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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 19, 2019 1:00 pm


Pāytakht-e Aldegār - Private defense company Ahzura (officially Ahzura Defense Systems) has, after a lenghty bidding process and design phase between them and Nader Yazdani, aquired a government contract to develop and produce a new destroyer for the Aldegarian National Navy. The new destroyer is currently nearing the end of its designer phase as both Nader Yazdani and Ahzura have been designing a ship for the last 3 years. Nader Yazdani announced that it will scrap its design as there seems to be no other buyer for their design or production of their ship.

The new destroyer is supposed to replace the entire destroyerfleet that Aldegar currently possesses. The current fleet, consisting of vessels of sometimes 300 years old. Has been in decay for years now as funding for its maintenance basically stopped. Now the State Ministry of Defense has seen the recent increase in military spending as a sign that it is time to upgrade and modernize the armed forces. 4 years ago the Ministry put out a contract for the new destroyer, challenging any company that was willing to to come up with a design and funding plan to accompany it. Ahzura and Nader Yazdani were the two companies competing for the contract and now Ahzura has won it.

Ahzura has codenamed their new destroyer the "C-14 Secal". The designing phase of the project is nearly completed with a few minor changes being implemented in the design right now. The new destroyer will possess advanced radar equipment, anti submarine installations, a main gun for ship to ship combat, new improved missile system to launch at ground targets, a new torpedo system and electronic warfare measures. These electronic warfare measures are however expected to be somewhat outdated compared to other destroyers on the market. The ammunitions, mainly the missiles, used on the new destroyers will be produced by the Alpire Defence Corporation as this company managed to convince the Ministry that their ammunition could complement the new ship well. This was initially a setback for Ahzura, which wished to produce the muntion for their new ship themselves, however the State Ministry believed that their plan for munition production was not ambitious enough, with their missiles being far less powerfull then the proposed missiles and munitions of Alpire.

The new ship is said to enter construction in the Ahzura shipyards within the next 2 months.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Auditorii » Sat Oct 19, 2019 1:14 pm

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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:10 pm


Pāytakht-e Aldegār - The Aldegarian government, following the orders of State President Hedayati, has closed of the Aldegar canal for any military vessel except those from Kafuristan and Aldegar itself. In addition to this. The National Consultative Assembly, on the directive of the president, has enacted a law that puts a tax on the value of the goods on ships from several countries which are: Lourenne, Narikaton and Darnussia, Dorvik, Kazulia, Istalia, Valruzia, Baltusia, Aloria and Hulstria. This tax has been set at 25% of the value of the cargo. Now, every ship coming from these nations and with a desire to pass through the canal has to pay this heavy tax on its goods.

We thank the Kazulian government for funding the expansion and modernization of our Canal. It will contribute greatly to the quality and effectiveness of the Canal. However, the maintenance of the new Canal has to be paid by someone, and considering that these nations (the one on the list for the new tax) have been those who benefit from the Canal the most. It is only natural that on top of the normal costs to enter the canal these nations also pay extra for their extensive use of it. It is time that the world starts to pay a reasonable price for access to the Canal. In addition to this it is ofcourse absurd that military Vessels can pass through the canal. The canal is not a tool to be used in war by any nation other then Aldegar and its Allies. Therefor i have closed the canal for military vessels because Aldegar will not partake in the facilitation of military actions by other nations in terra

Said State President Hedayati.

Kafuristan is still allowed to pass its military vessels through the Canal under the condition that they pay for 25% of the maintenance costs of the canal. The closing of the canal for military vessels will happen immediately and is expected to hurt many militaries around the globe, in particular the Kazulian Navy which has used the canal for centuries to pass through its military equipment and ships as well as logistical supplies from one side to the other. Without the canal it will be significantly more difficult for navies like this to supply their troops abroad and will make travelling from one side of terra to the other a much more costly and time consuming matter.

It is expected that nations will respond to this decision, as it may greatly affect both trade and military logistics for the affected nations. Hedayati also proceeded with removing any Kazulian construction advisors revoking their visas and ending the agreement between his government and the government in Skalm. The canal expansions and modernizations were almost entirely completed, and Hedayati announced that Aldegar itself, together with Kafuristan, will finalize construction for the coming year.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:04 pm

Possibly NSFW

Pāytakht-e Aldegār - The NSCD has publicly executed 15 people on the main square of the capital. The 15 men were suspected of being members of a illegal political organization, likely the Democratic Front for People's Freedom (DFPF) which is the only political organization apart from Hedayati's NPUP that still has significant support in the country. One of the 15 people executed was suspected to be the leader of the DFPF together with 2 of his closest partners.

The NSCD, with intel gained from the SSP, conducted over 100 raids in the last 2 months. Capturing over 430 "enemies of the state" as authorities have continued to call the arrested people. The last raid was conducted last week in which the suspected leader of the DFPF was captured. On personal orders of Hedayati the NSCD security forces brought the leader, his associates and several other low ranking members of his organization, to the main square of the capital. There they were put against the wall while a crowd gathered around them wondering what was going on. NSCD security personel proceeded to shoot all men dead while they faced the wall, unloading their AK-47 assault rifles till their clips were empty. After the ordeal the bodies were thrown on a pile and burned. They burned the entire day and are still laying in the main square as of the writing of this article. This was seen by many as a show of "what happened" if you oppose Hedayati.

This is just one example of the increased ruthlessness of Hedayati and his regime. The regime does not allow or permit any form of dissent and cracks down hard on any sign of it. The security services set up by the regime are now fully operational and are conducting operations daily to root out opponents of Hedayati his regime. The SSP has basically set up a surveilance state, with cameras on almost every street corner and SSP agents working with NSCD personel during raids or undercover operations. Checkpoints have been set up in the more urbanized and big cities of the country where normal police, now allowed basically unrestricted powers and carrying military grade equipment, checks ordinary citizens in their cars, on their bikes or on foot. Outside internet access is nonexistent and only a government run internet network is available for citizens. International media content is banned and all media outlets are controlled by the state. In addition to this the new National Consultative Assembly has recently passed a law allowing flogging as a legal measure for punishment, turning the already repressive state into a abusive one. Religious laws have also been enacted to appease the clergy in the country and ensure that they stay on the governments side.

With the increased hostile attitude of Hedayati to the outside world and his own country it is clear that Aldegar is falling into the strong iron fist of our beloved president Hedayati.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:21 pm

January 30th 4652

In response to the Alorian decision to put tarrifs on Aldegarian goods following their own decision to put tarrifs on Alorian goods travelling through the canal the Hedayati government has announced "not a drop of oil will be delivered to Aloria"

Let it be clear. That if any nation decides to put tarrifs on our products. We will stop the oil supply to the nation in question. Reasonable decisions made by the Aldegarian government can not be a reason to put tarrifs on Aldegarian goods. We respect the Dorvish decision to withold from going through the canal. We do not respect Aloria's decision in their retaliatory measures. We have called on Kafuristan to also stop the oil supply to Aloria. We will not resume the oil supply until the imposed tarrifs have been revoked

Said president Hedayati.

The president has spoken with his Kafuri counterpart and it is expected that Kafuristan will make a similar announcement within the coming days. Creating a possible oil crisis for the Artanian nation of Aloria.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:05 am


Pāytakht-e Aldegār - The Aldegarian Foreign Service for Intelligence commonly known as AFSI will in the coming years heavily invest in its cyber warfare capabilities. There will be investment in both defensive and offensive capabilities. Director of the AFSI Pejman Pahlevan stated that the nature of covert warfare is changing and that his agency has to adjust to these changes.

The AFSI is the foreign intelligence agency of the Aldegarian state. The intelligence service has been mostly busy with tracing and arresting Aldegarian dissidents abroad in recent years but is refocussing its efforts on other areas now as well. According to Pahlevan the importance of a strong foreign service is essential for the existence of the State.

Our world is constantly changing and with it change the responsibilities and tasks of the security services of our country. With the recent budget increase for defense and security services and the need for a strong and effective agency we have decided to further expand our cyber capabilities so that we can both perform offensive and defensive actions in the digital world. We will work closely with the domestic intelligence agency the SSP to train them in defensive capabilities so that our AFSI can focus on offensive ones. For now the State Minister of Defense has pledged around 900 million LOD to our program which will give us the ability to set up new data centers, hire new IT and cyber experts and set up a strong network to ensure that any action we do peform are done with a lot of proffesionality.

The AFSI has, for this new cyber project, established a seperate sister branch within the organization to fully focus on cyber warfare. This branch which is named the "Aldegarian Cyber Task Force" (ACTF) will focus on cyber warfare and be under the direct oversight of the AFSI Director. The new project was launched last month and Pahlevan has stated that his agency and the ACTF are hard at work to "make it a success"
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Auditorii » Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:57 pm

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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:19 pm


Pāytakht-e Aldegār - The State Ministry of Defense has issued a statement detailing their intention of sending over 5000 Aldegarian troops to the Kafuri deserts in a effort to combat the terrorist organization ASIM. These 5000 troops will be supported by around 30 JF-17 fighter jets and additional support equipment like trucks, armoured vehicles and a few of the new Sabre class tanks

The Kafuri and Aldegarian authorities agreed to a deal in which Aldegar will be allowed to operate 3 bases in the kafuri desert on a lease of 5 years each. This lease agreement can be extended indefinitely by a signed agreement by the two foreign ministers of both countries every 5 years. The 5000 troops that the government wants to station in Kafuristan will be part of a focussed effort by the Kafuri and Aldegarian governments to actively combat ASIM and their affiliated cells. Targeted military operations with air and ground support to strike at the heart of ASIM cells will be amongst several of the measures designed to contain the threat that the organization poses. The Kafuri desert has long been seen as the breeding ground for ASIM as the living conditions in its villages are poor and many who cannot come by normally resort to joining the terrorist organization.

By enacting measures to ease the local populations their problems as well as combatting ASIM directly on their home turf both Kafuristan and Aldegar hope to prevent or at least limit deadly attacks like the recent international terrorist attacks which killed hundreds and left governments concerned over the increased strength the organization has shown in recent years.

This will be the first time in over a century that Aldegarian troops will be actively deployed overseas and some see this as Hedayati testing his armed forces and giving them some needed combat experience.
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