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Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:12 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
January 30, 4853
François Xing at the Presidency, the RRR enters the National Convention

ARLOUX - ARLOUX - Contrasting general election for the NPP which retains executive and legislative power, but which is jostled and loses the local states of Tiralouse and Morbanaque.

The now ex-president Vermaelen had predicted an increase in participation. This was not the case since less than one in two voters went to slip their ballot into the ballot box (43.84% participation against 61.43% in 4849). The second surprise is the extent of the place taken by the RRR candidate for the presidency: Zacharie Pichon did much better than his predecessor by gathering more than 10.4 million voters (32.56%). Lukas Matic had painfully reached 39,703 votes. However, François Xing, candidate stamped NPP, offers himself a large victory with 21.6 million votes. It is far behind the score of Nicolas Vermaelen who had obtained in 4849 no less than 45.5 million votes. But with 67.44% of the vote, President Xing did not steal his victory.

He could easily compose a government at his convenience since the National Convention remains in the bosom of the NPP. The popular won 315 seats. Once again, Republicans are not disappointed with their score. They entered the National Convention quite massively since they won 140 seats. The RRR estimated they could win between 10 and 30.

Montpellier remains totally in the bosom of the NPP even if it loses 1.4 million voters. The RRR does not win any seat in this state.

In Sirdour, the NPP halved its electorate while the RRR multiplied it by 30 and won only 5 seats. The NPP nevertheless retains this state without difficulty.

Despite the 4 million votes lost to Boudigaux, the NPP yielded only one seat to the RRR.

The surprises come from Morbanaque and Tiralouse. In the first named, 4.8 million voters turned to the RRR against 1.6 million for the NPP, or 68 seats for the Republicans and 23 for the popular.

In Tiralouse, the score of the RRR is slightly higher with 5 million votes against 1.9 million for the NPP which resists despite everything (66 Republican seats against 25 for the popular).

In conclusion, the NPP remains the main party of Rildanor, but the country sees the emergence, under the leadership of the conservative and opposed Zacharie Pichon, a new political force.

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:39 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
March 12, 4855
Prostitution and recreational drug use approved by Rildanorians

ARLOUX - It took more than three years for the controversial subject raised in 4851 by the Republican Rally of Rildanor during a session of the National Convention to find a firm response from the Rildanorians.

In January 4852, the conventionists, all stamped NPP at the time, abstained from voting on the project to ban prostitution and drugs. This project defended by the RRR, the objective of which was "to restore social and family values ​​which allow the development of all and especially the youngest", did not find support in the NPP camp. Nevertheless, the popular conventionists had the ingenious idea to let the rildanorients express themselves on this question by proposing a referendum.

After procrastination in the Republican camp, whose electoral weight was then non-existent, the RRR and Zacharie Pichon - its president - finally submitted to the idea of ​​a plebiscite in order to make the conventionists bend. After a long, hard and trying campaign, the vote was held on March 5, 4855 and the response of the Rildanorians is final, it could be in this sentence: "do not touch my prostitute and my drugs!". If the national participation in this ballot is not miraculous (48.83%), the answer to the question asked ("Are you in favor of the prohibition of prostitution and drugs?"), The Rildanorians answered “No” at 67.03% (23,220,031 votes). Thus, only one in three voters (32.97%, 11,422,086 of votes) was in favor of the conservative measures of the RRR.

The results by state all confirm the same trend. In Boudigaux, voters were particularly mobilized (63.92% participation) unlike Morbanaque where voters fled the polling stations (35.61%). It is in Tiralouse where the inhabitants were most hostile to these bans, answering "no" to 72.53%, as in Morbanaque (72.15%). On the island of Montpellier, the Republican bill obtained the best support rate with 41.38% of the votes cast in favor of "yes". But in the whole country, the answer is the same: the rejection of these prohibitions.

As soon as the results were announced, Zacharie Pichon spoke publicly. He hastened to attack the wording of the question asked: "It would have been preferable to cut the question in two and to propose on the one hand the prohibition of prostitution and on the other hand the prohibition. drug. Voters who are in favor of banning one but the other voted "no". As a result, the results are biased ”. The progressive members of the RRR did not want to support these remarks which stop on the form and not on the substance. One thing is certain, this political episode caused the isolation of Zacharie Pichon and weakened him in the perspective of the party's future primaries in the general elections of 4857.

Withholding: 36.08% (5,363,197)
Yes: 3,093,490 or 32.56%
No: 6,407,402 or 67.44%

Withholding: 52.33% (7,582,799)
Yes: 1,897,327 or (27.47%)
No: 5,009,579 or (72.53%)

Withholding: 52.16% (6,650,474)
Yes: 2,523,563 or 41.38%
No: 3,575,047 or 58.62%

Abstention: 51.97% (7,793,155)
Yes: 2,534,321 (35.18%)
No: 4,669,229 (64.82%)

Abstention: 64.39% (8,916,930)
Yes: 1,373,385 or 27.85%
No: 3,558,774 or 72.15%

Abstention: 51.17% (36,306,555)
Yes: 11,422,086 or 32.97%
No: 23,220,031 or 67.03%

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:56 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
October 12, 4855
Sadaria calls for sanctions against Rildanor

ARLOUX - Between insults and accusations, Sadaria's delegation raised the subject of the charter of the city of Saints signed by Kanjor and Rildanor in March 4854. For Sadaria, the foundation of this city-state is the culmination of the emergence of a totalitarian theocracy. Thus, the governmental structure of the city-state would be, according to Sadaria's delegation, illegal as would be provided for in resolution 100 of the Security Council since the Charter would allow the birth of a totalitarian sovereign entity.

Yet this same resolution provides that "national sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of States and the non-use of human rights as an instrument of political pressure". Just as resolution 100 specifies that "all countries have the right to determine their political systems, to control and freely use their resources and to freely pursue their cultural, social and economic development".

Therefore, the question in Rildanorian political circles, but also Kanjorians, what reception will they give to these accusations? What will be their reactions? Besides, were they previously contacted by Sadaria's diplomacy? According to our information, the RRR does not wish to react and does not want to give credit to this delcaration. Observers eagerly await the reaction of President Xing - who was crowned with a lavish working visit to Yingdala where Imperator Chin Bo Zheng greeted the Rildanorian delegation with respect - must confront the harsh reality. First, it turns out that the choice of Endralon for the Security Council is not the most judicious because of the controversies that his representative gives rise to in the international arena. Then, these accusations of Sadaria which come to pollute his mid-term. The weeks and months to come will perhaps be decisive for his potential re-election.

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:47 pm
by Augustus Germanus

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:38 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
April 28, 4856
Yann Ferrier will be the RRR candidate for the next presidential election

TIRALLE - Eight months before the general elections, the RRR held its primary in order to designate the party's future candidate for the presidency. It is a young unknown aged 30, Yann Ferrier, who did the feat of winning this election in the first round with 51.03% of the votes cast by the members of the party present at this congress.

Opposed to the progressive Pierre Swiawieski (28.36%), to the liberal François Faussinet (13.6%) and to the conservative Anne Blanc (7.01%), the young politician was able to convince his audience. Zacharie Pichon's noticeable absence from the nomination contest has been widely commented on. But his recent setbacks (disavowal during the referendum on the ban on prostitution and drugs, choice of Endralon ...) reasonably prevented him from getting involved again in the race.

However, the conservatives seem to keep control of the reins of the party since Yann Ferrier perfectly embodies this movement. In addition, Zacharie Pichon retains the leadership of the party. It now remains to campaign in a lively political context.

Meanwhile, President Xing had to meet a unanimous refusal from the National Convention over his presidential decree relating to the City Saints Charter crisis. His eagerness might be frowned upon in his own camp. But it is the point of view of the Rildanorians that will be at stake next January.

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:14 pm
by jamescfm

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:23 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
April 12, 4858
RRR progressives regain control of the party

TIRALLE - Zacharie Pichon, president of the RRR, 73, could only note the failure of the last general elections of his party during which the RRR stagnated while the NPP saw its electorate clearly progressing.

Despite the difficulties, Rildanor president François Xing was triumphantly re-elected. Yann Ferrier, his contender in the presidential race, got a good score and made a name for himself in his camp. But criticism from within the Conservative ranks prompted him not to show off too much during the RRR congress held in early April.

During this congress, many debates related to the policies to be promoted ended with the election of a new political bureau. It was only illustrious strangers who ran for the presidency of the party. They were three to covet the office, two progressives and a liberal. The Conservatives have therefore moved back to concentrate their efforts on the future primaries.

With a large majority, Denis Marchal takes the seat of the president of the RRR (70.28%). This 71-year-old progressive spoke of his desire to “bring together all the tendencies of the Republican family”. The other progressive candidate, Benjamin Suguenot (19.33%) was enthusiastic and said he was "ready to work with Denis Marchal". While Mathilde Macron (10.39%), liberal, did not convince many people.

From his election, Denis Marchal made known the composition of his office. Aurélie Guyon, a 78-year-old former conventionist (4853-4856) and close to Denis Marchal becomes vice-president of the party. The surprise comes from the appointment of the spokesperson who is none other than the former president for almost 9 years (June 4849 - March 4858), Zacharie Pichon. Finally, to replace Yann Ferrier at the head of the party, it is quite simply the current governor of Morbanaque, Jean Vallon, who will occupy this post. This reorganization of the RRR should give it new impetus. It is certain that the NPP will be able to face this adversity.

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:14 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
January 28, 4861
Juneau Valferra succeeds François Xing, the popular retain power

ARLOUX - The presidency, the national vonvention and three out of five states remain in the fold of the NPP while the Republicans of the RRR see their electorate eroded somewhat.

With a participation rate up slightly compared to the previous general election (56.66% against 54.59% in 4857), the popular can congratulate themselves on their victory. First, that of Juneau Valferra who was better elected than François Xing. Valferra's score exceeded Xing's best score by 3.2 million votes (January 4857). With nearly 80% of the vote, the new president easily dismissed the conservative Republican Adrien Delannoy. The latter has obtained the worst result of the RRR over the past eight years.

The national convention is in the hands of the NPP which further strengthens its position by winning 11 additional seats compared to the previous legislature. The popular have again won all the seats in Boudigaux where the RRR remains non-existent. In Montpellier, the NPP seized the 16 seats it lacked to make a faultless course. The RRR lost the 1.3 million votes obtained in 4857. On the side of Sirdour, the NPP lost 1.7 million votes, but remained very largely in the majority. Republicans are doubling their number of voters and continuing to slowly scavenge ground.

Tiralouse and Morabanaque remain republican lands. The cityoens of Tiralouse gave limited confidence to the RRR, which lost 300,000 votes, while the NPP remained stable. In the state of Morbanaque, the Republicans get their best score.

The party led by Mickaël Verhoeven has secured indisputable success. The NPP remain in power and are able to apply their policies.

Re: Rildanor Associated Press

PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:01 pm
by Polites
Nouveau Pays|L'actualité en Rildanor et dans le monde
"Patriots" rise against Canrille

November 4862

The establishment of the Empire of Canrille last year, when the King of Lourenne, Kanjor, and Alduria Philippe VI proclaimed himself Emperor of Canrille, represents a momentous event in international relations and has led to strong reactions in the only other Canrillaise nation not under Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau rule, Rildanor. Although Rildanor was in the past a member of previous incarnations of the Empire of Canrille, this time the proclamation let to a reemergence of Rildanorian nationalism. Rildanor does have its own distinct identity, separate from the other Canrillaise nations, an identity which was crystalized when Rildanor was under the rule of its distinct royal family the house of Lafayette and grew to prominence with the establishment of the current Trudeauist Republic of Rildanor in 4843. Thus, the establishment of the Empire of Canrille, instead of being received with enthusiasm by the population of Rildanor, was instead welcomed with condemnation and suspicion. President Juneau Valferra issued a presidential decree condemning the Empire and particularly the claim to the vacant Rildanorian throne by Emperor Philippe VI.

The rise of Canrille and its overall right-wing nature has led to street protests as well, leading to the emergence of a democratic socialist and Rildanorian nationalist political party. The newly formed Rildanorian Patriotic Front, established by trade unionists and workers engaging in anti-Canrille protests, aims to coalesce the left-wing and far-left Rildanorian nationalist electorate. Calling for participatory democracy, economic self-sufficiency, worker's democracy, and the defense of Rildanorian sovereigny, the Rildanorian Patriotic Front declares itself a democratic socialist and patriotic political party, and the only force capable of stemming the tide of Canrillaise imperialism and defend Rildanorian statehood. Although Canrille has so far not made any overt attempt to enforce its claim on the Rildanorian throne, if it ever does so it is likely it will be met by widespread opposition.

Re: Rildanor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:38 pm
by Lucas Blanchard
March 20, 4863
Between misunderstanding and political maneuver, the Canrillais earthquake at the heart of the debates

ARLOUX - The rebirth of the Canrille Empire continues to have political repercussions in Rildanor and internationally.

As Rildanor regained fully functioning Republican institutions, the rebirth of the Canrille Empire sparked concern among the public and in national political circles. In order to clearly affirm Rildanor's strict independence, President Juneau Valferra issued a decree, discussed and validated by the 455 national conventionists. This text reaffirms Rildanorian independence and its federalist and republican character. He also denounces the inappropriate use of the title "King of the Rildanorians" by the authorities of the three entities of the Canrille Empire. The presidential decree does not seem to have calmed the fears of part of the population since the second consequence of the Canrillaise emergence provoked the foundation of a new socialist nationalist party, even of the extreme left which directly opposes any interference from the Canrille Empire. The Socialist Patriotic Front appears to be active in several cities to organize demonstrations.

However, Juliette Valence, the High Chancellor of Lourenne would have expressed herself publicly on this affair: she would have denounced the trial which was made to the monarchy by the recent evolutions in Rildanor. Rather surprising when you consider that this was not the objective of the presidential decree which aimed to reaffirm Rildanor's republican character and the freedom of Rildanorians to remain independent. But have these points been put forward too much and would have contributed to a misunderstanding? It is not impossible that High Chancellor Valence and her compatriots understood a criticism of the monarchy, when Rildanorians expressed concern about the natural expansionist form of an Empire. However, it can be noted that Juliette Valence never mentioned the fraudulent use of the title "King of the Rildanorians" by Kanjor, Alduria and Lourenne. This detail leaves Rildanorians pensive. The High Chancellor reportedly concluded her intervention by not wanting to further deteriorate relations between the Empire and Rildanor, a way of underlining the poor quality of these relations.

A certain anxiety and a form of skepticism, the emergence of a third Rildanorian political force and deteriorated relations with other Canrillese nations, these are already the first consequences of the emergence of this Empire. We can imagine that these are not the last.