
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:24 am

Former Dranish Leader hired as advisor!

In what may have seemed as a surprise appointment,the Minister of Justice and Security Brigadier T.Davidson,has announced that former Dranish army General and leader of Dranland,Joel Cubrero,is hired by the State of Keymon as a security department advisor,leading the government's effort to reestablish a State police force.It came as a surprise mainly because General Cubrero is nearly 90 years old.In terms of payment,it was announced that a 60,000KED per year contract has been offered and a state estate will be General Cubrero's house.
Government officials say that Cubrero will be receive every honor fitting his rank and glorious past,despite being discharged by the Bureaucracy that followed his
5-year rule.
In other news,the Great Leader has been asked from several newspaper editors for an interview but he continuously rejected because of his modest character.
Journalist & child novel author Richard-Georg Owell though,had a completely different proposal.He proposed to make a biography of our Magnificent Leader's life.In a mood of benevolence and generosity,our Undisputed Leader has agreed to grant Mr.Owell the permission to make a biography,a "timeline of his glorious deeds" as Mr.Owell put it.The whole process is about to take aproximately 3 or 4 months according to schedule.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:40 pm

Leader's Biography finally published!

After many months of waiting the much-waited "A Life of Glory",the biography of our Great Leader,written by journalist and child novel author R.G.Owell has finally been published by WellBooks Publishing(a subsidiary of Wellport Trading Group).
According to media,it was the second most-waited book in Keymon,behing only the extremely popular "A Poem of Water & Smoke:Throne of Games".
Author R.G. Owell signing a copy of his latest book,"A Life of Glory"
The book features our Leader's childhood and rise to power,as well as general information about his family.
Keymon News Service was allowed to have a summary of the book:
Jonathan James Wellport,first son of James Cedric Wellport and Margaret Vailler,was born in 1st February,3557.
...Jonathan's grandfather Cedric Jonathan Wellport was a wealthy merchant,the founder of "Wellport Trading Group".His father continued the family business,expanding it,to reach an excellent profit of 50,000,000KED/year.
...The tradition of senior family members keeping their father's name as middle name,was first used by Richard Jonathan Wellport,our Leader's great-grandfather

...The Great Leader had a bigger ambition than continue his family legacy in trading business.He pursued a carreer at the Navy by getting in Naval Officer College in 3575.By 3579 he has graduated as second lieutenant and assigned in 1st Destroyer Squad,Keysea Naval Base.His brother,Anthony,inherited the family business,becoming CEO & major shareholder.

The book is available in all bookshops and libraries,and costs the petty amount of 12.50KED.Unconfirmed sources mention that it could be an instant best seller,as the huge number of pre-orders,reaching over 1,000,000 copies, indicates.It is also stated that it may attract international attention,so it could be translated in the near future.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:15 pm

Cabinet reshuffled after minister's of defense retirement.

January 15th 3614
Following Air Marshal Michael Darnon's retirement due to his age,reaching 68,the ministry of defense post was vacant.
The Magnificent Leader of Keymon has taken the opportunity to reshuffle the cabinet by adding new faces and changing departments for some "veterans"
The main changes were:
Former Justice and Security Minister,Brigadier Davidson was reassigned to the ministry of Defense.
Former Director of Intelligence Department,Colonel R.Laylown was appointed as the new Minister of Justice and Security.
Former Deputy Minister of justice Major Stuartson was chosen to be the new director of Intelligence Department.
Commodore Carl Osterman,48,is the new Deputy minister of justice and security and subsequently the Commander of the Patriotic Guard.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:17 pm

Keymon's Newest Light Tank Unvailed!
November 3614

The Holly-Kreuz Mk.II,our army's newest light armored vehicle

In a great press conference in the Press Room of the Keymon Defence Industries(in short KDI) the newest addition to our State's Defence was unvailed.The KDI Chairman and General Director George Lotherly,former Tank Lieutenant,stated:
Today we are proud to unvail a true masterpiece!A light tank for all of Terra to envy!
We give you Holly-Kreuz Mark.II
An armored vehicle of unsurpased speed,capable of infiltrating behind enemy lines and hitting the enemy flanks.Named after the two masters of Armoured Tactics Lt.Colonel Daniel Holly commander of the 2nd Tank Regiment in the Darnussia–Keymon War and Major Karl Kreuz,his subcommander.

Present in the press conference were of course the Minister of Defence Mj. General Davidson,and the Great Leader with his wife Dr.Elisabeth Raymon,who is also the Minister of Education
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:07 pm

Minister's Gaffe Costs Millions!

After an unfortunate mistake made by the Minister of Defence,Keymon Defence Industries have manufactured a surplus 9,000 Holly-Kreuz Mk.II tanks.Major General Davidson was supposed to order 1,000 vehicles but accidentally typed 10,000 in the order parcel sheet.
The mistake was discovered too late,when the construction order was given,but could not be called off.
The Minister of Finance has reported that a new extra bugdet is needed to cover the additional costs,around 5 Billion KED.
Fortunately,our Great State can afford this,thanks to its booming economy.
It was also stated that the government is looking to sell the 9,000 surplus vehicles to foreign countries.The following is the formal statement of the government to foreign countries:

Joint Press Release of the Ministries of Defence & Finance

To the governments of Terra:
Due to a minor mistake in the parcel order from the Ministry of Defence,a surplus of 9000 Light Tanks of our new Holly Kreuz II design are available for purchase at any time.For any information you may need please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which will handle the negotiations.

Major General T.Davidson Minister of Defence
& Vice Admiral J.Soreby Minister of Finance
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:37 am

First 2 thousand tanks sold to Pontesi!
October 3615
Holly-Kreuz marching to the transport platforms

After long and hard negotiations with the Pontesi government,the Minister of Foreign,Patricia Porridge,who was tasked to handle all communications regarding the sale of the surplus vehicles,the two countries have come to terms.
2,000 Holly-Kreuz Mk.II vehicles are sold to Pontesi,and the State of Keymon will receive 1Billion Pontesis.
The Minister of Defence,Major General Davidson spoke publicly about the deal:
This deal is just a start for what is to come.This deal is the start of a very nice friendship between the two nations.I would like to congratulate my Pontesian counterpart for his sense of bargain.These vehicles come with a lifetime guarantee from Keymon Defence Industries.They are the sturdiest armored vehicles I have seen,and believe I have seen many!

7,000 Holly-Kreuz tanks remain to be sold,but the government is optimistic and believes that these 7,000 may be sold even in the next few days.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Wardog » Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:36 pm

Government resigns after Leader's suicide
December 3618

A series of unfortunate events seem to have caused depression to our great Leader Jonathan James Wellport,who has reportedly commited suicide plunging Keymon citizens in mourn.
The government is unable to function with the everyday affairs of our State,and has wholy resigned earlier this evening.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby tdurden21 » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:28 am

Keymon Royalist Party Welcomes Free Republic Party to Legistlative Council, First Appointments to Peerage by Grand Prince

Miles Anderson has been appointed Count Hillsborough by His Royal Majesty, Jonas I. He has assumed all responsibilities and privileges of the post herewith. Over 150 people were appointed to peerage out of a government shortlist that included over 500 names in business, the arts, politics, and some servicemen.

Opposition Organizes!

The Free Republics Party has been organized out of several organizations based upon Republican principles and who are opposed to the recently-established Desiderian monarchy. A KRP spokeswoman has said she looks forward to dealing with the new opposition both within and outside of the Legislative Council. Several reforms are being streamlined due to the emergence of a tangible opposition.
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Nickmaster » Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:41 am

King Deposed, "Has Accepted the Situation"

Following the rise of the True Disciples, talks began on the best way to shift the power from the king to the cardinal. In the palace at Royal Hillsborough, an eager crowd awaited the return of King Phillip II, and Cardinal Viktor Williams.

"I hate to see him go. King Phillip was such a great leader. He was good for morale, but the cardinal is good too, I guess." said one woman.

We asked one man who he supported, and he declared, "The cardinal, of course." When we inquired as to his reasons, we were accused of being "Davostani hell-bound homosexuals" and Jim recieved a blow to the face. He was promptly arrested, and Jim is in stable condition.

After we helped Jim into the ambulance(it was a strong man), the Cardinal and the King emerged from the palace and greeted the cheering crowd. The King had mustered up a feeble smile, and looked almost defeated. The Cardinal, however, had a look of smug victory across his face, and walked with a slight swagger, but not too much. The King spoke:

"We are pleased to announce that I will be stepping down as Monarch, and that the role of Head of State shall be occupied by the good Cardinal"

His voice was shaky. The crowd cheered, and the curtains fell on the Royaliwith Dynasty; However, the family is expected to try to raise them again. The Royaliwiths will be living quite comfortably, still retaining their nobility privileges and their massive wealth.

But what does the Cardinal's rule mean for the rest of us?
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Nickmaster » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:56 pm

Cardinal Brings Sweeping Reforms

As we approach His Holiness the Cardinal's third year as ruler, a protest has formed outside of his palace in Royal Hillsborough. These unwashed heathens are protesting over the Cardinal's swift reforms, banning sinful acts such as homosexuality and blasphemy, to drugs, even the former private news media; they were declared by the Cardinal as "too liberal", but honestly, we could all see their wicked ways.

This protest is one of several that have broken out across the country, with unrepentant sinners demanding a return to the evil liberal state the Cardinal and Elyon are trying to lead us away from. We are supposed to be a guiding light to the word, but we can't do that if these blasphemes stand around and shout crude slogans, obviously inspired by demons.

Fortunately, His Holiness, in all his divinely-inspired wisdom, realized this would be an issue. To quote him:
People are often to blind and stupid to see Elyon's grace before them. They need our help.
The Cardinal has given more power to our clean, Elyon-fearing, conservative police officers. The Cardinal has taken away those dirty hooligans power to gather and oppose Elyon. They won't be so loud after they see the good police officers of Elyon brandishing their holy weapons!

Coming up at 11, is your neighbor a closet adulterer? 10 warning signs, and what you can do to help. As always, May Elyon Guide Us.
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