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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:29 pm

Socialist Liberal Party becomes Social Liberals.
Socialist Liberal Party was rebranded as the Social Liberals following the decline of the party in the 5372 elections despite mass mobilization in favour of the party's agenda.

20 January 5373

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Today, the party that was known as Socialist Liberal Party was rebranded as the "Social Liberals" due to the "a need for radical rebranding following the sociopolitical challenges that Luthori was facing". The new party, Social Liberals, is more liberal and less socialist than its predecessor, but still republican. Social Liberals was established by Ralph Henry who was the leader of Socialist Liberal Party on the eve of its dissolution and is currently led by him, we will see how this party affects the Luthorian political landscape.

Republican Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:51 pm

Demonstrations Start Again In Fort William!
The protests seemed to conclude after the 5372 elections, but they did not as the demonstrations started again today and the people re-decided to take the streets to demand change and new "cleaner" elections as there is alleged electoral fraud in the last general election.

30 January 5363

The protesters demanding the repeal of the policies of the previous government and "cleaner" elections, Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Today, the protests which seemed to conclude after the 5372 elections started again, with usually allegations of electoral fraud and a demand for the repeal of the policies of the previous government, and also against the proposed judicial reform by the far-right Fatherland Front. The protesters, in this case, wanted the holding of new snap elections due to allegations of "vote-rigging" and electoral fraud which was allegedly made by the then Secretary of the State of Home Department Dan Penning, a "cleaner and fairer" electoral process, and the repeal of the "reactionary" policies which were passed by the previous government (like making it a criminal offense to refuse to perform millitary service and extending the powers of the nobility), in support to the Social Liberals and in opposition to the Fatherland Front. The slogans that were shouted at the protests were mainly "Stop 'Judicial Reform', Start Civil Liberties!" (referring to the proposed judicial reform by the FF), "Where Is My Vote, Fair Elections Now!" (referring to the alleged vote-rigging by FF), "Stop Slavery, Let's Start Freedom!" (referring to the conscientious objection being a criminal offence) Although the allegations of electoral fraud were not openly endorsed by the opposition, the opposition still endorsed the claims of "reactionarism" by the previous CDU-FF coalition and standed with the protesters in case of the policies of the previous government. Luthori seems trapped in a vicious sociopolitical landscape- and there is really no step of improvement of this. After disagreements between Socialist Liberal Party and Workers' Party over if the Together For Democracy should go to a coalition with the CDU, the alliance was dissolved and the Socialist Liberal Party was transformed into the Social Liberals, the party taking a new path. The new iteration of SLP - Social Liberals - is mostly sympathetic to the protests, as the party is objectively known for republicanism and progressivism. The other opposition parties - Workers' Party and National Liberation Front - seem to abstain from the issue, and they did not take any stance on the protesters yet. We will see what these protests will lead to, and we hope that these will lead to more democracy and more civil liberties for everyone.

Republican Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:57 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:20 pm

Protests Do Not Stop Growing!
The popular unrest in Luthori does not stop growing as the demands of the protesters remain unmaterialized and the party members of Social Liberals joined the protests.

27 June 5373

The protesters demanding "cleaner" elections and extension of civil liberties, Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - Protests in Luthori, they just do not stop growing and they grow as the turmoil in the Imperial Diet persists and the demands of the protesters have not been materialized yet. They continued to further grow after some key names from the Social Liberals endorsed, supported or even joined the protesters in their demands of abolition of millitary service and calling of new snap elections, and the Social Liberals proposed a motion to call for snap elections, which further emboldened the protesters. The demands of the protesters are mostly similar, they want the repeal of the regressive policies of the previous government and demand "cleaner" elections. The electoral fraud or "vote-rigging" which was made by the Fatherland Front according to some allegations are one of the main motivations of the protests, and the other main motivations are a demand to repeal the acts which extended the powers of nobility, made refusing to perform millitary service a criminal offence, put bans on euthanasia, pornography and prostitution, removed the franchise of the criminals, and blurred the division between the religion and state; which are policies deemed as "authoritarian" and "regressive" by the protesters and also by the progressive parties. The slogans in these protests were mostly similar: "Where Is My Vote, Fair Elections Now!", "Stop Slavery, Start Freedom Now!", "Not Will Be Returning To Dark Ages, Unite Against Regressives!", "Stand Up For Own Rights Now!", "United We Stand, We Will Not Be Silent!" . Popular unrest in Fort William exponentially grows and the people continue to mobilize for democracy as time progresses and the growing unrest in Luthori is bringing more and more instability; and the turmoil in the Imperial Diet due to the surprising results of the 5372 elections, and the refusal of the other parties to co-operate with the Fatherland Front or Workers' Party further adds to the Luthorian sociopolitical crisis. And again, we hope that these will lead to more democracy and more civil liberties for everyone, and we hope that the liberal democracy of Luthori will bounce back from erosion of it to a point where the nation could no longer considered a democracy and should be considered as an electoral autocracy.

Republican Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:32 pm

Mass Protests Organized In Fort William Again!
The mass protests in Luthori started again today as the demands of the protesters still remain unrealized.

8 June 5373


The protests which started the last month are growing huge today as the demands of the protesters still remain unrealized and the Social Liberals started to get much more involved at the rallies. The protesters demand the electoral process of the upcoming elections to be "cleaner" as they claim that the last elections were marred by vote-rigging and electoral fraud by the "fascist" parties, and they also demand the cancellation of the millitary service and the repeal of the extension of the powers of the nobility alongside with other policy demands. The protests continue to grow bigger and bigger as the snap election motion in the Imperial Diet approaches its voting deadline and is very likely to pass, and even these huge rallies may not be the peak point of the protests and they could grow even huger than now depending on the electoral results. Members of Parliament for Social Liberals took the streets with the protesters to demand policy changes and they state that the protesters are doing a good job at standing against what they describe as "authoritarian" and "regressive" policies. The protesters are repeating their demands over again over again, and the chaos in the Imperial Diet further propels sociopolitical instability which causes Luthori getting stuck in a deep and multi-dimensional crisis that does not show much improvement over time. The results of the next elections- in case that the Social Liberals wins, there could be some reducing of the social and political tensions within Luthori; in case that the Fatherland Front wins, the tensions could further grow and could potentially culminate into something that would not be very pleasing.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:00 pm

Protesters Victorious, Again!
The protesters turned out to be victorious again as the snap election motion was successfully passed in the Imperial Diet.

The protesters celebrating the passing of the snap election motion, Fort William.

1 August 5373

Today, the snap election motion which were one of the leading demands of the protesters, were successfully passed in the Imperial Diet with the support of Fatherland Front, Constitutional Democratic Union, and Social Liberals, while the Workers' Party and National Liberation Front abstaining from the voting. The passing of the motion was celebrated by the protesters and they organized rallies to celebrate and support the passing of the motion, and we will see what happens in the snap election. There are mainly two possibilities, as the mass mobilization is usually concentrated in the Fatherland Front and Social Liberals meanwhile the supporters of Constitutional Democratic Union usually abstaining from the protests or counter-protests: either Fatherland Front will win the elections again and turmoil will continue, or Social Liberals will make an electoral breakthrough and stability will start to come again. Constitutional Democratic Union has to make a choice as they get stuck in a choice to either ally with the far-right or the center-left, and their choice will affect how the next cabinet looks like and whether the sociopolitical crisis that Luthori has been facing for three years will continue or not.

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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:02 am

Protesters Take The Streets Again!
After the results of the elections disappointed the protesters, they re-decided to take the streets and demand "fairer" elections and policy reform and the popular unrest continues to grow bigger.

10 December 5373

Protesters calling for "fairer" elections and progressive policies, Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - The Luthorian protests continued to escalate as the socio-political landscape continued to destabilize, and the protests which are held today are really huge but still not the hugest possible. The demands of the protesters are "fairer" elections, progressive policies, and the repeal of the ultra-conservative policies passed in previous years. The political crisis in Luthori still continues as all positions of the cabinet are now technically vacant and the Parliament is a huge mess, and the protests further add to this crisis which further complicates the problems and makes it harder to find solutions. Social Liberals took side with the protesters while the Fatherland Front took side against them, and the protests are growing huger and huger as the time progresses and the political crisis deepens. Luthori had a stable democratic system in the past, but now it is facing a deep crisis which causes democratic backsliding and causes the nation to be no longer considered a democracy, rather being considered as an hybrid regime. We hope that the demands of the protesters will be materialized and the Luthorian democracy will bounce back after more than a decade of backsliding.

Republican Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby TrueDignity » Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:48 pm

An Electoral Campaign Under Tension

August 5373: The electoral campaign for the 5373 parliamentary elections is one of the most tense and brutal Luthori has ever experienced.

On August 2, 5373, in Alchester, Erneshire, deadly clashes took place between FF and WPL militants. According to official sources, clashes started aroung 4 PM in the city center of Alchester betweeb two groups : FF supporters and WPL supporters. As the groups started clashing, it was clear the WPL militants were outnumbered by their opponents. Many FF supporters also had guns. As a result of the clashes, 10 people (all WPL militants) died and 12 seriously injured (8 WPL militants and 4 FF militants). The clashes remind historians of the August 5091 Alchester clashes, almost exactly 282 years ago when Brown Cross militants clashes with left-wing militants ( ... er_clashes).

10 days before the elections, Dan Penning made a "Million March" in the capital Fort William, with the slogan "We are more!" The slogan refers to the size of left-wing protests, claiming that Fatherland Front voters and protesters represent a greater number of people.

During his speech, Penning referred to left-wing parties are "parties of traitors" because they refused to sanction Kanjor for the utterly outrageous comments of its Head of Government. Also, Penning said the CDU is shrinking because of the growth of the Fatherland Front. He calls on the CDU to "join in on the National Luthorian Revolution, or be left out of this great seismic shift for the Empire".
Penning said that if the Fatherland Front is the largest party of the election, he will ask Empress Elizabeth to go beyond constitutionnal limits and let him govern by decree as Prime Minsiter in a cabinet appointed by the Empress.

As both Fatherland Front and the left are organising mass protests, the CDU is trying to gather as many people as possible with their "moderation" program, rejecting both right-wing and left-wing extremism. Which camp will win? Only the voters will decide.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:52 pm

Popular Unrest Continues To Escalate!
The mass protests and popular unrest continues to escalate as the sociopolitical situation continues to destabilize and democratic backsliding continues to deepen.

6 February 5374

Protesters marching for "cleaner" elections and repeal of the far-right policies, Fort William.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire - The popular unrest in Luthori continues to escalate as the sociopolitical situations continues to destabilize further and the democratic backsliding continues to deepen very much. Social Liberals were involved in the protests once again, and their Members of Parliament attended to the protest rallies and marches including their president Ralph Henry, meanwhile the other opposition parties (Workers' Party and National Liberation Front) avoided involvement with the protests. The demands of the protesters are the same just again: "cleaner" and "fairer" elections, repeal of the far-right policies, and the protesters also try to obstruct Dan Penning's (the president of the far-right Fatherland Front) way to becoming the Prime Minister, as the most of protesters hate him and do not want to see him as the Prime Minister. The protesters probably would like to see a member of Social Liberals to be the Prime Minister, most likely Ralph Henry but there are also some other possible names who could assume that position while they are not seen much in the media, and in case that Henry becomes the Prime Minister we could see policies radically different from all previous ministries of this century, as he has always been an advocate of social liberalism and progressivism through his career. The slogans that were shouted in the protests were "Where Is My Vote, Clean Elections Now!", "Stop The Regress, Start The Progress!", "United We Stand, We Will Never Be Silent!", "Let's Come Together For Own Rights and Freedoms!", "No Dictator, No Repression, But Democracy!", "Against Suppression, Together For Freedom!", which were meant to reflect the message that the protesters wanted to give us, and they were pretty much successful in that. The protesters demand democratization, extension of civil liberties, "cleaner" elections, and they display an unwavering defiance in the face of authoritarianism and democratic backsliding. Change is coming to Luthori now? Well, no. If Luthori is to ever change in that way, this would not happen immediately and would happen after some time, at very shortest it would be a year but no shorter. Democratization is not a sudden process- and requires the reconstruction of democratic institutions and restoration of the public trust to the government, and it seems like these are not to be achieved as long as Fatherland Front remains the largest party in the Imperial Diet. In case that the Constitutional Democratic Union or Social Liberals wins the elections, there can be some progress towards democratization and restoration of public trust, but nothing is never guaranteed in such an unstable sociopolitical situation. We will see if there is to be any change at all, and we hope that this change will be in favour of the popular power and multi-party democracy.

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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:11 am

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