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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:51 pm

Emperor Alessandro IV died: Nicola Alessandro II ascends to the Throne
His Majesty died suddently in his sleep after returning from a charity gala of the Imperial Foundation for the Research against the Cancer that he founded

3 January 5228

ROMULA - Today the whole country wakes up in mourning with the very early announcement, came already at 6.30 this morning, made by the Imperial Household:


It is with the deepest sorrow that the Imperial Household makes the sad announcement to the Nation:

His Majesty Alessandro IV Emperor of the Istalians died last night in his sleep at the age of 76, found lifeless by the service personnel who came to wake him up and take care of his room and person.

The medical team rushed to the Emperor's rooms ascertained that His Majesty fell victim of a coronary thrombosis, conseguence of the atherosclerosis His Majesty developed along with the lung cancer. The medical team assured that His Majesty passed away in serenity and without suffering in his sleep, around 3 or 4 o'clock, few hours after his retourn from a charity gala of the Imperial Foundation for the Research against the Cancer funded by the Emperor.

His Imperial Highness The Imperial Grand Prince of the Crown succeeds Alessandro IV and ascends to the Throne of Istalia as Nicola Alessandro II.
His inauguration day will take place after a suitable mourning period.
His Imperial Highness The Imperial Grand Prince Tommaso Asahi, as first in line of succession and thus heir apparent to the Istalian Throne, becomes immediatly the new Imperial Grand Prince of the Crown.

The coffin of His Majesty will lay in state for four days into the Throne Hall of Quattroregni Palace, open to the public to allow the citizens to pay their last homage to the Emperor. The State Funerals will be held on 9th January at the Minor Basilica of All Angels of Romula.

"Sandro", how His Majesty was known by his familiars and closest friends, will be remembered for his severe and extremely dignitous behavior during his reign and for his simple and sober private life.
The now Empress Mother Vanessa has been seen as really devastated by the loss of her beloved husband with whom, despite the dubts that arose at the time of their engagement, she developed a very deep and solid love.

Official portrait of the ascension of His Most Excellent Imperial Majesty Nicola Alessandro II, new Emperor of the Istalians

Nicola Alessandro (40), second of his name, ascends thus to the Throne along his wife Yuni (37), the new Empress Consort, and their four children, the new Grand Prince of the Crown Tommaso Asahi (8), the Grand Prince Mattia Koji (6), and the little twins the Grand Princesses Giorgia Sayuri and Michela Rei (4). The new Imperial Family seems to sparkle in the eyes of their devoted people, cheering this joyful and numerous family that has been making the Crown shine with ever more prestige and glamor.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:09 pm

Ilaria Spada still Prime Minister but at the head of a minority government
Concerned by the loss of votes National Front opted to leave the government although granting its external support to National Alliance: MSDC and North Dovani situation will be the first foreign situations to be adressed

1 August 5229

ROMULA - This moorning Ilaria Spada sworne once again in the hand of the Emperor as Prime Minister of Istalia to lead her fourth cabinet, but this time she will lead a minority government composed exclusively of members of National Alliance.

The National Front, in fact, concerned by the mass hemorrhage of votes that the party experienced at the last elections, after having been contacted by National Alliance to renew the alliance for another legislature, expressed its decision to stay out of the government although offering to AN their external support.

As underlined by the NF leadership, their support will be not unconditioned and Ilaria Spada surely will have to consult closely with NF on the most important government measures, namely any budget and taxation bill. Prime Minister Spada will have also to consult NF for important measures about trade and foreign policy, given the protectionist and nationalist positions of NF.

About the foreign policy, Prime Minister Spada was particularly questioned by the press about the Treaty on establishment of Majatran Security and Diplomacy Council proposed by the new government of Deltaria.

The last government had already begun to evaluate the possibility of ratifying the treaty and it is my intention to continue to consider this possibility, evaluating the reactions of our political partners and of the public opinion.

Personally I'm inclined to ratify the treaty and join the Council, I think it could be a useful tool to promote cooperation between the nations of Majatra in the field of security.
The activity of terrorist and criminal groups on the continent has increased in recent years and in the light of the fact that many of these organizations are transnational or in any case have very close links with groups in third countries, it is necessary to cooperate and coordinate with our international partners in the continent.

Although some political groups in other majatran nations have expressed concerns that the organization could be redundant, as such organizations already exist, I believe that a new organization can restore impetus to continental cooperation.

The press questioned the Prime Minister also about the recent developments in North Dovani where the communist forces, through an agreement with the Armed Forces and tribal leaders, established the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics of North Dovani:

Istalia has always supported the right of peoples to determinate their forms of government and keeping a pragmatic approach and considering the fact that the we have to recognize that the new regime gained a certain popular support, hoping for a bit of stability for the people of North Dovani, the Istalian Government is opting to recognize the new situation and to establish formal diplomatic relationship with the new regime.

We expect to receive reassurances from the new government, especially about the economic interests of Istalia which have long been present in the country, where the economic system will continue to give space to private activity. Many Istalian businesses in the country have always worked with public companies in the natural resource sector in North Dovani and we hope, for the good and prosperity of both nations, that we can continue to have peaceful and profitable trade.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:09 pm

Emperor and Prime Minister visit Suyu Llaqta
Last official engagement for the outgoing Prime Minister Ilaria Spada whose minority government will be succeeded by a PPO-FN-PCI coalition

12 January 5234

NIEDERUNG - Emperor Nicola Alessandro II and Prime Minister Ilaria Spada landed this morning in the Llaqta capital welcomed by King Mosi I and Prime Minister Gadise Lalistu.

This will be the last official engagement for the outgoing Prime Minister Spada, whose government will be soon succeeded by what can be defined as a grand coalition or a government of wide cooperation, formed by the centrist PPO, the rightist FN and the leftist PCI. Prime Minister Ilaria Spada, after the elections, indeed confided in the confirmation by part of FN of its external support but, against all odds, the President of the Chamber Danilo Alparone announced that after long consultation the leader of PPO Carolina Dominici was mandated to form a new government which it's expected to be presented to the Chamber for the vote of confidence within a couple of weeks. The new cabinet, as said, will be formed by exponent of PPO, FN and PCI while AN will come back to the opposition. Now many political observers are eager to see if the once again Prime Minister Dominici will be able to lead this large coalition.

Surely the fourth Spada Ministry will leave in the hand of the next government a good deal and cordial relations with the Kingdom of Suyu Llaqta, which is undertaking important programs to improve the economy, the quality of life and the defensive capabilities on impulse of Prime Minister Lalistu.
And about the plans for the Laqta Defense, the Laqta authorities get in touch with Istalia and its defense industry in order to modernize their armed forces.
Furthermore, Istalia showed to be more than intersted to establish new cordial relations with other Dovanian nations, especially those which are pursuing a path of development and growth and where new markets are emerging and opening to the world.

The Laqta Defense expressed its interest in several equipements to modernize their ground forces. They expressed interest for the Drago armoured vehicles and then they requested to the istalian industry the productions of a Main Battle Tank, of both a wheeled and a crawler IFV and a field howitzer. MBT ana IFVs will be designed starting from the project of equipements which served in the past for the Istalian forces with very satisfactory performances and which will cope with the needs and the financial requirements of the Llaqta Government; about the howitzer, AUDISS Leonardi already expressed its interest in developing a new field howitzer to be offered also to the Istalian ground forces, which recently sollecitated the government for the need of a new device of this kind.
The deal will provide technical support by part of the Istalian manufacturers as well as training by part of personnel of the Istalian Armed Forces.
Furthermore, it is expected that the production of parts of the hardware of the equipment could be produced in Suyu Llaqta on license, an agreement which will promote also an industrial and technical development for the dovanian country.

His Majesty Emperor Nicola Alessandro, meeting with King Mosi I the press, expressed his wish for further peaceful cooperation between Istalia and Suyu Llaqta and new economic agreements to bring prosperity to both the countries. Talking about King Mosi I, Emperor Nicola Alessandro praised the Llaqta monarchy for its role of respected and revered source of stability and continuity for the country, and for its role in stabilizing the country after the long lasting communist regime and then during other political upheavals of the country.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:26 pm

Aurorian Church re-installed as State Church of Istalia
The resolution has been achieved thanks to the join efforts of PPO and FN with the clearly tacit consent of AN
Archbasilica of St. Matthias the Baptist to the Walls, seat of the Archbishop of Romula and of the Patriarcate of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar

5 January 5235

ROMULA - The feast of the Coronation of the Lord ("Incoronazione del Signore" in Istalian or just "L'Incoronazione") this year will certainly be particularly felt and the authorities of the Aurorian Church will celebrate the event with great fanfare in the aftermath of the re-installment of the Church as State Religion of Istalia. The Patriarch of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar and the Archbishop of Romula and Primate of Istalia have already announced that they will jointly celebrate the mass to be held tomorrow at the Archbasilica of St. Matthias the Baptist to the Walls during which the decision adopted by the parliament will also be celebrated.

The proposal, presented by the parliamentary group of the Prime Minister's party and not by the government, immediately received the support of the National Front while predictably the Communist Party and the Democratic Party voted against. Probably the latter two also expected a negative vote from the National Alliance, barring the way for the 225 votes of the PPO and FN with as many 225 votes, enough to reject the measure, but AN finally opted for abstention, literally rolling out the red carpet for the return of the Aurorian Church as State Religion of Istalia.
Apparently, the passage of the proposal does not seem to have caused excessive friction within the large coalition government led by Carolina Dominici in which the Communist Party also participates. Could be that the Communists too bit the bullet about the Aurorian Church? Surely they will not lack opportunities to try to remove the State Church, but probably on this occasion the common objectives of the government in the economic and infrastructural fields took precedence, measures that actually have reintroduced a public health system, the state came back to intervene into the economy, they reintroduced various market regulations, as well as they expanded once again workers' rights and business partecipation. Furthermore, it seems that the Communist Party too adopted recently a more conservative stance about civil rights and public morality. Could it be a decision taken to attract more vote from the conservative fringe of the population which still support leftist economic positions?

About the behavior of AN, to be honest, there is not too much surprise: it is no mystery that the National Alliance has always winked at the Aurorian Church, a reality that has always been present in Istalia but which today had taken root in the social fabric and in the same consciences of the Istalian people as never before. The "benefits for Istalian identity" brought about by the Aurorian Church have always been clearly appreciated by the National Alliance which, however, despite accepting the role of the Church as state religion, is also willing to support a parallel political line inspired by the principle of "free church in free state", thus avoiding stepping on each other's toes and putting the popular will expressed by the people first, as well as the principles of equality and tolerance which have always been supported by AN. And, in fact, it is expected that the party soon will propose to the parliament a bill to remove some of the most conservative measures introduced alongside the State Religion.

Ilaria Spada, interviewed upon leaving the Palace of the Res Publica, reconfirmed this concept:

The Aurorian Church has an undeniable role in the Istalian history and culture that clearly has its roots deeply in its tradition, and we are glad that the Church authorities can return with new vigor to spiritually assist and comfort the souls of our believing citizens.

All this, however, obviously always with respect for the faith and sensitivity of each of our citizens, so that public authorities and religious authorities can act in mutual respect and in the interest of the country, each in their own separate sphere of interest.
Last edited by XanderOne on Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:21 pm

First flyght for the new Istalo-Beiteynese CAEW/Intelligence/Electronic warfare aircraft
The Istalian and Beiteynese Defenses have expressed their satisfaction for the new aircraft while AUDISS Leonardi is about to propose a business and vip version too

21 October 5236

PIANO SCARANO - At the Air Force Base of Piano Scarano (Castiell' e Sciorenza) the new CAEW/Intelligence/Electronic warfare aircraft, the result of an Istalian-Beiteynese collaboration, performed its first demonstration flight today.

The new aircraft IBAE-400 ("Istalian-Beiteynese Aerospace and Electronics", the name of the consortium under which the istalian and beiteynese defense corporations designed and developed the aircraft, mainly AUDISS for Istalia and Tel Bira Aerospace Corporation for Beiteynu) will be developed in different versions so as to cover a wide range of types of use and missions: Airborne Early Warning and Control (CAEW), SIGINT and ELINT intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Electronic Warfare. To perform such missions the new aircraft will be equipped with some of the best sensors and electronic systems in order to provide intelligence to maintain air superiority, conduct surveillance as well as carry out vast range of electronic attacks like disrupt enemy command and control communications, perform offensive counterinformation operations, etc...

3D image of the CAEW configuration of the IBAE-400

The Italian defense is interested in purchasing a first batch of a dozen of these aircraft in different configurations, especially the one aimed to CAEW mission, equiped with the airborne early warning and control multi-band radar system developed by a cooperation between VerTech and Keshet Systems, the VK/RTMB-5200: this system uses an active electronically scanned array–an active phased array radar which operate on frequencies and scanning rates which makes them difficult to detect and jam. Up to 1000 targets can be tracked simultaneously to a range of 450 km, while at the same time, multitudes of air-to-air interceptions or air-to-surface (includes maritime) attacks can be guided simultaneously. The phased array allows positions of aircraft on operator screens to be updated every 2–4 seconds, rather than every 10 seconds as is the case on system based on rotodome.

AUDISS Leonardi, instead, has expressed its interest in developing its own civil versions of the aircraft for the VIP and business jet sectors, to be called "Leonardi LJ-401". In this regard, the Istalian government may be interested in purchasing some of these VIP aircraft managed by the Air Force and to be placed at the service of the Istalian government authorities.

The Beiteynese defense expressed all its satisfaction for the aircraft but has yet to comment on how many aircraft it would be interested in putting into service and in which configurations.

OOC: technical specifications based on
Last edited by XanderOne on Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:36 pm

Istalia deplores Llaqta coup
The Foreign Ministry call for the the return of stability and democracy in the country temporary freezing the military deal

28 January 5237

ROMULA - Despite undeniable strong internal pressure coming especially from the military-industrial apparatus, the Istalian government has officially expressed itself on the coup d'état led by the military leaders in Suyu Llaqta.

The fact that the coup took place while in Istalia the country is preparing for the next elections in March and Prime Minister Dominici is now at odds with the National Front and is losing its support, the pressures mentioned above have in fact slowed down by few days the government's reaction, also interested in evaluating the evolution of the situation in the country and possible future scenarios in the light of the Istalian interests involved.
Furthemore, Dominici had also to deal with the other party of her coalition, the Communist Party, which instead immediately and without half measures condemned the coup by the military aimed to crush the legitimate centre-left government and especially the local communist party.

The Foreign Ministry then released the following official statement:

Istalia deplores the military coup that took place in Suyu Laqta and calls on the military authorities to hand over power to the civilian authorities and restore democracy into the country.

Unable to support such conduct by the authorities currently in power in Suyu Llqta, the Istalian government is forced to temporarily freeze the deal established a few years ago between our two countries.

Istalia is however confident for a quick transition of power in favor of the return of stability, order and democracy in Suyu Llaqta, and our governmet would be more than pleased to offer all possible assistance.

The Government for the moment didn't mentioned any harsher measures to be adopted towards Suyu Llaqua and indeed it is showing to be determind to face pragmatically further developments. The Prime Minister is currently monitoring and evaluating with the Intelligence and its analysts the situation but at this point it will be the next governmnt to deal with the future events.
Last edited by XanderOne on Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:29 pm

Great leap forward for AN
Ilaria Spada ready once again to lead the government: new negotiations with FN underway
Ilaria Spada, National Secretary of AN

18 March 5237

ROMULA - Receiving over 38% of the preferences of the electorate, National Alliance, already first party in the last legislature, albeit with very small differences compared to the other main parties, made a clear leap forward in these last elections, detaching by over 14 percentage points the second party, the Hosian Populars, the only party of the grand coalition government in office that has passed the electoral test: the National Front and the Communist Party have in fact lost votes and seats in Parliament. The Democratic Party, although still the last party, continues very slowly to gnaw little slice of votes election after election.

AN's National Secretary Ilaria Spada, whose leadership seemed to have creaked a little bit after the last elections (the party had collapsed by almost 15%), managed to turn the tide and re-consolidate her position at the helm of the party, beating with a wide margin her now long-standing adversary, and lickely outgoing Prime Minister, Carolina Dominici.
Ilaria Spada, in fact, is ready to swear once again into the hands of the Emperor to lead her fifth government and to do so she is clearly ready to profit as soon as possible of the winding discontent among the ranks of National Front, which was particularly disappointed by the experience of the great coalition and above all by the leadership of Carolina Dominici and the PPO.

Ilaria Spada has already outlined her goals for the next term to the possible government partners, or maybe external supporters, of FN and she is now awaiting for a quick response from them.
The country, in fact, said Ilaria Spada, is facing various situations emerged in the recent months that have raised our concerns and interest and which will require a reaction from our country.
They are foreign policy matters, namely the military coup in Suyu Llaqta, a country with which few years ago Istalia struck a substantial military supply deal and which Istalia had already identified as a possible new dovanian partner. Ilaria Spada expressed her intention to following the stance already adopted by her predecessor and to continue to offer Istalian assistance to promote the return of democracy in Istalia. Ilaria Spada, however, already said that the news and the informations that are coming and we are collecting from Suyu Llaqta indicate us that the military council support is almost zero and that even within the armed forces discomfort is growing.

The other matter which attracted the attention of Istalia, instead, is Jelbania, where the country, having awakened from the lethargy imposed by the military regime, has elected a new Khan. The Jelbania of the Khans has always been an unpredictable nation and which can potentially always cause strong jolts for Majatra stability. Istalia, obviously interested in maintaining the current relative stability on the continent and the generally cordial relations between its various nations, therefore looks with great interest at the new Jelbek leadership, trying to understand from the interactions of the various social realities within the country what the future developments could be.
A Jelbania at peace with its neighbors, reassured and protected regarding its sovereignty and respect for its internal traditions, with which perhaps to weave new diplomatic and trade relations, could result in an advantageous situation for the whole continent, as well as for many slices of Jelbek society seeking new opportunity to emerge and making their way through the powerful traditional establishment of the great Beks.

Spada expressed also her willingness in put in motion the proposal by the Prime Minister Dominici to resume and built new and stronger relationship with Kanjor, a nation with which Istalia currently has a lot in common, ever more now after the re-elevation of the Aurorian Church as State Religion of Istalia, an undeniably very strong reality in both countries. Ilaria Spada shares with Mrs Dominici the understanding of the opportunity to establish an important friendship with a possible strategic partner in south Seleya.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:27 pm

Ilaria Spada applauds the Constitutional Convention in Suyu Llaqta
Istalia ready to resume full relations with the country as soon as the new civil and democratic government emerging from the Convention will be installed

3 September 5237

ROMULA - The leader of AN has received the green light from the National Front for their external support and once the negotiations will be finalized, within a few months Ilaria Spada will again be Prime Minister of Istalia.

Given the consultations of the President of the Chamber of Deputies are thus now almost over, the National Secretary of AN talked about the evolution of the crisis in Suyu Laqta as if she is already at Antinori Palace (OOC: the seat of the Istalian Government):

I learn with great satisfaction about the counter-coup and I applaud the willingness of the new forces at the power to create a Constitutional Convention in Suyu Laqta.

The Istalian government was confident about the brief tenure of the Military Council regime and now we want to reiterate with even more conviction our willingness to assist the country for a rapid transition and a speedy return to democracy.

We will closely follow the developments and decisions of the Constitutional Convention and I want to declare right now that we are ready to unfreeze the military supply deal with Suyu Llaqta as soon as the new democratic and legitimate government that will emerge from the Convention will be finally established.
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby Rogue » Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:11 pm

Rally for the Empire Outlines Electoral Program
The new Rally for the Empire has outlined its electoral program, focussing on a platform of constitutional reform, social progress and scientific focus

December 5238

Romula: The Rally for the Empire led by former professor Oscar Valenzano has outlined its electoral program 4 days after the party officialy registered to participate in the next general election. The program, consisting of at least 100 pages, describes in detail the goal of the Rally and the reason for its inception, combined with detailed proposals it seeks to implement when in government. Key to their program is their focus on the federal communities, which the party sees as vital to the succes of itself and of the nation. Some notable proposals in the program include the strengthening of the federal system by passing constitutional reform, which would allow the federal communities even greater responsibilities and divert some more power from the imperial government to the communities. Another proposal includes reforming the security services and armed forces, with the Rally seeing the armed forces as a hallmark of Istalian longevity and proposing a much greater focus on it, increasing its funding significantly and rethinking its overall structure. The party also strives for social reform, granting more freedom to the people and "taking away government influence over Istalian lives" according to the text. Science also gets time under the spotlight, with the Rally seeking greater funding for space exploration and overall science as well as a bigger role for the private sector.

As the name of the party suggests it also stands firmly behind the Imperial family, proposing to increase funding for the Imperials and renovate their main residence and keep the monarchy intact "as a symbol of Istalian pride and identity". Party leader Valenzano has indicated that he believes his party has a real shot at power, saying in interviews that "its clear people want a change but that no viable change has been provided to them, the National Alliance has held power for decades almost constantly and have sailed the ship relatively well. But its time for new ideas and new energy, the Rally will provide just that."

The full logo of the Rally
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Re: Quanzar and Alaria/Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:50 pm

The Governent proposes to enhance the role of the Deposits and Consignments Fund
Financial support for the local authorities focused on urban planning, small business and turistic promotion of little towns
3D rendering of the facade of the next seat of CDP currently under construction in Romula

4 December 5238

ROMULA - The countryside and the vast reality of the little towns and villages have always been held in great consideration by National Alliance. Although Istalia has long been seen as a country of large cities and even megalopolis (such as Romula, where over 14 million people live today), the province and the small towns have continued to constitute a very important, lively and dynamics reality of the country, where probably Istalian habits, customs and traditions are most genuinely preserved and perpetuated. Furthermore, the small municipalities are the heart of the renowned agricultural and wine sector of the country, visited by more and more tourists attracted by the increasingly popular food and wine tourist itineraries.

The local realities will be among the main beneficiari of the measure regarding the "Deposits and Consignments Fund" (in Istalian "Cassa Depositi e Prestiti", in short CDP) proposed by the Minister of Finance Domiziana Salerno. The Deposits and Consignments Fund is an Istalian investment bank founded in July 4371 and which worked as a sovereign wealth fund managing mainly the saving funds of the postal service to invest in strategic financial, infrastructural and economical projects for the development of the Istalia and to lend money to the Istalian state or local governments.

According to the measure presented by the Government, the financial management of the public insurances and pensionistic funds provided by the state and/or local authorities in Istalia will be definitively placed under the control of the CDP. The CDP then will reorganize, create and manage new investment plans and packages aimed to generate profits, both to be mainly used for the activity of the CDP and partially redistributed to the pensioners themself, which the government wishes them to be involved, during their working life, in partially determining how to invest their pensions.
Furthermore, according to the specific law in force from time to time, the CDP will be the government entity which will subsidize private enterprises that face bankruptcy, will act as an investor of last resort by nationalizing failing industries that provide vital goods or services or will be the holding company of all the industries owned by the state.
Furthermore, for a period of 25 years the investments of the CDP will prioritize urban policy, developing of territories, financing and development of TPE (very small businesses, microcredit) in favor of local activities and services at municipal level, especially oriented for young people.

Local authorities, federal communities, regions, provinces and municipality will be able to find a financial support in the CDP in pursuing their projects. From the revaluation and requalification of whole districts in large cities to the building of social housing projects or securing the aging structures of schools in little villages or even simply for the embellishment of a road, the creation of a playground for children in a public garden, etc...
Finally, the CDP will support those plans aimed to value even the smallest of our little villages and towns in the countryside, in order to increase the appeal of these areas for turism.

Minister Salerno said proposing the measure:

A clean and well maintained urban and living environment will bring great benefits for the quality of life of our citizens.

About the benefit for our economy and that of these little realities, all of us we know very well how even the smallest and most remote village can boast a millenary history and even there we can found notable artistic and historical heritage, and we should not forget the fact that the countryside is the heart of our enograstronomic sector, which not only export products but also welcome the wine and food turism.

The Government is aimed to fully revitalize the activity of the Deposits and Consignments Funds which like in the past can become a key actor into the Istalian economy to support the business as well as to finance services and utilities for our citizens.
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