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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:02 am
by sinister42
Hardliners in BRP leadership scuttle unity government over hated bill

The Bread and Roses Party, having ousted former party leader and noted moderate Alexi Kundratus from leadership after he failed to win Council Speaker in two election cycles, announced a new rotating leadership council for the party. Party Chair Alexis Dux, a noted radical steelworker and union organizer responsible for several wildcat strikes that shut down several mills before the BRP took power, set forth the party's agenda now that it has won a narrow majority in the Council of Free Workers.

"Well, right after the election, the UPM showed its true bourgeois colors by bringing to a vote the very bill that we'd already said was a red line for us. The bill reinstates large scale capitalism and dismantles the proletarian democratic state that we've worked so hard to build. The UPM's excuse that the bill wouldn't win is dumb. Whether a bill has a chance of winning is irrelevant. We can't work with a party that stands on the wrong side of the class war."

After the UPM brought the bill to a vote, the BRP pulled its support of a unity cabinet and brought a fully BRP cabinet up for a vote. Party leader Dux also said that "any discussion of constitutional changes is now over."

"If the UPM wants to work with us, it needs to re-evaluate its priorities. Until then, we consider them a hostile opposition."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:58 am
by sinister42
Parliamentary fumble causes purge of radical elements in BRP

Immediately after taking the reins as party chair, Alexi Dux fumbled a cabinet proposal by forgetting the fundamental fact that the Council Speaker, a seat currently held by the Union for a Popular Majority, has a veto over any cabinet proposals. The idea that the Speaker would vote for a cabinet entirely made up of opposition party members is unrealistic at best. Thus, the all-BRP cabinet proposal failed.

A tense meeting of BRP leadership followed, at which a moderate faction of reformist Marxians and social democrats took the reins of power. Alexi Dux has been drummed out of the party, and new party chair Max Rexburg had this to say of the incident.

"Obviously, we've got a lot to learn about governing, but Dux's ignorance is inexcusable. We also would like to apologize and offer a hand of comradely friendship to the Union for a Popular Majority, who have thus far been excellent partners in coalition with us, despite our differences. I have put forth a new cabinet proposal that gives the UPM four key positions, and I have secured their party leader's agreement to the proposal. Soon we will be able to get back to the business of governing."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:45 pm
by sinister42
BRP "disappointed" in election results

Reeling after a 40 seat loss in the Council of Free Workers, the BRP held a meeting to assess the future of the party.

"The truth is that we tend to govern a little more aggressively than I think the people of Kundrati really want," explained party spokesman [random Latin-sounding name]. "That's fine - we're just trying to keep to our principles. And we're happy that we've been able to establish a good working rapport with our counterparts in the Union for a Popular Majority."

Asked about the party's focus going forward, the spokesman said, "Trying to get the word out about the newly revamped United Democratic Economies Treaty, which we encourage all nations to work toward ratifying. The UDE serves as a model of worker-led cooperative economics, as a counterpoint to the totalitarian heirarchies of capitalism. UDE Treaty nations will receive favorable trade status with Kundrati."

Nations who are interested may view information about the UDE treaty here: ... atyid=2863

The UDE treaty strengthens union rights and contains at its core a requirement that all or most industry be run by democratically run worker councils. "Kundrati is fully united in supporting this treaty - we have agreement from our counterparts in the Union for a Popular Majority party to ratify it in our own nation," said the party spokesman. "We encourage the workers of all nations to press their governments to change national legislation to comply with the UDE treaty."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:23 pm
by Impert
A New Century for the World, a New Era for the Kundrati Union

In a very unexpected result, the year 4000 elections in the Kundrati Union ended with a surprisingly strong performance by the newly formed Arrazoia eta Tradizioa Mugimendua [Reason and Tradition Movement].

The newly formed party, a coalition of smaller, local conservative movements, won 189 senate seats. Polls show that this result was from a huge turnout from voters who haven't gone to the polls in the past. the party didn't gain much traction in the Northern departments of Lirnak or Peghonai. However, the party had huge turnout in Jildrath, Celania, and Pilgon. The party won over 70% of the vote in Jildrath, about 51% in Celania, and 44% in Pilgon.

When reached for comment, the party leader Alesander Zorion said, "The people of Kundrati have signaled not just to the corrupt Union for a Popular Movement that they are sick and tired of a 1 party system, especially when that dominant party is run by politicians who are extremely cozy with communist extremist politicians, but also to the entire world that the Kundrati Union will begin to be a major player in the international community."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:33 am
by SSR
September 4013

Statesman of Kundrati for Self Reliance choose a new Secretary General

The founder of the movement, George Texacano announced his retirement and praised the Kundrati people for increasingly supporting the ideals of the SKSR for the past 13 years. "Its an amazing thing we have done here. We have proven that it is not a requirement to have big money donors to advance the agenda of freedom. The people are finally starting to see the light. The people are starting to see that having a big government that controls a large percentage of their income is not freedom. Thanks to the pressure from the people, we are starting to see some small changes. But it is time for me to step aside and allow a new Secretary General to take the movement forward."

After four failed attempts to win the Consular Election, it is believed that many of Mr. Texacano's supporters urged him to step aside.


SKSR Secretary General Spurius Severianus

In a convention held at a rented hall in Kasaema, A large group of citizens gathered and voted for a new leader of the movement. The SKSR has no official membership but it was clearly obvious that the people at the convention support the fundamentals of the party that have been implemented by Texacano and his followers. After two days of deliberation amongst the convention goers, a majority finally selected Spurius Severianus as the new Secretary General. Severianus has been a key spokesman for SKSR values in the Senate for several years now and most convention goers seems very pleased with the outcome, and very proud to be part of the process.

"I intend to continue what our founder started.", stated Severianus. "Statesmen and women of Kundrati will be free at last from Tyrannous taxes and regulations. The next elections will be historic for Kundrati. The time has come for the shackles of an overbearing Federal Government to be removed."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:43 am
by SSR
March 4021

Last August will go down as a historic moment in Kundrati History. Majority rule of the Union for a Popular Movement has been broken in the Senate. A couple months ago, a new coalition government was formed by the Statesmen of Kundrati for Self Reliance, and the Collective Anarchist Party with Spurius Severianus taking the title of Tribune. This is the First time in over a century that the government has not been entirely dominated by the UPM. The following is a statement from Tribune Severianus,
"We are honored and humbled by the Kundrati people for having the courage to vote for change. Working with our friends at the Collective Anarchist Party, we finally have a government that truly represents all of the people. We are pressing forward with changes that we promised. Soon, the New Liberty act and the Freedom act will take effect. We have taken action to expand freedom and liberty for all Kundrati Citizens. Because we have been largely ignored for decades, we have been forced to exclude the Union for a Popular Movement from the Cabinet. We hope this is only a temporary situation. Respect and recognize that the UPM has been the traditional ruling party of Kundrati for several generations and we respect that this has been the will of the people. I look forward to working with Consul Cincinnatus but he must understand that the Stale policies of the past need to be changed. The people have spoken and I will heed their mandate."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 10:00 pm
by SSR
Historic Election sees the Union for a Popular Movement lose the Consular Office for the first time in over a century

March 4035

A victory for Alcaeus Sophos of the Statesmen of Kundrati for Self Reliance came as no surprise for most, considering the poll numbers prior to the election and ever increasing popularity of the SKSR. Alcaeus Sophos has been the Tribune of Kundrati for the past four years. As Tribune, Sophos focus on streamlining government services and returning surplus tax money to the taxpayers has proven extremely popular amongst Kundrati citizens. Many have criticized this policy as pandering but it is consistent with SKSR message of limited government.

Alcaeus Sophos

Here is a portion of Consul Sophos acceptance speech.

"I want to thank the citizens of Kundrati. I am truly humbled by the faith you have shown in me. I would like to thank the Collective Anarchist Party for their support in helping us win this historic election. We have a great team in place running the government. The results of this election makes the team even stronger now with control of the Consular office, and pending approval from the Senate, electing a member of the Collective Anarchist Party to replace me in the Tribune's Office. With the CAP focused on domestic and social services, and the SKSR focused on foreign affairs and government efficiency, we will continue to cut waste and abuse out of all government institutions. I will continue to ensure civil liberties for all Kundrati Citizens. If you are not harming anyone, I will do everything in my power to keep the government out of your way. It is pretty amazing to be the first person, who is not a member of the Union for a Popular movement, to be elected to the highest office in the land in over 100 years."

Sophos went on to say....

"The Pirate Front and The Union for a Popular movement represent a huge portion of the population and I would like the government of Kundrati to be all inclusive to all political parties. We at the SKSR are open to including the Pirate Front and the UPM in the cabinet. Our party will entertain any reasonable cabinet proposals that include all parties but it is of course only fair the Collective Anarchist Party take the position of Tribune, considering they are the 2nd largest party in the Senate by quite a large margin."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:45 pm
by SSR
August 4061

The Statesmen of Kundrati for Self Reliance Declare Victory. The name of the nation is to be changed to the Kundrati Confederation

Tribune Telesphoros Festus

The Statesmen of Kundrati for Self Reliance, a movement that began over 60 years ago has finally achieved the Dream of the organization's founder, George Texacano. Tribune Telesphoros Festus gave a speech today declaring victory.

"A 60 year old dream has become a reality. The past 60 years have been a long and glorious battle which we have finally won. No longer is Kundrati a nation controlled by a Tyrannical, Dictatorial government. No longer is the nation controlled by nepotistic bureaucrats. Kundrati is now controlled by the free will of her citizens. We have proven that the Kundrati people are not children. They are capable of making their own decisions. For every child born in Kundrati, the sky is not even the limit. Anyone willing to work hard can start a successful business. Unemployment is lower than it has ever been. Taxes are so low that you barely notice them. Kundrati's Departments are the hubs for countless international businesses, employing millions of Kundrati workers. From the Largest Corporations, to the smallest start up companies, Kundrati is the friendliest place on Terra for businesses, and it is about to get even better. We just got word from Consul Cha that the Collective Anarchist Party has agreed to sign the Compromise of 4060. This action will ratify the Artarian Economic Pact which will help spread Kundrati prosperity across the continent while increasing Kundrati Exports. The Compromise moves our nation forward with a new name for the nation. The Kundrati Confederation is the envy of the world. The most open, freest, prosperous nation on the planet. Working with local governments in the 5 departments of the Confederation, we have created a national defense pact that will ensure peace in Kundrati long into the future. Enjoy Life! Enjoy Freedom! You have earned it."

Even with the SKSR declaring victory, there are some in the minoriy Union for a Popular Movement that are still calling foul, remembering that the Consular Election of February 4059 was won by the UPM, only to have new elections called by the Senate in July of 4059 in which the Consular office was retaken by Nason Cha with SKSR support, with Former Consul Valerius Poplicola stating that, "This massive subversion of democracy will not stand". Considering that in July of 4059, Valerius Poplicola only won 20.56% of the vote, this statement seems to have mostly fallen on deaf ears.

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:03 pm
by SSR
July 4065

Union for a Popular Movement wins Historic Election

With the Announcement that Nason Cha would not run for re-election, the Collective Anarchist Party leadership has completely dissolved. Most CAP supporters seem to have sided with the Union for a Popular Movement based on the results of this election. Outgoing Tribune Theodoros Herakleios was gracious in defeat and is feeling optimistic for the future.

Here is an excerpt for an interview with Mr. Herakleios,

"Its a shame to see the end of the Collective Anarchist Party because we have really worked well together over the past several years. I'm confident that Consul Geta will do a good job as a replacement to Consul Cha. I think he understands that the state of the Confederation is strong and that we don't need to make any major policy changes. As usual, the SKSR spends very little money on political advertising but in this election it seems that political ads made an impact. I'm not concerned. Honestly, I think a lot of us in the SKSR organization can use a bit of a break from public service. I think in the next election the SKSR will come back refreshed and revitalized. I also think that the new conservative party will play a positive role in Kundrati politics in the coming years. Historically the UPM don't make massive policy changes so we feel comfortable that the next 3 years will be prosperous ones."

Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 10:40 pm
by SSR
February 7th 4078

SKSR Convention Bombed!


A nation is mourning this evening after the Statesmen of Kundrati for Self Reliance convention of 4078 was bombed. Early reports are coming in state that there are several hundred dead, including most SKSR organization leaders and Senators. Police are trying to figure out who is responsible. It is unclear at the moment. Authorities really have no idea at the moment. Could it be rival politicians, foreigners, or home grown terrorists? What does this mean for the Kundrati Confederation? Only time will tell.