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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:56 pm

The People's Press
Curti: There Are Regressive, Fascist Operators in Kalistan
As the new session of government begins, the Premier continues to build bridges with the SPoK
Vrassa City, Vrassa
January 28th, 4059

It was around this time three years ago that the turmoil which enveloped Kalistani politics began, to many it seems like a lifetime ago. The recent elections were considerably less ground-breaking and controversial than the previous ones- despite the fact that two new parties ran for the second time in a row. As business resumed in the National Assembly, returning Premier Luca Curti looked to heal more of the lasting damage of previous party leaders. In his opening speech, he praised President Bennots, who it has since emerged will not run for a third term and who was previously viciously attacked by the party press.His full speech can be found here: http://bit.ly/2a1OYsl.

The first meeting of the new Assembly saw the President propose a relatively unchanged cabinet, with the exception of the arrival of Vitalico Viviani in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the confirmation of Lorenzo Ambrose as the permanent Trade and Industry minister. Despite losing seats, many Labour Party supporters were satisfied with their party's performance and Luca Curti took the opportunity to hold a snap ballot on confidence in his leadership. The result was a massive 1,086,581 in favour with only 18,461 against, a significant boost to his legitimacy as leader.

Lorenzo Ambrose during his first session as permanent Trade and Industry Minister

The following is transcribed from a rally in support of Curti, just after the ballot result was announced:

For too long, this party has failed to provide for those who need it. It has dithered and danced around the momentous issues which Kalistan faces. Under previous leaders, we co-operated with the Socialists then we loathed them, we were friends with the ANP then we attacked them, we were against coalitions then we entered one. Well, let me be absolutely crystal clear with you now, under my leadership there will be no more faltering.

The Labour Party stands for liberty, security, democracy and equality; it is for that reason that we believe in the redistribution of wealth and government ownership of production. We will always, always oppose the attempts of regressive, fascist operators to purloin the wealth from the hands of the many in order to deliver it to the hands of the few.

Furthermore, this party has, in the past, made enemies of those who stand shoulder to shoulder with us in this fight and for that reason, I sincerely apologise for the actions of my predecessors in relation to the Socialist Party. In contrast, we have often allied ourselves with those who should only ever see our backs, that's why I immediately tore up the co-operation agreement with the ANP when I entered office.

Thank you for demonstrating your support for me once again, you should see this as me renewing my vow to serve not just those in my own party but everybody in Kalistan who depend upon my party in order to protect their ability to live a normal life. I will never renege on that commitment. Onwards and may we keep the red flag flying here in Kalistan!

Curti made a hasty exit after he had finished speaking, with his close aides informing us that he was on his way to a clandestine meeting with trade union leaders, including those representing cannabis growers and miners, to canvass them to officially endorse the Socialist-Labour government.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:59 am

The People's Press
Treason in the Opposition Offices
Bonucci lambasts 'oppresive and totalitarian' Conservatives
Kaliburg, Ananto
August 25th, 4060

Lorella Bonucci addresses an adoring crowd at the annual Labour Party conference

Recent months in Kalistani politics have been a constant maelstrom of discussion, debate and disagreement. Having passed the halfway point of the term, we sat down with the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party to gain some insight into her perspective of the events so far:

Q[uestioner]: Good evening Miss Bonucci, let's get straight into the big questions. Do you agree with the Premier that there are 'regressive and fascist operators' in Kalistan?

B[onucci]: Yes. Yes, I genuinely do believe that. I'm not in the business of being vague or ambiguous though so let me be clear: in my view, the Conservative Independence Party behaves in an oppressive and totalitarian manner. All you have to do is look at their recent military plan: they want to bring back land mines, nuclear weaponry, biological weaponry and chemical weaponry. These are weapons which don't simply kill people, they cause generations upon generations of people to experience physical and mental scarring. How can we not rally against this kind of behaviour? It is contrary to everything which Kalistan has stood for in Terra for decades.

Q: Do you have any comment on their 'better democracy' bill?

B: Of course. The idea that members of the National Assembly should be paid considerably more than the average citizen, it's pure cronyism. The Labour Party made clear that we wouldn't accept the increased pay although we're optimistic it won't get to this point because we are urging our friends in the Socialist Party parties to vote against it. That's not the point, though, we can't allow this kind of behaviour to pass by without scrutiny. There are countless other bills that we could point to: the ones relating to tobacco, to drug regulation, to pornography, to public display of affection, I could go on! I won't though instead I'll encourage anybody reading this to evaluate these bills for themselves and reach their own conclusions.

Q: What about their opposition to the 'Commitment to the Republic Act'?

B: It just shows that they can't be trusted. They don't even want our nation to exist! It is tantamount to treason in my mind. No amount of name changes and new leaders can cover up the fact that ultimately they were formed as the Ananto National Party with their primary goal being the destruction of the United Republic of Kalistan. They even claimed that Labour voters supported this idea! Any Labour Party supporter I've met would take that as personally insulting.

Q: Okay, I think we've covered the CIP enough now. How about the other big party in Kalistan right now: the Socialist Party? You mentioned them as your friends; what do you make of claims that your coalition is undemocratic?

B: Frankly, I think it's utter balderdash. If you look at the raw figures, the combination of our two parties now represents a vast majority of the electorate so whilst some parties may want early elections, it won't happen. We understand their frustration, it wasn't long ago the Labour Party itself was in a similar position but Kalistan has had enough turmoil over the past few years and it is about time we focused on policy. We're starting to do that now and it would be stupid to set back the clock by calling an election, we understand the unique circumstances with the KLP collapsing but this shouldn't distract us from our own parties.

Q: On the matter of policy: the Labour Party recently tabled a plan to nationalise the agricultural sector, what do you make of the opposition to this?

B: Unfortunately for the Kalistani public, they have been deprived of any real criticism of this plan so far. It's a shame because we know this bill isn't perfect- and that's why we are holding off on voting so that we can talk through some of the finer details- but most of the opposition has been petty and illogical. Hopefully, the debate will enhance and the plan can be examined so that it may be executed perfectly but this doesn't seem likely at the moment.

Q: There's still some time yet but what about the next elections, how do you see the Labour Party performing?

B: I'm confident that we have a real chance to do well. The dissolution of the KLP and the decision by President Bennots- who might I add has served Kalistan superbly- not to run again really opens up the race. We'll be campaigning extremely hard and, with any luck, we should be able to increase our seats and enter back into government. We certainly aren't taking anything for granted though because many of the new parties could be extremely alluring to those who feel that the current system doesn't work for them. We want to say to people, "Look we understand Kalistan isn't perfect but we are doing everything we can to help it get there".

Q: Can you offer any details on the rumoured confidential meeting Premier Curti had with trade union leaders?

B: No, not at this time. I can tell you that Mr Curti will be running for President however and that he will be seeking support and endorsement from a variety of sources, including trade unions.

Q: Okay well thank you very much for your time Miss Bonucci and good luck next January!

B: It has been my pleasure, don't you worry we'll keep the red flag flying!

Miss Bonucci has experienced a rise in support within the party in recent months, culminating in her being appointed as Deputy Leader when Francesca Totti resigned her position. She is said to compliment Luca Curti's revolutionary left wing agenda with her own commitment to civil liberties and personal freedoms and, as an aside, was the first person to be interviewed at the new headquarters of the People's Press in Kaliburg, after their previous offices became too small for their operation.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:00 am

Ananto and Odufaray Governors react to RSMoK call-up
Militia forces to practice security drills in major cities

Port Eshar, Vrassa District
September 8, 4061

The RSMoK remained activated this month ahead of potentially contentious elections in January. The outgoing President, Victor Bennots, has declared that the SP will respect all election results, even if it means a victory for Conservatives, but the Speaker from the SP sounded more defiant, vowing never to hand the government to fascists.

Meanwhile, across the Republic, many SPers, including thousands of Brethren, are answering the militia call up from the SP. New recruits are beginning to be scheduled for training. The governor of Odufaray, Gina Thomas, said that she was pleased with the response from the Partisans. "I've asked the Odufaray militia to work on security tactics, should we need them to secure buildings and cities from a foreign threat. I know my colleague in Ananto is doing the same." The Militia has acquired new 155MM howitzers, and has been combined exercises with ground units for a few months now. Both Governors reiterated the necessity of the Militia, who serve as auxiliary forces along side KRA units.

Kalistan is more than ready for any external threat which might face the Republic.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:34 pm

Election Preview
With just a month left before polling day, we round up the key events of the campaign
Kaliburg, Ananto District
December 19, 4061

Eight parties will be contesting the elections

Campaigning for the National Assembly and Presidential election of January 4062 has been distinct from recent times in Kalistan, it has involved a total of eight parties so we decided to run through each party and provide you with some rudimentary, independent information gathered from interviews, press releases and party conferences.

Socialist Party of Kalistan
Presidential Race: Not running but offered backing to the Labour Party
Current Seats: 295
Most Seats: 750
President Bennots announced before campaigning began that he would not run for a third term, with the SP eventually deciding to support the Labour Party candidate. The ideal scenario is simple for them: maintain their majority.

The Conservative Independence Party
Presidential Race: Thomas Quintin is running
Current Seats: 133
Most Seats: 170
Thomas Quentin initially had the backing of the Kalistan Passion Party and there was also rumours of endorsement from the Democratic Freedom Alliance, however, both parties have now opted to field their own candidates and give a second-choice endorsement to the Labour Party.

Labour Party of Kalistan
Presidential Race: Luca Curti is running with backing from the Socialist Party and second choice support from the KPP and DFA
Current Seats: 98
Most Seats: 129
Luca Curti is looking to make the jump from Premier to President and has stated that he wants to put together a moderate, unity cabinet. He has the backing of the Socialist Party, with the Kalistan Passion Party and Democratic Freedom Alliance both offering support if their own candidates don't progress past the first round. Additionally, he received international endorsement from Liberal Mordusia.

Kalistan Passion Party
Presidential Race: William Killams is running, with the party choosing the LPoK as their second choice
Current Seats: 40
Most Seats: 40
The Kalistan Passion Party originally stated they would not run instead supporting Thomas Quentin (Conservative Independence Party). They changed their minds though stating, "we have decided to no longer back the more increasing far right CIP" so William Killams is now their nominee. They will be looking to increase their share of the seats after completing their first full term in the Assembly.

Democratic Freedom Alliance
Presidential Race: Arman Harasyl is running, with the party choosing the LPoK as their second choice
Current Seats: 1
Most Seats: 1
After much discussion over the position of the Labour Party on the SPoK, the Democratic Freedom Alliance confirmed they would support Labour as their second choice if their own candidate- Arman Harasyl- was unsuccessful in the first round. The DFA also received foreign support from the Conservative Party of Baltusia. Like the KPP, they'll want to increase their number of seats significantly.

Kalistan antieverything party
Presidential Race: Unclear
Current Seats: 0
Most Seats: 0
The new party will be looking to pick up at least a few votes in their first election although a high number of abstentions may be seen negatively by voters.

Kalistan National Democratic Party
Presidential Race: Not running but offered backing to the Democratic Freedom Alliance.
Current Seats: 0
Most Seats: 0
Another party running in their first elections, they will also be hoping to gain a seat or two. They offered their endorsement to the DFA at the last minute.

The Monarchist Party of Kalistan
Presidential Race: Unclear
Current Seats: 0
Most Seats: 0
Previously known as the Imperialist Party of Kalistan, they tabled a bill to bring back the Emperor in this term. This may get them some votes with loyalists.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:53 pm

The People's Press
Vestri Gets Stuck In
Newly appointed Foreign Affairs Minister seeks to strengthen relationships with regional allies
Kaliburg, Ananto
July 10th, 4062

Regina Vestri of the Labour Party, the new Foreign Affairs Minister of Kalistan, hasn't even been in the role for a year so far yet she has already taken a leading role in rebuilding relationships with Kalistan's key allies- Trigunia and Indrala. Throughout August and September, both nations will send delegations to Kaliburg to discuss topics including but not limited to: reducing trade barriers, increasing national security, stabilising relations and furthering plans for partnership. Over the course of the week-long visits, both groups will have the opportunity to liaise with Kalistani Industry leaders and experience Kalistani culture in a first-hand manner. Speaking on the matter, Ms. Vestri had this to say:

I have immensely enjoyed my time in the role thus far and I am hopeful this will continue. I contacted my counterparts in both Indrala and Trigunia as I believed that our nation needed close allies to cooperate and work with on a long-term scale. Both nations were overwhelmingly supportive and I know that the Kalistani people will be similarly inviting and welcoming. These are relations from which everybody stands to benefit and ones which I intend to promote as a priority during my term.

Regina Vestri manages to find time to visit her former school in Kaliburg

In other news, President of the Republic Luca Curti has confirmed his first cabinet: a coalition of the Labour Party, the Socialist Party, the Democratic Freedom Alliance and the Passion Party, with each receiving a similar number of seats overall. On the advice of new Premier Fredricka Carrangus-Howard, the President has also begun the proceedings for the seating of the next Constitutional Court in order to help improve constitutional literacy in Kalistan. The Labour Party nominated former Leader James Harrison as well as Zedong Chen, who is a close friend of Luca Curti's from his time spent in Tian'an as a student.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:35 am

Premier Presides over Period of Relative Calm
Socialist Party's "Retreat from Hell" stills political turbulence

September 17, 4063
Kaliburg, Ananto District

Political instability decreases under Curti-Carrangus Government

The seemingly insane pace of legislation and debate back and forth between the various Parties in the Assembly has calmed in recent months. The Socialist Party called for a brief membership retreat following the elections and the naming of the New Governing coalition, which turned into a bizarre debacle which the Premier called the "Retreat from Hell." What started off as a membership retreat at Port Redbeard in Odufaray became a true ordeal. At no point during the last nine months have the majority of the Premier's Party shown up for a vote. It started with several members of the SP who attempted to return by Private boat to the mainland becoming disoriented in a dense fog, and eventually being scooped up out of the ocean by the coast guard, adrift and rudderless. Several flights returning to the mainland were re-routed due to storms and members were stranded across the various airports in Kalistan for a prolonged period of time. More than 50 decided unilaterally to extend their stay on the Pirate Coast, and did not come into work for several weeks, only to leave again when it was clear the remainder of the Party would not be in. The prolonged period of turbulence ahead of the election led to fatigue among the Deputies. The result was that the SP missed the only vote of the session thus far. Eventually, the Premier was able to discipline her Party, and all SP Deputies appeared for the beginning of the fall session of the Assembly.

Since then, the Premier has opened up a conference of Party Leaders called "Mt. Emory 2". Leaders are called together to consider possible updates to the Dual Economy of Kalistan. It has been centuries since the system was debated by the RFP and the SP, and the Speaker from the Labour Party privately contacted the Premier about evaluating the Dual Economy once more. So far, both the LP and the SP have affirmed commitment for the Dual Economy. The Conference is expected to continue periodically into the foreseeable future.

Generally, the Premier is fairly pleased with the term. Said the Premier: "With the Successful visit from Indrala in the books, and improved regional relations, Kalistan seems to be on an even keel in foreign policy, and as long as the Left retains the majority in the Assembly, we are in good shape domestically. We would have opposed the Arms sales bill, but all things considered, the change is not all that far off the status quo, and we can live with the results of the bill. It will be a long time before we call another membership retreat though." The Premier intends to move the remainder of her stated agenda during the remainder of her term.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:44 pm

The People's Press
Panic On The Streets of Suldanor
Initially peaceful protests become marred by violence overnight in Sulari
Sulari, Suldanor
January 23rd, 4066

There were distressing scenes and reports of multiple serious injuries overnight in Sulari, Suldanor as protestors took to the streets to oppose the district government. As many as 180,000 people were believed to be involved in a demonstration of dissent against the Conservative Independence Party which currently controls Suldanor.

The protest march was organised by local members of the Labour Party of Kalistan however they invited members of various different organisations- including the Suldanor Green Movement, the Anti-Fascist League and United Against Racism- to attend. Although it was designed to be a peaceful affair, the People's Army was ready to protect protestors if trouble did break out as the 1st and 2nd Regiment were stationed in various positions around the city having conducted training exercises in the run-up to the event. During the day, there was a light-hearted, friendly atmosphere to the rally with many children involved and even complimentary refreshments available.

Protesters walk peacefully through the streets of Sulari

In spite of this, matters took a sudden turn for the worst when counter-protesters arrived near to the march's conclusion. Unlike the peaceful nature of the anti-government demonstrators, the counter-protestors- whose motives are still unclear- had various improvised weapons and, according to unconfirmed eyewitness reports, some carried semi-automatic rifles. The extensive assembled crowd quickly began to dissipate before a lengthy battle for the streets began. The People's Army were swift to move in thanks to effective tracking of the rally but this did not prevent significant harm occurring to those attending the rally, who were not prepared for violent clashes.

Reports are still sketchy and conflicting accounts continue to emerge but it appears that the People's Army had managed to trap the hooligans in one particular area of the city by around 9pm. Afterwards, moving into the crowds with armoured vehicles to finally bring an end to the violence. We spoke to one man who attended the initial march:

As we approached the middle of town, where the rally was meant to finish up, we spotted a large group of people coming in the opposite direction. Then we heard a loud bang- which we thought was gunfire- and at that point everybody just panicked and fled in all directions. Some people went towards the other crowd, picking up stones, bricks, you know anything they could grab a hold of. Luckily the People's Army arrived shortly afterwards so the thugs couldn't do much damage to us but that is what they are: thugs! We had kids around us you know, why would you want to hurt people like that?

A protestor is forced to resort to throwing a pebble to protect himself

The events will do little to ease tensions between the Labour Party supporters and the Conservative Independence Party government (although it should be stated that there has been no link established between the party and the trouble makers). We asked President of the Republic Luca Curti for a statement and he sent us the following:

The President condemns all violence around Kalistan however the events in Suldanor are particularly distressing as they appear to have been motivated by political extremism and targetting innocent, unarmed civilians. However, he would like to praise the work of the People's Army in restoring law and order quickly and efficiently in a far from ideal scenario.

Sulari has returned to normality this morning yet broken glass and cracked pavements leave a reminder of how quickly trouble can erupt...
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:27 pm

Foreign Visits Continue Under Vestri
President Alexandra Burgmuller of Baltusia is the latest to arrive in Kalistan
Kaliburg, Ananto District
July 23, 4066

Kalistan received yet another visit from a foreign leader last week when Baltusian President Alexandra Burgmuller, of the Conservative Party of Baltusia, arrived in Kaliburg. She is the latest in a string of foreign officials to come to Kalistan to discuss trade and international relations. Following the success of the Indralan and Trigunian delegates, Foreign Affairs Minister Regina Vestri was looking to continue to build bridges with Kalistan's neighbours and allies. When asked her opinion of the visit, Ms. Burgmuller provided us with this statement;

Kalistan was an amazing experience, seeing all of the culture was definitely the highlight of the trip. I thank the Kalistani Government and particularly the Labour Party for their cooperation with the trip.

Miss Vestri herself was said to be pleased with how the visit went and hopes that the relationship with Baltusia can be one which lasts for years to come. Personally, she will see it as another crucial moment in her quest to increase Kalistan's standing in Terra. She has attracted high-profile praise for her work, notably from President Curti, who has personally ensured that she received the role of Foreign Affairs Minister in his cabinets; the Baltusian sojourn will only further her credentials.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:15 am

The People's Press
Return To The Assembly For President
Curti follows in the footsteps of his predecessor by saying won't run for a third term
Kaliburg, Ananto
Feburary 12th, 4067

Luca Curti announces he will not run again for President of the Republic

There was widespread shock today when President of the Republic Luca Curti announced that he would not stand for a third term. The revelation came during an event kicking off the Labour Party's election campaign which featured a heavy militia presence due to several incidents at recent party rallies, the full transcript of his speech can be found below;

First of all, I'd like to extend a welcome to everybody gathered here today. It's fantastic to see that support for the Labour Party continues to grow, even in times when it has almost become dangerous to attend party events as a result of terrorism by those who oppose us. It's absolutely crucial that we don't allow these radicals to disrupt our lives or damage our resolve, after all, that is their ultimate goal: to frighten us into submission. I believe that Labour Party supporters are stronger than that- though- and that we will eventually overcome this extremism.

Over the past five years, I have done everything in my power to move Kalistan forward. The two cabinets I created during my time were ground-breakingly diverse whilst maintaining the efficiency and stability that a single-party government can provide. I'd be wrong to stand before you and tell you that everything went perfectly because it didn't. We had problems seating the court, we missed the SPoK during their disappearance and the recent attacks on Labour Party events have been shocking, in spite of all this, I'm proud of my two terms. My coalition governments have fought against the restrictions of civil liberties that the Conservative Independence Party continues to push on this nation.

However, like all good things, my time as President is coming to end. When Victor Bennots announced he would not be running for a third term, I admired his decision. I thought that if I was in that situation myself, I would struggle to step back from the role of President but when you are actually in the position it is very, very different. The best thing for Kalistan is a new President, somebody who can energise the country and continue the work that I began and the best thing for the Labour Party is to have their leader back in the National Assembly to guide them in this turbulent period. Furthermore, as leader of my party, I have made the decision that not only will I not stand for President but nobody in my party will.

Following further in the footsteps of my Socialist friends, I will take time of the coming months to endorse and support another party's Presidential nominee. Although I cannot confirm anything at this moment, if the Socialist Party do field a candidate then it would likely be her or him. This shouldn't be seen as me taking a step back from front-line politics- not by any means. I will continue to lead my party and hope to return to my previous role as Premier so if anything I'm getting back into the action so to speak!

The Labour Party will fight on and we will ensure that the Red Flag continues to fly across Kalistan!

This month marks Luca Curti's tenth year as leader of the Labour Party, longer than all other leaders combined, and he continues to have a universal appeal amongst members. When he took over, the party was threatening to split apart but under his stewardship it has gone from strength to strength. As well as holding the Premiership and Presidency for two terms each himself, Curti has overseen the appointment of several high-profile ministers in the national government- notably Foreign Affairs Minister Regina Vestri- and even controls the Presidency of Terra Union (a party organisation). Some supporters were disappointed with Curti's choice but the overall mood was one of understanding and- more than anything- a renewed determination to fight for Labour values in Kalistan.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:15 am

Socialists will contest in upcoming Elections
Premier of Ananto, Forrest Simpson nominated to Stand for Election

September 5, 4067
Xanadu, Ananto District

Premier of Ananto, Forrest Simpson, the SP's Candidate for President

The Socialist Party of Kalistan has nominated Premier of Ananto District Forrest Simpson to stand for election to the office of President of the Republic. Simpson, age 62, has served for the last 15 years as Premier of Ananto under Governor Carrerra. His administration has been relatively low key, his signature piece of legislation being a resolution which permanently nullified any sort of consideration of Ananto Independence. But some of his accomplishments in Ananto have included ensuring continued SP dominance on the island through two elections, as well as promotion of Anantanese cannabis agribusiness. Simpson is famous for his slow drawl, which is the result of a severe stroke he suffered during his tenure as mayor of Xanadu, and he has gained a reputation for measured and brief speeches. Simpson is a member of the Society of Brethren and is expected to return focus of the SP and the Republic toward the faith, while protecting the secular nature of the nation.

Following the nomination of Premier Simpson, the SP issued the following manifesto which they are expected to promote in the Assembly.

1) Continued close association with the Labour Party.
2) Continued promotion of excellent relations with Kalistan's neighbors.
3) A modernization of Kalistan's armed and naval forces.
4) Divestment of the Kalistani National Ferry Service
5) Government reform as needed
6) Continued strong protection of National Industries, National Service, and Labor rights
7) Continued Kalistani Neutrality
8) A re-authorization of the Kalistani Republican Security Bureau, and the appointment of a new Director of Republican Security
9) Continued work on Constitutional Reform

President Simpson had little to say following his nomination. He did give a brief comment to the Kalistani Republic: "I look forward to continued Left Government in Kalistan. The Labour folks have been great allies thus far, and we thank Comrade President Curti for his even handed administration. Since The President is still the leader of his Party, of course we will ask our Labour Comrade to continue to serve in leadership when he leaves office in January." When asked about the SP's response to the recent civil disturbances in Sulari, Premier Simpson stated, "The Militia seemed to handle it well. This is a vindication of the NSA."

If elected, Simpson will be the first Brethrenist to serve in several terms.

* The SP has announced that it has officially stood down its militia. SP spokesperson Lt. Felicia Jones stated, "Our militia has been active now for about 9 years. But nearly all members stood down gradually over the course of President Curti's administration, and we are finally standing down the last remaining command elements at the Training facilities in Neveras." Militia operations do not end with the stand down, of course. The SP has merely returned its militia operations to "normal" across the Republic.
* Ethical Socialism, the 2567 book written by Edward Bennots, celebrated its 1500's Anniversary this year. The SP's press reissued an updated edition, complete with a new forward and a brief essay outlining the SP's employment of its precepts. The 1500 year old book sold more than 3 million copies in its first week, making it one of the year's best sellers, and SPers are becoming reacquainted with the founding ideology of their Party. Already there are reports of some fundamentalist clubs popping up in Neveras, ancestral home of the SP, who critique the revisionist positions taken by the modern Party. Their views were marginally represented at the recent convention, but they may be forming a new caucus within the Party. Time will tell.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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