
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:56 am

OOC: You are getting out of line here. Aside from being unrealistic, you have killed one of my characters without my permission (the President's personal secretary). Either consult with me or stop once and all. Is that understood?

Needless to say I won't recognize your recent "attacks."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:18 am

The Foreign Affairs Ministry grants asylum to former UNT ambassador Nico Neesam

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- The Foreign Affairs Ministry announced today that it was granting political asylum to former UNT ambassador Nico Neesam. According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry "Hobrazia has initiated a period of radical violence and unjust punishment for its citizens." A spokesperson for the Ministry did not indicate when the decision was made but indicated that "no one had any doubts that it had to be done in order to protect his life."

In its announcement, the Foreign Affairs Ministry indicated that Ambassador Neesam would not be extradited under any circumstances and that the Ministry will deny all extradition requests for Mr. Nico Neesam from Hobrazia.

The President's Office congratulated the decision made by the Foreign Affairs Ministry. "This was the right decision to take. Ambassador Nico Neesam would have received a cruel punishment in his country for absolutely no reason. The current government of Hobrazia is simply too radical and too violent."

According to sources, the ambassador will receive round the clock protection for an indefinite amount of time.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby YankeeHater » Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:55 pm

BDF Challenges Asylum for Nico Neesam

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- The Bloc Defense Fund filed a lawsuit today challenging the granting of asylum to Nico Neesam. Citing illegal immigrant laws, the group submitted a brief claiming the Foreign Ministry is obligated to expel Nico Neesam and requested he be taken into custody pending a decision by the Supreme Court.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:56 am

President Kynes announces the creation of a new Task Group, expands quarantine zone

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- President Kynes issued an executive order early this morning to create a new Task Group code named Alpha One Interceptors. The mission of the Task Group is classified at the moment. For those of you who don't know what a Task Group is, a Task Group is the name given to a group of vessels with a specific mission. Tasks Groups are usually dissolved after the mission is over. The impressive Task Group assembled includes several battleships, destroyers, cruisers, and submarines.

LCN calls to the Defense Ministry with respect to the mission have gone unanswered. Experts have indicated that there are two likely options: Either this Task Group will be participating in the upcoming training exercises by NATO or it is in response to the recent advancement of the GPO Fleet towards Trigunia. Charles McDonald, former assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense has indicated that such Task Groups are usually created for training exercises. "I have seen this in many cases when we have had training exercises both by ourselves or with NATO allies. Obviously, Task Groups are also assembled for other specific missions as well. If I had to guess, I would say they are going to train. I am, however, a bit surprised that they haven't came out to say it is just for training. That's a little unusual for them and the reason why I am not completely sure this Task Group will be part of the training exercises."

President Kynes also ordered the quarantine zone to be expanded with the addition of carrier group X to the First Fleet. According to the executive order, the carrier group will patrol the area between Telamon and Dolgaria, which happens to be just miles of the territorial waters of Trigunia.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:00 pm

Quarantine Zone reduced to its original size

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- President Kynes issued an executive order ordering Carrier Gropu X to replace Carrier Group II effectively reducing the quarantine zone to its previous size.

Many experts indicated that the reason the quarantine zone had been expanded was due to the situation in Trigunia. However, government officials denied such claims saying that the decision was made before the Trigunian situation flared up.

Also in the executive order, the President ordered Carrier Group II to move to an undisclosed location.

NATO confirms training exercises

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Today, Defense Minister Michael J. Johnson confirmed the much speculated training exercises in a rare interview granted to LCN. Here's a preview of the interview.

Reporter: Minister Johnson, there is some speculation floating around indicating the NATO is assembling a training exercise. Is that correct?

Minister Johnson: Well, I usually don't have an opinion on speculations but yes, NATO is going to have a training exercise very soon.

R: Are the recent classified movements of the Navy for this exercise?

MJ: I cannot confirm nor deny that.

R: How large is this training exercise going to be?

MJ: We are going to have one of the largest training exercises this world has ever seen. Certainly, it will be the largest in NATO's history.

R: Who is participating?

MJ: I cannot disclose that information yet. I can confirm our participation and the participation of several other countries.

Stay tuned tonight for more of this interview.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:23 am

President makes a statement about the quarantine

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Earlier today, President Kynes gave an unexpected statement at a press conference. The weekly press conference, where the Prime Minister usually makes a few statements about the news of the week and answers questions from reporters, quickly changed from a regular one to a very critical one.

As usual, the Prime Minister walked out with her well-known Deputy but soon thereafter, President Kynes walked out into the room. Reporters were shocked to see the President walk out of the room unexpectedly, it only happes when something important is about to occur. Quickly reporters starting taking dozens of pictures and began to scramble around. Quickly, the room went quiet and the President began to address the crowd:

"Ladies and gentleman, good morning. I apologize for this unexpected situation. In the couple of weeks, the Foreign Affairs Ministry has received communication from several countries expressing their worry about the quarantine currently in effect. We have taken these messages very seriously and we are currently re-evaluating our quarantine zone.

While we have not reached a final decision yet, we will be working with the aforementioned governments in order to minimize any possible interruption of trade and transport. Our government is committed to making sure that all vessels' integrity are protected and that trade goes as smooth as possible throughout this area.

We are working with our colleagues in Luthori to try to reach a consensus as to where our quarantine zone will be located.

Again, we are working very hard to ensure that trade goes as smooth as possible. Among the possible options, we are considering allowing a passage bordering our quarantine zone where ships will be allowed to travel freely without any interruptions. However, I will stress this: All option are being thoroughly considered and our decision will depend heavily on the assistance of other government in tracking down this barbarous terrorists who have inflicted pain upon our nation.

We are not rushing to make any decisions and we ask all the countries to please work with us and not to take any bold action that may lead to a conflict. Lodamun will never incite violence nor will we sponsor it. We are working tirelessly to ensure that our country stays safe and that other countries are not harmed by our protective measures.

Once again, I call upon all of those who have expressed their concern with our quarantine to keep working with us in this issue and to be patient. We are evaluating all options at this point and we will not rush to make any decision.

Thank you very much."

With those words, President Kynes quickly left the room. Reporters were very quick to jump and ask questions to the Prime Minister, who quickly made the following statement:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President made a very clear statement. We are working with several countries in this issue. All options are currently being considered. Lodamun is committed to protect our citizens but we must also be aware of the possible harm this may cause to other countries. Our nation is built upon values of peace and stability. We hold those values dearly. I will not make any further comments about this issue as this moment."

The Prime Minister quickly moved on to another topic.

This does not come as a shock to many experts who have previously stated the willingness the Kynes Administration has always had to listen to other governments and take their opinion into consideration. " Honestly, I am not surprised at all. Mr. Kynes has always been a diplomat and he will always be. He knows how to negotiate and he is very neutral person. He likes to get what he wants but he also knows how to give. This game is about give and take and he is one of the best at it" said political analyst Jason Kuber. Other political analysts were a bit surprised at the timing of the announcement but not too surprised. "I am a bit surprised about the timing. They haven't reached a decision yet, there is no need to tell the public yet if there is no substance. They may have wanted to calm the international community but they could have simply sent a message. I do see this as a good move. Sooner or later, they would have encountered this problem. I think the Administration is handling it pretty well" said political contributor Ashton Loles.

Both the Presidential Office and the Foreign Affairs Office have not return our calls for additional statements.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:16 am

Quarantine Zone relocated, Freeway Paths created

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Today, President Kynes issued an executive order to relocated the quarantine zone and create Freeway Paths. The new location of the quarantine zone allows for ships to freely cross through a section of the Egelion-Lodamun Sea without being inspected or boarded. On the west side of the quarantine zone, another pathway was created for the same purpose. Both entrances and exits will be patrolled by Lodamese and Luthori's Navies to ensure Nova Terran ships do not try to cross through.

This news does not come as a surprise. Three days ago, President Kynes indicated in a press conference that options were being discussed and mentioned this as a possible alternative.

This alternative allows for vessels to freely cross the Egelion-Lodamun Sea without any interruptions to trade, one of the main concerns raised by some governments.

No response has yet been received by the international community.

The following is the executive order text:

By the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United Republics of Lodamun, I hereby order the following:

1- The quarantine zone shall be relocated as established by this map (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2991/q ... oposal.jpg ).

2- Freeway Paths shall be created for the free and uninterrupted movement of vessels.

3- All the entrance and exits to the Pathways will be carefully inspected by the Lodamese Navy to ensure no Nova Terran ships pass through. This will be surveillance only. Interception will only occur when Nova Terran ships try to enter the pathways.

4- Rules of engagement will remain active in the quarantine zone.

5- The Second Fleet will patrol the area previously designated plus the pathways entrance and exit on the east coast of Lodamun between Lodamuna and Egelion.

6- The First Fleet will patrol the area previously designated plus aide Luthori in patrolling the entrance and exits to the Pathways bordering Telamon.

7- The Fifth Fleet will patrol the area previously designated and await further instructions.


Jonathan Kynes
President of the United Republics of Lodamun
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:32 pm

Early Elections!

In a totally surprising and completely unexpected move, the Liberal Party requested for early elections and got their wish fulfilled in no time! Somebody must like Mr. Kynes very much! We are truly excited about the outcome.


And you will not believe this amazing result. The Liberal Party has won. Stupid opposition proposing bills again...

We are tired of legislative procedures! We want early elections! The people demand it!
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:29 pm

Prime Minister denies Hobrazian government's accusations

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- In her weekly press conference, Prime Minister Patricia K. Johnson bluntly denied the accusations made by the Hobrazian government. "Lodamun is not responsible for the attacks in Hobrazia. We are not terrorists like they are nor do we use violence as a mean of communication. The so called evidence produced by that government is false at best. The fact of the matter is that our embassy has been closed down for months already. We decided that our staff there was not safe after an incident with the police occurred where one of our foreign service personnel was arrested for trying to get inside the embassy through the back entrance. Our staff was removed from Hobrazia a week after the incident amongst concerns for their safety. This incident coincided with the passing of the Parliament's resolution Official Policy of Lodamun towards the current government of Hobrazia. We had double incentive to pull our staff.

As you all know, we do not have any diplomatic relations with the government of Hobrazia but we do not use their methods to get our point across. We talk, we discuss, we debate, we compromise. They shoot, they torture, they kill.

The CIOA (Central Intelligence Operations Agency) has indicated that they have reliable sources all stating that this is a plot by Hobrazia's own government to divert the attention away from their horrendous civil rights record and their acts of terrorism.

We ask the international community not to fall for this lie. Hobrazia is no more than a Nova Terra's puppet who only seek the destruction of our society.

Thank you."

With that statement, the Prime Minister moved on to talk about the newly established quarantine zone.


Prime Minister Johnson during her weekly press conference
Last edited by Mr.Yankees on Sun May 17, 2009 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:19 pm


We bring forth one of the most shocking and amazingly bewildering events that have marked the history of Lodamun, like, ever! It is truly a dearly most memorial day for our tradition, our culture, our land! May the glorious reign and power of Lodamun stand throughout the ages and rule the world. A truly surprising event, that threw down even the most wise, that crushed the foundations of certainty and most effectively proved that glory is all that stands for the political background of Lodamun!


Ladies and gentlemen, we just had early elections in Lodamun and the Liberal Party won. Goodnight.
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