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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:08 pm
by RileyHP
Conservatives Ecstatic With Election Results


Conservative Party HQ was in full party mode on election night, even though it was clear they would be sitting on opposition benches. Why, you might ask? They knew the result of the election meant the NPP's bill to abolish the monarchy was dead. The Conservatives ran a vicious campaign attacking the Prime Minister and calling her everything from a traitor to a xenophobe who held little care for the rights of the Mashacara people. While the Conservatives only gained 44 seats in parliament, combined with the Green Democrats (23), the Young Patriots (42) and the Liberals (59) they have enough seats to block any amendment to the constitution. Even if the Green Democrats were to change position on the monarchy, the Tories, Young Patriots and Liberals can together block an amendment.

Houston also had a major personal victory on election night, winning his seat in Glentingham East, which has a long history of electing members of the Houston family. Glentingham East had been held by the NPP for the last 2 terms.

Monarchists Celebrate Election Result

Hutorian monarchists take to the streets of Bekenial to celebrate the election results. Similar celebrations were seen in many Hutorian cities.

Supporters of Hutori's monarchy took to the streets on election night to celebrate the results. Some monarchists in the Conservative leader's constituency of Glentingham East even held a "funeral" for the NPP's abolition bill. The Tory leader and newly elected MP even joined in on the fun, giving a "eulogy". Organizers of the celebrations wanted to send a message to the NPP that if they tried this again, they would fight back even harder. They know the fight isn't over and that the NPP would bring this issue forward again in the future, but they say they are willing to stop at nothing to ensure the the monarchy is upheld.

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:54 pm
by Conser
Unusual coalition form Governement Cabinet

The National Progress Party took everyone by suprise when they propose a cabinet coaliton including the Democratic Party of Hutori . Most journalist were even more suprise when the Democratic Party announce that they would support that cabinet coalition. No one expected those two parties, who we can safely claim that they hate each other, to work together. When asked about this shocking news, Prime Minister Vence explained that this was the only feasible option.

''Believe me, I am as shock as everyone else that we have come to this. No other coalition were possible. An NPP-LPH coalition was impossible because they hate us. An NPP-Green coaltion is impossible because the Green do not have enough seat and a coalition with any other party was impossible because they are either too extremist or too unexperienced. Now, the National Progress Party and the Democratic Party of Hutori have been united with one simple goal in mind, giving to the hutorian people a stable and efficient governement.''
-Sarah Vence
Prime Minister

Many officials from this new governement assure us that some agreements were negotiate between the two parties to properly rule the country despite their ideological gap. The same officials also assure us that measure were taken in order to quote ''prevent the two parties from jumping at each other throats''. Wheter or not this coalition will last for a very long time is up to history.

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:52 pm
by TheCaliph
Democratic Party to act as “Balancing Mechanism” according to Fleck
February 4758

After the declaration of Prime Minister Sarah Vence that the new ruling government coalition would consist of the NPP and the Democratic Party, most supporters of both sides and political pundits were shocked. Especially after the vicious attacks against eachother during the election campaign, no one could have seen such a coalition possible. However with a 206-seat Majority and the Green Democrats supporting from the outside with 23 MP’s, the Coalition Government consisting of 6 Democrat Ministers and 6 NPP Ministers (+PM Vence) has been formed. It is expected that concessions have been given for such a coalition to be possible. Reporters were quick to rush to Micheal Fleck’s press conference to hear his response and here is what he had to say:
“As I said the night of the elections, We want a stable coalition as quick as possible and to be part of it we would need insurence for our fundamental principles. I can confidently say that we got that from Prime Minister Vence and We had no issue against forming the coalition government with them. I am looking forward to an era of cooperation with the National Progress Party and I believe that putting aside our differences, We can achieve great things for the Hutorian People.”

When asked about his campaign words that accused the NPP and PM Vence of being “increasingly Authoritarian” Fleck said:
“We will act as a balancing mechanism to ensure that the correct path in terms of Legislation and Political Decisions is taken”

Micheal Fleck during the Press Conference

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 12:42 am
by OneTime2
Young Patriots March Towards Order and Honor
February 4758

Young Patriot supporters march in Langdon

Langdon, Roccato- Hutorians, we march together to promote and protect the moral, cultural and ethnic vitality of Hutori! We despise parliamentary "democracy", but know me must make gains within this system until the moment of Camelot restoration comes. These gains are evident with the last election, in which we won the hearts and minds of 5.5 million Hutorians dedicated to lifting Hutori out of the decadence of Republicanism and parliamentarism and into the orderly, proud and divine absolute monarchy led by our traditional faith, the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra.

To all patriotic Hutorians we call, with the sound of order, liberty, authority and faith; join us in this holy battle the very soul pf our great nation, and take the Oath of the Camelot:

As a Hutorian by birth and by spirit, being of sound mind and free will, I will fulfill all the duties of a conscientious patriot. I pledge that I will fight against all republican institutions. In Hutori, the Commonwealth is the rule of foreigners. The "democratic" spirit undermines national defense and encourages religious influences directly hostile to our traditional faith. The only future for us lies in absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy alone guarantees the public good and, as the foundation of order, the public ills which are brought by capitalism and anti-nationalism. Absolute monarchy is an organ necessary to every matter of national interest. It promotes authority, liberty, prosperity and honor. Strength and order will be brought on the shoulders of absolute rule guided by the unwavering light of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church as state religion. I join myself to the enterprise of Camelot restoration.

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 12:06 pm
by Pragma
Aurana Bonneau's Parliamentary Crusade Draws Eyes


The Green Democratic Party, and in particular their leader Aurana Bonneau, have drawn sharp and sudden scrutiny over their recent parliamentary proposals. Eight hard-left bills have been put to the floor, with very few receiving almost any outside support. In particular, a series of extreme anti-militarism bills and a compensating proposal to drastically cut the military budget have shocked the political establishment and left the party with few allies in the short term.

Mrs Bonneau's proposals include the abolition of nuclear, biological and chemical weaponry in the nation - as well as destroying the nation's landmines, drones and UAVs. Perhaps most extreme, the Greens have proposed dismantling the nation's entire defence industry, which would leave Hutori having to import weapons from overseas. This is reflected in the highly controversial Green Budget proposal, which would cut the military budget from 120 billion HLR to only 20 billion HLR. This has drawn massive criticism from the Democrats, Liberals and National Progressives - all of whom have accused the Greens of undermining the nation's defensive capabilities.

Mrs Bonneau's other program proposals, including total nationalisation of Hutori's entire educational system and recreational drugs industry, have drawn major criticism from budget hawks and fiscal conservatives - who have lambasted the proposals as economically and fiscally illiterate. The Greens have proposed a parallel increase in the national budget for infrastructure, transport, health, social services, education and culture budgets. Mrs Bonneau defended these increases, payed for by the massive defence budget cuts, as being 'investments in people', with proposals to dramatically increase the number of universities, teachers, protected sites of natural beauty and protected coastal areas.

These proposals have drawn the ire of the Liberals, who have repeatedly attacked the perceived lack of budgetary responsibility the Greens have displayed. The Democrats, who head the Finance Ministry under the coalition government, have also savaged the proposals as 'socialist' and threatening to drag the country down. Some commentators suggest that extreme pacifism and hard-line socialism are going to be part of the Green's new key platform after a disappointing election several months ago. Mrs Bonneau was approached for comment, and simply said that 'somebody has to stand up for people over guns'.

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 12:54 am
by TheCaliph
Cracks within ruling block !
August 4758

According to reports from inner-party sources, the fragile Coalition Government formed earlier this year has already had major in-fighting after Ideological differences in Political and Parliamentary decisions have become more and more apparent.
Since the beginning of the new elected parliament, the Democratic Party MP’s have had heated debates and arguments with the Green Democratic Party which has closed down any chance of cooperation. Since then the support of the NPP to some radical proposals of the Greens has caused massive outrage within the Democratic Party and its supporters. One of the main issues was the support of the NPP for “GD-Bill 14” which would see the complete nationalisation of Healthcare and total illegalisation of private clinics, such a radical proposal and the support given to it by the NPP has reportedly brought the fragile coalition to the edge. Micheal Fleck which has been most vocal about the “Authoritarian quasi-communistic” ways of the Green Democrats, has had little to say about the future of the coalition however sources claim that the Leader of the Democratic Party is being pressured by inner-party circles and is already preparing an exit plan should things go completely out of hand.

Micheal Fleck during a heated debate in Parliament against Greens Leader Bonneau

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm
by OneTime2
Young Patriots Found Party Security Apparatus, the Patriotic Phalanx
July 4759

Members of the Patriotic Phalanx during the inaugural procession

Langdon, Roccato- After a rash of anonymous threats and inflammatory language in Parliament from certain parties, the Young Patriots of the Camelot, under the direction of MP and leader Declan Tremblay, have formed a party security apparatus, the Patriotic Phalanx. The Phalanx will wear traditional blue shirts in honor of its commitment to royalism and the Holy Patriarchal Church and provide security for party MP's, public rallies and party offices throughout Hutori. An inaugural procession of the Phalanx was led from the St. Michael Vigilius Church in Langdon, during which MP and Young Patriots Conducator Declan Tremblay addressed the crowd:

Our Phalanx will ensure the safety and security of party members and supporters, and will defend us against influences directly hostile to our traditional ideas and faith. It will support the fight for order, authority and liberty, follow the holy traditions and teachings of the Patriarchal Church and engage in the movement to cleanse Hutori of vile foreign influnces which seek to continue the decadence and sin so prevalent here today!

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 12:07 am
by Conser
Prime Minsiter call for an investigation of the new Patriotic Phalanx

Following the announce of the Young Patriots of the Golden Lion that the would form their own organisation to defend their party, the Prime Minister raised concern toward the legality of such organisation. She reminded the press that under the current laws of Hutori, paramillitaries were strctly forbiden. She called for an investigation to knwo whether or not this organisation coudlk be counted as a paramilitary army.

''For now, it is unclear wheter the ''Patriotic Phalanx'' as they call it truly an armed group, and thus illegal, or if it is simply a glorify security organisation. Even if they claim that the organisation only serve the purpose of protecting the MPs and their rallies, it's hard to believe them when they say that this organisation will, and I quote, engage in the movement to cleanse Hutori of vile foreign influnces. An proper investigation to know what truly is that organisation seems necessary. If they are deemed illegal, we will take action.''

-Sarah Vence
Prime Minsiter of Hutori

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 2:10 am
by RileyHP
Tory Leader Calls For Appology From Democrat Leader

Conservative leader Jared Houston speaks to media after Question Period.

Conservative leader Jared Houston is calling for an official appology from Democrat leader Michael Fleck today after Fleck and his party introduced what Conservatives are calling treasonous legislation. The bill in question would send Hutorian ballistic missile engineers to Likatonia to aid their ballistic missile program. Likatonia would pay 1,000,000,000 Lira per year to Hutori for their services, which many believe Likatonia simply could not afford. Likatonia also would hand over complete access to information on the program to Hutori.

Conservatives and Liberals are raising the alarm over the legislation, citing national security concerns, with the Conservatives going as far as to call the bill treason. Liberal Defence Critic, Peter Grant, has called for Fleck to appear before the Parliamentary Defense Oversight Committee. Houston called for the legislation to be withdrawn in the house, and in a press scrum after Question Period he demanded an appology from the Democrat leader.

"This legislation is not just shameful, it is downright treason. Allowing a foreign threat like Likatonia to learn from Hutori's highly skilled ballistic missile engineers would be a massive national security threat unlike anything this nation has faced in centuries. Michael Fleck not only must withdraw this legislation immediately, but he must apologize to the nation as well."

Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:19 am
by OneTime2
Patriotic Phalanx Responds to PM With Mass Gathering in Federal District
September 4759

Patriotic Phalanx members at today's mass gathering in response to the PM's comments

Bekenial, Adelia- Members of the Patriotic Phalanx, the party security organization of the Young Patriots, staged a mass gathering and march through the Federal District today. In response to slanderous comments thrown at the organization by the Prime Minister and her National "Progress" Party, which is determined to progress Hutori down a path of social rot and disorder, the Phalanx called for a show of unity and popular force, which manifested itself in this mass gathering. Speaking to a crowd of approximately 4,000 Patriotic Phalanx members, Party Conducator and MP Declan Tremblay rejected the PM's insinuations that the Phalanx was some sort of paramilitary, while also rejecting the notion that it was just a "glorified security organization".

The Patriotic Phalanx and it's members are disgusted at any talk of it being engaged in "paramilitary" activity. It is a simple party security organization which is dedicated to the same cause as the Young Patriots, with the added task of protecting those who carry the torch of authority, order, liberty and holy justice as Eliyahu himself would have wanted. Make no mistake, the Phalanx is not a "glorified security organization" either, it is ready to defend every patriot if such an unfortunate time comes. Remember, absolute monarchy and the guiding light of Eliyahu and his church shall not be tempered by decadent and sinful parties, we will not allow it!