
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:38 pm

Edmund Fassling ng gives press conference after terrorist attack

After the terror attack dorvik is in shock, all political parties can agree that this kind of terror and death is outrageous and awful. Edmund fassling gives a conference after it was known that the terror froup where communists.
I am shocked of what happened. It is an outrageous attack on innocent civilians, this kind of violence is wrong, their are better ways to communism that are with much more peace. We do not support this kind of violence even though we support the cause that capitalism as a system should be destroyed. We do not have anything to do with this group, they do not get any help from us. This group is the responsibility of this governement who only puts them and their rich friends first. This governement should resign and take their responsibility of what happened. They are not putting the people first, if you want things like this not to happen, it is by putting the people first! Let us stand together here in unity and solidarity eity and think about the fallen heroes.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Georg346 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:26 am

Centrist coalition lead by GZ win presidency

Fritz Altermann Inaugurated as dorvish president. Coalition 20 seats short of absolute majority. Consists of GZ, SLL and Solidarität

After the DKP moving further right politically, the GZ, SLL and Solidarität formed a centrist electoral alliance, which mostly was successful. The GZ had one of the best election results in their history and secured the presidency of Fritz Altermann. The SLL had been going down ward, losing seats election after election since the election of 4589 almost twenty years ago. Many attribute it to Parkers party renewal, by getting rid of the old guard and replacing it with young people, and his way of campaigning. He fully focused on two issues. The economy and the internal security.

It was quite surprising for many, that the SLL joined in on the electoral alliance, as Helmut Parker from the liberal wing of the party won the recent internal leadership election, and vowed to stay with the DKP and the FP, before the FP dissolved itself. However the DKP moved right since then, and Parker was at risk off losing the left wing of his party, so he entered the alliance with the GZ and Solidarität. It also was the best way of getting a centrist presidency, which also was his aim.The coalition however was short 20 seats of an absolute majority in the bundesrat, and therefore the DKP is part of the government coalition.

President Fritz Altermann(GZ) is just about to make the first "state of the republic" adress, which was introduced by Solidarität and the SLL with support of most of the parties in the Bundesrat.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Georg346 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:50 pm

Terror hits Haldor again; 87 dead; 123 wounded

Yesterday at the 21. of May 4610 two subway stations in Haldor were subject of terrorist attacks. The "Kohler Hauptbahnhof" and the "Hansenstraße" are the said stations.

Kohler Hauptbahnhof
At 7:56 a bomb exploded from a backpack of a person standing right next to the train. About 170 people were in the station at that time, because of few reasons. It's the rush hour and many commuters travel through the station. The explosion killed 52 people and partly destroyed two waggons also injuring and killing people inside. The blast echoed in the station and injured many more. Altogether it killed 52 and injured 61 people.
7:59 The police and ambulances arrived with an excellent response time of three minutes. The police searched the subway station and the train station above for further bombs or other sorts of dangers. Both stations got closed and the people evacuated. The polices also searched the bags of the passengers.
8:06 The police found a bomb in a compartment long distance train about to leave for Miktar.
9:45 The police reopened the train station.

At 7:57 three men stormed the station with lethal firearms. They killed 34 people and injured 62 people.
8:01 15 police officers arrived , but weren't able to win against the terrorists, as they had better guns, because the police in Dorvik only is allowed to carry standard weapons.
8:04 backup arrives
8:11 The special forces with special weapons and training arrive.
8:14 The police is finally able to arrest the one of the terrorists. One terrorist got killed in the fighting, and the third one fled through the subway tunnel. In the meantime the police officers got injured, one heavily.
8:19 the neighbouring station gets closed, all exits (emergency exits etc) between the two get closed from above and the section gets searched. The police also stops all subway traffic in Haldor and searches them for bombs because of the kohler Hauptbahnhof attack.
9:00 By now most of the subway traffic is open again.
11:00 The police give up searching the section for the last criminal.

Here is a statement from the minister of the interior Anne Nürner(SLL)
"We depply mourne the victims of this awful terrorist attack and send the families and friends of the victims our deepest condolences.
The police handled the situation excellently, but sadly the current laws are not supporting them. We may not allow any terrorists to have any sort of advantage over the police. That's why our party why our party proposed the "National Security Reform" and the creation of the "ISA", as soon as the government was formed. I am happy that the parliament largely supports our reforms.
We also decided to declare the state of risk, especially since one of them still is on the loose. I'm confident parliament will also back this.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:20 am

In the wake of the devastating terror attacks committed against dorvik and the completion of the RRR programs the Dorvish foreign ministry has delivered a ultimatum to the government of Suyu Llaqta

The Dorvish government has been hard at work to find the people who committed the terrorist attacks on Haldor which killed hundreds and left hundreds more wounded. Now, after a prolonged investigation the ministry of foreign affairs has delivered a ultimatum to the government of Suyu Llaqta after the dorvish ministry of Defense found evidence that the known dundorfian communist terrorist Bernhard Hess and his organization named the "People's League" are enjoying refuge in the poor Dovani nation. Hess is suspected of orchestrating the Haldor attacks that caused so much chaos in Dorvik.

The ultimatum send to Suyu Llaqta includes the demand of handing over Hess and the other leaders of the PL as well as allowing dorvish troops entry into the nation to destroy PL cells and the request for aid in finding these cells. The nation of Suyu Llaqta has been in the hands of a socialist dictator named Bautista Varela for over 30 years now and many experts believe that Varela will not give in to Dorvish demands. In anticipation of this refusal the dorvish ministry of defense has already ordered the biggest carrier strike group of the dorvish fleet to move in the direction of Suyu Llaqta with over 20.000 Dorvish Marines on the strike group ready to possibly intervene in the Dovani nation. The dorvish minister of defense Arthur Faber already stated publicly that the government of president Altermann is "more then willing" to intervene in Suyu Llaqta with military force if the ultimatum is rejected.

The Dorvish government is also preparing to involve other nations in this operation as the ministry of foreign affairs has presumably contacted the remaining NC members to make this into a NC mission if it comes to armed conflict.

One of Dorvik's repaired and refitted multirole fighters flying a test flight. These jets are also present on Dorvik's largest aircraft carrier now heading for Suyu Llaqta
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:55 am

After the devastating election results 3 years ago and a devastating defeat for Reinmann personally after losing the presidency Reinmann has announced his resignation as party leader

He came in as the outsider who would reform the age old dorvish conservative party and make it a player in dorvish politics once more. After winning two elections and spearheading the grand reform of the dorvish political system Reinmann lost his third election and was subsequently voted out of office by the people. His party shrunk in size drastically and now stands at 61 seats, lower then it has ever been. Seeing this major defeat and his major goals accomplished anyway Reinmann announced his resignation as party leader earlier this week prompting a immediate party election to determine the next party leader and therefor presidential candidate of the DKP party.

The election results were as followed during the party congress in Miktar:

Eckhart Platz (Centrist, Liberal Conservative)
Annemarie Reinmann (Wife of Former president Reinmann, Center-Right, Liberal Conservative, Hawkish)
Moritz Kohlberg (Hawkish, Right Wing, Soft Nationalist, Traditional Conservative)


First Round:

Eckhart Platz: 12% of the vote
Annemarie Reinmann: 41% of the vote
Moritz Kohlberg: 47% of the vote

Second Round:

Annemarie Reinmann: 48% of the vote
Moritz Kohlberg: 52% of the vote

Moritz Kohlberg was elected party leader of the DKP

With the election of Moritz Kohlberg the DKP is clearly appealing to the right of the party in a effort to regain votes from the DVP and win the presidency next year. Kohlberg is seen as the leader of the right wing of the party and is from this day onward leader of the party as a whole. It remains to be seen if Kohlberg can regain the initiative for the party and bring it back to the forefront of Dorvish politics after its recent election defeat.

New party leader and presidential candidate Moritz Kohlberg leaving his house to attend the party congress in Miktar where he would be elected party leader
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:12 pm

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:50 pm

Just two years in his term as president Moritz Kohlberg, after a week long fued with his own party, has left the DKP due to "ideological differences"
February 4th 4614

Just 3 years ago Moritz Kohlberg was elected leader of the DKP. Back then he was seen as a traditional conservative perfectly fitting within the DKP party. After becoming party leader Kohlberg suprisingly won the presidency and brought the nation a strong conservative leader that seemed ready to take on the big task of leading the country. But this week that image changed. At the start of the week president Kohlberg had reportedly had a unpleasant conversation with the party elders (the group of senior party officials co-governing the party with Kohlberg) in this discussion the elders expressed their dissatisfaction with the right wing course of Kohlberg as they viewed it as "to extreme" on social issues. Kohlberg told the elders that he was elected because of these policies and that he would not back down. 2 days later regional DKP leaders signed a letter adressed to the elders and Kohlberg stating that they did not have confidence in Kohlberg his leadership within the party and that they would back no further legislation coming from him within state legislatures.

In response to this the next day loyal Kohlberg supporters within the party gathered around 20.000 signatures in hours calling for party elders to express their support for the president. The elders refused. And after their refusal Kohlberg publicly, through social media, announced his decision to leave the DKP and resign from its leadership. Just hours later Kohlberg was seen live on one of the nations most renowned political programs explaining his decision to leave the DKP and the what he called "out of touch" ideas of its elders. Kohlberg was generally seen as convincing and steadfast during this appearance, worsening the situation for the leaderless DKP. In this same interview Kohlberg also announced the creation of his own party the new DSNVP and his intention of calling snap elections.

Meanwhile the DKP was in crisis and desperate to appoint or elect a new leader. As news of "their" president leaving broke within the party thousands of members left the party with him and DKP state legislators even went as far as to leave the DKP and pledge to join the to be created DSNVP once it was there. The entire situation had led to a left wing - right wing split within the party and the elders feared the unthinkable. With one last attempt the elders called for a party congress to elect a new leader. But many members refused to attend the congress and not enough members pledged to come. After just 1.5 weeks the DKP party had split between left and right. Yesterday the elders announced the disbanding of the DKP and all its assets and structures with many right wing members leaving for the new Kohlberg DSNVP and left leaning members scattering amongst left leaning parties.

Today President Kohlberg announced early elections and told reporters that he would once again run in them hoping to both win his new party seats, fill the vacant seats left by the DKP and once again secure the presidency. That last objective could prove to be hard as Kohlberg seems to have lost the electoral coalition he had forged to win his first term.

President Kohlberg at the start of the week after his first confrontation with the elders
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby megtehetem23 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 12:48 am

August Rösler resigns, Walter Bittermann gets elected

The Dorvische Volkspartei (DVP) held a leadership election in March 4614 to select a successor to August Rösler, who resigned after losing the presidental election, he led the party from February 4606 until March 4614, when the party faced a major defeat and lost the election.

The events took place during the party congress in Kordusia.

Frank Meyer (deputy leader; fascist, pan-nationalist)
Walter Bittermann (social conservative, economic nationalist, populist)


Frank Meyer: 40.3% of the votes
Walter Bittermann 59.7% of the votes

Walter Bittermann got elected as the new leader of the Dorvish People's Party.

New party leader Walter Bittermann after being elected
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:48 am

While in Dorvish politics instability reigns supreme the Dorvish armed forces continue their operations within Suyu Llaqta launching their ground operations yesterday
April 18th 4614

After months of intense bombing of vital infrastructure and Suyu Llaqtese logistical capabilities reduced to the absolute minimum the soldiers of the Dorvish Navy currently named the Dorvish Marines yesterday launched their long awaited ground offensive against heavily damaged coastal defences of the Suyu Llaqtese People's Army. The Marines, with heavy support from Dorvish air units and the dorvish fleet, launched a amphibious assault on key beaches alongside Suyu Llaqta's coastline, quickly overwhelming the already damaged PA defensive positions and creating a beachhead for additional troops to land. Meanwhile dorvish paratroopers were dropped behind enemy lines to further disrupt supply lines and communications. Reports of possible dessertion within Suyu Llaqtese ranks have been widespread and it appears that opposition groups have succesfully created popular resentment towards the Varela regime within the People's Army and general populace with people reported demonstrating in the nation's capital and entire army units rising up in ressistance or simply putting down their weapons.

In response to these developments the Varela regime has send loyal regiments to the newly created front in an effort to stop the Dorvish advance.
According to inside sources the Dorvish military does not yet have the necessary forces on the ground to make a actual push inland and dorvish officials expect new fresh troops to arrive "fairly shortly". The Dorvish airforce continues to harass People's Army positions and additional PA forces moving to the front through their heavy bombing campaign. No news has been reported on the current location of Hess or his organization.

Total Casualties as of April 4614
Dorvish Armed Forces: 103
Suyu Llaqtese civilians: 58
People's Army: 1.082

Dorvish Marines and their amphibious assault vehicles launching their first ground offensive to establish beachheads accross several strategic beaches
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:21 am

As political crisis reigns in Dorvik itself the army continues its advance into Suyu Llaqta
December 5th 4614

The Dorvish Armed Forces have made their advance inland as reinforcements arrived earlier this week. Around 100.000 dorvish troops are now committed to Operation Striking Eagle as the operation moves in land.
While the operation shows progress it has become clear to General Obart, commander of the dorvish army in Suyu Llaqta, that the soldiers of Suyu Llaqta's People's Army do not have the will to fight for their leader. In a exclusive interview Obart told reporters he expects full scale operations to be over "within a week" as People's Army units dessert their posts, surrender on mass and some reports even show Suyu Llaqtese forces fighting amongst themselves in several skirmishes.
In the wake of the disorganized PA forces the dorvish armed forces have started their push to reach the Suyu Llaqtese capital. Dorvish Special Forces have already been dropped near the capital of the Dovani nation as army units moving up from the established beachheads are proceeding rapidly and are closing in on the Suyu Llaqtese capital fairly quickly with the general staff expecting the main force to arrive there within 4 days.

Head of State Varela is, according to inside sources, preparing to leave the nation as his army is disintergrating. Dorvish air units and Stormtruppen have now actively started to search for the terrorist Hess as well as it is still believed he is hiding within Suyu Llaqta. Some concerns have been raised on the possible continuation of the operation as a new communist president has just assumed office in Dorvik and a political crisis is still ongoing at home. But General Obart assured reporters that the dorvish armed forces are "independently executing this operation without political interference" and that "the operation is in no way in danger of being aborted"

Total Casualties as of December 4614
Dorvish Armed Forces: 241
Suyu Llaqtese civilians: 184
People's Army: 4.946

A airstrike from a Dorvish multirole fighter hitting a military checkpoint in the Suyu Llaqtese capital of Niederung in early operations to weaken its defences as dorvish troops are closing in
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