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Re: Suyu Llaqta World Service

Postby jamescfm » Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:52 pm

Suyu Llaqta Free Press
Istapalian Visit Ends Without Agreement

15th February 4475

The highly anticipated visit to Suyu Llaqta of Istapalian President Necaquetzal Hei concluded this evening, without any further progress on resolving the ongoing trade and border disputes between the two nations. Following an intense week of meetings and conferences with the Llaqta government as well as various other figures in the dispute, it was announced by the Llaqta Head of State Chinpukusi Malqui that no agreement could be reached. Despite calling the visit a "disappointing missed opportunity", Malqui notably did not apportion blame for the lack of a deal instead saying that "vast differences in policy remain between the two governments".

Long queues continue at the border between the two countries

As a consequence, large portions of the Llaqta-Istapalian border remain closed in both directions with further sections restricted to one way travel, as has been the case for several months. The border closures were a recent development in a decades long history of poor relations between the two neighbouring states, which has its roots in the Treaty of Matidenas, the Socialist Alliance of Dovani and the 4315 coup in Suyu Llaqta which deposed a government accused of being under Istapalian influence. These underlying tensions were brought to the surface again last year when the Llaqta government issued an ultimatum to Istapali, urging them to control the flow of illegal drugs into Suyu Llaqta or face border closures.

Critics and politicians remain hopeful that the two sides will be able to resolve these ongoing disputes peacefully, though, with another meeting between the two governments scheduled in several weeks time and an assurance from Istapali that they would not seek to further increase import tariffs on Llaqta goods after a substantial rise in January. Opposition parties in Istapali have raised questions of the manner in which the government has handled the matter, however, and the President has been condemned for his visit to a "right wing dictatorship" by the Socialist Party. With legislative elections looming, a change in the balance of power could complicate the process significantly.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta World Service

Postby jamescfm » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:34 pm

Llaqta Weekly News
Protests As Court Upholds Controversial Voting Legislation

3rd March 4484

Widespread protests have broken out across the country following the High Court of Suyu Llaqta's decision not to overturn the Electoral Integrity Act (4483) ahead of July's legislative elections. Attention has been focused on the High Court ever since the legislation was passed last November and it has been touted as an crucial test of judicial independence following various reforms to the court system imposed throughout last year. The Court's verdict was reached sooner than expected, with many using this as evidence of the lack of proper scrutiny applied to the bill.

Chinpukusi Malqui, the driving force behind the voting legislation and judicial reforms

The legislation in question was passed by the National People's Council under pressure from Head of State Chinpukusi Malqui, following allegations during his previous election campaign that opposition parties were, in his words, "shipping voters across the border in order to institute regime change". Although he was re-elected, Malqui received his smallest share of the vote since he was first elected in 4467. Critics have suggested that the legislation is simply an attempt to disenfranchise first and second generation migrants, who tend to support opposition political parties, by requiring that they obtain a special "new voter" card.

The High Court's decision had been seen as the first test of the body's willingness to hold the government to account following reforms which, according to critics, have severely weakened its independence. Instituted last year, among the most significant reforms were an increase in the number of justices from seven to eleven and the imposition of a mandatory retirement age of seventy. Consequently, Malqui was able to appoint five new justices and will be able to appoint two more within the next eighteen months.

Speaking from a rally in the capital of Niederung, opposition Democratic Voice leader Thanapoom Sirishumsaeng was scathing of both the High Court and the government: "Malqui and the Council have conspired to deny millions of our citizens a right to express their will in a democratic election, these are good, hardworking citizens- like my parents- who came to Suyu Llaqta to benefit themselves and the nation. On top of that, the body which is supposed to defend our rights, the High Court, has enabled this crime, primarily because its integrity has been totally eroded by government meddling". After the verdict was announced, the Democratic Voice website contained a statement indicating that there would be "severe consequences" for this decision.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta World Service

Postby jamescfm » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:36 pm

Crackdown On Opposition Following Protests
Government utilises public order legislation to arrest various opposition leaders and prominent critics

Wednesday 26th March, 4490

The governing National Action Party in Suyu Llaqta has announced a major toughening of its position on critics and opposition leaders in response to large protests across the country against government policy. Speaking to the nation late yesterday evening, Minister of Law and Order Wayanay Paucarchuco announced that individuals and groups who sought to "undermine the rule of law and incite violence against citizens would be dealt with, feeling the full force of the law".
Above: Riot police respond to demonstrations against the government in the northern city of Carhuamentel, reports vary as to the conduct of the protesters

Since then, reports suggest that many members of the leadership of the Democratic Worker's Party and Democratic Voice have been arrested by police. The parties are the nation's two largest opposition organisations but are not permitted to contest elections under electoral law set by the government. In addition, several non-governmental organisations deemed hostile to the government have had their leaders taken in for questioning, notably the mineworkers and transport labour unions.

The government's crack down follows two weeks of protests in various locations across the country, initially triggered by the banning of the Llaqta Weekly News. The largest and most violent protests have been reported in the northern industrial city of Carhuamentel, with several deaths and numerous injuries being reported. Democratic Worker's Party leader Aukasisa Sianquiz was at the forefront of the protests in the city, with Paucarchuco highlighting this as part of the basis for the government's decision to harden their stance on dissenters.

The arrests were conducted by the special branch of the police force tasked with internal security: the Nationaler Sicherheitsdienst, often shortened to Nasicher. Although little is known for sure about this clandestine organisation, accounts from those who have been questioned or arrested by the force suggest they operate particularly draconian and brutal methods. Physical torture is not uncommon for individuals associated with "groups spreading public disorder" and some families report that relatives who were taken by the Nasicher never returned.
Llaqta Weekly News is a banned newspaper in Suyu Llaqta. It operates from Istapali and utilises a network of secret reporters to gain first hand information from the country.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta World Service

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 08, 2018 9:14 pm

Defence Pact Signed With Liore Amid Tensions
Rawa Hualla Allcca welcomes Liori leader to capital in response to continental summit in Istapali

Thursday 8th March, 4497

The recently elected Llaqta Head of State Rawa Hualla Allcca has welcomed Rudá Moriharu, the National Director of Liore, and his government to Niederung in order to sign a historic alliance between the two nations, pledging to defend each other against outside threats. The agreement is perceived as a response to the recent Matidenas Conference in Istapali, where leaders from seven nations across Dovani convened to discuss the threat posed by anti-democratic regimes in northern Dovani.
Above: Llaqta Head of State Rawa Hualla Allcca has sought to strengthen the position of the nation by forming a defensive alliance with Liore

Hualla Allcca commented that Liore and Suyu Llaqta would be the "sole nations in northern Dovani committed to non-interference and self-government, an axis of sovereignty in the region", leading many to refer to the alliance as the "Axis of Dovani". In addition to mutual defence, the agreement contains provisions which enable the governments to coordinate strategy on security. Both governments were fiercely critical of the Matidenas Conference to the media during the visit, referring to it as "an attempt to institute a new colonial regime in Dovani".

Both nations have also withdrawn their delegations from the World Congress, highlighting the permanent member status as a "hallmark of embedded colonialist attitudes". Despite pressure from Lourenne and Kanjor among others, the World Congress Security Council has so far taken no action against either Liore, Suyu Llaqta or Utari Mosir. Several nations have implemented economic sanctions against the latter two nations, however, and this is beginning to impact the price of certain imported goods.

While the visit of Moriharu was onging, non-governmental organisation the Human Rights Foundation issued a new report highlighting the scale of abductions and forced disappearances in Suyu Llaqta. Over the last five years, over ten thousand people are believed to have been secretly imprisoned or executed by the Nasicher, the country's internal security service. The primary targets have been democratic and left-wing individuals as well as certain minority groups like the Klikut.
Llaqta Weekly News is a banned newspaper in Suyu Llaqta. It operates from Istapali and utilises a network of secret reporters to gain first hand information from the country.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta World Service

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:05 pm

Suyu Llaqtese government refuses dorvish ultimatum
The government of Suyu Llaqta led by Bautista Varela has rejected the ultimatum given to them by Dorvik

8th June, 4611

Unsuprisingly after given the ultimatum by the dorvish government the government of Suyu Llaqta has rejected the given ultimatum stating that the demands are a "major violation of our country its sovereignty" and urging the international community to do "whatever necessary" to stop Dorvik in enforcing its demands.
The leader of the nation, Bautista Varela, held a televised speech urging his fellow countrymen to "take up arms" if Dorvik would attempt a military invasion of the nation. The army of Suyu Llaqta is big but ill equipped and trained with most in it conscripted through the country's conscription laws. It is estimated that Suyu Llaqta has a standing army of 400.000 with only around 50.000 of them properly trained. Most of the equipment in the armed forces is old and the airforce still uses third generation jet fighters. despite this many believe that the country can muster over a million men in total if it wants to and Varela hopes to achieve dominance by numbers in case of conflict. But as war seems inevitable many within the nation itself do not want war and opposition figures are taking this opportunity to stir up unrest in the Dovani nation.

It remains to be seen how this tense situation may be resolved.

Soldiers of the People's Army, the army of Suyu Llaqta, during a training exercise
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:43 am

OOC Source: Glamtush

Niederung: The Central Committee of the Communist Party has appointed Usian Azizi as the new Chairman of the Communist Party, making the 55 year old the new HOG and HOS of the Democratic People's Republic of Suyu Llaqta. Its been around 400 years since the Dorvish installed federal government was overthrown for the new communist government, marking a anniversary of the communist regime in the coming years. The new People's Republic was installed after years of armed struggle meant an end for the struggling federal government installed by the then dorvish military administration. Continued corruption, a lack of economic progress and deep poverty were some of the reasons the old government failed to materialize. Despite Dorvish military support the Suyu Llaqtese Liberation Front managed to topple the Niederung government and install a communist state. The diverse nature of Suyu Llaqta meant that until then mostly federal states had governed the country. Under the communists this changed, as a unitary communist state was established. Only local communist party affiliates and "people's states" would be present for the communities, but these would all operate under the national governments umbrella. This dynamic has worked so far as the communist government managed to keep the populace happy with generous social welfare programs and a stable environment. New Chairman of the Communist Party Usian Azizi comes in at a time that productivity is lowering and the economy is in dire shape. Azizi, who himself rose from the lower echelons of the communist apparatus to become its most prominent figure, has come into leadership on a pledge of economic renewal and a emphasize on "our collective history as Suyu Llaqtese people". Azizi is however seen as extremely authoritarian, becoming the chairman thanks in large part to taking out his political oppossition. He is also seen as a military man, having pledged to strengthen the People's Armed Forces and "protect the revolution at all costs". Small rumblings of political dissent in recent years has put cracks into the regime its legitimacy, but with a new strongman at the helm many wonder if the communist regime is able to reaffirm its power and position and continue its streak of stable governance under Azizi.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:36 pm

OOC Source: Stars and Stripes

Niederung: Chairman of the Communist Party Usian Azizi has, in a press conference, announced his intend to push through a bill that would dramatically inscrease the size and budget of the Suyu Llaqtese military. The bill, named SL-001, would see the military budget increased by 1 billion, amounting to a total of 7 billion, with conscription reintroduced to bump military personel to a desired 1 million active duty soldiers. Furthermore some reforms are proposed, such as a change in military doctrine and the reorganization into military divisions and armies. The new doctrine would focus on "a combination of overwhelming numbers and firepower" with the majority of the new budget going to buying equipment and ammunition for new soldiers, improving communications equipment and buying "firepower" in the form of heavy artillery and armoured vehicles. A lump sum ammounting to over 2 billion will also be invested to buy this equipment. The reforms, expansions and changes are meant to, "Prepare Suyu Llaqta for any eventuality and protect the Communist Revolution." The program would make the Suyu Llaqtese military one of the largest in Dovani and the world, with most equipment being eyed upon being older reserve equipment from nations such as Trigunia. Analysts believe the proposed expansion of the military is also meant to stir up patriotism and distract from economic trouble that is still influencing Suyu Llaqta. Furthermore the Suyu Llaqtese government is affraid of the Kitembo Union its growing influence, with the nation also having a majority Kitembo population many in SL leadership fear the KU might try to stir unionist sentiments, trying to lure Suyu Llaqta into joining the union. This expansion is meant as a warning signal, hopefully dettering neighbours and other powers from trying to influence Suyu Llaqta. Economists however believe it will further plunge the nation into debt and economic decline due to tis costs, with the government seemingly continuing to stick to the planned economy, with no signs of economic reforms to stem the growing crisis.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:19 am

OOC Source: Reddit

Niederung: In the capital of Niederung shots, smoke and screams could be heard and seen throughout the day as a alledged coup staged by a group of army officers was underway. Over the course of the last 2 months tension between the army and communist government were boiling as economic hardships caused the government to announce cuts in the military budget and in the salaries of officers and other leading personell. This resulted in countless of officers, generals and other high ranking military officials to protest and now with the apparent coup of the government. The coup was underway all day, resulting in at least 12 deaths, some heavy skirmishes in the city centre and in the end the arrest of the entire politburo of the Communist Party and the military taking over all government buildings in the capital. There seems to however be confusion as to who supports the coup, units if the army stationed around the capital have participated in it, establishing checkpoints and locking down the city, while units in other areas of the country have stayed in their barracks seemingly non supportive of the move. On the streets unrest is growing, with many of the people supportive of the government its move to cut military spending and attempt to revitalize the Llaqtese economy, many have now taken to the streets protesting the apparent coup. In a written statement, the coup committers, calling themselves the "State Committee for National Salvation" have announced that the Communist Party has hereby been outlawed, its offices and possessions confiscated and its leaders arrested and that a new provisional military administration will take control of the country. But while this surely seems to be the cause in the capital and several other cities, rural communist party buildings and organizational structures remain intact with many now organizing popular protests against the coup. Is this the end to 200 years of uninterupted communist rule? Or have the coup takers made a fatal mistake?
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:08 am

OOC Source: Africanews

Niederung: Leaders of the new military junta have caved in to massive civil unrest and mutinees in their own ranks by announcing that the provisional military administration will hold a constitutional convention in 10 months time to determine the composition of a new civilian government after the old communist government structure collapsed as elements of the army staged a coup. While local communist party offices still organized protests and tried to maintain control, over 80% of the country has now been rid of communist control as the military has largely managed to take over major portions of the country. The remnants of communist supporters and hundreds of other oppossition groups demanded a return to civilian governance in the last two months, with over 2 million people taking to the streets over that period and elements of the army itself announcing to side with the protestors. This gave no choice to the ruling body of the Junta, the State Committee for National Salvation, but to call for a convention that will determine the future of Suyu Llaqta. During the next 10 months, a provisional legislative council will be established with half of the seats belonging to the military and the other half to military appointed civilians. This council its main task will be to gather constitutional drafts from different groups, select the few viable ideas and then present a slate of no more then 4 constitutions to be voted on in a national referendum as well as in the council itself through a convention afterwards. The idea adopted in the referendum and confirmed in the council will end up being the new constitution of Suyu Llaqta and mark the return of civilian governance.

Liberals, conservatives, centrists and socialists have come together to draft their own version of a new constitution, likely to be a democratic constitution, while the military is working to make its own draft as well as the communists and other far-left groups making their own in the hopes of returning communist rule to the country. Until the new constitution is adopted, the SCNS will govern the country, meaning the next 10 months will see military rule in Suyu Llaqta.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:02 am

OOC Source: Bloomberg.com

Niederung: Suyu Llaqta is likely going to be a Federal Semi-Presidential Republic, at least if results of the referendum and the provisional council vote are to be believed. For over 10 months different sides clashed both on the debate stage and on the streets to campaign for their respective constitution, with in the end three constitutions being offered for a vote in a national referendum. The military came up with its own constitution, which would create a full presidential unitary republic with a president elected through popular vote but extensive powers for the military, such as a reserved amount of seats in parliament and the right to intervene in politics, the military argued that such a system would help stabilize Suyu Llaqta and prevent instability from weakening the country. Far-left and communist politicians had a simple proposal, restore the constitution of the previous government and thus restore communist rule, arguing that the coup was illegitimate and should thus be reversed. Liberals, conservatives, socialists and centrist had come together to write a fully democratic constitution, which would have transformed Suyu Llaqta into a Federal Parliamentary Republic with a freely elected legislature and basic rights guarenteed in the constitution. This last proposal was accepted by referendum, with over 58% of voters voting in favour of this constitution which automatically moved it to the Provisional Council for a approving vote. But instead of fully accepting the vote and voting for the constitution, the military councillors refused to vote unless ammendments on the constitution were passed, without their vote a vote could not be held as they hold half of seats in the council. After over a week of banck and forth and tension in the chamber and the streets, the two sides came to a agreement. The office of president, weak in the proposed constitution, would gain a bigger role. Instead of being appointed by parliament the presidency would be elected directly by the people for a non-renewable 8 year term, meaning the president can only serve one 8 year term. The president would furthermore gain more powers. While in the proposed constitution he or she would have been granted only a ceremonial role with some small administrative duties, in the new ammended proposal the President would be the "overseer of the state" and gain the authority to appoint and dismiss federal judges, grant honours, pardon individuals, disband parliament with the only condition being a gridlock in parliament that "threatens state stability", appoint the Chancellor, be in charge of foreign policy, be the head of the Armed Forces, dismiss the government (triggering elections) and signing bills into law (not signing a law means it wont pass, only a 2/3rd parliamentary majority may overwrite such a veto.)

Other provisions in the proposed constitution would remain the same. The country would be divided into 10 states (Bundeslander), all gaining their own elected parliament, government and the right to legislate most of their own affairs. They would work in a parliamentary framework, with their parliament appointing their government and having the last say in most matters. Only in the affairs of Justice, Monetary Policy, Military Policy, Foreign Affairs, Currency and everything set in law in the constitution the states have no right to legislate. Most other domestic legislation and financial policies may be legislated by the states while the federal government may also legislate these matters but, most of the time, their legislation doesnt overwrite state legislation (except in some cases such as economic and overarching topics.) The earlier proposed parliamentary system will thus not be translated into the federal government. The parliament, a unicameral chamber named the Bundesversammlung (Federal Assembly) will consist of 650 members elected through a proportional election every 4 years. The Bundesversammlung is the main legislative body of the federal government and approves or denies government policies, legislates a wide variety of topics, approves a Chancellor presented government and may issue out reports, investigations and guidelines through its many commissions. The government itself is headed by the Chancellor, appointed by the President after each legislative election. He or she may, after being appointed, present their government to the Bundesversammlung which can then deny or approve it. The Chancellor is the head of government and may dimiss individual ministers, create new ministries upon creating the government and heads most aspects of the federal government, with the President as mentioned before serving in a overseer role. The Chancellor, and in turn the entire government, may however be dismissed by the President which triggers an immediate election again.

After these ammendments, the proposal for a new constitution was approved, with Suyu Llaqta officially being renamed into the Federal Republic of Suyu Llaqta (Bundesrepublik Suyu Llaqta) and becoming a Federal Semi-Presidential Republic. With the proposal adopted, the Provisional Council also immediately announced a date for the first democratic election in Suyu Llaqta in over 240 years, a milestone for the nation. On the streets people seem to celebrate as unrest calms down, is this a new era for the country?

The results by state, Blue the democratic constitution, Red the communist constitution, green the military constitution
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