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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:33 pm

Efforts to begin agricultural mechanizations set to occur; The Xsampa farmer to be uplifted.
February 14th, 5540
As it stands, the Xsampan agricultural industry is largely relegated to the south, where inefficiency and such plague the potential. Comrade Mipham has looked to correct this by beginning mechanization efforts for Xsampan farmers. While this will certainly be a boon for Xsampan farmers, it will also benefit the South, which can start having it's own specialization in terms of economic output. As such, these efforts largely focus on ensuring that Xsampan farmers have proper equipment that allows for easy mechanization and to move Xsampa away from traditional methods of farming. This will not only make life easier for Xsampan farmers, but boost productivity and make food more accessible to Xsampans without relying on foreign imports.

Due to the general poverty and underdevelopment that plagues Dovani as a whole, food security is often a primary concern for many across the country, and in Xsampa, this is no different. Despite the growth and development of the nation, food security is something that can't be neglected. The first step to adequate food security is actually making sure food is efficiently produced. Without that, any other steps are futile. However, the development of food security will not only benefit Xsampa, but help other Dovani nations should a crisis ever erupt and aid is needed. As such, mechanization for farmers will allow food to be produced easier and quicker, and cut down on inefficiency.

While these efforts may seem small, they are only the beginning for proper food security, raising living standards for farmers and increasing economic output in the South. A modern agricultural base for Xsampa can be the basis for the South, which is ripe with potential. As the South continues to recover, supporting farmers will only accelerate this process as poverty and underdevelopment continues to decline in the South.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:08 am

Xsampan Rail Line expanded to Chenpozhing; The March of Infrastructure continues on.
April 27th, 5541
The Xsampan Rail Line remains a major asset for national development and growth, and expanding it is vital for Xsampa. As such, the XRL remains a project for all General-Secretaries to support, and Comrade Mipham is no different. However, Comrade Mipham has focused on economic usage of the line, instead of civilian usage. The XRL is being expanded to Chenpozhing, in the Canton of Rlabschenzhing with a focus on boosting economic development in the city, and assorted communities. However, as stated earlier, the focus has been on ensuring easy transfer of goods across the country, and especially for the farmers of Xsampa. With a focus on ensuring the transfer of goods, and the supplement of goods to farmers across the country, it is hoped for growth across the Canton.

However, Comrade Mipham has laid out a plan (as is typical for General-Secretaries) for agricultural development across the nation. This plan will look to alleviate the Xsampan farmer to new heights. While mechanizations has occured and helped, this plan will look to cover all bases on agricultural development. Whether it be direct crop farms, animal farms, or production of agricultural goods, the proposed plan (the plan is linked below for comrades to read) will see development and prosperity for farmer of Xsampa.
Development of Xsampa's Agricultural Base
1). Mechanization to ensure modern practices, and higher quality goods produced alongside higher job quality.
2). Opening up of new farms to ensure basic food security for Xsampa, regardless of whether it is crop or animal farms.
3). Procession of Xsampan made Agricultural goods and factories to ensure employment, growth and development.

While the plan is not as ambitious, it is hoped to be enough to turn things around for the farmers of Xsampa, and while the plan is not grandiose, it is enough to continue winning the love of the farmers of Xsampa. Regardless, this is also set to occur simultaneously amongst potential expansions of the Xsampan Rail Line. While it's yet unknown if there expansions will focus on civilian transport or economic transport, it is sure to provide economic benefits for the nation, and with a focus on ensuring that farmers aren't left behind, and their goods can get to the cities and communities, it is sure to raise the development of Xsampan farms too.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:24 pm

Xsampa supports Baltusian Revolutionaries; Admits this, agricultural reforms continue on.
January 7th, 5542
It would seem the revolution has come to Baltusia. The ever so decadent bourgeois state in Baltusia has begun to reep what it's sown. With a general strike occuring, the Baltusian government has looked to crack down on revolutionary activity, arresting several members of the United Worker's Union. Our comrades in Baltusia need all the support they need in overthrowing the chains of capitalism. The revolution must be supported in Baltusia and the Democratic Republic of Xsampa stands firmly behind the revolution in Baltusia. We demand the release of all wrongfully imprisoned citizens and members of the United Worker's Union. These illegal actions by the Baltusian Government has shown the true face of it. It was never a democracy, but instead a police state for the bourgeoisie. The proletariat of Baltusia must overthrow this crime of a state and liberate themselves from the chains of capitalism.

With the People's Committee of Foreign Affairs giving support for our comrades in Baltusia, the People's Committee of Agricultural Development has announced a range of new reforms set to apply to all farms. First and foremost, quotas have been reduced. For too long, we have held our farmers to unrealistic expectations. We are better than capitalists, we do not prioritize profits over humanity. These quotas have been pushed down to more reasonable levels. No more will farmers have to overwork themselves. Alongside reforms, Comrade Mipham has looked to see the development of farms across the south, looking to produce goods such as strawberries (something Comrade Mipham has personally been invested in), wheat, rice and other goods besides crops such as dairy production, meat and subsequently the products of cheese and leather.

The expansion of farms into the South will help breathe life into rural areas and help continue economic growth for the South. While the cities are improving, the rural areas must be given support too with opportunities and the creation of farms will be perfect to ensuring good food security, good jobs, and development for rural communities. Alongside the production of crops and goods, Xsampans will find more varied shelves for groceries and new exports available for allied states. New goods for Xsampans, jobs for Xsampans, economic development for rural areas and new possibilities is always a win for the proletariat of Xsampa.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:57 pm

Development of Strawberry Farms in Yongkhrims; New jobs, goods and more available for Xsampans.
August 2nd, 5543
The city of Yongkhrims has found itself being given a large amount of love from Comrade Mipham, with the city, previously going from a rather unremarkable city to being a developing agricultural hub for one specific good; strawberries. Despite the People's Committee of Agricultural Development supporting traditional crops, such as wheat, rice and the likes, Comrade Mipham has fought hard to convince the PCAD to invest into the growth of strawberries, with Yongkhrims being host to a majority of the nations strawberry farms. These farms have been held to high standards by Comrade Mipham, who has taken a very strong interest in the production, growth and distribution of strawberries across Xsampa. As such, these farms have been given a solid amount of support, with new farming methods being encouraged such as indoor vertical farming, both to raise job quality, control conditions for production, and reduce land usage in Yongkhrims.

As such, new jobs for the city have been opened, and while they are held to high standards, the quality is relatively good compared to other jobs. However, establishing Yongkhrims as the "capital of Xsampan made strawberries" is sure to see economic development for the city, as it's expected to be connected to the Xsampan Rail Line in the near future. With prospects looking great for the city, it is sure to help continue economic development in the South, and boost the national economy. As new opportunities are set to arise from these farms, what is also set to occur is that Xsampans will find new goods in grocery stores that are directly grown in Xsampa.

With high regulations on the strawberry farms to ensure they are as high quality as they can be, it is sure to be something of high enjoyment for many Xsampans, and especially for allied states should these strawberries be exported. With economic growth expected to occur, a new good set to be in the Xsampan trade arsenal and new jobs, the prospects for the future of Yongkhrims is looking bright.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:45 am

Yak farms to be supported and expanded; Milk, wool and meat to be anticipated.
April 4th, 5545
Yaks, a common sight in the north, a representation of the farmers of Xsampa, representing the strength and courage they hold. When Comrade Mipham promised support for Xsampan farmers, this promise did not end at crop farmers. One of the biggest animal farms industries in Xsampa is yak farming, and as such, supporting is not only for the greater good, but necessary. As such, efforts have begun to modernize yak farms, both to raise job quality and increase ethical production of yak products in Xsampa. While there is no major hub of yak farming akin to the strawberry farms in Yongkhrims, a general support to all yak farms will certainly do wonders for not just the economy, but the Xsampan farmer.

As such, a variety of goods come from yaks, both for practical uses and traditional customs. One of the most obvious products made is of course Yak Wool. Soft and comfortable, this is quite helpful for clothing, tents and all the like. Great for keeping warm during the winters in the North. The other major product is Yak Meat. Delicious and vital for traditional dishes such as blood sausages, yak meat is generally a win for all comrades. Other goods do include yak milk which can be used for cream and cheese. Something that is certain to make Xsampan shelves even more exotic and diverse. As such, yak products are something that the People's Committee of Agricultural Development is certain to see support for. The amount of benefits they produce for Xsampan society is something that can't be ignored.

These modernizations will see farms with modern equipment, higher job quality, higher quality and care for the yaks to ensure ethical treatment, and reduce wasted land usage. The ultimate benefits that should come from this effort is, besides encouraging economic development, more high quality goods available to Xsampans, and a raised quality of living for yak farmers. Alongside that, these goods can be exported to allied states as well due to the exotic nature that is yak products. Regardless this effort is sure to help Xsampan yak farmers immensely.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:12 pm

College Reforms to be implemented; Higher education encouraged.
January 9th, 5546
Xsampan education has often held a solid reputation compared to other nations in South Dovani. However, higher education is usually something only available to Xsampans within urban communities, leaving rural comrades at a distinct disadvantage. Comrade Mipham has looked to rectify this, and also encourage more enrollment rates in Xsampan higher education. The goal is to ultimately create a more academic population, and a population ready to handle the needs of an ever developing nation, and ever developing economy. Any advanced economy requires an advanced educated populace, and so, supporting higher education is a no brainer. Not only will it benefit Xsampans by giving them better opportunities, it will benefit Xsampa in the long term.

As such, these reforms are more so encouragements. While making higher education completely mandatory would achieve the desired results, the best students are ones that want to be there. Forcing the proletariat to better themselves will hamper the possibility of growth. As such, encouragement is needed. As of today, any citizen that enrolls in any higher educational facility will receive stronger better welfare. Whether it be higher cash payments, longer time of support, or what not, support for welfare will be raised to all enrolled students. It is hoped that by encouraging higher education with better benefits (that are more immediate than long term), Xsampans will focus on higher education compared to working.

However, this may not be enough and so, the People's Committee of Law and Justice has pitched in. Essentially, for any formerly incarcerated comrades, enrollment into college will be granted a pardon (on minor crimes), and should they complete a college education with little to no issues, a full pardon will be granted (on non capital crimes). Not only will this lead to the first steps towards rehabilitation in regards to incarcerated Xsampans, but it will act as an incentive for these Xsampans to reject the past, and look forward to the future with better horizons.

The final major effort is supporting public transport and giving a boost to the budget to accommodate rural Xsampans who may not yet be connected to the Xsampan Rail Line. While standard schooling is readily available to rural Xsampans, higher educational institutions are less so, and until a dedicated effort can begin, the best solution is accomodations and supporting rural Xsampans.

Ultimately, these efforts are hoped to see college enrollment increase and see Xsampans chose higher education. The benefits, not just for individuals but for Xsampa as a whole are simply too great to ignore. With the People's Committee of Human Development looking to provide more incentives via stronger welfare, it is sure that Xsampans who enroll into college will have strong government support. If not for the prestige of gaining a college education, surely all our comrades can enroll for more government support?
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:59 pm

Friendship yaks delivered to allied states; A new diplomatic offensive, unorthodox as it is.
July 16th, 5547
The People's Committee of Foreign Affairs has announced a new, unorthodox method of spreading Xsampan goodwill. That is via sending "friendship" yaks to allied states (allied states that are capable of maintaining the yaks) to generally spread goodwill and encourage dialogue. With yaks being a new investment, not many expected them to also be used for diplomatic endeavors. Regardless, various nations have received a handful of friendship yaks, with most going to zoos. The only condition was that the zoo was to be well maintained and high quality. As such, most nations have been expected but there are a few unexpected ones.

Amongst the expected is Lourenne. A longtime ally of Xsampan, fighting against imperialism and fascism and supporting the development of Xsampa, Lourenne remains a close ally to Xsampa. As such, a handful of yaks have been delivered to the Lourennais Royal Family, with the yaks being directed to a Lourennais chateau. As such, we can expect the yaks to receive the best quality they can possibly receive. It is hoped that this can be the first step to simply showcasing the gratitude that many Xsampans hold for Lourenne supporting the nations development.

Another nation was Aldegar. Despite concerns regarding temperatures, it has been assured that they will be relegated to mountainous regions of Aldegar to ensure that the yaks don't suffer. With Aldegar being a solid ally to Xsampa as well, supporting development where possible, friendship yaks were only expected.

However, two nations that have been surprising both hail from Artania. Kundrati and Luthori. While relations with Kundrati haven't exactly been the best due to foreign policy ethics of Kundrati, relations are still cordial. As such, friendship yaks are expected to help in smoothing things over. With Kundrati maintaining the temperature to hold a handful of yaks with little issue, the yaks will certainly enjoy Kundrati.

Luthori however, has long had a turbulent history with Xsampa. However, there has been reconciliation. Reconciliation that largely failed to go anywhere. Until now. A handful of yaks have been sent to be received for the Imperial Zoo in Luthori. With this effort, it's hoped that a message can be sent that Xsampa is still open to reconciliation between the two states and begin full normalizations of relations.

With friendship yaks being sent to a handful of nations (or already having received), this new diplomatic effort is certainly sure to be memorable. Whether it be opening the door for new relations, smoothing things over, showing gratitude or just goodwill, this will certainly lead to some gains diplomatically.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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Re: Xsampa

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:16 pm

Select media from Baeguk to be legalized and allowed in Xsampa; Peculiar.
February 10th, 5548
Comrade Mipham has always had strong interests. These interests have led Xsampa to new ground. Such as the investment into strawberries, and yaks. Both investments have seen growth and development, jobs and new goods for Xsampans. It would seem however, a new interest has peaked. Since the foundation of the Democratic Republic, foreign media has usually been blocked from entering Xsampa. Both to prevent reactionary influence and the influence of the bourgeoisie coming back to Xsampa. However, it would seem that this blockage should be reviewed. Most media from allied states is still blocked. Even when these allied states have showcased themselves as true guardians of the proletariat, (albeit in a different form) or true enemies to Imperialism. While blocking imperialist media is understandable, Comrade Mipham has opened a discussion in the Supreme Council regarding media from allied states such as Baeguk, Dundorf or Lourenne.

As such, a compromise has been reached between Comrade Mipham and the Supreme Council. While Comrade Mipham wanted to push for most media from allied states to be legalized, the Supreme Council pushed back. So, a compromise has been settled on. Media from allied states can enter Xsampa, but it must be thoroughly reviewed by the People's Committee of Information. While this can be viewed as an upgrade compared to a total ban, or a total lift, it still leaves the chance for allied media to be banned in Xsampa. One key aspect of foreign media that has been legalized however, is rather surprisingly drama shows from Baeguk. Typically known for simple yet elegant settings, strong stories and emotional impact, the People's Committee of Information has thoroughly reviewed a handful of series' and approved them for enter into Xsampa, ready for the Xsampan populace to watch. While other allied nations will be subjected to the same regulations, these shows from Baeguk will be given more flexibility and liberty in being approved for viewing in Xsampa.

Compared to decadent bourgeois media from other states (such as Luthori or Beiteynu), this type of media is relatively praised in Baeguk, and is something worth praise in Xsampa. With these types of shows to be available to Xsampans, they can judge for themselves whether this type of media is worthy of praise but Comrade Mipham has been the first to give strong praise. Should these shows succeed in Xsampa, this may inspire Xsampans to push for their own shows to be created. Whether they'd leave Xsampa or remain a Xsampan only production is anyone's guess, but that would require them to be made first. Regardless of that, Baeguk is sure to be as equally confused yet pleased to see these developments.
Glory to the Xsampan Revolution! Glory to the Xsampan Proletariat!

The People's Committee for Information is the only legal news source in Xsampa, dedicated to spreading the wise words of the revolution. Regulating all news that comes in and out of Xsampa, the People's Committee for Information ensures a stable, socialist, prosperous society for Xsampa.
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