
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby CFUL » Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:54 am

News of the Republic

Madison Regained by Federation, Union Rearranges Army and Prepares for Counterattack

In a very close battle against the Parliamentary Union, Madison was regained by the Federation. This was possible due to the increased support for the Federation caused by the Nationalist Commonwealth's increasing popularity in Likatonia.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby CaptainVimes » Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:42 pm

The Daily Inquirer

LKIP lose everything!

After the latest election, LKIP loses control of Pirland and many soldiers route or turn to the federation. This is a dark day for LKIP and Jacque Samson who is now stepping down. LKIP founder, William Stanton was shot by anarchists, none attended the funeral as LKIP members now leave the party that had been in power for almost twenty years and embrace the new ways. LKIP looks forward to reform and with the last LKIP hill troops holding the border, they appeal to the Republicans and Commonwealth to undergo peace negotiations.

The Pirland Hill Regiment hold Chester farms but eventually surrender to Federation troops
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby CaptainVimes » Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:31 pm

Peace Treaty to sign


Signatories will please approach LKIP.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby CFUL » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:19 am

News of the Republic

4289 - Federalist Party revived from ashes! Newspaper printing begins once again after years of seizure!

The Federalist Party has officially revived! They are now led by presidential candidate David Lee, however, their values remain the same!

Also in big news, the NEWS OF THE REPUBLIC and various other newspaper companies have begun printing again as a surge in literacy in Likatonia after what was basically a Dark Age.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby pinkielonewolf » Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:50 pm

On June of 4295 the bill pronouncing the establishment of the "Inventors Fair of 4293" was passed; In this bill it ensured a festival for inventors every year on the month of march to take place is the following cities: Clovisport of West Bolton, Santa Antonia of Madison, North Bend of Norwalk, and Greenville of East Bolton.

At the festival you can expect to see many great spectacles but not limited to: Architecture, works of literature, Constructs, weapons, theoretical science's and racing.
Inventors from all over the nation are welcomed to join in any of the many events taking place and to win a cash prize of various amounts to help continue funding any future endeavors, some works of science may even be purchased by the government and a job offer may even appear for those especially talented inventors and scientists.

"It is the hope of everyone involved that such a festive will inspire the minds of countless Likantonians and continue to push our great nation into technological advancements that were previously beyond anyone's wildest dreams." -Isaac Stein Minister of Science and Technology (September 4295)
Last edited by pinkielonewolf on Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby pinkielonewolf » Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:47 pm

Last edited by pinkielonewolf on Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby pinkielonewolf » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:30 pm

Hello Ms. Smith, welcome to our first interview, let’s we begin immediately.
Do you believe that the nation would be better if it continues to be a unified nation under the government or it would be better if the people governed themselves?
-"We (the ULP-EF) strives to establish a direct democracy in the long run and more democratic power to the people is almost always a good thing"

Ah, In your words clarify what the president should do as president?

-"Serve your voters and give the people the politics you were elected on"

In your words what can the president do?

-"There's tons of things the president can do and a lot of them includes the responsibility for millions of lives, but when I want to go to the library or the movies or a restaurant my bodyguards tell me I can't do it because it's not safe, I can tell them what’s not safe, giving someone the nuclear launch codes!" (Followed by laughter)

In your words is the nation divided and if so how?
-"of course the nation is divided by racism, sexism, homophobia and all other types of hatred continues to be a problem. But we have come a long way and will go even further in our fight against these divisive practices. 

Can you make a persuasive case for either capitalism or socialism depending on your preference to either.

-"When someone can live from birth and forward working in a sweatshop while those owning the sweatshop gets rich on their labour, we don't just have a problem, we have a failed economic system that is built on greed before needs." 

Do you believe the existence of a supreme being (ie god) has a place in the presidential office?

-"No. State and religion are to be separate. 

If the world submerged into chaos and war was on the horizon, how would you handle the situation?

-"Wars only benefit the powerful and mighty while innocent men and women lose their lives, we would do our best to stay out of any conflict and help those who has been forced to flee it." 

Do you think close ties with neighboring countries are beneficial? Why or why not?
-"A little co-operation is always good, but don't think for a second that I would accept any free trade agreements. 

Is the government doing too much or not enough?

-"We still have poverty, so obviously we haven't done enough to ensure that everyone has what they need. 

In what two political positions do you feel strongest about?

-"The one position I feel the strongest in is my belief that one day structures like capitalism and patriarchy will be abolished and replaced with an equal and free society where we share terras resources and where no one is judged based on their gender, colour or creed, but by their own actions, opinions and emotions."

Do you believe unifying the parties and each party having a fair share in debates a good thing?

-"All parties obviously deserve their saying in debates, otherwise we wouldn't have a multi-party democracy"

How do you view Likatonia in twenty years?
-"Similar to what it is now, but also in many ways different"

We thank the ULP for their time and hope to see what things can be accomplished in the coming years, join us next time when we interview the United Capitalist Front and see just how different the leading parties in the nation are from one another; As always, stay informed Likatonia.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby pinkielonewolf » Fri Nov 03, 2017 1:37 pm

Greetings Likatonia! Today we had a very special guest allow us to ask questions and report across the nation a few of the ideals the leading front of the conservative-capitalist party, the United Capitalist Front of Likatonia; With such an opportunity taken place we will like to show our readers a few answers to our questions, if you have a question you would like to ask please contact us in any available means and we will add it to a new article; without any ado let us begin.

If elected president of Likatonia, what would your legacy be known for 20 years from now?
-I feel that our legacy would be that we represent the minority. Before the UCF many people of our nation didn't agree with the socialist parties and were not represented. We gave those people a voice.

Do you believe that the nation would be better if it continues to be a unified nation under the government or it would be better if the people governed themselves?
-Every nation needs a government. The people don't have the same perspective that a government has.

In your words clarify what the president should do as president?
-The president is the person that represents the government and he/she should always represent the people above all else.

In your words what can the president do?
-I honestly feel that the president can't do enough. Our government limits his/her ability to be a public entity. The president should have more power over the house of representatives. The president has its own election because people want to know their leader but in our government the president is quite limited.

In your words is the nation divided and if so how?
-I feel that our nation is deeply divided. For a long time the socialist parties had a monopoly on our government. The more capitalist or conservative people didn't get anything. The UCF's goal is to represent the capitalist and conservatives of our great nation.

Can you make a persuasive case for either capitalism or socialism depending on your preference to either?
-Capitalism is better because if a government can make money, they can give you services, and a government that wastes money on social welfare can’t help you when you need it most.

Do you believe the existence of a supreme being (ie god) has a place in the presidential office?
-No, religion is a personal belief not a way to run a government.

If the world submerged into chaos and war was on the horizon, how would you handle the situation?
-I would be honest and prepare our people for war. Citizens cannot be lied too.

Do you think close ties with neighboring countries? Why or why not?
-I feel that close ties to neighboring countries are very important. We need to have allies that can protect us.

Is the government doing too much or not enough?
-I think the government is doing too much. Our people have everything handed to them on a platter, there is no more ambition in our country anymore.

In what two political positions do you feel strongest about?
-Economy and Decentralization, both vital to a strong nation

Do you believe unifying the parties and each party having a fair share in debates a good thing?
-No because the demographics of people in our nation are not equal. Our people want different things, and a unified government can't provide that.

How do you view Likatonia in twenty years?
-If the UCF doesn't win more elections... nowhere, just a debt-ridden nation with no jobs or opportunities.

Thank you for inviting me to do this interview

Julianne Predcut, UCF

Thank you for answering our questions, join us next time where we interview the front runner of the left the United Left Party and see how these two parties differ for the other. As always, stay informed Likatonia
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby cb15 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:21 pm

Students Protest High Student Loan Debt
Students at universities and colleges across the nation are protesting high interest rates that banks have placed on student loans. The students have named themselves the Progressive Students of Likatonia and are calling for the Federal Government to fully subsidize higher education for all people. Henry Adams, one of the de facto leaders of the emerging movement, spoke at a protest in the Capital and said this:
The government needs to take responsibility for the situation that we are in right now. The current system mandates that the children of low income earners should have their education paid for. But here’s the issue: the system doesn’t work. The Department of Education doesn’t have an official definition for ‘low income earner.’ So that means that your family’s income could be less than 50,000 dollars per year and you could be refused for benefits. There needs to be standard. Or even better yet, how about just move to free college in general?”

Another leader, Emily Carter, spoke at the rally in Clinton, and brought up the funding issue. She said that
Every year, about 1.5 million people enter college, university, or vocational school. Of that, about 400,000 would qualify for subsidies if the bar would be 50,000 per year or less. Now, statistics from the DOE suggest that the average college education costs about 125,000 dollars, or about 31,000 dollars per year. Now if there are about 1.6 million people in the system right now who are eligible for a 31,000 dollar benefit, that’s a bill of 49.6 billion dollars for the DOE. And how much money does the DOE receive per year in the federal budget? 50 billion dollars. That leaves only 400 million dollars for primary and second schools, research grants, and other important programs. So what we can tell from this is that the DOE needs more funding!”
When asked by reporters, Carter said that the protests would continue “for as long as it takes for a change to happen.”
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby Aquinas » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:16 am

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