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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:37 pm

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:03 pm



Auxiliary Presidential Palace, August 19, 5437: After a meeting of the new Council of Ministers at the Auxiliary Presidential Palace on national security concerns, ZLATENICO OKO asked President Irena Vranjic if there were policy changes in the works, and she responded:

Not so much. What we will be watching is whether the tentative new organizational relationships we have put in place are the right ones.. The retirement of First Minister Iacobescu means the institutional memory of our military growth plan and our oversight of the relationship with the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) will be different for the first time. Also, bringing Admiral Stefan Skolojan into the Council of Ministers as Defense Minister means we have changed our leadership in the MSCO Collective Majatran Response Force as well since General Dimitry Petrescu will replace Admiral Skolojan.

The policy changes you may see are reflections of changes in international opportunities. And changes are occurring.

Asked if the Republic had a positive view of the new regime in Aldegar, she replied:

We are happy to see it partially reopen the Canal. We are not at all certain of whether it has connections to either the ousted regime which failed to keep the Canal open or the political movement that actively sought its closing in the first place although reporting suggests the latter is more likely than the former. Considerably more likely. But hopefully members of the current regime were just innocent victims sitting on the sidelines when that occurred.

Asked if the controversy around Migrant’s Pass would likely doom the MSCO, the President replied:

Think it is important to recognize it could. When tempers get hot, mistakes get made. But there is absolutely no reason for it. None at all. Need to remember Migrant’s Pass is a very minor issue. Deltarska Republika has in the past raised the question of whether we even need patrols. The most recent threat to international commerce passing through it has definitely been contained. The heart of the MSCO is its mutual defense clause. Not who is patrolling Migrant’s Pass.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:15 pm


Cachtice: Former TV anchor Petar Drašković has announced the reformation of the once ruling Coalition of Deltarian Liberals, joining forces with the great grandson of former KDL leader Albert Hladík, Adam Gundić. Drašković, known for his role as Anchor of Branovice Daily Broadcast, announced the creation of the party at a public rally in Branovice where a handfull of supporters and journalists had gathered to witness the moment. Drašković has been selected as official party leader and thus candidate for the HOG position, while Gundić will be the party its presidential candidate, with his experience as a former diplomat potentially helping him to capture the head of state's position. Drašković named several reasons for forming the party, with a primary reason being the "democratic backsliding and discomfort we have found ourselves in during DNS rule.

We cannot argue with the fact that DNS politicians have done their best at governing the country. However, we can also not argue on what one-party rule has done with the country. Years of the oppossition being sidelined and different voices not being heard. While complacency is easy, we have chosen the hard road, the road of a new vision for Deltaria. We seek a more inclusive, fairer and resurgent Deltaria capable of once again providing for its citizens like never before. The KDL is back, decency is back!

Drašković, despite elections being four years away, has pledged to visit every city and major town in the country, inviting citizens to speak to him in both big rallies and small scale sit-ins. The election campaign is already on.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:23 am

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 13, 2024 2:00 pm


Cachtice: KDL leader Petar Drašković has made several suprising remarks during a visit to a naval base in Stefanisti, Ushalande, earlier today. In a speech, given in front of a group of sailors, Drašković called for the "rapid remilitarization" of Deltaria and a "new approach to foreign policy". When asked by reporters what the KDL leader meant with this announcement he clarified:

There are a series of looming threats to Majatran and Deltarian stability that cannot go ignored. For too long we have relied on powers like Beiteynu and Lourenne to maintain the global order. I remember the days where Deltaria was capable of handling these issues ourselves. We are completely reliant on free access to the world oceans but barely have a navy capable of leaving the Majatran Sea. We hunker down during a crisis and beg Beiteynu to solve it. No more, if the KDL is in power, we will do whatever we can to strengthen our Armed Forces and expand them. Furthermore, we need a new approach on foreign policy that doesnt just rely on Beiteynese supremacy in the MSCO but relies on our own diplomatic, economic and military prowess to achieve our goals. Will we withdraw from regional organizations? Ofcourse not, but we will evaluate our role within them and the steps we need to take in order to become a respected and independent nation again.

The remarks by the KDL leader have drawn criticism from government circles, who argue that Drašković is "portraying Deltaria as a Beiteynese puppet". His supporters praise his remarks however, citing the lack of "acknowledging the problem" in recent years and hoping that Drašković his remarks will wake up the establishment.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:07 pm


Stefanisti: Spearheaded by KDL presidential candidate Adam Gundić around 4000 people had gathered in the Deltarian city of Stefanisti to protest against Deltarian policy towards Beiteynu. A recent leaked memo has confirmed Beiteynese possession of ICBM's. While not loaded with nuclear warheads, these missiles could later on be adapted to include nuclear tipped loads and can already in a conventional capacity be used for massive destruction. Gundić, always having been critical of the Deltarian relationship with Beiteynu, organized the protests with KDL volunteers to protest the current relationship between Beiteynu and Deltaria. In his public speech in front of the large crowd he elaborated the KDl its stance:

ICBM's, the weapons capable of bringing untold destruction and suffering to the world. Deltaria has had its dark past with nuclear weapons and ICBM's alike, a past we have learned from in such a way that we know not to make the same mistakes again. This leak has confirmed what we have feared for long, that Beiteynu is ready to cast a shadow over this continent and act as its unelected sovereign. It will seek to control us, through the MSCO, through a potentially revived MA and through the fear of ICBM's. It is time for Deltaria its Rebirth, for Deltaria to take matters back into our own hands and usher in a new golden period for the Majatran continent! The days of the MA were decades of peace and prosperity. Under Beiteynu, we have had crisis after crisis and have suffered under bad foreign policy decisions. No more!

Supporters of the government gathered around the already ongoing protests to signal their oppossition to what they call "jingoistic rhetoric". Gundić however continued to reiterate that "the KDL does not want war, we want independence for all", which has seemingly become a slogan of the party, with some at the rally wearing shirts saying "KDL, Independence for All".
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 14, 2024 8:14 pm

August 5439
Newly elected President Adam Gundić

Cachtice: In a suprise early election, called following substained protests against the sitting DNS government, the oppossition KDL has swept to electoral victory by capturing both the presidency and a clear majority of seats in the National Assembly. The KDL had campaigned throughout most of the last two years, with their slogan "independence for all" being popular amongst many Deltarians. While scholars and observers had called the election tactics of the KDL "misleading" they did catch on with the average voter, who are seen as being wary and tired of nearly two decades of continious DNS rule. Polling conducted shortly after the election suggests that a vast majority of KDL voters voted for the oppossition party due to their stances on foreign policy and the military, with a smaller share voting on the KDL its social agenda.

President-elect Gundić spoke to supporters shortly after the results came in, promising a "new dawn" for Deltaria and immediately calling for "unity and cooperation" with the DNS. First minister-elect and KDL party leader Petar Drašković announced that his reresentatives will support a Grand Coalition with the DNS in a show of unity "under certain conditions". These conditions likely include a harsher stance towards Beiteynu, the promised remilitarization to be enacted and a push for a federal state with a stronger presidency, as is the ambition of the KDL. If these conditions are met "we can form a unity government, showing all that Deltaria remains united." The KDL also likely seeks to use the governing expertise of DNS ministers to improve their upcoming term as governing party. President Gundić has already invited the leaders of both parties to the presidential palace, likely seeking to forge such a grand coalition in the wake of this electoral landslide.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:00 pm

February 5440
A Deltarian soldier

Cachtice: The Ministry of Defense, spearheaded by defense minister Teodor Andreescu, has announced major military reforms and additional investments. The announcement comes four months after the Grand Coalition was seated and the pledge was made to remilitarize the country. The reforms will be primarily focussed on reorganizing, modernizing and expanding the armed forces. The "Federal Appeal for a Strong and Effective Military", abbreviated "FASEM" authorizes the Ministry of Defense to form, reorganize and disband military formations without consultation with military command. It will also reorganize said command, with the military districts to be strengthened during peacetime and with each branch commander to also serve as district commander simultaniously. Military forces will also no longer be "assigned" to a district but can instead be moved around more easily, with units to fall under the district they are stationed at at that moment.

Deltaria will adopt a offensive military doctrine, with the army and navy to play a main role while the airforce is to be designated as a supporting branch. The new doctrine focusses around Majatra, with the defense of Deltaria itself as a primary objective. However the new doctrine also includes sentences such as Deltaria needing the capability "to deploy forces overseas" and "act quickly and descisively if security in the region is threatened". The Ministry of Defense announced that all motorized and mechanized brigades are to be disbanded and merged into "Motor Rifle Brigades" which will have a better mix of mechanized and motorized units. The infantry divisions will be merged into rifle brigades, which will have more support and motorized units attached to them in the reform. The TBB (Tactical Battle Brigades) format will continue to be applied.

The airforce will step away from their air corps organization, instead being organized into "air bases" and their area of control. Each airbase is assigned a set number of aircraft and will serve as a support unit to nearby units. During active deployment, FAB's (Forward Air Bases) will be designated which will have the same function. The airforce will thus primarily serve in a support role, altho in rare cases it will be allowed to operate independently. The navy is currently organized into several fleets, with their organization to maintain the same. However the navy is to receive a significant influx of investments, thus creating the need for greater coordination. It has therefor been decided that as a overhead command structure the different fleets will be organized under the "Deltarian Naval Home Command" DNHC and the "Expeditionary Naval Command" or ENC. All fleets will continue to have their own command structure but coordinate under these two naval commands to increase cooperation and effectiveness.

While structural changes are a large part of the announcement, another big aspect of this move is the funds that the government seeks to pump into the Armed Forces, with the plan showing a intend to invest nearly 200 billion in the coming 10 years on modernization, expansion and training. To achieve this goal, the ministry seeks to increase the annual defense budget from the current 3.2%^to over 10% of the GDP for the next 5 years, requesting additional lump sum funding from the Ministry of Finance in order to pay for this massive expenditure. The goal will be to expand the amount of professional soldiers to 400.000 (currently 120.000) and increase reserves from the current 300.000 to 900.000. The fleet has to be expanded from the current 69 combat ships to nearly 120. While some are worried about the implications of this move on state finances, it fits into the promise of the KDL to put the military first in the coming years "to catch up with other regional powers".

Lastly the Defense Forces are to be renamed into the Deltarian Armed Forces, with each branch renamed seperately into the Ground Forces, Navy, Aerospace Defense Forces and the new to be created Zapovjedništvo Operativne Grupe (Z.O.G) or Task Force Command which will be the new command responsible for the Task Force regiments previously structured within the army. These will be the elite infantry forces of Deltaria, to be desigated as RG units (Radna grupa). All in all these are already dubbed the "largest military reforms in centuries" and are likely to be a source of concern for those remembering the days of Deltarian militarism. The reforms have been proposed in the National Assembly, with the entire Grand Coalition expected to vote in favor.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:33 pm

February 5440
Cachtice financial district

Cachtice: Minister of Finance Ljubiša Ristovski and several regional leaders have issued a strong warning towards the government over economic and financial forecasts if the government does decide to push ahead with its ambitious and extremely costly military reforms and expansions. According to Ritovski, the costs of the plan to the economy are "tremendous" and would mean that "Deltaria has to lower its expectations on economic growth, wealth expansion and overal financial forecasts in the short and long term." Ristovski, herself from the party seeking to enact the reforms, reiterated that it is "possible to decide upon this path" but that politicians and bussiness leaders alike should "alter their expectations and communicate clearly to the population regarding the economy and what to expect from it in the coming years."

The initial proposal already saw some backlash from financial circles but as the dust settles days after the announcement the Ministry of Finance, in specific minister Ristovski, "saw it as our duty to issue this warning and make all those involved realize the repurcussions of such a decision." Early estimates suggest that if the "military first" policy is adopted, even if it is just for a few years, it could drastically hurt the Deltarian economy to such an extend that it would not grow and that state finances "would be under enormous pressure for several years."

Despite the warning, hawks like Defense minister Andreescu, First Minister Drašković and President Gundić all continue to support the plan, reiterating that "in order to catch up with other powers, we have to make a rough but necessary decision to prioritize our Armed Forces for the time being."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:45 am


Former President Vranjic


Naban, March 19, 5440: : After a meeting of the Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS) Party leadership at its headquarters in Naban, ZLATENICO OKO asked former President Irena Vranjic, if she would be running for President again and she replied:

No DNS needs new leadership and will be getting it. Former First Minister Otmar Matousek is our new party leader. We have some factions, for lack of a better word, and we’ll be looking at what to emphasize. Internal economic growth and protecting gains, trade expansion, continuing our vigorous military build up and expanding diplomatic connections beyond Majatra all have their advocates.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO if joining with Koalicija Deltariajanskih Liberala (KDL) in a Grand Coalition meant KDL descriptions of DNS policies were correct, she responded:

Of course not. What it does mean is KDL and DNS believe we have more in common than we have differences and are going to try to work together on mutual goals.

ZLATENICO OKO asked if she thought KDL had correctly identified the reason for their victory, and Vrannjic answered:

Obviously, KDL had more insight than we did. We thought we were going to just barely win not be decisively defeated. But our thinking is still that after 100 years of DNS presidents, the electorate was tired of the same old same old and wanted something different.
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