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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:43 am

February 3834

President Ashsiou's airliner has reportedly crashed after overshooting a runaway at Sharba International Airport in Irkawa. The plane was landing in foggy conditioms. Based on air traffic communications and black box retrieval, the cause of the crash is presumed to be pilot error. He is survived by his wife and children.

Ashsiou was the driving force behind the KEE, able to use his influence as a civil rights activist to rally those who would otherwise oppose each other into a united front based on the uplifting of ethnic minorities. The KEE's diversity, which allowed it to gain a large amount of seats in the People's Assembly, may soon be its downfall. Ashsiou has no obvious successor in the party. Many in the socialist faction are opposed to the small Irkawan polytheistic faction assuming control of the party, and vice versa. With a clear leader unlikely to emerge, many believe the KEE will dissolve into splinter groups based on members' ethnic affiliation and personal ideological leanings.

Anoub Etnashti, the KEE's floor leader, commented on what appeared to be the imminent dissolution of his party. "The death of President Ashsiou is a tragedy for not only our party, but for the people. The lower classes and poor must hope that that another party will carry the torch in the absence of the KEE. If not, the Augustan elite may regain their position in government and reverse the President's reforms."
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:29 am

March 3865

Iskinder Saksoure, the Lord of the Five Lands of Cobura, continues to have popular support in the nation, as evidenced by his representative political party maintaining control of the Royal Assembly. Coburans have again overwhelmingly chosen to elect the Koinonia Enouro's representatives to the Royal Assembly over the Communists and BBQers. The new Luthori party, the Liberal Conservatives, received no seats in the Royal Assembly.

The KE's continued dominance can be attributed to a loyal voter base has supported the Lord of the Five Lands since the party's revival in 3854. This voting base primarily supports Saksoure for his social welfare schemes and his programs aimed at reducing racial discrimination. These policies are similar to those pioneered by the old KEE more than a quarter-century ago. Many analysts were surprised that Iskinder Saksoure was able to gain the popular support to be named monarch; given his status of High Priest of the Snake Goddes Ajō, a deity in the Irkawan religion, many thought him unelectable in a Hosian-majority nation. However, Saksoure's promises to continue the successful polices of former President Pishoy Ashsiou tentatively persuaded these voters. In addition, a large percentage of Coburans, especially Irkawans and Mallans, have developed a nationalist streak in recent years that emphasizes the past glory of the Irkawan Kingdom. Many of these voters are agnostics who have become more open to the traditional polytheistic religion, if not yet adopting the religion themselves. These forces have kept Saksoure's new regime stable over the past decade.

Iskinder Saksoure officially announced after his party's reelection that he will accept the the King of Ibutho Izulu and his royal family should they require asylum from Ibutho. The Nebthontiou stated in an address that "The Metouro Enkoboure is open to King Bathandwa, the Queen Mother, and Royal Court residing in Cobura for as long as they must. I hope that if they do abdicate, that they may one day regain their lands with our support. Cobura has a duty not to let their heritage die." Vizier of Foreign Affairs Lukra Palaojlogo proclaimed that "Cobura can have King Bathandwa safely out of country within 72 hours notice if the situation deteriorates in Ibutho. We currently have the utmost confidence in the Loyalist forces and our troops." Rumors have circulated that the Nebthontiou wishes to begin spreading a new form of the Ancient Irkawan religion in Cobura and may be accepting the two IESS leaders partially in hopes of assistance. There are multiple possible reasons for this; IESS ideology incorporates elements of the Irkawan religion that have been lost in Cobura but are alive and well in Ibutho. In addition, Saksoure may also have more success spreading an IESS-influenced form of Irkawan polytheism to the Hosian Coburan masses due to the IESS's strong Hosian influences.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:31 am

Four Years after Exile, Bathandwa of Ibutho Legitimizes Lord Saksoure’s Regime through Religion
Nebthontiou May Find Support in Tewahedo Church

5 July 3870
When Coburan Grand Vizier Usire Ashsiou announced Cobura’s support of Ibutho Izulu against the rebels, he hoped that Cobura’s intervention would result in the “shared prosperity of our two nations.” While it’s unclear what difference, if any, Cobura’s intervention had on the prosperity of Ibutho, Cobura and Lord of the Five Lands Iskinder Saksoure’s regime especially have benefited greatly from their decision to invade Ibutho in 3862 with a 7,000 member direct action force. While the force was able to even the odds for the royalists for a time, three years later the contingent was forced to leave Ibutho, extracting King Bathandwa and the royal family before returning to Cobura. Bathandwa and his family have resided in a palace in Sharba ever since, and the Ibutho royal family have helped the Neo-Irkawan regime gain support from an unexpected source.

King Bathandwa and Lord Saksoure have reportedly since formed a strong friendship, as Cobura was the only nation to militarily come to the aid of Ibutho Izulu during the civil war. King Bathandwa’s public endorsements of Lord Saksoure, including calling His Majesty "a friend of all Izisundu (African) people of Terra" have helped His Majesty garner another group of supporters; the St. Sarahae Ts’iyon sect of the Coburan Apolistic Tewahedo Church. The St. Sarahae Ts’iyon sect are a Patriachal Hosian group that have adopted the Rite of Reverent Regard, the primary ritual of the IESS, the former Ibutho state religion. As Bathwandwa and the royal family are held in near-reverence by the IESS, the exiled King’s endorsement of Lord Saksoure will carry substantial weight among St. Sarahae followers. The St. Sarahae Ts’iyon sect has grown in recent years due to the wave of pan-Izisundu (OOC: Pan-African) nationalism that was a factor in the initial success of the Koinonia Enouro. As a result of this growth, the sect now has a substantial amount of influence on the Tewahedo Church. While Saksoure was previously able to achieve the support of secular Irkawan and Mallan groups through his commitment to ending Augustan oppression, he may now be poised to gain additional support from the Tewahedo Church; a necessary step to ensuring the long-term survival of the Kingdom.

Lord Saksoure and King Bathandwa are reportedly scheduled to meet with the current Bishop of the St. Sarahae sect, Tewodros Boshe, within the coming months. Reports also indicate that Lord Saksoure intends to have Vizier of Culture Berhanu Fēsnēt draft an overhaul of the nation’s religious legislation. Signs seem to point to Lord Saksoure taking a more active role in the nation’s religious policy now that he has gained additional mainstream support.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:20 pm

Trigunian Diplomatic Visit Cancelled
Cobura Withdraws Over Concerns of Trigunian Military Imperialism

29 March 3871
Cobura has chosen to cancel the visit by Trigunian Foreign Minister Grigoriy Yegorovich. Foreign Vizier Lukra Palaojlogo explained the reason for the cancellation in a press conference earlier today:
Cobura was tentative about accepting a visit by the Trigunian delegation after the recent violation of Vanukuian airspace. It was our goal to avoid angering Vanuku by appearing to side with Trigunia. Lord Saksoure and Vizier Ashsiou, however, were willing to negotiate with Trigunia. When it was discovered that the diplomatic treaty included provisions for building a Trigunian naval base in Domale, we realized that Trigunia seems intent on establishing a military presence in Majatra. The treaty stated that the naval base would be used for joint Coburan/Trigunian exercises, however, we can clearly see that the base would have aided Trigunia much more than Cobura. Lord Saksoure does not wish to have Cobura again become part of a foreign empire.

When a reporter followed-up with the fact that Vanuku has retained good relations with Trigunia, Palaojlogo remarked,
I'm aware of that, however, the Trigunian show of force has upset other countries as well, enough so that the Majatran Union is scheduled to reconvene. Despite Vanuku's forgiveness, I think we need to recognize this violation for what it was. When combined with Trigunia's intention to build a base here in Cobura, we can clearly see they want to project their power into Majatra. And I don't think Cobura would benefit from that sort of arrangement. I don't believe Cobura would benefit from being the first outpost of the Trigunian Empire, and that's irrelevant to the opinions of Vanuku.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:20 am


The Tewahedo Cathedral in Sharba.

JANUARY 3877—In 3870 Lord Saksoure nominated Tewadros Boshe to the position of Patriarch of Sharba, with former Patriarch Gerges II declaring his intention to resign due to his old age of 87. However, with the outbreak of the Cildanian Civil War, Gerges II felt an obligation to continue as Patriarch and potentially work towards peace. With the death of Gerges II last month and yesterday's selection of Tewadros, Lord Iskinder Saksoure has his nomination request fulfilled..

The Tewahedo Clergy narrowed the selection down to two candidates: Bishop Tewadros Boshe, the leader of the St. Sarahae sect, influenced by Ibutho syncretism, and Bishop Ruweis Eiten, of the mainline sect. The selection took place in the Cathedral of Sharba. Both Bishops stood in the front of the Cathedral, facing other clergy viewing the selection. As is traditional, a child drew a lot from an ornate Mallan jar to select the Patriarch; with that, Tewadros became Tewadros III.

Experts expect the new Patriarch to attempt to promote the primary IESS ritual, the Rite of Reverent Regard, in the mainstream Tewahedo Church. The Apolistic Churches are generally tolerant of "new revelations" from Elyon, making this a distinct possibility. In addition, Mallans already tend to incorporate traditional culutral elements into their Hosianism. Time will tell if the Patriarch's fellow clergy find the Rite a revelation or an abomination, but it appears the religious landscape is on Tewadros's side; his selection is evidence of the still growing influence of traditional Irkawan culture.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:02 am


April 27, 3879—His Exalted Majesty has outlined an educational plan that will, if not repealed, lead to Irkawan displacing Augustan as the most widely spoken language in Cobura within three generations. Augustan has been the language used in the majority of public schools in Cobura across all nomes. HEM Saksoure's decree will now require schools to teach students in their native language until they reach the age of 11, when they will begin an immersion program in Irkawan, or Augustan if Irkawan is their first language. After becoming fluent in two languages, students may then pursue another, which HEM Saksoure suggested should be Augustan due to its widespread use in Cobura and neighboring Zardugal.

Changes in language policy have been planned but delayed in Cobura. In the Constitution of 3857, Irkawan, Mallan, Tokundian, and Majatran were given official recognition as national languages alongside Augustan. Irkawan was declared to be the lingua franca and language of government correspondance. The Assembly and cabinet discussed changes in the education system to reflect the new Constitutional policy shortly after the ratification, but disagreements amongst various KE factions lead to significant delays. Notably, the party's small but relatively powerful Augustan faction threatened to withdraw support for Saksoure if the government changed the language used in schools from Augustan. As the Neo-Irkawan regime had depended on the Augustan faction to convince Augustan citizens of the benefits of the Neo-Irkawans (and prevent full-scale rioting), discussions had been shelved until recently. Today's decree is reportedly a result of a long-awaited compromise between the Neb-thontiou and the Augustan faction.

While the Augustans had settled down in the following 20 years due to HEM Saksoure generally leaving their culture alone, today's decision will certainly not be popular in Egato. But as the ruler of a land as diverse as Cobura, Saksoure cannot please everyone. What Saksoure has also done is allow students of each nome a greater opportunity to explore their own language and culture, instead of mandating the teaching of Augustan to all students from a young age. Augustan opposition to the proposal has been offset by members of the four minorities who wish to see their native languages in their nomes.

It is unknown what effects the change of language will have on relations with the Augustan-majority Zardugal. The two nations are currently on amicable terms, and there are rumors of Cobura making an arms deal with Zardugal in the near future.

OOC: Edited because there was a major case of the department of redundancy department infiltrating this post.
Last edited by Akhenaten on Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:25 am

Royal Wedding
Coburan Heir Weds Ibutho's Pretender

June 13, 3884—Crown Prince Refmenkhat of Cobura has wed Princess Khethiwe of Ibutho in a private ceremony in the Royal Palace at Sharba. Khethiwe is the Heiress Apparent to Queen Mother Ethwasa II, the leader of the Ibutho syncretic religion and one of two heads of state of Ibutho’s royal government-in-exile. The marriage became a much politicized affair, as Ibutho Izulu has strict marriage requirements to wed members of its Royal Family, which include membership of a religion that recognizes IESS doctrines. Ethwasa II eventually declared the indigenous Irkawan religion to be in sympathy with the IESS, which allowed the marriage to take place. This is something of an unprecedented decision, as the House of Saksoure does not practice IESS rituals or take the Rite of Reverent Regard, two requirements usually necessary to wed members of the Ibutho royal family. For Ibutho Izulu, the marriage was a means of survival, as the royal family would be quickly headed toward irrelevancy without a realm and without recognition of other monarchies.

Notably, the marriage would allow a son of Refmenkhat Saksoure to make a claim to the throne of King of Ibutho if he were to adopt the IESS as his religion. Due to Ibutho’s matrilineal system of succession to the throne, however, the House of Saksoure’s claim to the Kingdom of Ibutho would last only a single generation.

With the recent surge of popularity of IESS rituals in Cobura, the marriage may strengthen the view of the government among Mallans by means of association with the Ibutho royal family. The marriage also highlights Cobura’s continuing lack of ties with the Federal Republic of Ibutho. Cobura has still not formally withdrawn its declaration of war against the “Ibutho rebebls,” and as such the marriage may be seen by some in Ibutho as insulting.

OOC: I was given permission by Alkebulan IButho to marry the Ibutho royal family with the Neo-Irkawan family. If anyone in Ibutho wants control of the royal family I’ll give it to them.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:59 am


July 10, 3890—The ceremonies of His Exalted Majesty’s Ōnx festival, a rejuvenation ritual held for the monarch after 30 years of kingship, commenced today with the announcement that the Royal Government will begin fully subsidizing the practices of high oracles and priests of the Arkhē religion (Irkawan Polytheism). The proposal would put the operation of Arkhē temples in the hands of the government and provide clerics with a low living wage, with some employed at public universities as theologians. These clerics’ duties involve keeping the gods satisfied through proper ritual, as well as interpreting and writing various texts. While the royal family has not shied from taking religious stances, they have generally avoided favoring certain religions over others in public policy. His Exalted Majesty justified the decision by referencing Arkhē’s key role in forming the policy of the Kingdom:

We would be labeled by secularists as theocratic, who would claim We are promoting a biased and unjust system. Our opponents must simply review the history of Cobura. Under the Augustan-Hosian dictatorships, citizens who did not call themselves Augustan members of the Terran Patriarchal Church faced widespread persecution and poverty. Under the secularist republican government, despite being established to protect Irkawans, Mallans, and Majatrans, we saw our status in society continue to stagnate. The Kingdom’s laws and social policies have been more just and contributed more to the stabilization of Cobura than any other political system, because our policies, and those of the Kononia Enouro, have been inspired by the wisdom literature of the priests of Arkhē. Moreover, these individuals are highly intelligent and have produced many works greatly benefitting the Kingdom, both for their pragmatic and moral value. One does not have to believe their works to be divinely inspired to see their value in our political policy.

Augustans have not reacted well to the announcement, with many fearing their way of life is at risk. Mathio Tsipro, a conservative opinion columnist for the Augusta Chronicle, described the decision as “fairytale lunacy.” Tsipro went on to ask

Why are we subsidizing what was practically a dead religion a hundred years ago? Why should we let people who claim to do magic, of all things, have influence in this country, or teach anything, for that matter? ...I’m considering moving to Zardugal, this is nonsense. No one should be surprised if my fellow Augustans follow me.

Non-Augustans, with whom His Exalted Majesty has a 75% approval rating, generally take an indifferent stance. While most are Hosians, the majority have benefitted under the Royal Government’s welfare policies, and many are finding their way into the middle class due to the government’s educational reform. As a result, while they may not favor the government’s religious policy, few are complaining due to the government’s long history of support for these groups. The proposal’s strongest supporters are the small percentage have adopted the Arkhē religion for themselves, favoring its reduced emphasis on dogma and increased focus on private practice.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:42 am

OOC: Sorry about the fact that these are backdated.

The Lord is Dead, Long Live the Lord

October 15th, 3893—His Exalted Majesty Iskinder Saksoure has begun his transition to the next life, and will be entombed in the Valley of Refbēsh, as were the Lords of the Kingdom of Irkawa. Saksoure came from humble beginnings to become the ruler of Cobura. Born to an Irkawan father and a Mallan mother in the foothills of Mt. Towen, he was given the Mallan name Iskinder in honor of his mixed heritage. On the border of Domale and Irkawa, the communities of Mt. Towen were among the few to continue to practice the Arkhe religion. Raised in the pagan religion, Saksoure became a priest and a voice for Irkawans and Mallans who continued to suffer from a lower standard of living than the Augustan elites. Once elected president, and later crowned Lord of Cobura, he instituted sweeping social reforms designed to uplift the indigenous populations. His religious policies were sometimes controversial among the Hosian public, some of whom believed he was favoring his own faith, but freedom of religion remained intact. While followers of the traditional Irkawan religion grew marginally, the new Kingdom of Cobura functioned more as a symbol of the transfer of the country back to indigenous rule than as a theocracy under Iskinder's reign.

He will be succeeded by his son, Refmenkhat Saksoure, in a coronation ceremony at a later date. The House of Saksoure has declared that Refmenkhat Saksoure, and all Lords of Cobura under the house, will bear a number after their name in order of succession. Thus, Refmenkhat Saksoure will be crowned Refmenkhat Saksoure II. This reflects an ancient tradition from the Irkawan Kingdom, where the monarch was thought be of divine descent. As such, the house name was more important than the individual’s name.

Lord Refmenkhat Saksoure II Pledges to Rebuild Amkä

Amkä Before its Destruction

July 6th, 3898—The Ministry of Infrastructure has announced that the government plans to rebuild the destroyed city of Amkä. As all Coburans are aware, the city of Amkä, once a shining beacon to the Mallan people, was destroyed by a nuclear weapon in 3525 due to the imperialist machinations of the Augustan majority government and the Deltarian Czardom. Individuals from the Deltarian government smuggled a nuclear device into the nation. After the nuclear blast, in a blatant display of condescension, the Czarist government of Deltaria annexed Cobura in order to “liberate the nation from racist Augustan rule.” Of course, Cobura was not liberated, and became a vassal state to the Czardom. Cobura would not gain true sovereignty until the establishment of the Federal Republic of Cobura in 3672. Refmenkhat Saksoure II outlined his plan to restore the city in a speech given in Zgmät, Domale:
“The fact that Amkä remains a smoldering ruin is an insult to the Mallan people and indeed all Coburans. It is a reminder of Cobura’s history of racial tension and foreign domination. The fact that it has been left as rubble for nearly 400 years is a testament to the Mallan people’s status as second class citizens, even under governments ostensibly formed to protect their rights. It is time we transform this blight on our landscape back to a center of art and culture.”

Scientists have confirmed that the radioactivity has cleared from the area, and that the site is now safe for habitation. 10,000,000,000 Coburs have been redirected into the Ministry of Infrastructure to finance the construction of the city. The new fully planned city is expected to house up to 1,000,000 people in the city proper, which is twice the population of the original. The city is expected to take ten years to build, although it may take longer to fully populate. In addition, impoverished areas of Domale without sufficient infrastructure will be brought up to standards with the rest of the nation.
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Akhenaten » Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:53 am

Queen Mother Khethiwe Would Support Retaking of Ibutho

August 8th, 3904—Months ago, the Crown Prince of Vanuku, Juhn II, created a legion of monarchist exiles from Ibutho in hopes of retaking the country. After a period of silence on the matter, Khethiwe, Queen Mother of Ibutho and Royal Wife of Lord Refmenkhat Saksoure II of Cobura, has expressed her approval of the legion's formation, provided she be named Queen Mother should the country be retaken. A complicated issue that may have contributed to the delay in response to the Legion's formation is the question of who would become the King of Ibutho if the country is successfully retaken. Prince Bathandwa, the son of the King-in-Exile, Nkonkoni, was named the commander of the Ibutho-Vanukean legion, and there has been speculation that he would name himself monarch if he retook Ibutho. Historically, due to Ibutho's matrilineal system of succession to the throne, Prince Bathwanda would be disqualified from becoming King of Ibutho. However, the Queen Mother would make an exception for the man responsible for bringing Ibutho back under monarchist control.

Cobura would likely be willing to provide military forces to retake Ibutho, although the nation's funds are currently tied up in infrastructure improvement and the building of Addis Amkä. Even with Vanuku's military might, many military strategists consider any endeavor to retake Ibutho to be a longshot due to the nation's highly defensible location and terrain, not to mention the country's expertise in guerrilla warfare.
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