
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:07 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
The Kingdom signs the Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord (ASCA)
March, 4694

Haldor, Kordusia - Dorvish State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein and Foreign Minister Jannick Wald hailed a victory today for international peace and stability as the Dorvish government and the Kalistani government came to comprehensive treaty regarding the Ananto Strait. The negotiating team lead by Foreign Minister Jannick Wald and other prominent Dorvish diplomatic staff, such as the Dorvish General-Plenipotentiary (Ambassador) to Kalistan, Zacharias Beitz worked hard to come to a deal with Kalistan regarding the strait overall. The Dorvish have been notorious about conducting freedom of navigation exercises across the world, notably in the Ananto Strait as a core tenant of its foreign policy. The Dorvish Navy lead by its two nuclear powered aircraft carriers would often conduct routine patrols and exercises to Lourenne, Hulstria, Kazulia, who share basing rights with Dorvik in an effort to build and continue to operate long-standing diplomatic relations with its friendly nations. When the Dorvish Navy would sail to these places they would routinely use the Anato Strait or the Aldegarian Canal depending the location of the fleet for the Dorvish Navy. In returning to Dorvik, the fleets would likewise regularly use the Aldegarian Canal or the Ananto Strait in order to transit back to Dorvik. Underneath the Law of the Sea, technically the island of Ananto, a sovereign island of Kalistan, is in the middle of international waters and has been recognized to be in such for several centuries, the Dorvish believe that the area separating the mainland and the island are international waters save the 12 miles off the respective coasts, Kalistan disagreed.

Through a series of tense escalations and the potential for conflict, the Dorvish and Kalistani government came to an agreement. Known as the Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord (ASCA) the Dorvish and Kalistani, as well as other nations will be permitted to travel through the strait for all commercial, non-military vessels. Military vessels will have to simply provide forewarning to the Kalistani Navy and will have to avoid 100 miles from the coast if traveling closer than 100 miles. Some political commentators have called this a "cop out" especially for the Dorvish but the Dorvish government disagrees. "For those who are calling this a "cop out" or a "kowtow" to the Kalistani government doesn't understand that peace and stability at sea is instrumental in world trade. In the event that this escalated into conflict, the damage to both the worlds trade as well as the overall environmental health of the area would've been serious. We are dedicated to a peaceful solution and we thank all of our partners across the world who were able to join us and ensure that this treaty was signed, handled and we encourage ALL nations to ratify this treaty." Dorvish State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein stated to the assembled press.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:26 am

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:37 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvik and Deltaria declare a detente
May, 4696

Haldor, Kordusia - Dorvish State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein and Foreign Minister Jannick Wald welcomed Deltarian President Vanek to Haldor for a state visit. The Dorvish and Deltarian delegations shared pleasantries at Rohr-Mauss International Airport in Haldor as the Wachabteilung Haldor, the guards of honor of the Dorvish Armed Forces. The Wachabteilung is comprised of several companies, including a company for each of the branches of the Dorvish Armed Forces. The Wachabteilung also serves alongside the Leadership Escort Command as functional security for the capital. The Wachabteilung conducted several maneuvers for the visiting Deltarian President. Following the ceremony on at Rohr-Mauss International Airport the delegation moved to the State Chancellery where they discussed several different topics including the development of cordial relations, increased trade and development in the infrastructure sector as well as increased electronic coordination with banking. This was announced following the end of the state visit by the State Chancellery.

The focus of the meeting was revolving around a detente in relations between Deltaria and Dorvik, the two countries have feuded several times with the most recent being the Coalition War several decades ago. The Dorvish Foreign Economic Council announced a 10 year plan to invest in Deltaria, focusing on the development of domestic infrastructure and focus on building banking services within the country, several Dorvish banks have signed on to offer financial services to the Deltarian people in the wake of their economic rebuilding. The Dorvish also announced that they would seek to assist in re-building the long heralded heavy industry sector of Deltaria which was and to some degree is famed for producing a bevy of heavy industrial products. State Chancellor von Lÿndow-Sennhein said the collective Dorvish News Service "Despite tense relations between the Deltarian's and the Dorvish, we must understand that the fundamental principles between our people must be discussion and open dialogue and continued peace, economic prosperity and international order." The detente with Deltaria comes at a time when the Dorvish have expanded influence across the globe, Ostland, Dolgavia, Istalia, Hulstria, Kazulia, Kalistan, and other countries.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:30 pm

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
Dorvish government sanctions Luthorian government
February, 4697

Deputies of the State Council voting for sanctions on Luthori

Haldor, Kordusia - In a regular session of the State Council, the Social Nationalist Party approved in a 738 to 0, with 12 absent, to approve sanctions on the new Luthorian government. Within the past several months, the Luthorian political scene has collapsed to the Red Party of Luthori and the Communist Party of Luthori through a series of political maneuvering which has allowed them to capture a super majority in the Imperial Diet. This has led to the declaration of a new "People's Republic of Luthori" which the Dorvish see as a nail in the coffin for any potential relations with Luthori. Dorvik, Artania's largest and most successful economy has announced that they will be suspending all trade and financial activities with the new Luthorian government as well as offering political asylum to the former nobles and royals of Luthori. One caveat of the program is the required approval by the Dorvish government for which nobles and royals are permitted to stay in Dorvik temporarily, the Dorvish government has also reportedly offered assistance to parties opposing the changes to Luthori which has experienced political strife before at the hands of socialist and communist. While it is likely that the new Luthorian government will hit back at the Kingdom, it is unlikely that the Luthorian government either politically or economically will be able to dent the Dorvish Kingdom.

Dorvik's international stature has grown over the past several years as it successful forced the hand of the Kalistani government to deal with the issue of the Ananto Straits. The signing of the Ananto Strait Comprehensive Agreement has lead a surge in trade in the Anantonese Ocean as several dozen countries have been permitted to trade and cross the strait without any sort of molestation or protest from the Kalistani government. Dorvik has entered into a long-term agreement with the Dolgavian government to train and supply their armed forces as well as invest several billion Dorvish Dolgars into the economy itself. While Dorvik has focused on building ties around the world, it has also rekindled old relationships with countries such as Kazulia, Istalia, Deltaria, Hulstria, Lourenne and continued to be considered a "force for good" according to a poll conducted last month by Artania Today. The Dorvish have also taken the first steps in a detente with Deltaria, its former adversary by the Dorvish welcoming a delegation from Deltaria to Dorvik within the past several months. The Dorvish economy remains the largest on Artania and continually serves as some of the largest trading partners for Artanian nations.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:10 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Red Front terrorist attack in Miktar
June, 4697 (Backdated)

State Security Service officers protecting entrances to areas related to the blast.

Königheim, Miktar - Drolszach, a suburb of Miktar's provincial capital Königheim, saw a massive explosion rip through a market killing 58 Dorvish citizens and wounding 2. The attack was claimed by the Red Front, a radical, militant socialist/communist group. The Red Front stated that the attack was in relation to the Dorvish condemnation to the rise of a radical, militant socialist and communist government in Luthori that had cast out the monarchy and the nobility. In the moments following the attack the Dorvish Police, the State Security Service, the Security Police of the State Security Service as well as elements of the State Criminal Police descended on Drolszach to begin the process of investigating while local fire brigades and medical companies rushed to transport the victims to Miktar Provinicial Medical Center (Dundorfian: Medizinisches Zentrum der Provinz Miktar; MZPM) located within Königheim itself. State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein, Interior Minister Klemens von Lÿndow-Sennhein and King and Kaiser Lothar I attended to the scene shortly after the State Security Service had declared the scene clear.

State Security Service members announced that the blast, which occurred at roughly 0917 when the morning rush was going on in the busy market area of Drolszach, was done by a vehicle borne improvised explosive device. The vehicle was parked in front of "Kaffeetage" (Luthorian: Coffee Days) a popular coffee shop at roughly 0914 and two men were seen exiting wearing hats, obscuring their faces. The bomb exploded with enough force to leave a minor crater in the ground and it is believed that the two men escaped the blast despite having only a short window to do so. State Security Police and State Criminal Police are conducting a region-wide search for the suspected victims. At roughly 0920 the Red Front, officially the "Alliance of Red Front Fighters" or "Rotfront" sent an email to the State Chancellery with a video attached claiming responsibility for the attack and citing the recent sanctions on Luthori as the decision to conduct the attack. The State Security Service secured the footage and sent it to the State Counterterrorism Center (Dundorfian: Staatliches Zentrum für Terrorismusbekämpfung; SZTB) for investigation.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:46 am

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeuitung
Arrest in June attack
August, 4697 (Backdated)

State Security Service officers and State Criminal Police officers arrest terrorist, Ayden Knight.

Königheim, Miktar - Members of the State Security Service and the State Criminal Police arrested Luthorian citizen Ayden Knight in relation to terrorist attacks carried out in Drolszach, a suburb of Miktar's provincial capital Königheim. The investigation, carried out over two months saw the arrest and detention of over 200 radical, militant socialist and communist affiliated with the Red Front. The mastermind behind the June, 4697 attack in Drolszach was orchestrated by radical, militant Luthorian-born terrorist Ayden Knight. Knight's manifesto entitled "The Rise of the Council Republic" seeks the overthrow of the Dorvish government, the rise of a Luthorian-led supranational organization known as the "Artanian People's Federation" and the murder and death of Dorvish citizens and soldiers. While the manifesto was discovered and named dozens of cells across Dorvik, it importantly ties Knight's radicalization to the rise of the "People's Republic of Luthori" and the casting out of the traditional Luthorian nobility and monarchy. The Dorvish were quick to crackdown on the allies and friends of Knight, many of them were arrested in the following 48 hours. At the end of the raids in late August, 4697 the Dorvish security and police services arrested nearly 500 members of the Red Front and affiliated organizations including several dozen prominent labor organizers who were attempting to re-build long dead left-wing trade organizations.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:00 pm

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania
Artania's leading business news
Dorvish steel exports boost Dorvish economy
April, 4698

Largonia - Dorvisches Stahlwerk AG is the largest steel producer in Dorvik, it is owned by parts of the Salzer-Neuhäusser family as well as several other prominent Dorvish families. Dorvisches Stahlwerk produced nearly 60 MMT worth of steel, giving it nearly 5% of the worlds crude steel production last year. A deal signed between the Dorvish Steel Works and Kazulia companies had lead to a surge in the Dorvish economy as Kazulia, namely the vehicle company Voda, became a leading buyer of Dorvish produced steel which many claim to be stronger due to advanced smelting techniques that are closely guarded by the Dorvish trade industry related to the production of "Dorvischer Stahl". It is likely that Dorvish Steel Works will continue to be a leading steel producer in the world for the foreseeable future, with major plants located throughout the world, including in East Dovani, Ostland, southern Kafuristan and other locations, the Dorvish economy has been surging on its natural resources and mineral production-based economy. While Dorvik is considered a post-industrial economy in that consumer goods and financial services have dominated the Dorvish business landscape, Dorvik has retained a strong heavy industry sector as well as a heavy natural resources sector. The Dorvish economy has also become heavily reliant on strategic investments by the Foreign Economic Council to continue to develop its sovereign wealth fund and build long-lasting investments across the globe.

The Dorvish economy also surged with renewed investments from Deltarian and Kizenian businesses and the opening of new markets across the oceans in Deltaria and Kizenia. In Deltaria, following a state visit from the President of Deltaria, the Dorvish began rebuilding a failing banking infrastructure that had plagued the Deltarian Federation for decades. Companies such as Artanian Bank, the Dorvish Development Bank and the State Commercial Bank began working on building network infrastructure to tie it to the State Commercial Bank electronic funds transfer network which currently makes up 25% of the worlds ETF network. The Dorvish also began an investment into Deltarian heavy industry, including the rebuilding of the automotive industry in Deltaria, focusing on the development of personal automobiles but the large and impressive tractor-based automotive industry in Deltaria. In Kizenia, following a state visit, the Dorvish re-launched Artanian Defense Groups' branch, known as Kizenian Defense Systems which produced localized variants of the Leopard 2A7+ main battle tanks and worked closely with the Kizenian and New Endralonian government to modernize their air fleet of Trigunian-based MiG-21 known as the "LanceK". The Dorvish will also look closely to the Kizenian and New Endralon branch of the Dorvish Development Bank to be the point man for the development of large-scale infrastructure projects throughout Kizenia and New Endralon, possibly hinting at the deployment of the NTVS to survey for a new nuclear power plant.

The newly minted Dorvish Trade Commissioner, a position created to advise the State Chancellor and the government of Dorvik on trade relations, Waldemar von Desidier, announced that the Dorvish government would be temporarily lifting the sanctions on Luthori following the success of the White Rose party in the Luthorian legislature. According to government reports, Parliamentary State Secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konstanze Clauberg, who also serves as Deputy of the State Council and Chief of the Political Leadership Office of the SNP, has been in contact with the Luthorian government of the White Rose to discuss continued cooperation between them.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:08 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
State Chancellor in Lourenne to discuss Dorvish Steel and vessels
October 4698

Eroncourt, Lourenne - State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein, Minister of Defense and Inspector-General of the Supreme General Staff Col.-Gen. (Jäger) Konstantin von Färber alongside several dozen other Dorvish officials touched down in Eroncourt earlier this month following a domineering success in general elections in October, 4698. The delegation lead by the State Chancellor himself is to discuss the increased interested in Dorvish steel and Dorvish natural resources over the past several decades. Representatives from the Dorvish Trade Commission were involved with the trip. The Dorvish Trade Commission is a new office underneath the Ministry of Trade and Industry to serve as the principal advisor to the government of Dorvik on trade policy and trade affairs. It is one of the dozens of new offices and departments created underneath the chancellorship of Lÿndow-Sennhein, other prominent changes include the creation of the "Office of Data Privacy and Freedom of Information" underneath the Ministry of Science and Technology which will oversee data privacy in Dorvik and will handle all Dorvish government requests for information related to the Dorvish governments operations.

Minister of Defense and Inspector-General Col.-Gen. (Jäger) Konstantin von Färber was present to discuss the ordering of four (4) Thiers-class amphibious assault ship from Lourenne, the amphibious assault ships will be produced by Capet-Fouquet Industries and will cost a total of $2.4b LOD. The vessels will take nearly a year to produce each and will be delivered to Dorvik by 4701, with a total of four ships delivered. The contract includes an option for two (2) more ships if the Dorvish government and the Capet-Fouquet Industries agree. Representatives from the Dorvish Navy were eager to add the ships to the two ocean going fleets of the Dorvish Navy and will likely add ships to deal with an increase in tensions in East Dovani, which is the primary responsibility of the Verranderlijke Ocean Fleet (Verranderlijkeseeflotte) which is based out of Steensingen-Thalpen, Fairfax, Dorvan.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:18 am

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
Several months after foundation, Artanian League takes shape
October, 4698

Secretary-General Torsten von und zu Kiesling leading a meeting of Artanian League representatives

Schrudehofen, Greater Kordusia, Dorvik - The Artanian League was initially ratified by the Kingdom of Dorvik, the Kingdom of Endralon and the Dundorfian Democratic Republic; these three nations will be considered "founders" of the organization. Rutania and Luthori have failed to ratify the treaty to qualify, with Luthori rejecting the treaty in a slim vote in which the Communist Party of Luthori and the Red Party of Luthori rejected the Artanian League following sanctions on the country by the Kingdom of Dorvik. While Rutania and Luthori are left looking in, the Dorvish government wasted no time in appointing their representative to the Artanian League, officially appointing Dieter Kober as the General-Plenipotentiary to the Artanian League and named Torsten von und zu Kiesling as their man to lead the Artanian League as the first Secretary-General of the organization.

Torsten von und zu Kiesling wasted no time, he called the representatives of the Supreme Artanian Council to the Artanian League HQ in Schrudehofen and asked them to discuss the beginning moves of the organization. The leadership of the Artanian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the former development bank of the Artanian Union offered to work with the Artanian League to develop an investment plan to build infrastructure in Dundorf and Endralon and to foster a "...unique..." relationship with the Artanian League. Secretary-General Kiesling noted that the Artanian League needed to develop a concise system of international civil servants, to develop a means to cooperate and foster cooperation between members and develop a comprehensive plan to develop regional economics and regional infrastructure.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:40 pm

Artania Heute
Artania's news, today
The Kingdom meets with Luthorian government, including members from the Artanian League
June, 4699

Representatives from Luthori, Dorvik and the Artanian League meet to discuss relations between the Kingdom and Luthori

Haldor, Kordusia - Underneath heavy guard and tense circumstances, the delegation from Luthori, officially the "People's Republic of Luthori", lead by President Lady Lauren Weston and Prime Minister Duke David Weston, including prominent other officials like Foreign Affairs Secretary Catherine Stinson and Defense Secretary Marquis Francis Stinson and White Rose party officials arrived in Haldor. The greeting on the tarmac was lead by King and Kaiser Lothar I, State Chancellor Karlis Gottlob von Lÿndow-Sennhein, Foreign Affairs Minister Yannick Wald, Defense Minister and Chief of the Supreme General Staff Col.-Gen. (Jäger) Konstantin von Färber, and the Secretary-General of the Artanian League Torsten von und zu Kiesling among dozens of other officials to discuss new relations between the Kingdom and Luthori and its current situation. The meeting was eventually moved to Ostpalast (East Palace) in Eppen, Haldor where King and Kaiser Lothar I spoke on the long history that the Kingdom and Luthori shared but noted that the rise of radical, militant communism and socialism in Luthori could not be "...permanently tolerated..." and that the Kingdom had to ensure that "...correct forces in Luthori won and ensure that all measures are being taken to protect regional and international peace and stability." King and Kaiser Lothar I presented a master crafted Dorvish sword to Prime Minister Duke David Weston, inscribed on it were the words Immer triumphierend which translates to Luthorian "Always Triumphant" to represent the iron will of the White Rose in defending Luthori against the Red Menace.

The meeting was eventually taken over by the State Chancellor and the Foreign Minister who discussed the importance that the Luthorian government work to join the Artanian League for the benefits offered, Secretary-General von und zu Kiesling noted that the Artanian Infrastructure Development Bank would be offering $250m LOD initially to the government of Luthori as a low interest loan and another $750m LOD low interest loan over the next several years as long as the communist and socialist do not take over the government. The Dorvish government also promised investment from the Foreign Economic Fund permitting that the White Rose or a right-wing government remained in place. The Dorvish also offered to work with Luthori to rebuild its defense forces, both externally and internally against the communist and socialist threat. The state visit is expected to last for a few days in the first week of June and a multitude of topics, mostly economic development and investment to Luthori from the Kingdom and the fledgling Artanian League to ensure that Luthori understands that it has a place in the Artanian community.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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