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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:23 am

Father Martinek slams Wantuni Hegemony over Kalopian Genocide
...but dismisses "humanitarian intervention"

December 3509
by Orbán Olasz

Victims of the Kalopian Genocide 3476-3508

Reacting with fury to news that the Wantuni Hegemony massacred 14 million Kalopians, Father Vladan Martinek stood up at his church pulpit yesterday morning to issue an astonishing denunciation of the Wantunis:

Mark my words, Boh will not leave the Wantunis unpunished for this! Parnum the Thunderer will hear the prayers of the good Hosian Kalopians who have suffered, and he will turn on their persecutors with great anger and vengeance! As the Scripture says, "Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it".

Later in the day, a news reporter asked him whether he agreed with those who are calling for "humanitarian intervention" against Wantuni. Martinek was hesitant for some moments, then said he would support an invasion of Wantuni "under the right circumstances" and then, when pushed further, clarified that "humanitarian intervention is not a good enough reason to go to war, it has to be the will of Boh". Analysts believe he is reluctant to endorse the principle of humanitarian intervention in case an attempt is made to apply it to Deltaria, a nation notorious for human rights abuses. Father Martinek, although arguably a liberal by Deltarian standards, shares the same attitude towards "meddling by outsiders" as his fellow countrymen.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:30 am

"Only Holy Mother Church can save our nation" - Father Martinek
May 3510
by Orbán Olasz

Church of St. Volos in Bălgrad

Following the news of yet another Palace coup in Deltaria, Father Vladan Martinek has delivered a radical sermon at the Church of St. Volos in Bălgrad calling for the Terran Patriarchal Church to restore stability to the nation:

Only Holy Mother Church can bind our nation together and unite us all in peace, dignity and righteousness. Ethnic supremacism and separatism haven't worked - all they've brought us is bloodletting after bloodletting. Greedy, ravenous aristocrats have made their attempts too, but all they've given us have been fratricidal clan wars. When will our people, and especially our leaders, realise that we must turn away from our sins and humbly follow in the path of Eliyahu? Only then will we have prosperity, and will our children have the chance to live to old age!

If Holy Mother Church is to guide us, however, she must first cleanse herself of the stinking, festering corruptions and ignominies that bring so much shame to our nation! Clerics living sinful lives in disobedience to the holy vows they swore must be kicked out on to the streets, so that they infect us with their filth no longer! I do not care whether they are ordinary priests, or monks, or bishops or archbishops or Cardinals. Begone with the fornicators, the thieves, the criminals, the liars, the whole lot of them! And begone too with all those who are preaching heresy to the faithful, like wolves amongst sheep! Drive them out! Take away their possessions, strip them of their clothes and cast them into the sewers! Let the justice of Boh reign supreme throughout Holy Mother Church, in order than we might be pure once more!

Analysts say Father Vladan Martinek remains a committed monarchist whose loyalty towards Czar Ľubomír the Second is beyond question. His latest speech, though, is a sign that he wants the Terran Patriarchal Church to play a much fuller part in the national life and governance of Deltaria. When the next Deltarĭsko Věšte is summoned in May 3511, a number of his supporters are expected to gain positions, and he may be in a much stronger position to pursue his aspirations.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Dynastia » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:01 pm

Deltarian Government "shutting down"

First it was Czar Lubomir, then the Bathories, then the Szécsény-Barbu alliance. Artanian Military Bases operated by Luthori and Dorvik have been ordered out of the country, but the simple fact is that nobody quite knows who's running Deltaria anymore. The Czar's great army is breaking apart as pay and supplies cease flowing, and the Czar himself has fled into exile in Indrala after being sentenced to death by the Tsargrad Veche. Freed slaves grow restless waiting for the land grants they were promised, Deltarian conscripts return home to find burned fields and no futures, and former child soldiers form gangs to terrorise the countryside. In Doron Akigo, secessionists have declared independence from Deltaria under King Ansgar Cynebald I, and are bitterly fighting to suppress Akigan nationalists. Across the country, Deltarian citizens are being called to the local Veches and Things to decide the popular response to the Szécsény-Barbu government, and the popular sentiment seems to be leaning in favour of Father Martinek and the exiled Czar.

The ruling Tsargrad Veche, however, seems oblivious to the dangers around them. More and more government programs are dropped, with only token attempts at rebuilding, or even pacifying the nation. Foreign allies are insulted, the Doron Akigan rebellion is ignored, entire brigades of deserters roam the countryside as bandits or partisans, all while Kalopian and Wantuni refugee camps overflow with hungry and desperate people on the eastern borders.

And the dwindling Czarist army marches, without the Czar, in the general direction of Tsargrad.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:21 pm

Father Martinek appointed Bishop of Naban
September 3510
by Orbán Olasz

Bishop Vladan Martinek of Naban

For more than a decade, Father Vladan Martinek has been a thorn in the side of the Terran Patriarchal Church, lambasting its leaders for moral laxness, corruption, neglect of the poor and lack of zeal in confronting the evils of the day. Aides close to the Pápež have scarcely concealed their wish that he would fall foul of the regime or otherwise somehow helpfully "disappear". Now, to the shock of many, he has been appointed Bishop of Naban and charged with responsibility to "“govern, teach, and sanctify" one of the largest dioceses in the country. This is an apparent acknowledgement of his growing support amongst the ordinary people, and also amongst many of the clergy and nobility who are increasingly warming to his vision of a holy Deltaria overcoming its dynastic and ethnic feuds by being bound together within a reinvigorated Church. No other institution, it is being increasingly thought, has the strength and sense of national legitimacy to bring the ongoing conflicts in Deltaria to an end.

Martinek's appointment could prove a poisoned chalice, though. By thrusting such official responsibility upon him, Pápež Ľudovít and those around him may be hoping to co-opt him into the political-religious establishment, making it more difficult for him to launch populist, bellicose attacks on the iniquities of the Church and the nobles. Will his supporters still trust him now that he is, in the words of one disgruntled Hosiany Národná Strana member I spoke to, "just another part of the system"?
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:30 pm

Martinek defaults on anti-slavery pledge
February 3511
by Orbán Olasz

An HNS anti-slavery poster from 2 years ago

Vladan Martinek, leader of Deltaria's Hosiany Národná Strana (Hosian National Party) movement and newly appointed Bishop of Naban, has disappointed human rights campaigners by performing a U-turn on his opposition to the practice of slavery in his country. Speaking to journalists at a press conference in Nădejdeni, he said:

An immediate, outright ban on slavery would dangerously undermine the foundations of the Deltarian economy, and would also risk political and social instability. We wish to proceed with a consensus of the major forces in Deltarian society, and therefore favour a more gradualist and incrementalist approach. What we propose to do is to pass legislation that will guarantee every child is born free and none will be born into slavery. We will also pass a law making it illegal to enslave free people of any nationality. It will, however, remain legal for the state to enslave criminals and then sell them. This last policy is something we have had to think over very carefully, but in the end, we realised it would be fiscally irresponsible to do anything else. Ending the state enslavement and sale of prisoners would leave a huge gaping black hole in our budget plans shattering international confidence in our economy, deterring investors and devaluing our currency.

Pressed as to whether slavery was consisted with Hosian principles, Martinek expressed his "personal unhappiness with slavery", but quoted chapter 9 of the Book of Genesis in order to explain its biblical basis. He also added:

I want to humanise and civilise the practice of slavery in Deltaria. We will pass legislation guaranteeing the right of slaves to be fairly treated. They should be acceptably fed and watered, they should not be cruelly overworked and they should not be treated with unnecessary harshness.

The election for the Deltarĭsko Věšte, due in a few months time, may have something to do with Martinek's policy reversal. If his faction is to gain power, the support of wealthy nobles and churchmen will be vital. Radomíra Sasha, a Deltarian human rights activist forced to flee to Dranland a few years ago, commented:

This is not a good sign. We in the human rights community already had concerns about whether Vladan Martinek would really be an improvement upon the current regime, but now we are more cynical than ever. Martinek is an ambitious man who wants power, and is literally prepared to compromise the freedom of other human beings in order to get it.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:52 pm

Hosiany Národná Strana enter the Deltarĭsko Věšte

May 3511
by Orbán Olasz

Bishop Martinek (front of centre) with some of his newly-elected faction members

As expected, Bishop Martinek's Hosiany Národná Strana (Hosian National Party) has won substantial representation in the new Věšte, taking 27 of the 75 seats at the May 3511 election. A majority of HNS representatives are bishops or priests of the Terran Patriarchal Church, although some are from the nobility, and a few are from peasant or labouring backgrounds. This comes as a transformative moment for Martinek, who becoming both a bishop and a powerful faction leader within a few years, has now surely become an insider member of the political and religious establishments he has railed against against so fiercely.

The HNS did not fulfil its hopes of becoming the largest faction, trailing 5 seats behind the Šľachtická Družina (Aristocratic Retainers). 16 seats also fell to the upstart Deltarian Civic Forum, which is likely to have swayed liberal reformist delegates who were considering supporting HNS, but switched at the last moment after indications emerged that Martinek was trying to accomodate the old establishment by backtracking on policies like slavery.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Polites » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:30 am

The Tyrant is Back

August 3511 - The exiled traitor and former Czar, Ľubomír, has returned to Deltaria. Guilty of executing a number of nobles without trial and putting them to death by impalement, and responsible for the assassination attempt on Czar Dušan in 3504, Ľubomír was overthrown by Voivode Augustin Čestibor, the Governor of Tsargrad and Grand-Marshall of the Third Deltarian Land Army in 3510. Surrounded by a handful of Indralan guards, the fool now seeks to regain his throne, and undo the will of the Deltarian people. As he was proclaimed an outlaw, any person, of any status, can legally and righteously kill him without incurring any penalty.

Ľubomír Approaches Tsargrad

September 3511 - Having landed in Ushalande with 500 Indralan guards, the dethroned Czar Ľubomír approaches the capital city, Tsargrad. Immediately after landing in the city of Nădejdeni, Ľubomír issued a series of public declarations designed to increase his public support from the peasants, workers, and soldiers in the Czardom. As Ľubomír approaches the Great City, the number of his followers has been increasing. So far, there have been no attempts by the Regent's forces to stop Ľubomír from reaching Tsargrad.

His Imperial Majesty at the Gates

December 3511 - With the number of Deltarians loyal to His Imperial Majesty, the Czar and Autocrat of Deltaria, swelling day by day, the illegitimate government of the usurper Augustin Čestibor is living its last days. The City itself has been placed under siege by the Czar and His loyal followers, including many veterans of the Great War. The Czar also announced that if the Szécsény-Barbu-Čestibor alliance that controls Tsargrad surrenders the City without a fight, all their lives will be spared, with the exception of usurper Augustin Čestibor.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:45 am

Tsargrad rises for the Czar

January 3511
by Orbán Olasz


With the armies of the Czar approaching ever closer, the people of Tsargrad have risen up in defiance of the usurper Augustin Čestibor, and poured on to the streets in a mass demonstration of support for their lawful Sovereign. It must only be a matter of time now before forces loyal to Augustin Čestibor surrender. According to unconfirmed rumours, the desperate Augustin attempted to summon evil demons to his aid with the assistance of a disreputable priest, but the experiment backfired and he is now possessed, rampaging around his fortified castle on all fours whilst making dog, horse and sheep noises.

Bishop Vladan Martinek of the Hosiany Národná Strana (Hosian National Party) faction has proposed a motion to the Deltarĭsko Věšte pledging full allegiance to the Czar. Given the circumstances, his fellow lawmakers are thought unlikely to protest this.
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:47 pm

Martinek closes scandal-hit nunnery

March 3512
by Orbán Olasz

Former home of the Sisters of Saint Paparuda in Naban

To the dismay of local punters, Bishop Martinek has closed down a nunnery in his diocese after an internal investigation revealed that the organisation is a front for a prostitution racket run by Mother Katka Vlček in order to raise funds for the Church and provide a discreet sexual outlet for lonely clerics. The venue has become popular with local punters, many of whom believe ancient pagan traditions connected to Paparuda which teach that having intercourse with her priestesses cleanses one of sin and removes sexually transmitted diseases.

Speaking after the announcement of the closure, Martinek said:

Let nobody be in any doubt that the Church is at war with Satanail and at war with sin. Wherever there is evil, we must acknowledge, confront and crush it. The task of cleansing Deltaria from wickedness can scarcely begin until we have cleared filth like this out of the Church.

Mother Vlček and her nuns have been ignominously laicised, excommunicated and turfed out on the streets. Women's organisations have expressed outrage at the Church for making money out of them and then abandoning them so callously. The former nuns have begged Martinek to provide them with financial help to tide themselves over, but these pleas have so far fallen on deaf ears.

An image of Paparuda, the ancient Tokundian goddess later adopted as a saint by the Terran Patriarch Church
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Re: Nesporný Pravda [Deltaria]

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:41 pm

Martinek in high-stakes gamble for power

September 3513
by Orbán Olasz

Bishop Vladan Martinek: Deltaria's next power behind the throne?

In one of the most daring moves in his turbulent career, Bishop Vladan Martinek of Naban has moved to dissolve Deltaria's legislature and called for the Voivodeships to give his Hosiany Národná Strana (HNS) faction an absolute majority in the next session. His supporters will be competing against the rival Cisár Ľubomír faction, a group so unquestioningly devoted to the Czar that it has become perceived as a mouthpiece for defending his personal interests and reactionary agenda.

If HNS loses, it will be left with little influence, but if it wins its majority - as many foresee it will - then the situation becomes much more unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Would the Czar be content to be Martinek's puppet? Or would Martinek's rise to power trigger an epic conflict between the Czar and his aristocratic sympathisers on the one hand, and the legislature and the Terran Patriarchal Church on the other?
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