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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:27 pm

New milestone in Commonwealth cooperation: Commonwealth Development Agency created


August 5398

Fort William, Commonwealth HQ - In an annual meeting of representatives of governments of the Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations, the Luthorian delegation presented the other governments with a plan authored by Luthori based on an earlier draft-proposal by the Lodamunese delegation. The Luthorian plan is the creation of the Commonwealth Development Agency, tasked with funding projects for economic and infrastructural development of the Commonwealth members.

The next step in cooperation
It has been a long desired wish for Luthori to seek closer cooperation with its sister-nations. In order to achieve the growing interconnectedness of each economy, strengthening cultural ties and seeking mutual economic improvement, the Empire has proposed the creation of the Commonwealth Development Agency. This agency will fall under the direct supervision of three representatives of the Commonwealth, the first three are Luthori, Hutori and Rutania. The board of this agency will manage funds allocated to them. Currently the Commonwealth has agreed to fund two funds: The Commonwealth Development Program & the Infrastructure Development Program

The Foreign Secretary Brad McDougless, stated that he was ‘’overly exited that the Commonwealth adopted out ideas’’. The Secretary also went on to thank Lodamun for their input and for writing the original draft proposal. ‘’Their ideas were refreshing and helpful’’. It is clear that the Imperial Government is very glad with this first achievement, the Foreign Secretary had the following to say on this: ‘’I cant state enough that Luthori’s future lies within an open international minded free market society. It has been the core principle of our Open Luthori foreign policy. But we must also state that Luthori’s future is also in the Commonwealth. With these major steps in cooperation we can make the Commonwealth work for all our citizens, and Luthori will take its responsibility and help invest in it. We stand with our sister and brother nations to achieve a higher level of prosperity tomorrow than it was yesterday, glad they are with us on this!’’

Focus on improving infrastructure
The Luthorian proposal proposed that the first fund to be created was a program to focus on improving the infrastructure, digital and physical, of the Commonwealth. Through this the interconnectivity of each nation’s infrastructure. This will allow the Commonwealth to transport goods, services and people far faster throughout the entire Commonwealth. A move the Commonwealth leaders think will benefit the economic prosperity of the Commonwealth nations and the general quality of lives of ordinary citizens immensely.

The Development of the Commonwealth
Not every Commonwealth Nation is as well developed in every way or might face difficulties in the future. To preserve the general welfare and economic wellbeing of the Commonwealth, especially through the growing entanglement of the member economies, the Commonwealth Development Program has been adopted as the second fund of the Agency. The Program aims at improving the economic and welfare situation in the general Commonwealth.

The Imperial Government proud of this achievement, will propose two projects to the Agency
The Infrastructure Secretary has come out and announced that his team is working on two proposals for the Agency. The proposals will be focused on streamlining customs and checks where they still exist, making Commonwealth goods travel faster within the commonwealth. As well as investing in connected railroads and train connections in North Seleya and Artanian Commonwealth members. ‘’With a great infrastructural connection all our economies benefit as we improve the transportation and capacity of our infrastructure. It is exiting for us that we can work on these projects with our partners in the Commonwealth. It will also prove to the world that cooperation works, that Luthori is willing to think long-term, an improvement in Likatonia, Lodamun and Baltusia is also an improvement in our country as we can sell and import more to them and they to us. Win-win!’’ said the Infrastructure Secretary.

Luthorian diplomacy & economic policies: Free trade, democracy and stability
Cooperation and economic prosperity through free trade, friendly relations and cultural ties has been the hallmark of Luthorian foreign and economic policy for a long time now. The Imperial Government has demonstrated this with the LuKuDal Union in Artania, its support for strengthening the Artanian Union and its free trade agreements with various countries around the world. This has made the Luthorian economy quite diverse, open and international. It has come a long way from its isolationist phase, a true modern Luthori has risen.

The Luthorian dream of a family of Luthorian nations
But none of these developments preach more the view of the Luthorian government than working to establish a strong family of nations that work together for their common good, in peace and stability. This was seen when Luthori took the initiative to found the very successful Commonwealth of Luthorian Nations. A family of nations that include Luthori, Likatonia, Lodamun, Rutania, Mordusia, Hutori and Baltusia. These nations have banded together to cooperate on cultural, economic and diplomatic level. It has also been the catalyst for Luthorian-Likatonian military cooperation, which has been fruitful for both nations. Leaks from the Foreign Office have concluded that it is the wish of the Imperial Government to expand the Commonwealth to more historic or culturaly tied nations such as Alduria, Vascania, New Mordusia, Beluzia and Beiteynu. The latter one especially after its increasing relationship with the Empire and its Imperial Family.

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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:19 pm

Holy Luthorian Empire to aid Malivia in guarding its coast and developing its economy
Big Brother Luthori is back in Malivia, ‘’they need our help and we will give it!’’


September 5398

Fort William, Luthori – The most southern nation on the Artanian continent is Malivia, a nation that years back was gripped in a tight civil war and then retreated in isolationism and disarmed neutrality. However in recent years the new government has tried to rebuild its military. During the civil war Imperial troops fought along side Malivia against the slavers and ordosocialists, now they are returning with the new deal signed by both parties. In the process Luthori will take possession of Kubir Port through a lease contract of a hundred years.

An unwelcome surprise
It came as a surprise to Luthori to see Malivia request military, especially naval, build-up from Dolgava. A nation in the far north that lacks the military expertise of the Migrant’s Pass and the Artanian Sea. The surprise left a double sour taste in the mouth of the Empire. On the one hand the Luthorians fought for the freedom of Malivia and helped develop their port and delivered arms for years. At the same time Dolgavan-Luthorian relations soured, something the Luthorian government still does not see how this happened out of the blue. With Malivia then passing over its natural ally and protector, the Holy Luthorian Empire over a nation to the far north, who even snubbed at Luthori, was a shock to say the least.

The Imperial Government always doubted the intentions of the Dolgavan government to move so close to the Empire with a port. Believing their intention was not in the best interest of Malivia but done out of their own desire to project power against Luthori. An obviously laughable attempt. The Imperial Government dispatched diplomats to the Malivian capital to discuss an alternative deal where in Luthori would assume a port and would supplant Dolgava as the main supplier of maritime military technology, aid and economic development. The Foreign Secretary stated that ''we are confidend in making this deal, and we think Dolgava has no place being in Artania''.

Protecting Artania
The Luthorian move does not come as a surprise, Luthori has always stated that it believes that Artania should be protected by Artanian nations. Opposing foreign bases and foreign military presence, excluding training missions, in Artania. The Empire has in the last decades stepped up its game to protect and show force around in Artania. Believing that it can become the principle defender of Artanian sovereignty. The removal of the Beikun fleet in Kundrati was the first start, the second step was aiding democratic forces in the civil war in Malivia and the next step was securing the Artanian sea by opening a port in Likatonia. The next step is to gain a port in Malivia, securing Luthori’s backyard.

The Deal
The diplomatic negotiations went well, yesterday the diplomats of both nations reached a deal which was communicated through the foreign office to the press. The following deal was agreed upon:

- Malivia will lease Kubir Port to Luthori;
- Malivia will rescind the lease with Dolgava;
- Dolgava retains its right to dock its ships in Malivia for the next 25 years, but may not do so for military operations in the Artanian Sea or the Migrant’s Pass;
- Dolgavan troops, ships or other military personal may not be stationed in Malivia and must depart within a year;
- Malivia will not lease out any further ports to any other nation;
- Malivia will recognise the Holy Luthorian Empire as its sole protector and will only allow Luthori to station troops and ships in Malivia;
- Luthori will aid the military redevelopment and build-up of Malivia;
- Luthori will cooperate with Malivia to develop its economy and infrastructure;
- Luthori promises to guarantee the integrity of the Malivian borders and its sovereignty;

In addition to this Luthori will give 12 ships to Malivia over the course of 10 years. These ships will be 2 destroyers and 10 patrol ships. The personal on these ships will be trained by Luthori.

Imperial Navy to send flotilla’s of the Southern Fleet to Malivia
With the new port in Malivia the Luthorian Empire will once more be able to further its reach in to the Migrant’s Pass. The Imperial Navy has stated that it wants to honour the call of other nations to cover more territory of the ocean. The Imperial Armed Forces have stated that their worries over the stability of the ocean is still a concern and that the forces will now guard the coast and protect commercial ships from pirate raids. The Imperial Government has signalled to their Yishelem allies that it is willing an able to take on more duties of protecting the Malivian coast and Artanian part of the Migrant’s Pass, taking up more of a leadership in the region than once before. This signal comes after a communication that Yishelem wishes to share its responsibility in the region with other parties, of which Luthori is now a larger player than before. Beiteynu on their part have stated that they are ready to deflect leadership of the pass to Malivia but also trusts Luthori to the highest degree, giving Luthori the reigns to help Malivia grow.

The Foreign Secretary said when asked for a comment:
We believe it is our responsibility to help guide Malivia, protect them on their path back onto their feet. Luthori has the means to aid and protect Artania, we should use that power, as we believe that we cannot standby and not do our part. Secondly we are very happy with this great deal for Luthori and especially for Malivia
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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:39 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:15 pm

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Re: The International Inquirer

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:59 pm

Luthorian Imperial Family and Prime Minister to go to HM King William XIV's funeral.
A joint statement from the Luthorian Prime Minister's Office and the Orange Palace announced that the imperial family will be accompanied by the Prime Minister, who will carry out a state visit to the Kingdom of Hutori with the Defense Secretary, the Trade Secretary and the Industry Secretary on a discussion on economic, military and diplomatic relations between the two nations, seeking to bring them closer together on these different subjects.
12th, June 5399

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Holy Luthori Empire and the Kingdom of Hutori share a common history dating back to the colonial period, where Hutori was under the jurisdiction of Luthori through his vast colonial empire, nicknamed the "First Empire", to differentiate it from the Empire having remained in place after the first wave of independence in the 2000s. Since then, the two countries have shared the title of 'Leader of the Luthorian World', with Hutori even receiving the Luthori throne in 4335, following the restoration of the monarchy and the quest for a royal house linked to near or far to the House of Orange-Villayn, house having ruled Luthori since the accession to the throne of Philip I, son of Mary I of the House of Orange, ruling Luthori since the accession to the throne of his father, Emperor William III and Philip I of Alduria, of the House of Stuart-Villayn, following this debate, the choice of the monarchist parliamentarians of that time was to offer the throne to Mary III of Hutori who became Holy Luthori Empress under the same reign name as that used in Hutori, paving the way for the formation of the Imperial Commonwealth, an Hutorian-lead personal union which ruled several countries at its peak. Today, although the title of "Sovereign of the Imperial Commonwealth" is claimed by the monarchs of Luthori (House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead) and those of Hutori (House of Stueart-Carmichael), the title is "of facto" held by the ruling house of Luthori, due to the country's personal union with Mordusia. According to the Orange Palace, Her Majesty, the Empress, His Imperial Highness, the Prince-Consort His & Her Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Orange will be present to the late King's funeral.

In the economic point, since the restoration of the monarchy in Hutori and the formation of a two-party system within the House of Parliament in Bekenial, the Luthorian Government has moved closer to Bekenial under the Conservative and Labor governments, via different means, including the participation of the armed forces in the Winter Lion and Leviathan Tide Exercises organized by the Royal Hutorian Military, and the membership of the two nations within the Commonwealth, an organization created under the aegis of the Foreign Office, having created this organization to tighten the ties between the Luthorian-speaking nations, today the Commonwealth is made up of Rutania, Luthori, Hutori, Likatonia, Lodamun and Baltusia. With a view to strengthening economic ties with Hutori, the objective of this visit after the funeral should be to secure the establishment of a free trade agreement in goods and goods between Luthori and Hutori, the two countries being good commercial partners, secure an agreement on the free installation of Luthorian and Hutorian companies within the two countries, a contentious point where Hutori has already criticized Luthori on the subject, these companies still wanting to penetrate the international market without moving on the status of the others international companies wanting to settle in Luthori, setting up a system of pressure within the Imperial Diet to have a refusal. Finally, the final objective is to secure the oil traffic taking place between Luthori and Hutori, Luthori seeking, as always, to diversify its oil supply and secure the links uniting it to various countries in this regard, therefore the government is seeking to having the reassurance of the Hutorians on the oil trade and the signing of a permanent agreement on the oil trade between the two nations.

The visit will bring its share of negotiations at the military and diplomatic level, with Luthori seeking at least, at the diplomatic level, to secure Hutorian support for Seat A of the World Congress' Security Council, a seat to which she has announced her intention to run. presented there a few years ago. According to our contacts at Crown Street, the government would pledge Luthorian support for Hutorian efforts to secure Seat D via a motion in the Imperial Diet changing Luthori's vote from Lourenne to Hutori. On the military level, Luthori seeks to reassure the Hutorians about the participation of the Imperial Luthorian Army and Navy in the "Winter Lion" and "Leviathan Tide" exercises organized by the Royal Hutorian Military, but the Defense Staff seeks to have more nations to receive during the organization of the "Broken Waves" and "Reconquest" exercises, future operations of the ILAF (Armed Forces) to receive several Commonwealth countries.
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Re: The Times

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:49 pm

Luthori opens up "renewed" Temanian connections by visiting Tropica.
After the visit of the Prime Minister and Her Majesty's Cabinet to the Kingdom of Hutori, a new focus of Imperial Diplomacy moves eastwards, towards Dovani and Temania, where a country of the latter, sees a visit from the Luthorian Head of Government.
22nd, August 5399

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - His Excellency, the Prime Minister, Sir Seward Asters, announced via a press release from the Prime Minister's Office at 10 Crown Street, that the Prime Minister, after his visit to Hutori which planned for the coming months, will visit alongside the Defence, Trade, Industry Secretary, the Temanian nation of Tropica, the Prime Minister's Office has said in this press release that this visit is "part of a cycle" ending the Asters years by continuing the process of building or "reconstructing" Luthorian relations with several countries such as those present within the Commonwealth or Luthorian-speaking countries in the world. In this diplomatic momentum where the weather begins to darken for the Empire, due to recent diplomatic problems with Dolgava, Luthori seeks to diversify its diplomatic relations which were focused on the Northern Hemisphere, starting with a new policy called the "Asters Doctrine" which seeks to bring together all Lutheran-speaking nations within the Commonwealth and to create greater diplomatic, economic and military ties with these same nations. The first places of this doctrine were Hutori and Rutania, the two countries having seen a visit from the Luthorian Head of Government for a discussion at the economic, military and diplomatic level with the local authorities, the Government, continuing its policy started with these visits, must, with the Prime Minister's visit to Tropica, open doors to the "forgotten brothers" of the Luthorian-speaking world, who are the Luthorian-speaking nations of New Englia and Tropica.

During this visit, the Luthorian Prime Minister should be accompanied by the Trade Secretary, the Industry Secretary, the Defense Secretary and the Foreign Secretary, who should, as during other visits carried out by the Prime Minister, lead the negotiations on certain clear subjects. The Prime Minister's program is expected to be a visit to certain sites, such as the Tropican Parliament, where the Prime Minister is expected to make a speech encouraging the establishment of "stronger and closer ties" between the two nations, during this visit he should also meet the monarch of Tropica for a fairly short interview in the presence of the Tropican Prime Minister. The two are expected to discuss the Luthorian Government's preliminary proposals on how and what policies should be implemented to make their common relationship closer. With the establishment of an economic policy allowing a rapprochement and a military and diplomatic rapprochement, a subject which should ultimately be managed by the respective ministers of each government.

Luthori's economic objective is to secure, as quickly as possible, a launch base for their businesses in Temania/Southern Dovani, at the same time, find a new regional partner in the region and finally, help stabilize the Tropican Economy, via a loan and investment plan by Luthorian firms assisted by the Foreign Investment Bank. The Foreign Investment Bank's low-rate loan plan provides for 1 billion pounds to be sent to Tropica and an investment plan in several economic sectors such as agriculture, high-tech industry, technology sectors by several companies luthorians brought together in an investment plan led by the Foreign Economic Council, a non-governmental organization founded by the University of Alchester and being a gathering of specialists on international relations, for this plan they are in collaboration with the Imperial Government for these investments of up to 15 billion pounds in these economic sectors. The objective at the military level of Luthori is the establishment of an exercise program for the Tropican Defense Force via the sending of Luthorian trainers into the country, a series of exercises and an overhaul will be put in place to know the capacity of the Tropican Armed Forces during the duration of this mission, named by Operation Mustkeeper, according to our sources at the Defense Office. Participation of Tropican forces in the exercises planned by the Imperial Luthorian Armed Forces, Operation Reconquest and Broken Waves should be discussed. Finally, a program to send weapons from Luthori to Tropica should be negotiated to best help modernize and rehabilitate their armed forces.

Diplomatically, the emphasis was placed on the "upcoming" entry of Tropica into the Commonwealth, the government seeking to convince its Tropican colleagues to join this "family" sharing a common history and language, the Luthorian language. It's also a diplomatic plan for Her Majesty's Government, who is looking to build up the Commonwealth by expending it to newer members, the countries of New Englia and Tropica, who have a fairly big Luthorian population and use the Luthorian language in their countries are in the objectives. Other countries like Kalistan and Beluzia are mentionned for an expansion, but their current political situations, Kalistan being led by an "conservative" corporatist party, having dissolved the Militia, and Beluzia being within an anti-Luthorian objective make this integration difficult. Internally, it is speculated that this visit to Tropica, may be the last that Prime Minister Asters will do during his tenure as Prime Minister. It seems likely that with the growing strength of the Millerists and the collapse of the National Liberals in the last elections, that the Prime Minister may not survive a leadership play within the Monday Club which may cost him his post as Prime Minister. But as usual with Luthori's politics, we are never sure of anything.
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Re: Luthori

Postby TRA » Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:28 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:15 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Luis1p » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:13 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby TRA » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:54 am

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