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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:59 pm


Prime Minister Parvelescu


Office of Prime Minister, February 15, 5527: Prime Minister Lucian Parvelescu issued the following statement concerning additional response to deterioration of order in Jakania:

At this point the Government of Republika Deltarska is not proposing any solution to a deteriorating situation in our neighbor Jakania which is drifting from misrule into lack of actual authority and now multiple mutually exclusive armed claims of authority. A dismal picture.

What we are doing is taking a few concrete steps in anticipation of further decay. First all our citizenry in Jakania is directed to return home forthwith. We do not believe at this juncture there are ongoing Deltarian business interests beyond some traders buying and selling. There of course are individual visitors and families present there. All should leave now.

Further, there will be no travel south by our citizens into this unfortunate country until further notice.

There is an exception to evacuation. The Ambassador and a skeleton crew will remain at the Embassy for possible contact with Jakanian factions for the time being.

At the moment individual Jakanian citizens may still enter our nation; however, anyone associated with Jamaat al-Tawba, the Army of Turjakistan or the official Army of Jakania will not be permitted entrance into Republika Deltarska whether travelling officially or not and whether travelling alone, in groups or military or official units.

Interior’s Federal Security Service (FBS) is sending personnel to join Federal Gendarmerie and Foreign Ministry personnel in the screening and processing of refuges at refuge receiving stations at our southern border crossings.

We have established a Provisional Jakanian Response Force (PJRF) headquartered at Cernovar in Disuva Pokrajina consisting of the 5th and 28th Armored Brigades and the 23rd, 17th and 8th Motor Rifle Brigades as well as 5 MiG 29, 3 R- 24,and 3 Sa – 30 DK squadrons and 3 RH – 24 rotary craft squadrons.

We have also set up a Provisional Border Support Force (PBSF) at Dolinka to support our Federal Gendarmerie at the border should it become necessary. The PBSF has headquarters at Dolinka and consists of 12th, 21st and 55th Motor Rifle Brigades and 3 MiG 29 and 3 R- 24 squadrons and 3 RH – 24 rotary craft squadrons.

Asked by ZLATENICO OKO if the Underground was providing arms to rebels, Parvelescu responded:

The FBS says yes.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:43 pm

Ikradon responds on problems in Jakania

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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:19 pm

Whale Island
OAA responds to Ikradonian calls; taunts at potential "escalation" policy
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:01 pm



Presidential Palace, August 15, 5528: Prime Minister Lucian Parvelescu was asked by ZLATENICO OKO after a Federal Council meeting about conditions in Jakania what Republika Deltarska would do, and he responded:

A fair question. There appears to be no actual governing authority there but rather five or six armed factions holding portions of the territory. And some of them ready to start violent religious purges and ethnic cleansing. Our principal interest is seeing that Kalopian and Delic minorities are not massacred, a view we share with Kalopiki Dimokratia.

Jakania is a sovereign nation, albeit in collapse, and has done nothing yet to warrant armed intervention. But it will. So some steps are in order to mitigate the tragedy that is coming. Obviously mediation and diplomacy should be employed and conceivably could be successful. Conceivably.

We should also be planning an arms embargo. Particularly artillery ammunition and drones. Where? Well, Deltaria is in position to prevent aerial import of arms. There will need to be interdiction preventing arms traveling through the sea of Lost Souls by sea going west to southern Majatra. There will need to be interdiction of traffic going west by sea through Migrants Pass particularly if obviously headed south. And there will need to be interdiction off the coast of Cobura. Finally coastal approaches to Jakania itself.

As to containing atrocities and mitigating disaster, our position is that we believe the neighboring nations can handle it. Failing in that other Majatran nations can help.

What we would like to see and shall ask for is that the World Congress do two things. First, try and open mediation or diplomacy to avert disaster. This may well fail; our own embassy has tried to make contact with all factions without success to date. But it could succeed. Second, organize a humanitarian relief effort. We are prepared at out southern border to receive refuges and provide help. But the World Congress is uniquely in position to effectively organize Terra wide relief.

We are also going to approach the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) about being prepared to impose an arms embargo and otherwise taking steps to contain the tragedy and shut it down as soon as possible. We may temporarily take on the Secretary General’s job to effectuate this but are very reluctant to do so since we are generally at odds with other MSCO members about who is welcome in the Sea of Majatra at any particular moment. Be that as it may, we may have to do this.

As indicated, Jakania is a sovereign nation. But there some 78 other sovereign nations on Terra, and neither Republika Deltarska nor MSCO are going to be usurping that sovereignty and telling them what to do.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:23 pm

Kulivan Ashvarim, Deputy Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:40 pm



Defense Ministry, January 25, 5529: ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Defense Ministry say the joint venture attack helicopter project of the Beiteynuese defense contractors Biraero and Sato with Letajici Orel, having produced a model suitable for operating from aircraft carriers and frigates, has now adapted that aircraft to a model more suitable to land based operations.

Changes from the Asli are fairly minimal; adapting the landing gear, eliminating the line and probe cable for attachment to a hydraulic winch on the landing deck and adding anti tank missiles to the rockets and missiles which can be launched from the hardpoints. Weaponry already included a 30 mm chain gun as part of an area weapon system and hardpoints for air to air and air to surface missiles and rockets controlled by fire control radar.

The Asli E, as it had been designated by Letajici Orel for use by the Federal Air Force, is now ready for production and sale by Biraero and Sato as well as Letajici Orel. The Department of Appropriations for Deltarian Defense (DADD) has contracted for an initial order of 50 Asli E’s from Letajici Orel.

ZLATENICO OKO sources believe the Defense Ministry thinking is to over time replace the RH – 24 attack helicopter with the Asli E.


OOC: Apache AH 64E :

OOC:!&&p=7d5ce63a ... Nlcw&ntb=1
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:13 am

Navy deploys forces and increases alertness
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:02 pm


Defense Minister Petrescu


Defense Ministry, July 25, 5530: ZLATENICO OKO sources in the Defense Ministry say in anticipation of the likelihood of active military conflict in Jakania, Defense Minister Dimitry Petrescu has directed the Department of Appropriations for Deltarian Defense (DADD) to purchase more drones, fighters and helicopters as requested by the Federal Air Force.

DADD has arranged with Broz Aircraft Corporation to supply the Federal Air Force with 50 of its Pegaz unmanned aerial vehicles as it did Interior earlier within the next 37 months.

DADD has also ordered 50 more Asli E attack helicopters which the Federal Air Force hopes to supersede its RH – 24 helicopters as its mainstay rotary craft. The DADD arrangement will be with Letajici Orel for delivery over the next 44 months.

Finally, DADD will purchase for the Federal Air Force 35 more SA – 30 DK’s and 25 more MiG – 29’s from SATURN to be delivered over the next 53 months.




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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:01 pm



Carsky Ukit, January 12, 5533: After a Federal Council meeting at the Auxiliary Presidential Palace of Carsky Ukrit focusing on Foreign Ministry review of its many free trade agreements throughout Terra with a view to determining where else to make contact, ZLATENICO OKO asked President Gabrijel Lukacevic why the Government wanted to ratify the Vamaj Oil and Gas Supply and Distribution Network Framework. The President responded:

It is true that our actual oil and gas supply comes from contracts with other nations and that we are extracting some crude oil and natural gas from Lake Majatra, mainly to insure our reserves are plentiful enough to withstand a crisis from a downturn whether natural or artificially induced.

The Vamaj Framework would very likely give us access to additional suppliers should supply conditions change unlikely as that may be. So it is a precautionary move.

In all honesty of equal importance is that it palpably demonstrates the normalization of relations between Republika Deltarska and Moledet Medinat. Over recent centuries our relations have varied from coldly distant to fraught but warmed considerably as we worked together to produce the Asli and Asli E helicopters and to deter civil war in Jakania.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:02 am

Kalopian, Deltarian and Pontesian entry to Vamaj marked by "curious times"
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