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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:41 am

Sin a greater threat to Deltaria than Zardugal, warns Father Martinek
November 3507

Father Vladan Martinek

Father Vladan Martinek has long been a voice of criticism within the Terran Patriarchal Church, castigating his superiors for neglecting the poor, lining their own pockets and lacking evangelical zeal. Now Deltaria's political leaders are in his line of fire - and woe-betide any who offend against his austere Hosian morality! Speaking to a packed meeting of 10,000 supporters at a conference in Čachtice, he last night announced the formation of the Hosian Národná Strana, a Hosian political front committed to defending traditional Hosian values and fighting social injustice. He caused a great stir in the audience by telling his listeners that Deltaria has more to fear from corruption within than from the external threat posed by the Zardugali military:

If you listen to the government and if you listen to the media, you will be told that the main threats facing Deltaria right now are the armies of Zardugal fighting against our brave armed servicemen. Well, I am here to tell you they are wrong. The real threat that you and your families should be worried is the moral threat, the spiritual threat, the threat from within - the threat of sin! We in Deltaria have become a nation of sinners. We are doing fornication, adultery, sodomy, masturbation, premarital sex, contraception, abortion, drinking to excess, getting high on drugs, gambling. We are exploiting the poor. We are failing to teach children the morals they need to get by in life. These are the things we should be worried about! These are the things that will drive us down into the Pit!

It remains to be seen how much support Father Martinek's party will be able to gather before the next General Election scheduled for four years' time.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Dynastia » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:33 pm

The Czar is Dead
Long live the Czar!
March 3508

Czar Dušan died peacefully in his sleep, and will be succeeded by his eldest son and the heir apparent, Vel'kovojvoda (Grand Duke) Ľubomír, who will be crowned as Ľubomír the Second by Pápež Ľudovít. Czar Dušan will be remembered for inspiring a nation to return to her deeply beloved traditions and throw off the false decadence of Artanian stylings. Czar Dušan will be remembered for fighting steadfastly and resolutely, even when our enemies were legion against us. Czar Dušan will be remembered as one of the greatest Deltarians to ever live. Long live Czar Ľubomír!
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Polites » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:45 pm

Czar Ľubomír Crowned


Цѣсарьградъ (Čachtice), April 27 3508 - Following the passing of Dušan the Third, may Boh grant Him eternal rest, Vel'kovojvoda Ľubomír was crowned with the Crown of Saint Štefan in Dolinka, the seat of the Holy Lands, by Pápež Ľudovít. Czar Ľubomír is the second to perform the sacred journey from Dolinka to Čachtice since the restoration of Holy Deltaria.

As the Czar's Družina, led by the monarch's younger brother Vel'kovojvoda Vladimír, deals with the Bátoriovská rebellion, His Imperial Majesty issued the first Golden Bull of his reign, confirming the absolute and unlimited authority granted to the Czar by Boh. The text of the Imperial Edict reads as follows:

We, in God and Spirit, most faithful and Iliya loving and sole ruler, Io Ľubomír, by the Grace of God Czar and Autocrat, decree and determine by this imperial edict that all power and authority in the Deltarian Realm belongs to the Czar and Autocrat and to no other. Boh has granted dominion over the kingdoms of men to kings, and to the Deltarian Czar, Boh has given absolute and unlimited power. As there is but one Boh in Heaven, there is only one Czar on Terra, and all Deltarians owe Him their unquestionable love and loyalty, as to their own Father. Let anyone who claims otherwise, or exercises power not deriving from the Czar, know that they make themselves guilty of eternal punishment and of treason against Boh and the Czar.

In this spirit, We proclaim that all political institutions, whether national or local, in the Deltarian Czardom, exist and function solely as an instrument of Our will. Our illustrious Father, may Boh have mercy on his soul, was in error when he allowed the nobles and other individuals to usurp Czarist power and considered it beneath his dignity to participate in the daily affairs of the Czardom.

Let all Deltarians, nobles and commoners, know that henceforth the Czar will, like a loving Father, know all and decide all for the benefit of the Deltarian people. All Imperial edicts shall bear the Imperial Golden Bull, known as the Zlatá bula in the common tongue and as the Khrysovul in the tongue of the learned.

Written in Tsěsarĭgradŭ in the year of Our Lord three thousand five hundred and eight, on the seventeenth day of the month of March, on the Feast of Saint Cyril the New.

EDIT: Date was off by 500 years...
Last edited by Polites on Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:20 pm

Warning to Terra's rulers: "Boh giveth and Boh taketh away"
by Orbán Olasz
April 3508

Father Vladan Martinek in Sörpatak

"I've never heard anyone speak like this guy before," one audience member told me in terrified, hushed tones before scuttling down the corridor and out of the exit as fast as he could for fear that the Czarist police might be on their way to make arrests for conspiracy to treason. The young student had just listened to Father Vladan Martinek's speech at a 2000-strong meeting of his Hosian Národná Strana (HNS) at the Hosian Conference Centre in Sörpatak

For years, the un-Bohly dictator Bassem Ahmad ruled Kalopia with a rod of steel and imposed evil and oppression on the good Hosian people living in that country. The bloodlust of he and his heretic Queranz supporters knew no bounds. Such was his hold on power that people thought change would never be possible. Now, thanks to our prayers, and thanks to the mercy of Boh, this vile Queranz tyrant has been removed from power. Once mighty, he is now fallen - on the run, like a common criminal. Some say he has come to Deltaria. If he is here, our government should capture him and return him to Kalopia in a cage so that he can face justice for his crimes. It doesn't matter that he has supported Deltaria in the war; his atrocities must be punished!

But let us not lose sight of the broader spiritual, moral and political message we need to draw from this: as the Scriptures say, "Boh giveth and Boh taketh away". And as the Scriptures say too:

"Praise be to the name of Boh for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him."

It is Boh who is Sovereign, not man, and it is the Law of Boh we are obliged to obey - not the foolish whims of man. Boh turned his face from Bassem Ahmad, and Bassem Ahmad fell from power as swiftly as Satanail fell from Heaven. Let every ruler in Terra, let every man of power, let every tyrant and would-be tyrant take heed of this!

During a question and answer session afterwards, Martinek was asked whether he had been commenting on Czar Ľubomír. Turning white-faced, he paused for some moments, then replied:

Czar Ľubomir is our Sovereign Monarch, a man appointed by Boh to rule over us. And do you know what that means? It means to reject the temporal authority of the Czar is to reject the religious authority of the Terran Patriarchal Church and the spiritual and eternal authority of Boh. As a patriotic Deltarian Hosian, I would rather disembowel myself with a table knife and cast myself alive into a furnace of fire than do those things.

Later, he went on to castigate Countess Anna Bátoriovská for her armed revolt in the capital:

How dare she betray the Czar and endanger his Sacred Person? This woman is an unnatural abomination twice over, first for defying the Holy Law of Boh, and second for rebelling against the gentle nature of her sex.

Answering a question about the war with Zardugal, he commented:

I do not question the wisdom or the righteousness of the Czar. He is a holy man and is a blessing to the whole of Deltaria and beyond. But I do question the judgement and the motives of his advisers. When will they learn that it is Boh who determines the outcome of wars, and not men? If Deltaria is to succeed, we must prove ourselves worthy of His love. Unless we conduct the war justly, Boh will not be with us. And conducting the war justly means our army must stop conscripting children and prisoners. It must also purge itself of sodomy, stop using landmines against civilians and stop enslaving prisoners of war. This is why I am spearheading the Prosecution of the War Act through the Deltarĭsko Věšte.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:00 pm

Bring home the children, demands Father Martinek
by Orbán Olasz
August 3508

Father Vladan Martin with Sister Svatava Tesarik

Father Vladan Martinek of Deltaria's newly-formed Hosian Národná Strana (Hosian National Party) yesterday angered government ministers by standing up in the Deltarĭsko Věšte and demanding that all of the child soldiers sent into the war against Zardugal and her allies be returned to the safety of their families. "We cannot hope to have Boh on our side when we are using our own children as cannon fodder," he told law-makers. "this practice is wrong, and must be brought to an end". Sister Svatava Tesarik, a fellow HNS activist and seasoned campaigner for child welfare, also spoke at the meeting:

Our brave Deltarian soldiers go to war so that our women and children don't have to. A nation which sends its own children to the battlefield of slaughter has lost its heart and its soul. If we carry on treating our little ones like this, Boh will set his face against us and give victory to our enemies. And I can tell you how he will do it: he will crush the morale of the Deltarian soldiers. Our own soldiers will be so sickened by the sight of Deltarian infants being sent out to fight that they will begin to doubt the justice of their cause.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Dynastia » Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:58 pm

These are some of the poor innocent children who will be shot dead by barbarous Zardic invaders. It is absolutely despicable that fully grown and armed men would so callously shoot down innocent children. And Luthori seemingly supports it. From the beginning they have stayed neutral which would be fine but they have not spoken against the great human rights violations being committed by Zardugal. The IHRM has recorded the extensive shooting of slaves by Zardic soldiers, and the Deltarian government has openly deplored the situation.

Well, Deltaria would prefer to war against those who side with child killers, murderers of slaves and all those who support such barbaric conduct. No nation should back any other who uses children as target practise, find enslaved humans and use them as cannon fodder.

This opinion piece written by State Media Office.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:24 pm

"We are being punished for our sins," laments Father Martinek
by Orbán Olasz
September 3508

Father Vladan Martinek holed up at a secret location in Tsargrad

The dark times have returned to Deltaria. Most of the army is abroad fighting Zardugal, and now a coup in the capital city, Tsargrad has resulted in Czar Ľubomír the Second being ousted by Countess Anna Bathory, who now styles herself as Imperatrix of the Deltarian Empire. The new regime's political opponents are being slaughtered and butchered without any regard for the process of law. Young members of the Bathory family and their retainers of thugs are marauding the capital, attacking and murdering anyone they don't like the look of - usually on whim. Only one man dares to speak up against the regime, calling for the restoration of the Czar and an end to the violence and bloodletting. So far he has evaded arrest. Who knows why? Perhaps the Imperatrix is amused by his zeal and personal peculiarities? But it can only be a matter of time, surely, before this man's days are up. A pamphlet is currently circulating around Tsargrad. No name is attached to it, but nobody doubts who the author is. It reads:

After the Fall, Boh, said to Eve:

"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

If a woman is to be ruled over by her man, then how can a woman possibly rule over a nation? We all recognise this is an absurdity! It is an abnormality that goes against natural law. It only happens when Boh is punishing a nation for its sins. We learn this in the Scriptures, where one of prophets bemoans that...

My people—infants are their oppressors,
and women rule over them.

And is this not precisely the position Deltaria finds herself in today, with young Bathory thugs patrolling the streets, attacking and killing like wild animals, and a woman pretending to sit on the Throne in place of our lawful Czar? I tell you, there is a reason behind this. It is not the fault of the Czar that this has happened. It is the fault of us - us the people! Boh is punishing us for our descent into sexual immorality, selfishness, mistreatment of the poor, oppression of the weak, dishonesty, faithlessness and lack of honour in our dealings.

But what we must do is clear. Boh has inflicted upon as an unnatural and evil government, and we must accept his punishment. No fist must be raised, no act of violence must be committed. Instead, we must mend our ways and repent of our sins. And we must pray - pray and pray and pray- that Boh will take pity on us, cast out these tyrants and restore our beloved Czar.

Father Martinek is treading a fine line between denouncing the new regime and shrewdly presenting himself as a harmless exponent of non-violence, but the patience of the Imperatrix surely cannot be limitless.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Dynastia » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:00 am

Mordusia forcing soldiers to shoot slaves and children, breaking international treaties, supporting warmongers...
Above: Protesters in Rechtenberg support Deltaria against 'inhumane' actions by Mordusia
On December 1st protesters took to the streets in 'absolute outrage' at the actions taken by the Mordusia government in comitting to the conflict against Deltaria. The Zardic army is reported to have fired on slaves and children. Further records show that they have stolen Mordusian soldiers somehow and forced them into war as their slaves. Despite vicious protests, Chancellor Rebecca Mordus initiated a trade embargo against Deltaria in the hopes to starve their women and children even more. In a press release the Mordus office said
The embargo introduced by Rebecca Mordus is expected to be passed through the Chamber of Delegates with ease, as we all want to starve and murder Deltarians. They don't have any right to exist, and it sexually arouses us to murder them for no reason.

a child victim of the Mordusians
Protester Erika Vladstone gave her thoughts
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:25 am

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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:56 am

"Betrayal!": Deltarians slam government for breaking reform promises
by Orbán Olasz
September 3508

Police clashing with protesters in Tsargrad yesterday afternoon

Deltarians are reacting with fury to the news that their government is defaulting on a promise to introduce modest liberal reforms after the war with Zardugal was finished. Yesterday, there were protests in many cities and towns. In the capital city, Tsargrad, there were brutal clashes between police and protesters. Up to 300 people are thought to have been arrested, many of them, it is believed, without even a formal charge.

Father Vladan Martinek of the Hosiany Národná Strana faction said:

Yet again, the Czar's ministers and advisers are showing their lack of concern and respect for the ordinary Deltarian people. The people living in big houses are not the ones who paid the price of the war. It is the ordinary people who paid the cost - the ones who slogged their guts out in the fields, in the factories, in the offices and on the battlefields - the ones who lost sons, brothers, cousins and fathers. The Deltarian political establishment owes us something now. We have worked for it, we have earnt it by our loyalty and sacrifice. If only our Czar was able to see what was going on, I am sure he would dismiss these hopeless ministers!

Martinek has boosted his political profile considerably during the war, and commentators are increasing confident that his faction will secure seats when the next Věšte is selected in under 3 years time.
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