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Re: Egelion

Postby ReallySuper » Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:25 pm

La Revolució És Ja!

NORDERMS, Caille—Thousands of Caillean nationalists, CM party members, trade unionists and other social organizations came together in flooding the streets of Norderms, Norterra, Fàlfoz and cities and towns large and small across Caille in celebration of Collectiu Metzista's overwhelming electoral victory in the occupied nation and throughout l'Estat Egeliana. CM surged to first place in the Egelian parliament with a whopping 100 seats, including an astounding 37 from Caille, where the independentist party captured a stunning 62% of the vote, showcasing an undeniable appetite among the working class of Caille for an independent socialist republic, now!

The collapse of the Partido Liberal, a reactionary, monarchist, imperialist cabal which is firmly rooted in the campaign to further the riches of the capitalist class above all else despite masquerading as a "liberal" or even "progressive" organization, as well as the uninspiring, lackluster performance of the unapologetically anti-worker Partido Lariano Nacional, shows that the people of l'Estat Egeliana even outside of Caille demand a pro-worker, pro-federal, pro-democracy, republican government led by Collectiu Metzista and supported by the Partido Federal to bring devolution to the nations and regions of Egelion and relief to the workers who have long languished under the rule of the PLN's regressive governance.

The revolution is underway! The old order has fallen, and the future is shining upon the Egelian state! Freedom for Caille! Freedom for the workers! Freedom for all the oppressed peoples of Egelion and the world!

La lluita per l'alliberament nacional continua! Fins a la victòria sempre!
Collectiu Metzista, Caille (Estat Egeliana)
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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:16 pm


The revival of socialism in Egelion
August 5317

Last month we received news of a new political movement reappearing in Egelion, the Communists. While largely inactive for many years, they're now organising to return and restore the Socialist Republics of the past. Dissatisfied with the current status quo, kept for many centuries, the workers are starting to rise up. The need for an organised proletariat has led to the formation of a new political party, the Partido Obrero de Unificación Comunista (Workers' Party of Communist Unification) by Álvaro Peña, which pretends to be a big-tent Communist party with the main goal of abolishing capitalism and the monarchy altogether. Álvaro Peña has made a public announcement about it:

Egelian, Caillean and Ghadrashi workers, we have for a long time been having to deal with a weak economy that should be more developed by now, with us, the people, suffering the consequences of it. We've had to deal with governments that don't do anything for us, including monarchs that haven't even managed to convince us of needing them. Our military is useless, our position in the international world is null. Our workers are suffering, and we desire nothing but to bring what they've been dreaming of: a land of stability, progress, safety, and freedom. Not stability for a system unable to keep itself; not progress for a class that doesn't know the definition of suffering; not safety for a government seeks our demise; not freedom for those who don't deserve it. Freedom for us workers, for us who fight for a cause of greater good, who seek a bright and new Egelion.

Workers, it's our time to vote. Don't vote for those who don't think of you, don't vote for those who seek to divide you more. Vote for those who want a solution, who want improvement and progress. Vote for those who will defend your rights. Vote for the POUC!

Whether the words of Peña will be enough to convince the workers, after so many failed Socialist Republics, and many failed socialist parties, is yet to be seen. They have still four years to prepare and get stronger. When asked about what trend of Communism the POUC follows, Peña answered:

Our party seeks to avoid any kind of unnecessary division, as much as is possible. We have Communists of all kinds here, although I can say we're mostly Metzists. However, it is true there are different, more specific, currents of Metzism inside the party line. That's something difficult to control. While, currently, it's unimportant, since we all agree on our main and most important goal being the abolition of the current system, it's also true that in a future different factions might appear. Let it be clear, for now at least, that our party considers itself progressive, secular, and pragmatic. It's not our ideas that shape the world, but the world that shapes our ideas. We will try to access power by any means necessary, in the most efficient way possible.

Some people tried reading between the lines, in particular with the last sentence. Some people is starting to accuse the POUC of wanting to start a coup or revolution, some are also speculating that the use of the word 'pragmatic' is an euphemism to justify all sorts of wrong policies that the POUC will support and enact, in case of reaching power. Peña hasn't talked about these rumours, however, the words of Peña have been vague enough to seed doubts in people's minds, possibly giving a chance to the POUC to get big.
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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:59 am


The POUC wins the elections and paves the way towards a Republic
June 5321

In the last elecions of March, the POUC won followed by the Unión Repubicana Democrática (URD), a liberal and republican party. The POUC received 52.3% of the votes, and the URD the 38.7%. The regions of Eder Gira and Yadráz are to be governed by the POUC now, whereas the regions of Caille, Amateria and Dul Kinea are to be governed by the URD. The Partido Lariano Nacional (PLN) has suffered a massive loss of seats, reduced by a 90%. Álvaro Peña has made an official communication soon after winning the elections.

People of Egelion, these centuries of uncertainty, of being stuck in a system that doesn't allow us to progress, grow and improve, is about to change. However, as much as the Communists have won the elections, Egelion is far from being able to have a proletarian government. We cannot rule on our own, or otherwise we'd face the opposition of both the URD and the PLN, leading us to believe the best option we have is cooperating with the URD for our common interests, such as the proclamation of a Republic.

And currently, the POUC and the URD are working together in order to abolish the monarchy by discussing the different proposals. If it is possible to find an agreement, then this would mean that the Egelian monarchy is only a matter of a couple months. What will happen after the proclamation of the Republic, only time will tell: should the POUC and URD, and would they be able to, cooperate for much longer? Could the Communists and the Liberals find a way to form a coalition, and what would that mean for the workers of Egelion? So far, Álvaro Peña has rejected the idea of cooperating with the Liberals, although he seems to find it unavoidable to ally with the Liberals temporally if the Communists want to form a government.
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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:39 pm


The fifteenth Republic of Egelion is officially proclaimed
June 5326

In August 5322, the POUC and URD started the first step of abolishing the monarchy, by changing the title of "Rey Interino-Electo de Egelion" (Interim-Elected King of Egelion) to "Presidente del Consejo de Ministros" (Preisdent of the Council of Ministers) and adopting the flag of the twelfth republic, followed by a reduction of legislative and executive terms from 6 to 4 years. In March 5324, the Republic was officially proclaimed by changing the title of the nation from "Reino de Egelion" (Kingdom of Egelion) to "República de Egelion) (Republic of Egelion).

The PLN has voted against all these measures, showing its opposing to a republic. However, the POUC and URD, while only appearing to being interested in cooperating for the proclamation of a republic, have ended up forming a new government. The POUC would keep the Head of Government, Finance, Defence, Justice, Infrastructure and Transport, Health and Social Services, Education and Culture, Environment and Tourism, and Trade and Industry government positions, while the URD would be in charge of the Foreign and Internal Affairs, Science and Technology, and Food and Agriculture positions.

After around three centuries of monarchism, Álvaro Peña becomes the first President of a brand-new republic that we have yet to see how it develops.
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReformedEndralon » Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:46 pm

Caille Regionalists Unite to Form New Party

December 5338

A number of politicians from the local Democratic Republican Union (URD), National Lariano Party, smaller regional parties and independents have come together to form the Caille Peoples Union (UPC). The UPC aims to campaign for increased regional autonomy, and has initiated proposals in the National Congress to devolve cultural issues and education to the regions.

Other than support for regionalism the UPC has not detailed any clear ideological direction, likely because it combines candidates from across the political spectrum. However the UPC has committed to supporting regional parties in other regions, although at this time it is uncertain whether that means candidates will be run under a UPC banner in other regions. Party leadership has yet to be confirmed. The Democratic Republican Union have criticised the new party, although the URD has been the most successful party in Caille in recent elections and likely is concerned elements of its support based may defect to the new party in the region. The enxt Congressional elections are just over two years away and this may be sufficient time for the party to develop enough support to enter Congress.


Leading political figures from Caille have come together to form the new party
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReformedEndralon » Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:09 pm

Peoples Party formed from smaller parties

December 5340

The Peoples Party has been formed to contest the next legislative elections in March 5341. This follows the disbanding of the second largest party in the National Congress, the Democratic Republic Party. The fragmentation of the centrist Democratic Republicans has opened up new opportunities for other parties, with their former elected Congressmen scrambling to join other parties.


A People's Party election rally in the capital

Regional parties, including the Caille Peoples Union have joined the new centre-right party. The Caille Peoples Union had look set to win a majority of the vote in Caille. This followed the Communists and the traditional right-wing party Larian National Party voting down Caille Peoples Union proposals to devolve Culturaland Educationmatters to the regions. The Peoples Party have promised to enact regional devolution, whilst also aiming for support from traditional conservative constituencies with proposals to strength the militaryand support the business community. It could be time for change!
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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:38 pm

Heated new elections result in a win for the PP-UPC
May 5341


In March of this year, elections for the National Congress of Egelion were held, with four parties competing with each other: the communists POUC, the right-wing populist and Caillean regionalist PP-UPC, the liberal LP, and the conservative PLN. The POUC remained as the most voted party, although not for much. In second place, the PP-UPC; in third place, the PL, and in fourth place, the PLN. The PP-UPC was the most voted party in Caille, as was expected, and the PLN was the most voted party in Yadráz. The most voted party in the rest of regions was the POUC. Nonetheless, at the elections for the President of the Council of Ministers the result was rather unexpected, with the PP-UPC winning by only a 5% of votes over the POUC.

A couple months before the elections, the recently-formed Liberal Party was trying to form a coalition government with the POUC, something the POUC rejected, stating that they didn't yet have any seats in the government, and they were not willing to govern with liberals and conservatives. After the elections, the PP-UPC makes a deal with the PL and PLN to form a government together, when previously they had accused the PL of being "allied to the dreaded communists". The results for the National Congress weren't very satisfying either, considering the four of them have a similar amount of seats and seem to be very close ideologically to each other in some way, which is going to make the POUM sweat in order to pass the laws they want.
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Re: Egelion

Postby ReallySuper » Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:37 pm


NORDERMS, Caille—Nearly two centuries after the Metzist and Anarcho-Warrenist party espousing Caillean independence disintegrated despite its electoral victories in Caille, revolutionary comrades across this nation have again joined forces to liberate the Caillean people from Egelian imperialism and capitalist wage slavery.

This was of course only a matter of time after generations of reactionary misrule by the Partido Lariano Nacional, the failure to emancipate our people by the liberal-bourgeois Caillean «regionalist» movement of the UPC—instead luring nationalists into a false trap which only served the capitalist rulers—and the state-capitalist authoritarianism of the POUC who openly reject the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism in favor of «pragmatism»—their euphemism for collusion with the bosses—and their own blatant repression of Caillean self-determination and popular democratic self-governance given their rejection of policies which would have empowered local councils to make decisions over arts and culture.

Our people are desperate for a real avenue towards cultural, political, socioeconomic and national liberation. And the reemergence of Collectiu Metzista has finally provided that path towards a classless, egalitarian, communal society once again. We must pick up the struggle for our emancipation that the first iteration of Collectiu Metzista left unfulfillled. We must reclaim the millenium-old banner of a free, revolutionary socialist Caillean republic that Martí Silvat and the PCPE left for us. We must continue the unapologetic fight for the overthrow of capitalism and state oppression of the CNT-FAE of yesteryear. Our ancestors and comrades will not have died in vain. For we shall fight. And we shall win. VENCEREM!

La lluita per l'alliberament nacional continua! Fins a la victòria sempre!
Collectiu Metzista, Caille (Estat Egeliana)
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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:20 pm

New elections result in both a loss and a win for the POUC, while the new Metzist party outperforms the rest
July 5350


Since last elections, the PP-UPC has disbanded and its place has been replaced by the Col·lectiu Metzista (Metzist Collective), a Caillean separatist and Metzist party that has returned to politics after decades of inactivity. Despite the fact the POUC has ended up in last place, unexpectedly, losing a 21% of votes - which mostly went to the Col·lectiu Metzista. The PLN has also surprisingly ascended to second place after so many years of being in last place. However, the results of the elections for the President of the Council of Ministers has been much different and more heated: Álvaro Peña, of the POUC, has managed to win the elections with a 50.7% of votes, competing with Antonio Sanchez of the Liberal Party, which won a 49.2% of votes. If the POUC managed to win it was mostly thanks to the endorsement of the Col·lectiu Metzista, which decided not to participate in the national elections, but support Peña.

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Re: Egelion

Postby dannypk » Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:46 pm

The POUC in worrying decline as they lose over 80% of its original votes
March 5351


Soon after the elections, the Liberal Party disbanded, leaving only the big tent communist party, the POUC; the Metzist and Caillean separatist Metzist Collective, and the nationalist and pro-monarchy, the National Larian Party. While Peña, still endorsed by the Metzist Collective, was the only candidate to this elections, securing the win in the Presidential elections, his party suffered a great loss of votes and seats, having only 42 seats out of 500, while the Metzist Collective, the second largest party, got 212 seats. The POUC has been in decline for some years already, and inside the party many have already been denouncing the leadership of Peña, who in these last years has been showing no sign of interest in following the line of the party. Specifically, Rubén Conde, the vice-president of the party, has been the strongest one to criticise Peña, by saying he's turning the party into a reformist, social democratic party, and asks him to resign by the next elections in March 5355. Meanwhile, the POUC is seeking to cooperate with the Metzist Collective and form a coalition together.
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