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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:03 pm

Monarch sends "warm" welcome to Queen Victoria's letter.
The Emperor has sent his "warm" welcome to the Hutorian Queen's new titles arrangements. The monarch states that the House of Steuart-Carmichael's status will be modified to fit these new arrangements.
5th, February 5501


Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - With Luthori's latest visit in Hutori, the Hutorian Embassy has seen a change in Ambassador and the Emperor and his heirs have seen additional titles being added to their official titles. The newly-enthroned Queen and Monarch of Hutori, HRM Victoria II, entrusted the Imperial Family with the rank of Knight Marshals of the Order of the Golden Lion, Hutori's most prestigious knightly order. With that, the "Special Relationship" between the House of Steuart-Carmichael and the House of Orange-Villayn (Armstead), in the likes of the relationship between the Luthorian Empire and the Kingdom of Hutori, was reassured, with Victoria's cousin being named in that order. The Luthorian Monarch is the sole foreign monarch to be present in that category of the Order, the other being the King/Queen of Lourenne.

With that in mind, the Emperor has sent a letter to the Queen ane Monarch stating that he was "deeply appreciative" of the nice gesture from the Queen in regards to Luthori. In an effort to repay the gesture made by Her Imperial Majesty, the Luthorian Monarch stated that the Hutorian Monarch be given the title of "Master of the Knightly Order of St. Micheal", one of Luthori's most prestigious knightly orders, with some illustrious members, such as the Earl of Rochester, the Marquess of Salisbury and many others. The rank of Master is the second-highest rank within the Order, with the Emperor being the Grand Master of the Order.

In addition, the Grand Duchy of Yodukan remains in a state of limbo, with the King of Lourenne having taken the title of Duke of Alcarie off of the Luthorian Monarch, the Grand Duchy remains a source of tensions within the Luthorian Government. The Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council, Lord Threwiford, stated in a Privy Council's meeting that the recent polixy change from Lourenne couldn't be ignored and that His Majesty's Government would act in consequence.

Finally, the Orange Palace solemnly asked the Kalistani Consulate in Fort William to send a note to the Kalistani Government in order to see if a member of the Luthorian Imperial Family, either Prince Charles or Prince George could represent the Luthorian Empire into the ascension of the new Kalistani monarch.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:28 pm

The Labour News
Official newspaper of the Labour Party
Labour denounces policies proposed by Conservative government

20th June 5501

Tens of thousands protesting the Death Penalty Restoration Act in the March for Lives using the "NO" banner, Fort William.

Fort William, Luthori - After lack of mass mobilization for around seven years, protests erupt once again as the Hardliners of the Conservative Party push for outdated regressive policies, particularly the death penalty, and the people push back through demonstrations just like they did in 5372, 5427, 5494 and again now. The bills proposed by the Conservative Hardliners, or also referred as Tories, came at a major shock, as no death penalty bill, even when it was proposed, did not have any chance of passing through the Imperial Diet, however, this time, it may pass its way and become law, and also other policies such as outlawing of secondary strikes, banning euthanasia, and to a lesser extent re-introduction of mandatory minimums (that is much less controversial compared to other policies), sparked widespread outrage and many dissatisfied citizens call for mass protests accross Luthori. In reaction against these policies, the long-defunct People's Protest Assembly was re-established and renamed as the Assembly for Lives and Rights, abbreviated as the ALR, the ALR is a civil society organization that mobilizes citizens against these policies under a common platform of civil liberty. The Assembly for Lives and Rights immediately called for demonstrations in the capital Fort William after its formation, the demonstrations are still ongoing.

The Labour Party strongly denounces the outdated regressive policies proposed by the Conservative Hardliners and expresses strong support for the protesters mobilizing for the lives and the rights of the people against government overreach. Leader of the Opposition and Labour leader Taylor Elwes announced the party's stance on these issues in a press statement released by The Labour News, he also attended a protest organized by the Assembly for Lives and Rights, denouncing the Prime Minister and his government for promoting the anachronistic practice of the death penalty and seeking to restrict the civil rights of the Luthorian citizens, Elwes also stated that he and the Labour Party will sue the government and challenge the death penalty bill at the Constitutional Court they proceed it to pass. Some of the Members of Parliament from the Labour Party also are members of the ALR and actively participate in the protests, but the Assembly for Lives and Rights does not have any connection with the Labour Party nor any of its local organizations, despite similarity in their aims, which are promoting social justice and civil liberties and opposing the regressive policies proposed by the government.

The most notable protest against these policies is the "March for Lives", a mass protest march organized by the Assembly for Lives and Rights and is still ongoing as of today, the march is specifically focused at protesting the Death Penalty Restoration Act, a strongly controversial bill that sparked widespread outrage and if passed will regress the country at least one century. The March for Lives extensively features the banner "NO", a slogan that says no to the bill and opposes government restriction on the right to live under guise of punishment for a crime, "NO" is the main slogan of the protest. However, there are also other slogans such as "Stop the bill!", "We will stand up against murder disguised as punishment!", and others. This is not the only protest, as tens of thousands are currently organizing various demonstrations, rallies, marches, mainly in the capital Fort William but also in other major cities, with the shared goal of resisting the outdated regressive policies promoted by the government and defending rights and freedoms from government overreach. The protests represent the most significant case of mass mobilization since 5471, even more significant than the 5493-5494 protests, and time will tell us what happens with this crisis.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:43 pm

183 shipping executives indicted; more charges pending
July 5501
The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:27 pm

Lord Threwiford announces withdrawing from politics after a decade spent as PM.
The Prime Minister, Lord Threwiford recently announced that he would be resigning from his offices as Prime Minister and Lord President of the Council, effective in a few months. Opening a period of uncertainty within the Tory Party.
15th, August 5501

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - This may be unexcepted to many people, who have seen Prime Minister Harrington, the Duke of Threwiford, leading over the Luthorian Government for the last 13 years, becoming one of Luthori's longest serving Prime Ministers with only one ministry over which they are ruling over. The recent parliamentary rebuffal is likely to have encouraged the Prime Minister to withdraw himself from politics, allowing his Deputy Prime Minister, William Ramsay-Hayden, also known as the Earl of Rochester and the Foreign Secretary, Andrew Meyer to take a more important role into parliamentary business. The Foreign Secretary has shown himself to be placing his pawns with his alleged involvement into the rebuffal of former Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Rampard. While also expanding his influence into parliamentary business due to many bills being proposed in the Imperial Diet. The Home Secretary, for his part, also have in his records one of the most comprehensive reform bill in Luthorian security history, the National Security Act of 5490, deeply reforming Luthori's secret security apparatus to make it more efficient in the modern era.

These two men showed their actual competence into their respectful fields. Meyer actually running an mostly uncontroversial run at the Foreign Ministry, except some hickups caused by the Defence Secretary's intervention during the "Kohav Affair" and the Home Secretary also proved his worth as Luthori's main security organizer.

Who will come on top of this race?
Last edited by Robert F. Kennedy on Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:39 am

Central Bank notes a slight upturn for the first time in 3 decades
November 5501
The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:49 am

Bannerhafen's state of play in thawing the ice between 2 continents
November 5501
The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:34 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Congress of Trade Unions gains traction amidst political controversies

Ongoing protests against controversial economic and social policies, Fort William.

17th January 5502

Fort William, Luthori - The Congress of Trade Unions, a confederation of various trade unions and one of two main organizations representing the Luthorian labour movement, with the other being the Labour Party (which has been the main left-leaning party for almost one century), has gained significant traction, as the membership of the Congress by unions expand, trade unions that are members of the Congress are accross all five duchies. Formation of various unions and integration of pre-existing trade unions in appoxrimately nine years from its establishment have all benefited the Congress of Trade Unions, with it expanding its membership to 38 unions as of today accross the country, around eight million workers are indirectly members of the Congress through their membership of unions that are member of the Congress. The Labour Party, particularly its radical Hard Left faction, has assisted formation of trade unions accross the country after the dissolution of the Democratic Socialist Labour Party, and 20 unions that are members of the Congress as of today are affiliated with the Labour Party.

The expansion and increasing influence of the Congress of Trade Unions came particularly in last years, as there have been controversies related to the economic policy under successive Conservative Party-led governments, sometimes those controversies also spilled over social issues, particularly in 5494 when mass protests against an ultra-conservative bill culminated in the overturning of that bill and this year when the Assembly for Lives and Rights, a civil society organization opposing ultra-conservative and ultra-liberal policies promoted by the government and advocating for equality and civil rights, organized protests accross the country in protest against banning of euthanasia, restoration of death penalty, outlawing of secondary strike, and other controversial policy proposals. These protests are still ongoing and they continue unabated, but the number of protesters involved are relatively low, with only around five ten thousand protesters mobilizing against the controversial economic and social policies promoted by the Conservative government, representing only a tiny fraction of those opposing the policies, most of opposing citizens prefer voting for the Labour Party, which also opposes these policies, instead of protesting in the streets. However, if the policies proceed to pass, larger protests against the government may erupt.

Some unions within the Congress of Trade Unions declared that they will organize strikes accross Luthori if the government proceeds with the "Secondary Strike Outlawing Act" and that act becomes law, but the Congress itself did not make such a declaration as it lacks majority support within the organization. On another side, the Assembly for Lives and Rights resumes protests against government policies, but those protests fail to gain any further traction and only tens of thousands of citizens are mobilized in opposition to the policies, and it is uncertain if those protests escalate into a massive protest movement like 5372 or 5471, as it depends on the developments that will only happen months after, such as if those controversial bills pass and become law or are defeated in the parliament, but it is likely that at least the economic policies which sparked the protests will pass, even though the social policies fail, in such a case we could see larger protests and potentially large strikes, as many unions oppose these policies and declare that they will organize strikes if the policies proceed. The Labour Party opposes these economic and social policies, and they continue expressing support for the protests and they also express support for the plan by unions to organize strikes.
Last edited by hopesfor2 on Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:27 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Mass protests and strikes erupt in reaction to controversial policies

Hunderds of thousands protesting over controversial policies and using the slogan "SOS", Fort William.

20th February, 5503

Fort William, Luthori - Luthori is shaken by intensifying political and social tensions ahead of critical elections due for September caused by the controversial economic and social reforms of the Conservative Party-led government, and the pushback by the civil society and the labour movement against these reforms sparked mass protests and unprecedented strikes, near one million protesters take to the streets in mass protests against the government, many trade unions accross the country also organize massive strikes, . These protests are the largest protests since 5372, and they represent a potentially dangerous escalation in political tensions, the escalating tensions make the next elections due for September particularly critical, as a Labour Party victory or gains by the Whigs of the Conservative Party could ease tensions, but if the conservative factions win then it would be possible that the protests further escalate. The mass protests and strikes erupt in response to a specific set of controversial policies that were introduced by the Conservative government. The first policy that is one of the reasons of the protests is the Secondary Strike Outlawing Act, a law that prohibits trade unions from going on to secondary strike actions, which critics argue that it is a violation of freedom of association and freedom of assembly, which are freedoms that are expected to be respected by the government in a democratic society. Another controversial policy is the, Mandatory Minimums Sentences Introduction in Luthori's Judicial Apparatus Act, a law re-introducing mandatory minimums for all crimes, the "Euthanasia Banishment Act" also sparked controversy as it will prohibit euthanasia and consider euthanasia to be murder if passed.

However, the most controversial law is the "Death Penalty Restoration Act", a law that will restore death penalty for terrorism, treason, and crimes against humanity, which critics strongly condemn as a regression in regards to civil rights in Luthori and a false legitimization of murder. The Death Penalty Restoration Act was the final straw, and just days after its moving to a vote in the Imperial Diet, grassroots activists and civil society organizations started holding demonstrations in the capital Fort William. These protests quickly escalated, more and more protesters took to the streets in mass protests against the government. However, it was a few days ago when the protesters started holding massive rallies, marches, and some unions started to go on strikes, all in protest against the controversial economic and social policies of the government. These protests further escalated in following days, and today one million protesters and more than one hunderd thousand striking workers are organizing massive protests and strikes in reaction to what they see as an ultra-liberal and ultra-conservative government that does not represent the will of the people and is willing to violate democratic rights for particular policies. The slogan "SOS" is the main symbol of the protest movement, which is a slogan that frames the policies as an alarm that the democratic rights and social equality that were achieved after various struggles in more than one century will be reversed and restricted, however, other slogans, such as the "NO" slogan from the previous anti-death penalty protests last year are also prominent.

The Labour Party has expressed strong support for the protests and strikes, vowed to repeal the policies that sparked these protests, and voted against those policies in the Imperial Diet vote. Labour leader and Leader of the Opposition Taylor Elwes once again accused the Conservative government of pursuing policies that spark political tensions and undermine socio-economic equality and civil rights like in his previous statements, and he announced Labour's strong support for the protests and strikes and the protesters' cause. Many local organizations of the Labour Party helped the civil society organizations and trade unions in organizing and coordinating protests and strikes, and some of the Members of Parliament attended to various protests at the capital Fort William. The Congress of Trade Unions, on another hand, remains divided over the strikes, with some unions favoring a massive nationwide general strike while other unions wanting that the Congress leaves its constituent unions to decide if they go on strike or not, the latter group is as of now is in majority but it is probable that the majority could change in favor of a general strike, the Congress of Trade Unions also expanded its membership to 45 unions as of today and the workers it represents amount to almost 10 million workers, representing the changing trends in the Luthorian labour movement. It is uncertain what will be the outcome of these protests, and it is likely that this significant wave of protests and strikes will be subject to rapid developments. These protests and strikes also make the 5503 elections particularly critical for Luthori's future trajectory, as the outcome of the elections would likely affect whether the protests escalate or subside.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:14 pm

The Foreign Secretary ascends to the office of Prime Minister.
Mr. Meyer, or may we call, Lord Meyer, has successfully reached the top of Luthorian politics with his appointment as Prime Minister by the Emperor and his election as Leader of the Conservative Party. With it, Luthori enters the 56th Century with an hardliner, yet pragmatic Tory in charge of the government.
1st January, 5503

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - For the last 20 years, Meyer dominated Luthorian foreign policy, from his election as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee (5474) in the aftermath of the "Hubris War" to his most recent answer to the Kohav's comments on Luthori (Central Artania in general). Andrew Meyer has been setting the tune that Luthori is following ever since 5478. We've mostly heard of Andrew Meyer as this silent diplomat, working tirelessly towards builing the most favourable settlement for Luthori in the World, the recent announcement from Lodamun being one of that proofs. Yet, few have actually explored the political beliefs of Mr. Meyer.

Lord Meyer is actually a conservative politician, not in general sense of the word meaning that he's a member of the Tory Party, yet more that his ideological beliefs resides to the right of the political spectrum. He stated multiple times that, while domestic policy wasn't his priority, he would still support policies which would go to his sense in Parliament. Yet, he is still a pragmatic politician, especially in the economic realm, where he is mostly favourable to have a pragmatic solution to the economic debate. More like a "Great Compromise" between the Tories, Labour and the Humperdincks, favouring a free-market economy with minimal state intervention in the economy, while also favouring state intervention into the welfare model.

Lord Meyer's political views are as the person - confusing. Yet, his views on foreign policy are clear. His views are mostly known as "Meyerism" or just general pragmatism, mixed with some form of idealism. With his records at the Foreign Ministry, it seems that the Empire is still heading towards the same foreign policy that it has been doing for the last 12 years. Significating that nothing would be really changing in that matter.

Knowing that, it's important to note that an important "power struggle" has been taking place within the Conservative Party in the aftermath of the Lord Threwiford's resignation, with Mr. Meyer and the Lord Rochester fighting over who would become the next Luthorian Prime Minister. Undoubtely, Meyer ran put with a pragmatist agenda in mind, while the Lord Rochester mostly fought off with an "ideologue" outlook, with the aim of fostering and reingovirating the conservative movement in the realm. The Earl of Rochester stood out defeated in the aftermath of the 5302 Committee's final vote on the matter, with Meyer securing the support of the majority of Members of Parliament affilated with the Conservative Party.

In his inaugural address as Prime Minister of Luthori, he stated that the "realm is at a crossroads" and that "regardless of party politics, the nation should be able to stand by its two feets...", he then stated that his passage by both the Foreign Relations Committee in the Imperial Parliament and his passage at the Foreign Ministry "greatly helped shape my vision of the world and of Luthori's place in it, while also admiring the work from our diplomatic apparatus in the world and all people working tirelessly to make Luthori a better place to live on...". The Prime Minister also said that "no modification of policy", compared to the last ministry would be made before the first cabinet meeting at 10 Crown Street.

Crown Street also announced that Lady Ramsay-Hayden, the younger sister of the Earl of Rochester was appointed as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, which is mostly considered to be a surprise due to Meyer's own personal strained relations with her brother. The Foreign Ministry announced that the Prime Minister would be going to Kalistan for a diplomatic visit, after the one done by the Prince of Orange's own visit during the Kalistani Empress' coronation while the Foreign Secretary would be going off to Narikaton & Darnussia and Dundorf for diplomatic visits.
Last edited by Robert F. Kennedy on Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:17 pm

Prime Minister makes response to protestors.
The Prime Minister today tried his best to dissauge concerns about the government's internal policy, stating that most bills that the protestors are fighting against are Private Members' Bills. Bills proposed by a single member of parliament and not backed by any government agency.
5th, March 5503

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Meyer Administration works may have only begun, but it's already been controversial. Since the appointment of Meyer as Prime Minister, the Conservative Party has been following a policy of steadfast and uncomprising conservatism at the internal level, symbolized by the re-appointment of the conservative Lady Chancellor, Cecillia Baten and the appointment of conservative media pundit, Stephen Wachford as Home Secretary. With that in mind, the Ministry's agenda has drown a lot of concerns from either the Official Opposition, backed by the Labour-affilated union and civil organizations, or even regular citizens who are worried about the Government's societal program. Since the beginning of protests in Luthori, the Prime Minister has been in the forefront of the fight for the government's program and its righteousness. Last Monday, the Head of Government was at a campaign spot in Middenriding, a traditionally progressive grand duchy in cities but more conservative inland. During his campaign stop he stated that the Tory Government is only doing what it has been elected for. Enacting a conservative agenda into which all Luthorians could get behind. While he recognized that the agenda wasn't going to draw a lot of support from the traditional progressive/socialist bloc, he stated they were now "weaker than ever" with a small representation in the Imperial Diet, with only 199 MIDs being affilated with the traditional leftist party, the Labour Party. While it's true, the Government's Chief overlooked the fact of the protests, which are, according to the Progressive Tribune, "rocking" Luthori. While according to other medias, such as the Times, the Telegraph or the Mail, these protests are merely representative of a "fraction" of the realm's population.

With protests all over big cities being organized during weekends, the Prime Minister tried to reassure the electorate ahead of the general election being organized in September of this year, where the Conservative Party, especially it's so-called "Hardliner" or "Tory" faction has been fighting a steady battle for the conservative's vote hegemony with the new upstart far-right or hard right party, Republican Nationalist League, a, rare for Luthori, rightist republican party. While the chances for that party to acheive a majority or even securing an entry into government is highly unlikely, the Party seeks to re-assert its dominance over the right-wing electorate before Election Day. The Lord President of the Council (Prime Minister) also seeked to re-assert his own position as Prime Minister in order to avoid potential leadership challenges from either some disgruntled party members or some political rivals, such as the Earl of Rochester. While for now, the Marquess of Rosemary (Meyer)'s Ministry is staying firm, the Labour Party under Taylor Elwes is likely to end up winning the election on an upset victory due to the division of the conservative vote. Opinion polling is excepted to come in May.
Last edited by Robert F. Kennedy on Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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