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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:22 pm

Fischer Blasts Left: They Will Sooner Stand With Communists Than See Any Restrictions On Abortion // DNS

Above: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer

With 10 parties now on the Dorvish political scene, politics has become a messy business in Dorvik. The centrist party has left the government, placing the blame almost squarely at the conservative agenda of ADA leader and Minister for Foreign Affairs Esther Fischer. Fischer, who wants to put restrictions on abortion, was able to almost single-handedly bring together the fractured left, including the Communists. But it was to a crowd today of party members that Esther Fischer blasted the centrist party, saying it 'was utterly hypocritical to view any restriction on abortion as worse and more radical than the total abolition of markets and private ownership rights'. This has been a question asked many times by many members of the public, including 15% of the Centrist party's own membership, as to why communism is seen as more centrist than being against 'abortion on demand'. Apparently, the communists have privately 'conceded' on some issues to make the alliance tenable.

'How dare she say there is less difference between these people to her and from us to her?', blasted Fischer to resounding cheers and applause from party members, 'we are a democratic party that has argued for liberal democracy and meritocracy since our foundation, but if we differ on abortion suddenly we come in behind the Communists who do not even believe in private liberty or private rights!'. The aggressive tone of the speech represents the tough time that Fischer has had since becoming the party leader, nearly losing her job after the centrists left the coalition, and with her informal alliance of the coalition partners struggling to stabilise for the time being. Yet amidst this political chaos, the right remains united on one thing: 'communism is not something that can be bridged to'. Fischer also made a big deal out of previous statements from the centrists and greens that they would not be willing to entering coalition with the communists.

'I think the hypocrisy of the left is trying,' she said in reference to these holes in their leftward alliance, 'and I think the Dorvish people will give a good hiding to anyone daring to ally with Communism over those who dare to stand against unnecessary abortions!'. This kind of tone has been echoed by many right-wing members of the ADA, who overwhelmingly voted for Fischer to lead the party last year. The party has consistently came out against the communists since the 60s, when former ADA leader Ida Kayser and Communist chairman Peter Enkelmann would commonly but heads on a wide variety of issues. Fischer also told her crowd: 'I don't get why I have such a massive effect on the Centrists, you say one thing about abortion and a four-year alliance goes out the window in favour of allying with genuine extremists!'. 'It's crazy!', she remarked - to yet more cheers and laughter in the staunchly ADA audience.

Still, with 6 right wing parties, it means the left is basically a shoe-in to enter government. The sheer amount of competition on the right and the newfound unity on the left makes the left in a strong position to take over the Federal Assembly and keep the Presidency. Currently polling suggests the Alliance for Progress is on track to win 55% of the votes and seats, and retain the Presidency. However, there are also rumblings of a new right-wing alliance comprising the ADA, DVP and HVV - a trio which are not too far behind in the Federal Assembly and Presidential polling if they were to unite. This new age of politics harks back to hundred of years ago when Dorvik was dominated by big political alliances. There are some suggestions, however, that Ida Kayser - the former party leader to led the party to its current position - is considering a comeback, despite her advancing years.

Other News: Seekönigin Launches At Fairfax // DNS

Above: The Seekönigin after launch.

The new pride of the Dorvish fleet, the Seekönigin (Sea Queen) has launched at Fairfax. Commissioned in 4370, the ships was built speedily to prevent being upset by a change in government. The massive ship, one of the world's few true super-carriers, was launched today at the Naval Dockyard in the Dorvan channel. Her name was given by the former President Bernard Kilburg, and her construction was done under the last Defence Ministry and wider government. She is definitely an imposing sight, at 65,000 tonnes and nearly a thousand feet at length - dwarfing her renamed sea companions, the Dorvish aircraft carriers Sudische and Lormanische who were renamed from their former royal names as a way to show symbolic unity between the ethnic groups of the South. The Seekönigin stands tall across the world, as the top vessel of the Dorvish navy fleet.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:06 pm

Herman Gluck: We Need a Proper Right Wing Alliance

Herman Gluck this morning called for a right-wing alliance

"A united right-wing is necessary, as Fischer has correctly pointed out, for our success in the sensible parts of politics." These were the words of Herman Gluck, a political newcomer and leader of the 'hipster fascist' DNP, in an interesting press conference held this morning. "What we need is a broad, formal alliance on the right, all willing to agree to form coalitions together, all willing to make concessions and agree to unified policies."

"In addition, the right should all rally behind one Presidential candidate -- though this is obviously as of right now undecided."

"Polls are predicting strong results for the DNP in the elections. So many people know and respect our party that to dismiss us, a century-old institution of the right-wing in this country, as newcomers would be absurd. As such we hope we can gain a seat at this alliance, should it ever summon itself into existence."

In the most interesting part of the conference, held this morning outside the new headquarters of DNP, which has also recently seen Gluck's former stomping grounds National Front Line officially endorse the party and make large donations to it, Herman proposed that the country's right-wing parties should all unite to hold a conference within a few months' time, to lay the foundations for this alliance.

It seems Herman has quite a strong grasp of political strategy, with many political commentators keeping their eyes on the party for the moment. In a single move, Gluck could be set to raise his profile massively, unite the right, and even secure himself a key position in his proposed alliance. All that remains is to build it.

Other party leaders are yet to respond to the proposals.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:12 pm

Internal Minister Schau assumes office
The HVV also welcomes minister Peltzer (health) and minister Niedermeyer (Agriculture)

After taking 4th place in the assembly and gaining 69 seats in the election the HVV was satisfied. Although the party admitted that they were dissapointed on their results in the south party leader Hauke underlined that the HVV is still a new party and is "very sattisfied" with the result of the elections. Immediately after the elections ended negotiations for a government between 4 party's started. 1 of them was the HVV which made it clear from the start that they where more then willing to form a coalition.

The result was one of the most right wing cabinets in Dorviks recent history. Although the center party left the cabinet this has only made it stronger according to party members of the HVV because of the KRA getting ready to fill the center party positions which will make the cabinet even more right wing. The HVV gained the internal, Health and Agriculture ministry's, 3 ministry's perfectly matching the party's agenda. Niedermeyer is reportedly preparing agricultural reform to free farmers of some federal regulations while the Health minister has stated to aim for a budget reform that grants more investment to the health department. The internal minister is one of the rising starts within the HVV. Maik Schau is a fairly young politician that has always been close to the party founder Hauke. His knowledge of the federal police force and his cunning negotiation skills where the reason for his appointment as internal minister.

While the political landscape of our nation is more fractured then ever and the polarization of society's accros the globe also becomes apparant in Dorvik it is more important then ever to stand firm and make a statement against any unwanted behaviour. With me as internal minister i can make a strong pledge to the people of this country, we will stand firm in all our cases and make sure that the security and order that once was during our strong conservative past will be retrieved and preserved. We will not budge for criminals, corrupt politicians or polarizing behaviour. We will stand for law and order. Therefor my first action as minister of internal affairs will be to reform the justice system so our system is modern and efficient and i will look into reform of the police force to better define the authority's of state and federal police forces.

Schau during his installment as Minister of Internal Affairs

The big suprise came for presidential candidate Hössler. Many believed that after his active campaign he would at least get into the second round but a left wing endorsement for the center candidate prevented that. Even though it was a dissapointment for the party not to have a president and a dissapointment for Hössler himself to be the president he wanted to be the party has already stated that they have decided to allow Hössler to run for a second time. We will see how this will work out.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:02 pm

The HVV party leadership ordered its ministers to resign following a major disagreement over the justice bill

The HVV leadership has decided to step out of the young government. Party leader Hauke spoke off "unnaceptable behaviour by our coalition partner"
He was reffering to ADA. The HVV and ADA have reportedly had major disagreements on the justice bill proposed by the HVV ministry of Internal Affairs.

We had a firm stance on the approach towards criminals and thought our "right wing" coalition partners would love to work with us and vote in favour of this bill. Instead of that we were shocked to learn that ADA apparently takes a soft stance on the way criminals should be treated and decided not to back the bill. A heated debate followed and after some time i came to the conclusion that this would simply not work if it had to continue for the next 4 years. I advised party leadership to step out of the coalition and look for real Right Wing partners to cooperate with.

Said former Minister of Internal Affairs Maik Schau. He and the 2 other HVV cabinet members resigned their posts after the order was given by the HVV leadership to do so. The HVV also made public the conversations between Schau and Minister of Justice Tina Thorn.

Minister of Internal Affairs Schau coming back from a meeting with party leadership

One of the comments Thorn made according to records was "What a load of bullshit. BULLSHIT." and "Don't respond to this: I will await my party's response - to your BS"

If our minister of Justice talks to another minister in the cabinet like that its just apparent that she does not belong on her position. No matter how great the difference of opinion you can never lash out in such a unprofessional manner. After seeing these comments made by her we are really concerned on how the justicial system is run. Do we really want a minister of justice that talks like that to others? In such a disrespectfull way? I do not and that is why me and the rest of the leadership decided to step out of the government immediately and support early elections.

Said Benjamin Hauke. Although they support early elections the polls looks grim for the HVV and Hauke openly admitted he is prepared to "truly fight for the Dorvish people in opposition".

The concerned face of Benjamin Hauke. The uncertainty can be read from his face
Last edited by Rogue on Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:04 pm

Fischer's Speech Rallies ADA // DNS

Above: Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer

'Lies, lies and damned lies,' the voice of the former Foreign Affairs minister echoed to a disappointed crowd - wounded by the party's poor performance at the election. 'Clearly Dorvik is not in a good state,' she admitted, 'and I think it's time politics was done a little bit differently to be very honest with you'. This message comes after an unparalleled period of political instability: the left uniting from centre to the communist far-left; the HVV storming out of government; the Centrists storming out of government; two elections within less than a year span. 'I'm not going to dwell on how the HVV couldn't handle disagreement on their bill', she mocked, 'about how they agitated Mrs Thorn, said she loved rapists and murders, and then took it to the press when she dared to defend herself', she continued in a fed-up tone, 'because frankly - I don't give a damn'. 'I don't give a single damn'. The remark echoes around a subdued room.

"I think it's time politics was done a little bit differently" - a funny old line. It's been said so many times, in so many ways, by so many politicians. But tonight it resonates, to a country in chaos - in utter dismay. No alliance came out with a clear majority, and if you think that Fischer is going to widen her base you're wrong. 'I'm being myself from now on, to be honest,' she told a crowd who were beginning to pick up, 'because God knows I've tried being a politician and we've ended up here, politicians put us in this state of chaos - greedy, arrogant, full of lies'. Remarkably, the crowd, previously subdued, began to nod in agreement. 'Because you know what?': she asked the crowd, no longer looking down and instead looking up at Fischer, 'I have no words left for the lies!' The crowd erupted into mumbled agreement, a strange sight to see - political voters fired up like this by a career politician. 10 seats down, losing support, you'd think the ADA was on it's death spiral.

'I am looking at the back of this room and I see colleagues who lost out because of a careerist's fantasy'; a line that doesn't seem as vitriolic as it should be, as it is in reality a subdued take-down of the HVV. 'I am done with political alliances,' admits the now-resigned minister after the votes have all been counted - the crowd beginning to stir to her side, 'because,' she continues, 'we are going to be ourselves, and whatever happens will happen - but we got into the mess through lies and selfishness, and we will get out of it through rejecting condemnation and accepting ourselves and our views'. 'Many great men have had their dreams about a world at peace, well I have my dream and my wish', Fischer tells the crowd, with the tension so harsh you couldn't cut through it with a knife, 'I have a dream that Dorvik will beat the career politicians back into their posh stores and their mansions!'

The crowd roars, a massive vote of no-confidence amongst the membership of the ADA for the political establishment. 'I will not be leading you in that endeavour,' Fischer admits to gasps from the audience - is this Fischer's resignation speech? After she had fired up the crowd so much? 'I will be the party leader, but I will be alongside you when we fight - nobody is behind anymore, we're all racing to a better future together'. Across the room, the speech - though nothing special to outside ears - has every ADA member stirred up and ready to go out and fight. The ADA FA members are cheering, and even old President Kilburg and Ida Kayser are cracking a few smiles as their once-political-enemy rallies the membership. 'It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new Dorvik - and we're taking this movement from Fairfax to Weinsedorf to Haldor to Westmark to rural Largonia, to the Eastern seaboard and beyond!' - the crowd roars once again, with the entire room of supporters on their feet cheering. 'New Dorvik, remember the name!', she says before leaving. Is this the start of a new movement in Dorvish politics?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:31 pm

Holman Re-elected in Landslide
Snap election sees Robert Holman re-elected in landslide result, but further losses for the Centre Party in parliament.

After receiving endorsements from a variety of parties, President Holman secured another victory.

Following the HVV's walkout from government less than a year after the Centre Party, fresh elections to Dorvik's Federal Assembly were held. It is clear that now, more than ever, that the political landscape has fractured beyond recognition. With ten parties represented in parliament, and no clear coalition emerging, large compromises will have to be made. Like many, the snap election caught the Centre Party off-guard. With diminished funds following the election last year, the party's campaign was hurriedly assembled. With the loss of a further eleven seats, the party's parliamentary faction now stands at 33 seats. Despite the loss, Sabine Beck and Julia Weiss were confirmed as Chairwoman and Deputy Chairwoman at a meeting of senior party figures. Following the result, Beck announced:

Of course we are disappointed, but the people of Dorvik have spoken. It is clear they are fed-up with the old system where two parties dominate the political landscape. Now is the time to reach out to different parties and pursue an agenda that can work for everyone.

Early reports suggest the party is sticking with the 'Alliance for Progress'. The left-wing bloc failed to secure an outright majority but, with the addition of another party, would be able to secure the required 300 votes to form a government. Given that this other party would have to come from the right, coalition negotiations may well be protracted and difficult. What is certain, however, is that Chancellor Elsa Kuel will be one of the shortest-serving heads of government in Dorvish history. The DVP was the biggest loser of the night after losing 60 seats; the party's sudden rise was quickly followed by a sudden downfall. No statement has so far been released by Chancellor Kuel.

Despite the loss of 11 seats, the personal popularity of the Centre Party's Robert Holman secured the President a second-term in office. Receiving endorsements from all parties in the AfP meant that a second-ballot was merely a formality. With almost 72% of the popular vote, President Holman has certainly established himself above the politicking that has engulfed parliament. He is expected to meet with party leaders in the coming days to discuss potential coalitions. Speaking to DNS, to newly re-elected President had this to say:

I am greatly honoured that the people of Dorvik have entrusted me with this great responsibility. However, my re-election would not have been possible without the support of those political parties that endorsed my candidacy so early on. For that I am very thankful. Now, however, is not the time for overt celebration. It is a time for negotiation and consensus. In order to avoid a constitutional crisis, I ask on all parties to act with the best of intentions for the Dorvish people.

Sabine Beck will remain in her post as party Chairwoman despite the loss of 11 seats.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:57 pm

New Dorvik Comes Alive: DNP & ADA Unite // DNS

Above: ADA Leader and co-leader of New Dorvik, Esther Fischer

In response to the creation of the Alliance for Progress, a union of the right was planned - but the HVV's self-dismissal from government meant that this idea never became a reality. With the ADA moving to the right, and the DNP already there, the two parties have united under the co-leadership of Esther Fischer and Herman Gluck to create the 'New Dorvik' alliance - after the speech given by Fischer to her party recently after their electoral disappointment. The alliance stands at 103 seats, making it the second largest force in the new Federal Assembly - behind the Alliance for Progress who have a mammoth 271 and in front of the Party of the Far Sun who have 87 seats. This could create a major centre of gravity on the far-right, which has been lacking unity for the longest time. This could reinstate the right as the long-standing majority in Dorvik, reversing the recent trend towards the left.

The duo alliance will unite on most issues, try to enter government as a package alongside other like-minded parties if necessary, and put up a single, unified Presidential candidate. The parties are both pretty far-right, with the DNP's predecessor accused of being fascistic, and the ADA's new leadership being highly influenced by ethno-nationalism and traditional Hosian values. This was not enough, however, to keep the HVV from peeling away as the ADA has a soft spot for rehabilitation-orientated justice. This particularly has actually helped former Minister for Justice Tina Thorn, who rose up in popularity after 'blasting' the 'vindictive' former Internal Affairs Minister. The ADA particularly will not be coordinating with the HVV, due to 'persistent victim-hood narrative-building' and 'willingness to let the far-left win'. However, reports suggest an openness to possibly uniting with the DVP or KRA at times when necessary.

Nearly 10 million people voted for one of the two parties, and a unified presidential candidate would likely go on to face the near-unassailable President Holman. The President, who was elected in his second landslide over the HVV, who were begrudgingly endorsed by the ADA to prevent Holman's re-election, seems almost unstoppable in continuing on as he won with a staggering 72% of the vote in the latest second-round. Though consistently elected on lower-than-usual turnout, Holman has made his position difficult to chase. A combined right-wing candidate would have a chance at fracturing that power. The key New Dorvik Presidential possibilities are Esther Fischer or Herman Gluck themselves, or someone like former Minister for Justice Tina Thorn - who has bonafides in terms of standing up to others on the right, beating back the HVV's justice proposals, and could help win over centrists.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:51 pm

Herman Gluck on New Dorvik: This is Just the Beginning

Herman Gluck, who recently called for a broad right-wing alliance before situating himself at the head of New Dorvik alongside the ADA

Journalists today hounded newly elected politician and leader of the DNP Herman Gluck over the creation of the New Dorvik alliance founded by himself and the ADA. Gluck had this to say:

It may not look like it now, but New Dorvik is a really powerful force for the new elections. We’ve both agreed to support the Alliance for Progress in government on the grounds that the Communists don’t gain too much influence, we’re talking policy choices now, we’re really putting on a united front. Yes, there are some areas where we disagree. But with thorough negotiations we can find a compromise, we can maybe even diverge in votes where we need to. Because we trust each other, we know each other, we know we’re both real, we’re not faux politicians. We know we have the people’s trust.
We all know that by the time the next elections come around, we’ll be first in line for the people’s vote — the real people, not the elitist liberal commies. We all know that the right will unite around us. New Dorvik is leading the way for the right, for sure. It’s time to unite the right. Unite the right!

At this point, Gluck stormed away. His comments again seem to argue that a broader alliance is on his mind, uniting lost of the right-wing, but favouring a close relationship with the ADA too. Perhaps the DNP can follow in the footsteps of their forefathers and form a close relationship with the ADA in the same fashion as they once did with the pragmatists, at the time when Hans Gluck was building Dorvik’s nuclear arsenal and Anna Strauss was dealing with the beginning of the Wolfsheim crisis — the party’s glory days. Or perhaps this is mere optimistic nostalgia, and the party will once again slump into decline.

Can Gluck and Fischer unite the right? Or will their differences prove too large? More as it happens here on DNS.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:59 am

New Government Formed
'Alliance for Progress' achieves its ambition of forming a new government, with the HVV at its side.

After almost ten months of intense coalition negotiations, a new cabinet is expected to be been sworn in by President Holman later this week. Although the leftist ‘Alliance for Progress’ failed to secure a majority in last July’s federal election, it will now govern with the HVV in a move that brings some respite to Dorvik’s political instability. As part of the coalition agreement, the Rote Bewegung will not take up cabinet positions but will instead support the government on a ‘confidence and supply’ basis.

Following the announcement, the Centre Party released the names of their three ministers who will enter the cabinet. As was expected, Sabine Beck will return to her old department of Trade and Industry, a position which she served in during the final four-years of Chancellor Hoffmann’s administration. Beck, who is currently the party’s Chairwoman, was known as a diligent worker in the ministry and introduced a number successful bills that received cross-party support. Consequently, Deputy Chairwoman Julia Weiss will take-up the Centre Party’s most senior cabinet position, that of Justice Minister. The newest face will be Elias Werner, the new Health and Social Care Minister. Werner, who previously worked as an advisor to former Finance Minister Tobias Strenz, has been a growing figure in the party., and is particularly well-regarded among it’s youth-wing.

Speaking of the coalition agreement, Sabine Beck sat down for an interview with DNS.
We are very happy with the outcome of these negotiations. This new government certainly represents a radical change; for the first time in nearly 20 years, a more centrist and left-leaning coalition will take up the mantle of responsibility. The Dorvish people can be assured that we have their best interests at heart.

Sabine Beck during a debate in the Federal Assembly.

On the breakthrough of the negotiations, President Holman gave a press conference at his official residence. He had this to say:
The fracturing of politics in Dorvik has certainly created many challenges for us politicians. But I am pleased that a coalition has now been agreed between the Green-Liberals, HVV, SPD, Centre Party and Rote Beweging. It would be silly to pretend that there weren’t some stark differences in certain policy areas between these parties, but their willingness to compromise in the face of adversary has earnt my utmost respect. I wish this new administration every success for the future.

The other coalition parties are expected to release their cabinet line-ups in the coming days.

New Minister for Health and Social Care, Elias Werner.
Last edited by Rhabarbabarbara on Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Mbites » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:22 pm

PdWS calls out Article and Extremism

Leader of the Party of the Far Sun, Christoph Wiegand (Partei der Weiten Sonne) called the priorly released article one big ruse, since the so called 'new government' was never inaugurated nor did the HVV agree to the coalition at the time of publication. Wiegand also stated that it was just another scheme of the Left to make the citizens of Dorvik think that there is a progressive majority, when there really is not. "Conservative forces should band together against these rude and unworthy practices of the 'Alliance for Progress' which is just a pool full of leftist extremists."
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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