
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:01 pm

The People's Assembly Building in Aŭgusta, Egato.
2nd January 3802.

Today President of the Democratic Republic of Cobura, Aleksander Horsham went to the People's Assembly to address the Cabinet. He saw that it was time for a massive change in cobura. President Horsham stated that the entire cabinet would have to be reshuffled. With much of the CU Politics leaving the platform. Prime Minister Vilhelmos stated that it was time for his generation to leave and for another to enter. He stated that after the Cabinet Proposal of January 3802 his government will be removed from the cabinet so that a new and much fresh government of the CU Party could come in. President Horsham also stated that he is also thinking of changing the nation's government system from a Democratic Republic to a Federal Democratic Republic in which the parliament/central government has complete sovereignty over all aspects of political life.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:33 pm

23rd June 3802.

With the recent attempts of the Zardic Ministry of Defense trying to close down the Belgae post New Cast, many Human Rights activist has once more come to the Coburan Human Rights Council (CHRC) to try to lobby for the rights of Freedom of the Press in Zardugal. Yesterday the Minister of Defense of Zardugal,Christopher Jones stated that his department was going to shut down the Belgae Post News Cast for "Treason" Charges. Today President of the Coburan National News Network (CNNN), Amanuel Yared, stated that the Zardic Minister of Defense was a complete lunatic. He stated that he could not take away the rights of freedom of press from the people of Zardic and from Coburan National residing in Zardugal who watch the programme. He stated that Freedom of the Press must stay in Zardugal and that he cannot remove that. Yared said" If he wants to investigate something , why doesn't he go investigate his own Ministry? I can see the corruption in the Ministry of Defense, I can see it". "It was completely stupid of him to do that, and he should just report to the Zardic President and resign."After the interview with President Amanuel Yared of the Coburan National News Network, he went to the CHRC to lobby with other lobbyists about the issue.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:22 pm

President of Cobura, Aleksander Horsham's Car is seen pulling out of the President's Office and Heading to the airport to meet the Istalian Delegates.
4th February 3803.

With recent communication and talks between the President of Cobura and the President of the Repubblica Istaliana (Istalia),Matteo Renz, the Government of Cobura and Government of Istalia have decided to come a bit closer than telephone or letter and let the two world leaders come together in one room to talk to each other in person. Both sides decided that Cobura will be the best place to have this meeting. President Matteo Renz, stated that he will not be in attendance to the meeting but he will be sending two of his most Highly respected Government Ministers, The Foreign Minister Maurizio Luppi, the Minister of Trade and Industry Maria Elena Bosco, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Guido Mobile and their followers. President Horsham stated that they will be accommodated at the Grand Cobura Hotel in Princo so 50 miles from the President's House. Prime Minister of Cobura, Antono Mikelo stated that he will also be visiting the Istalian delegates. After they have rested from their long flight, they will meet with the President and Prime Minister of Cobura once more at the President's Diplomatic Center.

The Grand Cobura Hotel.

The President's Diplomatic Center.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:36 am

One of the 3 Zardic Citizens, Thomas Roberto is seen been Loaded into a Police Van to be transported to the Gold Heart Prison.

The Day was any regular day for the workers of the Coburan Operations Center until the peace was broken when 3 armed suspects stopped the building with automatic assault rifles and held 12 workers hostage.Reports say that most the buildings security guards were killed. Reports have it that the 3 armed assailants were Zardic Citizens by the Name of Thomas Roberto, Micheal Westward and Christian Georgo. Members from the Coburan Interstate Task Force were quickly called into the scene and the three assailants were arrested in under 2 hours of negotiations. The 3 assailants will be awaiting words from their government whether they want to deport them back to Zardugal under go the Zardic Justice system. Minister of Justice, Temesgen Tesfaye stated that if they do not receive any form of communication from the Zardic Government in under 72 Hours the three suspects will be prosecuted in a Coburan Court under Coburan Justice laws. He stated with such acts of storming a Government Building and holding high ranking members hostage may result in a Death Penalty of Hanging, Electrocution or Execution by firing squad. The Minister Urges the Zardic Government to take action before the 72 hours are over. Minister Tesfaye also stated that if the death penalty is not implemented they will be charged with Terrorism Charges or Hostage Charges which will land them 1 year imprisonment.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:25 pm

The Zardic-Coburan Border , on the Coburan side is seem building a large fence separating the nations.
24th February 3805.

With the recent news statement by the Khagan Ministry of war for the Head of the President of Zardugal, the Coburan Government has set the entire nation on high alert mobilizing its Armed Forces to all borders surrounding the nation. The Ministry of Defense stated that the Coburan Navy will be be set up on protecting the sea borders of Cobura. The Ministry of Defense also stated that some 30,000 Military Soldiers were mobilized to all three borders surrounding Cobura. Coburan Defense Command Staff stated that the Military will be building fences at the Zardic-Coburan Border and at the Jakanian-Coburan Border and at the Sea Border of Lake Majatra. The Coburan Government has ordered for the return of all Coburan Nationals in Zardugal to return home. The Minister of Defense, Michealo Paulo stated that someone was about to happen and it was not good. Newly recruited General of the Coburan army, Former Minister of Defense, James Georgo stated that the coburan Military Base in Zardugal has been set on high alert. Although flights too and from Coburan and Zardugal and the rest of the world continue, the Government has decided to continue border crossing but implementing heavier searches.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:27 pm

A Convoy of Coburan Tanks are seem moving to the Coburan-Lake Majatra Border
14th August 3805.

With the Jelbic Empire declaring war of Zardugal, the Coburan Army has been set the nation on a State of Emergency. Today General of the Coburan Army, General James Georgo stated that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th armored divisions would told to move to the Coburan-Lake Majatra Border. The Government has evacuated all citizens living in coastal area and people living in the areas around all borders. The Military has begun water patrols and scanning the air at all times. The Government has even decided to positions artillery guns pointing them at all Border Directions. Today Minister of Defense, Michealo Paulo stated that tomorrow there will be an Emergency National Security Meeting with the President and all members of Defense Staff where they will discuss whether they may help Zardugal or not. Whilst the statement was made reports have it that the Paramilitary Forces have been called in to transported to the Joint Operations Base in Zardugal. An estimated 12,000 Paramilitary Forces ill be transported. Coburan Special Forces have been told to await futhur response form the Government on their first action. The Coburan Air Force has been told to shoot down anything that has entered Coburan Air Space without permission.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:27 am

President Aleksander Horsham is seem addressing reporters before his speech.
3rd September 3805.

With much tension growing in Majatra with the announcement of Jelbic Empire declaring war on Zardugal, The Coburan President has come to clear the air and make coburan feel a bit safe in this time of fear. President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Cobura, Aleksander Horsham spoke to the nation before his press conference with reporters.
Today Morning all, I thank you all for welcoming me into your Home, your cars or where ever you may be whilst listening or watching this transmission. As you all know via social media that the Jelbic Empire had decided to declare war on Zardugal. I have been told that the Government has ordered for the evacuation of all Coburan Nationals residing in Zardugal and the United Beiteynian Republic via our Consulate in Zardugal. It really shocks me to see what is going on in this world. We all grew up in peace after the Great Majatran War. I know, because i see it, in the future they will write a poem about this very day or even a great book. My fellow citizens, no, my fellow family members, I stand before you to tell you that I myself am a bit scared to see what will unfold, But we must all stand strong in the face of darkness. Because we know that we will walk through the valley of death and we shall fear know one. As you go to bed, I just want you to say a short pray asking god almighty to bring peace to the minds of the Jelbic Empire. As I end this transmission, I just want to say this. The Lord Bless you, the Lord Keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face towards you and grant you peace.

After the speech President Aleksander Horsham went out to the streets where he hugged and greated every citizen he saw.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:25 pm

OOC: End of Coburan United Party.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Maxington » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:49 pm

The Newly Reconstructed Coburan Embassy in Belgae.
August 3818.

After the devastation of the Fifth Majatran War Zardugal is slowly but surely rebuilding itself to its former stature and so is Cobura. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport came together to bring together the plans of the newly reconstructed Coburan Embassy in Zardugal. The Former Foreign Embassy had been destroyed during the war by means of Strategic bombing missions. The Building had been fitted with Bullet proof windows and Reinforced Doors and walls. The Build had cost the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over 2.4 Billion Dollars. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jozefo Ludoviko stated that most of the embassies of Cobura across Terra will be refitted with these installations. The Build of the Embassy had ended in July. The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the new Coburan Ambassador to Zardugal would be Former Ambassador of Cobura to Dundorf, Joachim Davis and that he would be the person to officially reopen the doors of the Coburan Embassy in Zardugal on Tuesday. Prime Minister of Cobura, Antono Mikelo stated that he would have not been in attendance of the reopening ceremony but he stated that with the reopening of the Coburan Embassy in Zardugal, the Coburan-Zardic Border would be reopened but that border being the only border to be opened until further notice from the Government.

The Coburan-Zardic Border today during the Military's final day protecting and patrolling the border.
August 3818

The Military will pull out today after the announcement came from Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Cobura, Antono Mikelo, after he commented on the re-opening of the Coburan Embassy in Zardugal. General James Georgo, General of the Coburan Army, and Former Minister of Defense stated that the Military had strict orders from Defense Command to pull out from the border and return to base. The Border between the two nations had been closed down for thirteen (13) years at the beginning of the fifth Majatran War. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Tank Divisions were told to pull out from the border and to return to regular Military Bases. The Government stated that the with the reopening of the border came with the moderation of people entering and leaving the nation and that it did not mean that the government was going to allow anyone to leave or enter the nation without being searched for illegal contraband. With the opening of the border the government expected a sudden increase in tourism and visitors and citizens returning to the nation. The Government even estimated about .03% increase in refugees coming to enter the nation.
As the war has now ended the government is now set to clean up and bring life in cobura back to normal as it was before the war broke out.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:18 am

Irkawan Bulletin
December 3833

As the Coburan general election draws near, incumbent President Pishoy Ashsiou has gained even more popularity among the indigenous populations. The President dramatically increased funding for the health and education system in 3832, and the lower and middle classes are already feeling the benefits. New clinics have been built in indigenous and impoverished areas, decreasing infant mortality and providing superior emergency services. The health care system was previously underfunded due to a stipulation that allowed the citizens to opt-out in favor of private clinics. The majority of the Augustan elite population, the most represented in previous governments, were primarily using these expensive private clinics, and did not want their tax dollars going toward a public health care system. The public health care system was almost entirely used by the lower classes who could not afford private insurance

The President's budget also revitalized the public education system. The government has planned thousands of new elementary schools in previously overcrowded areas, reportedly "to decrease class sizes and improve the education of the poor." Several new research universities and communities colleges are also under construction to ensure that higher education is available to all who seek it, not simply children of privilege.

Approval ratings for Ashsiou have reached record highs due to these reforms, and he is expected to seek another term in office. Many Augustans are unhappy with his recent dominance of the Coburan government, however, and have expressed concerns that their voices are not being heard. There are rumors of some taking up armed resistance, but there is no evidence of this as of yet.
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