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Re: Hutori

Postby Aquinas » Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:57 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby Conser » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:59 am

Prime Minister support millitary aid to Keymon

After the recently proposed bill to send millitary support to Keymon,the Prime Minister call a press conference to announce what would be her position and the position of her party on this issue. Here is what she had to say:

''Sending your own people to war is not a easy decision to take. If we are to send our own man and women to Keymon, we know for many of them it will mean death. But, we can't in good consciousness allow the situation to get worst. This is why I have decided that we would send troops to aid Keymon. Keymon is our ally and one of our closest neighbor in Terra and we can't allow the troublemakers to destroy this pround and beautifull nation. Right now, extremists under the leadership of a man name Carlu are trying to overtrow the legitimate governement of Keymon and we, as a nation of righteousness, have a responsability to stop them. We will do what is right and we will do whaterver it takes to ensure the restoration of peace and prosperity for both the people of Keymon and the people of Hutori.

I extend my full support to the people of Keymon in these trying time. They shall know that Hutori stand with them in their struggle.''
-Kashayla Norman, Prime Minister of Hutori

After this annoucement, a journalist ask the Prime Minister if her promise support for the claim of Queen Eva in the Keymonese civil war was not directly in contradiction with the well known republicanism of the her Party. She answer as follow:

''It is not a secret that I or my own party are not supporters of monarchy. However, we support the right to sovereignty of all nation. If the people of Keymon want a monarchy, who are we to stop them from having it? However, it most be noted that our support is a support of democracy and freedom. Queen Eva is expected to give freedom to the people of Keymon. If she is to show any form of tendency toward imposing tyranny, our support will be withdraw automaticly and we will seek other option for Keymon.''
-Kashayla Norman, Prime Minister of Hutori
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Re: Hutori

Postby RileyHP » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:53 pm

Conservatives Join Liberals and NPP Authorizing Military Force In Keymon

Conservative leader Denise Lewis sits down for an interview with HBC.

An unlikely union of parties came together in parliament this month to ensure the passage of legislation authorizing Hutorian military force in the Keymon Civil War. The Conservatives joined two thirds of the government coalition, the Liberals and NPP, to pass the legislation. Conservative leader Denise Lewis sat down with HBC to discuss her party's decision to support the intervention.

"You know it really goes to show the state of politics these days when the media goes wild over conservatives and progressives agreeing on something and getting it done. Since taking office as Leader of the Conservative Party, I have made it my goal to work together with other parties, regardless of political leanings. When we found no support on our first piece of abortion legislation, we heard from the Liberal Party their concerns, and re-wrote the legislation and made concessions. As parliamentarians we owe it to Hutorians to put partisanship aside sometimes and get the job done.

Specifically on the conflict in Keymon, they are, and have long been, one of Hutori's closest allies, and we must ensure the survival of their legitimate, democratically elected government. Like Hutori, Keymon is a constitutional monarchy, which Hutori has proven over nearly the last five hundred years is the most stable form of government. We must protect their people from the radical rebels who look to tear their country apart. That is why my party supported Bill 144-8. It is imperative that we mobilize our troops as quickly as possible to ensure a swift resolution to this devastating civil war."
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:29 pm

Hutorian Forces Arrive En Masse in Keymon

Hutorian Paratrooper of the 6th Airborne Division

Hutorian soldiers have began arriving in Keymon en masse, as the Commonwealth has mobilized a significant intervention force to aid Queen Eva in the ongoing Keymon Civil War.

Soldiers of the 6th Airborne Division, brought in by the 18th Air Mobility Wing have intergrated themselves in with Queen Eva's Loyalist forces, with the elite Hutorian infantry expected to outclass the infantry on the Carlist side of the war. Also inbound is the Hutorian 2nd Armoured Division, fielding Leopard 2A7H Tanks, the newest Leopard models purchased from Dorvik. The Dorvische built tanks are expected to have a decided advantage over their opposite numbers.

The full force of the Hutorian force, named Joint Task Force-Keymon, has 55,000 ground troops, with support armoured vehicle and support, along with the 5th Fighter Wing, and several squadrons from the 6th Bomber Wing, in addition to the already present 6th Fleet, which has recently obtained total naval supremacy around the island nation.

Lieutenant General Thomas Wagner, commanding officer of JTF-Keymon hasn't stated what his forces first objective would be, but it's known they are pushing immediately into the front line to giving Queen Eva's Loyalists a critical boost.

Hutori Urges Calm as Tensions Between Neighbours Mount

MInister of Foreign Affairs Andrew Wells

Hutorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrew Wells, has urged calm and dialogue between Telamon and Davostan as the two other Macon nations appear to be inching closer and closer to war. Wells confirmed that he had reached out to the Foreign Ministers in both nations though thus far had been rebuffed.

Hutori's Ministry of Defence has given stern warning to both Telamon and Davostan to avoid Hutorian territorial waters and airspace during this time as it would be seen as an act of war against the Commonwealth. General Paul Warwick has raised the Commonwealth's Armed Forces to Critical Alert, and ordered the reserves be activated in case of conflict. The Hutorian 1st Fleet, has been seen pushing aggressively in the Hutorian EEZ, warning off Telamon and Davostan from coming anywhere near their territorial waters, while a constant combat air patrol near both borders has been actively seen.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Lucipher » Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:30 pm

Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:51 pm

Crown Prince Charles Re-Enlists in Marine Corp as Hutori Prepares for Possible War

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Adelia, Crown Prince Charles in Dress Uniform

With fighting beginning between Telamon and Davostan, countries on opposite sides of the Macon continent, Hutori has began to mobilize it's forces in case of an incursion into it's sovereign territory.

General Paul Warwick, the Chief of the Staff of the Armed Forces, made a statement at the Hutorian Office of High Command in Bekenial, confirming that fighting had broken out between Telamon and Davostan and Hutori would stand ready to reply any attacks on Hutori proper.

A week ago, General Warwick had called up the Reserves and activated every unit with the Commonwealth's Armed Forces. Forces from Eastern Army Command have been diverted into Adelia, and Arctic Army Command have been recalled for deployment in Falristan. General Warwick is not anticipating either of their neighbours being foolish enough to attack Hutori but wasn't taking any chances.

General Warwick also confirmed the rumors that Crown Prince Charles, the Prince of Adelia, had requested permission to re-enlist in the Hutorian Royal Marine Corps and has taken his old commission as a Major General. Major General Prince Charles, will be taking command of the 1st Marine Brigade, nominally centred in Adelia at Joint Operations Base Jameson.

Hutorian military forces have been seen on the edge of their territory in clear warning to their neighbours to avoid Hutori.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:22 pm

Nationell Samling in Davostag Image
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Re: Hutori

Postby Lucipher » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:44 pm

Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Hutori

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:12 am

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Re: Hutori

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:07 pm

Image Dorvik | Image Zardugal | Image Ostland (FBC)
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