait until there are no contenders left, so she can spring on and lead the party far to the right as its only possible candidate. We'll have to wait and see.

President of the FRD, Bernard Kilburg, Visits Kurageri // DNS Worldwide


The President of the Federal Republic of Dorvik has finally arrived at Kurageri after a long flight and several months of preparation. He arrived at Kuga International Airport, the country's largest airport, and proceeded to be welcomed by several top Kurageri officials - before meeting Kurageri people at the airport, which was packed to see one of the world's most powerful men arrive in their home town. President Kilburg was welcomed warmly by the public, and in turn gave out many a wave and a signature. In a short speech given at the airport to the people of Kuga, Kilburg said that 'your nation is one of the most potential-filled places in the history of humanity', with loud cheers given in response to this comment. 'The international community is watching, and they're liking what they see, and we want to invest in you and see Kurageri flourish as a nation'. Again, cheers responded.

After the airport, the President of the FRD arrived at a meeting with several businesspeople and Kurageri celebrities, from sports stars to singers, where he gave a speech to the assembled congress on the 'necessity of investment in Kurageri'. In his speech, Kilburg promised major trade and investment from Dorvik into the Dovani nation, including promises to give tax incentives to invest in Dovani and Kurageri in particular. 'This continent is filled to the brim with life and hard work, and these are the building blocks for a very bright future'. 'We can work together to build this very bright future, and increase development in Kurageri by 300% by 4400, doubling the economy and cutting unemployment to record lows', he promised, 'and the way we do this is by working with you and encouraging businesses to invest in Kurageri and to hire Kurageri workers when doing it'.

After this well-received speech, the next day President Bernard Kilburg went to meet the gathered parliament of Kurageri, where he gave yet another speech in the chamber. 'I will always stand by the less fortunate, and help make them great,' he says to nods in the room, 'and this visit is a symbol of how the west and the world's High Income Countries can invest in Dovani and Kurageri in particular in order to receive both a massive pay-back and improve living standards Terra-wide'. 'It all starts with trade and investment, and that is why Dorvik is proud to announce that it will be footing the bill for all rail construction in Kurageri for the next twenty years'. This line was received with much applause in the chamber, but Kilburg was quick to act humbly. 'I am no God, and this entire process requires hard work - but I can promise that with your help we can stand together as one Terra'.

After a private meeting with the President of Kurageri, in which they went into further detail on his rail plans, Kilburg then went sightseeing for a day. He visited the bustling market-places of Kuga, and the farmlands surrounding the city - as well as some of the local schools. At one particular school, he was asked by a child where Dorvik was. His response: 'Dorvik's over the ocean, but I'm planning on bringing it right here'. He also went to a hospital, where he met sufferers of diseases and conditions that are sadly all-too-common in Kurageri. Kilburg promised to bring much-needed medical investment to Kuga and Kurageri. As his trip draws to a close, we will have to wait and see if he makes good on his promises. Kilburg was 'deeply upset' by the sight of Kurageri's issues, but 'deeply motivated by the spirit and all-consuming glow of the local people'. Will this translate into a long-lasting partnership?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:31 am

Mayer Steps Aside
Party Chairman makes way for new presidential nominee.


Christian Mayer, the founder of Dorvik’s Centre Party, has withdrawn from the contest to become the party’s nominee in next year’s presidential election. Speaking outside his home in Haldor, Mayer announced that:

After considerable thought and discussion with members of the party, I have decided to withdraw my candidacy for president. There is a great deal of talent within our party and I need to recognise that it is time for some of that talent to step forward. I am immensely proud of what we have achieved so far and I’m sure we can achieve even greater things in the future.

A statement released by Mayer’s office later in the day confirmed that he would remain the party’s Chairman until after the election.

Potential candidates will now have three weeks until the party votes on a nominee.Those tipped to enter the fray in the coming days include Finance Minister Tobias Strenz and Trade and Industry Minister Sabine Beck. Anna Stein, the newly elected governor of Kordusia following the death of Wolfgang Glos, has reportedly been considering a run as well. Whoever enters, and whoever wins, will have to unite the party quickly. The ADA, as well as the HVV, have already nominated their presidential candidate and any further delay would only hamper the Centre Party’s efforts to get it’s political voice heard.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:17 pm

Robert Holman Wins Centre Party Presidential Nomination
Another surprise election ends a rocky nomination process for the Centre Party.

Holman pictured last year during a conference on aphasia and agnosia.

In an unexpected result, Robert Holman, the Centre Party’s Health and Social Care spokesperson, will lead the party into the next Federal Election. Dr. Holman, a neurologist, won in a landslide contest against three other contenders. The 73-year-old belatedly entered the contest but quickly won over the party membership in huge numbers. After receiving 74% of vote, he decisively beat Kordusian Governor Anna Stein and Trade and Industry Minister Sabine Beck. Ulrich Bluhm, the fourth contender, garnered just 2%. Following his surprise victory, Holman stated that:

The result was as unexpected for me as it was for you. I hope that I will not let you down…we now have six months to convince the people of Dorvik that the Centre Way is the Right Way.

Holman entered the race following Finance Minister Tobias Strenz’s announcement that he would not seek the nomination. It is clear that opinion polls failed to pick up Holman’s surge in support among the party’s grassroots. His gentle charisma and sense of humour were clearly big winners across all age groups and wings of the party. Soon after his nomination, he announced that Trade and Industry Minister Sabine Beck would lead the Centre Party’s legislative campaign.

The Life of Dr. Robert Holman

Holman was born in Weinsedorf, in the southern state of Largonia. Following university, where he studied Medicine, he went on to complete five years service in Dorvik’s air force where he reached the rank of Flight Lieutenant. The end of his military career saw him return to the field of medicine where he specialised in neurology, eventually gaining his PhD from the prestigious University of Kordusia.

He entered politics after Christian Mayer founded the Centre Party in 4366. Holman was asked to advise the newly formed party on Health and Social Care policy, before becoming the party’s spokesperson for health two years later. He became a list MP for Kordusia in the 4369 Federal Election, and has since maintained a low-profile. He married fellow neurologist Dorothea Roth in 4331.
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