
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:29 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

17 November 4860
Chancellor Alice Hemming resigns after 14 years in power
Chancellor of the Realm Alice Hemming announced her resignation at the end of November, signaling the beginning of a new governmental era. Chancellor Hemming has served as the head of government since 4846, thus making her the longest serving Chancellor of the UDK, beating the late Chancellor Gösta Lars Törn who served for 11 years.

Kivonia, Kovmark - Chancellor of the Realm of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia; a position meant to serve as head of government. Despite it having no real executive authority in accordance to the temporary constitutional amendment of 4825, the head of state, Anförare Viktoriana, has for the sake of appearances given the Chancellery some form of power. The first Chancellor Gösta Lars Törn, who served for eleven years between 4827 and 4839, did not exert any real influence on government decisions by instead letting the Anförare use her authority on state matters. The second Chancellor Lars Gunnar Ohly, who served for seven years between 4839 and 4846, was given more and more tasks by the Anförare especially when the two worked together on judicial reforms. When Chancellor Alice Hemming was sworn in to office in 4846 as the first female head of government of the UDK, she was given more responsibility as head of government seen in nations such as Istalia. Hemming's authority however decreased because of how she handled the 4849-52 Labour Strikes. In the end the Anförare had to step in to force Hemming to fix the issue. Due to the damage caused by the strikes, the Anförare took away some of the responsibility held by the Chancellor, and actually invited the All-Union Nationalist Party to once more exert their own partyist influence on government affairs. With the resignation of Alice Hemming, begins a new era for the position of Chancellor. Her successor has been announced to be current Minister of Finance Herman Cederstam.

As Minister of Finance Herman Cederstam together with the Special Economic Commission was able to steadily stand as a surviving nation around the global economic crisis hit a few years ago. Cederstam comes from the prominent Cederstam family, that has a history within the financial sector in Davostan and Makon. One of the most known Cederstam is Isabella Cederstam who served as a military commander under the Third Kivonian Republic and as President of the National Convention during the Davostani Revolution. Herman Cederstam, son of business magnate Magnus Cederstam, took over as head of the family in 4832 until 4847 and served as chairman of the MEB and the Fortuna Group but resigned it all to his younger brother Adolf Cederstam due to allegations of corruption. His talents and expertise within economics was the main reason for why he was chosen as Alice Hemming second Minister of Finance in 4853. The All-Union Nationalist Party leadership were at first skeptical towards Cederstam's wealthy upbringing and history of possible corruption, but accepted his victory in the 4860 ANP leadership election which is believed to be due to Cederstam's rising popularity and charisma. The soon-to-be Chancellor has not yet commented on his future policies, but it is believed that favoritism towards corporations might not be as possible as some think, due to the ANP and the Anförare holding more control over executive authority.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:09 pm

The Glory of Truth is the official news organization of the All-Union Nationalist Party.
The Glory of Truth mainly reports on national and internal political news, with some international exceptions.
The Glory of Truth was founded in 4800 on predominantly unionist, nationalist and social-democratic leanings.

24 December 4860
New ideological stances within the All-Union Nationalist Party takes form
Different ideologies wakes up from the resignation of Alice Hemming as Chancellor, while her governmental ideology of Hemmingism continues strong with the new Chancellor Herman Cederstam, who has expressed himself as a Hemmingist as well.

Kivonia, Kovmark - With the resignation of Alice Hemming and succession of Herman Cederstam as Chancellor, new ideological wings have formed within the younger ranks of the All-Union Nationalist Party. Some clearly stems from the positions that Hemmingism has expressed itself, the individual struggle and the help of the state plays the central role within its themes. The Hemmingists have had a profound affect on many political levels in the UDK, and some political commentators believe that this affect will continue now when the second Hemmingist chancellor has taken office, this being Herman Cederstam. The Hemmingists are a stark contrast to the more social-democratic members of the ANP. Despite the two seeing the need for the state to help, it is more the fight between individual responsibility and collective responsibility that plays as the main friction between the two factions. The new ideas espoused from some younger members one of the most notable being Erika af Augustine, a 24 year-old young politician who serves as Secretary of the All-Union Youth League, the main youth organization of the All-Union Nationalist Party, as well as the largest youth organization in Davostan-Kivonia. A new name that has frequently popped up for the group of ideas is One-nationism. With the birth of this One-nationism, some political theorists have tried to define its meaning, with only one succeeding, Kristian Palmgren, who wrote the book "The Fundamentals behind One Nation under the Party". In it he describes the ideology to be composed of "strong unionism with a civic nationalistic foundation, built around the idea that the individual and the collective can not function without each other, and should therefore strengthen one another in order to make the wheels of the nation work". One-nationists have also developed a belief that the different classes within society should not focus on each others differences but work towards making the nation function and that this makes the Unionite nation One-nation. Another strong sentiment within the one-nationists is the idea that the nation should be under the party [All-Union Nationalist Party] in order to function properly, while others have expressed that the nation should be fully guided by the Unionite ruler (head of state).
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:48 pm

The Glory of Truth is the official news organization of the All-Union Nationalist Party.
The Glory of Truth mainly reports on national and internal political news, with some international exceptions.
The Glory of Truth was founded in 4800 on predominantly unionist, nationalist and social-democratic leanings.

30 December 4865
General Party Elections makes its conclusion
With the conclusion of the general party elections, Herman Cederstam is able to keep his position as General Secretary, but at a great price, a factional conflict between ideologues and pragmatists within the All-Union Nationalist Party will shape the coming decade in Davostan-Kivonia.
Herman Cederstam, General Secretary of the ANP and Chancellor of the UDK | OOC Source: Ekstrabladet

Kivonia, Kovmark - At last the general party elections of the All-Union Nationalist Party has concluded with stunning results. Different figures could be seen making their moves behind the scenes, with many potential rivals to the incumbent General Secretary Herman Cederstam. It seemed however, that the party elections would reveal that Cederstam and his Hemmingist faction, to be in a minority within the National Congress of the All-Union Nationalist Party. The rivaling faction of the ruling Hemmingists is the newly born One-nationists, a broad ideological camp deeply rooted within civic nationalism and social democracy. The One-nationists rallied behind the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edvard Forsman, an outspoken One-nationist. Together with the support of the All-Union Youth League – the leadership of which is staunchly One-nationistic – Herr Forsman gathered a strong base within the party and was very close to toppling Cederstam from his position as General Secretary. The elections took place nationwide, through the newly proposed local system for the UDK, which divided the nation up into two Federal States, five Provinces, forty Districts, and four hundred Subdistricts. The deciding power being with the Subdistricts.

Chancellor and General Secretary Cederstam has hold on to a stronger base within the Kivonian population, however, the appeal of One-nationism to a renewed Unionist movement almost became his downfall. With many rural party members affiliating and feeling a strong sense of nostalgia to the Revolution. Cederstam's campaign team had clearly misjudged the reaction of the Davostani ethnic population towards Edvard Forsman, believing that they would reject him because of his Kivonian ethnicity. This clearly backfired, with many Subdistricts within the Federal State of Davostan being secured by Forsman. Experts believe this could be due to the rise in the affiliation as a Unionite rather than simply a Davostani or Kivonian. Cederstam was able to hold on to many Subdistricts in southern coasts and in the more populated areas, securing every major city in the nation. Out of the five enclaves, also known as the Special Districts, Cederstam was able to win three while Forsman took two. At large Cederstam with his three enclaves, held in the end on to 20 major cities, including the capital city, as well as 203 Subdistricts. Forsman took with his two enclaves no major city, but instead 197 Subdistricts. An unexpected blow to the Hemmingist faction, and to Cederstam's personal camp.

With Herman Cederstam's close victory, we can expect a continuation of his tenure as Rikskansler, however, he will now most likely have to form a new cabinet with new ministers, to include the One-nationists, the now biggest faction within the ANP National Congress, in more government positions. The question could be asked how the One-nationists could hold the position as largest faction and still not winning the leadership election. This is due to the fact that the One-nationists is the largest faction but without an majority, thus a coalition of Hemmingists, moderates, liberals, pan-makonics, and reinhardtists was able to form in order to keep the pragmatic nature of the ANP, in contrast to the ideological crusade the One-nationists claim to be on.

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:48 am

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

4 March 4866
Chancellor Herman Cederstam steps down due to declining health
Chancellor of the Realm Herman Cederstam announced this evening that he would step down as head of government at the end of the month, this being due to a reportedly and rapidly declining health. He has already nominated a successor, who won't serve as acting Chancellor, rather the successor is to continue as the legitimate head of government until the current term ends in 4870.
The outgoing Chancellor, Herman Cederstam | OOC: Journalisten.dk

Kivonia, Kovmark - Herman Cederstam, a Chancellor, businessman, and banker has held the position as the Union of Davostan and Kivonia's Chancellor for a period of five years, the shortest tenure since the creation of the position. During his relatively short reign nothing of major significance ever occurred, rather he has appeared to continue using the same stable policies of the previous Chancellor Alice Hemming during the second half of her tenure. The now major one-nationism movement which is continuing to sweep across the All-Union Nationalist Party will most likely take over a majority within the governmental branch in the coming month, as the incumbent Chancellor announced his resignation as head of government at the end of this month. This being due to growing health issues, something his wife came out to discuss during an interview on television. Cederstam made it very clear that his successor would not simply act as Chancellor until national elections, but that the new head of government would simply continue his [Cederstam's] term. This successor is none other than his main opponent in the recent general party elections and Minister of Foreign Affairs Edvard Forsman. It is widely believed that Cederstam was pressured by his party and leadership colleagues to give the mantle of head of government to Forsman, the pressuring being fruitful due to Cederstam's faction within the party as a dangerous minority.

Edvard Forsman succeeded the long-lasting and popular Preben Bendixen who was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 4829 until 4860. What can be expected from Forsman as Chancellor is a continuation of the regional reforms recently proposed, the writing and possible implementation of a new permanent constitution, and the creation of a more secure welfare state. It is also believed that Anförare Viktoriana sees Forsman in a favorable light, something that will definitely help him stay in his soon-to-be position. Who will succeed Forsman as Foreign Affairs Minister is not yet clear, but it leans towards the prominent and influential Robert Arvinge who has ever since the mid 4840s been the de facto Foreign Affairs Minister through his position as Secretary of the Central Commission for National Interests of the ANP. Arvinge is also the main representative of the UDK to the Northeast-Artanian Covenant, there he was just recently nominated by the Kundrati representative for the position of Chief Administrator of the Covenant. Robert Arvinge however has shown to clearly be a pragmatist when it comes to most things besides his patriotism, Forsman who is seen as an ideologue, might think twice before making Arvinge the new Foreign Affairs Minister. Another possible minister could be the rising star, Erika af Augustine, who currently serves as Secretary of the All-Union Youth League, a central issue in politics for her is the domestic affairs, so her appointment as Minister of the Interior could be most plausible. A new era seems to begin, with the slow but sure fall of the Hemmingists and the take over of the One-nationists.
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:21 pm

MEB Given Loans For BOPA; Cederstam-Boros Summit
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:04 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

24 May 4867
Government forms the Workers' National Organization
The Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine announced the government's intentions of forming the "Workers' National Organization" to bring workers, employers and the government closer together and to avoid a repeat of the 4849-52 labour strikes, which saw a vast amount of vital workers refusing to stay in their workplaces and in turn caused an economic recession.

Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine at the press conference | OOC Source: fplus.se

Kivonia, Kovmark - At this mornings press conference, Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine explained in detail the new nation-wide organization that will encompass the various trade unions in the UDK. Dubbed the 'Workers' National Organization' (Kivonian: Arbetares Landsorganisation; Davostani: Arbejdernes Landsorganisation), abbreviated ALO. The organization will be used to unite the many trade unions scattered across the nation in order to collectively find common ground and solutions to various issues for workers, it will also be used as the main instrument for the national government to listen to complains and advise on how to give solutions to such complains on a national and political level. The ALO will fall under the directive of the Ministry of the Interior, with its responsible Minister appointing the Secretary-General of the organization.

Some talk within the National Convention and the Ministry of the Interior is to put the ALO under the authority of the Department of Social Management, a government agency controlled at the discretion by the All-Union Nationalist Party. For example, all state-corporations must under the Act for the Management of Social Governmental Affairs operate under the supervision and authority of the All-Union Nationalist Party, a highly controversial law, giving the ANP control over vital industries. However, Minister Erika af Augustine has expressed reluctance towards such a move, believing it not to be of any greater significance to put ALO under the ANP rather than the national government as stated by her a few years ago "The Party is the State, and the State is the Party; this has been the reality of the UDK for more than half a century now". For now it is not on the table to give ALO to the DSM.

The government seeks to improve the conditions with time of the many workers in the country, believing that instead of striking, talking should be encouraged instead and forming the ALO should make it more easier to hear the voices of the troubled. The ALO will organize into different local organizations, the largest being the nation-wide, then moving down towards five provincial organizations, and then forty district organizations, and under them four-hundred in total subdistrict organizations, this being in line with the soon-to-come administrative reforms planned by the Ministry of the Interior. The government seeks to encourage with this better morale in workers, especially so-called "blue-collar" workers, in order to achieve better results within different industries and to reap the benefits from economic growth of such results. In different polls, the ALO is viewed through positive light, however, as usual there is some skepticism among the employers, but since the government intends on giving subsidies for employers who has and encourages its workers with membership in ALO, most skepticism is believed to be gone soon.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:12 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

14 November 4867
Government approves requested military expansion by the High Command
The Military High Command orders a new list of production to expand the army, navy and Air Force to establish a greater defensive position in the region. In the coming ten years, the production of 561 new military vehicles will be realized, and the formation of three new army divisions are now complete. The Armed Forces as a whole has received a stunningly 50,000 new recruits assigned to the different branches.

Chief of the Military High Command, Karl Krieger | OOC Source: krigeren.dk

Kivonia, Kovmark - The Military High Command led by its newly appointed Chief General Karl Krieger, Krieger being a fitting name by its meaning of 'warrior' in Dundorfian. General Krieger issued last night a large report and list of demands the High Command has for the government. This demand known as the Government-Military Act of 4867, will see a dramatic increase in production of military vehicles. The Navy will see an increase of 132 naval vehicles in its arsenal, the Air Force will receive 100 new air vehicles and the Army will add to its composing forces a stunning 329 ground vehicles, in total the demand list hopes to see an increase in production of 561 new military vehicles. The period of production set is a meager ten years. The various vehicles in the Navy are as follows: 30 Kivonia-class corvettes; 15 Långstad-class corvettes; 25 Nyberg-class corvettes; 15 Sevescia-class Submarines; 15 Grimati-class mine Countermeasure Vessel; 15 Vermillion-class Corvette; 7 Lirona-class submarine; 10 Warren-class Amphibious Assault Ship; in the Air Force the ordered vehicles are as follows: 20 Sven JAS-40; 20 Taab JAS-41 Gyrfalcon; 15 Sven-33; 15 Taab-350; 10 Aust-10; 20 Markovic-85; for the Army the ordered production are as follows: 100 Stridsvagn 144; 50 Stridsvagn 144B; 20 Stridsvagn 122; 50 Combat Vehicle 9240LTM; 15 Blida FH88BW L52 Artillery System; 60 FH 88 Howitzer; 20 Patgb 480; 4 PBV-304; and lastly 10 BVS20.

The High Command also reports a successful recruitment of 50,000 new active personnel, with the majority of those enlisting coming from the obligatory post-school military service program. Another 10,000 is to be expected until 4870. Of the 50,000 of the recruited personnel, 16,000 will be assigned to the Navy, 10,000 will be assigned to the Air Force, and 24,000 will be assigned to the Army. In the army specifically, three new division are being formed, with five regiments in each, with ever regiment composing a total of 1,600 troops. The new divisions are the 3rd Infantry Division, which holds the 9th Armoured Regiment, the 5th Mountain Infantry Regiment, the 6th Artillery Regiment, the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, and the 3rd Armoured Infrantry Regiment. The 4th Armoured Division holds the 10th Armoured Regiment, the 11th Armoured Regiment, 7th Artillery Regiment, 7th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, and the 4th Armoured Infantry Regiment. And lastly the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division holds the 12th Armoured Regiment, the 1st Mechanized Regiment, the 2nd Mechanized Regiment, the 4th Air Cavalry Regiment, and the 8th Artillery Regiment. Two of the three divisions are to be immediately stationed at different locations in mainland Davostan, at the moment not known to the public.

In its report, the High Command hopes for the government to help with 100 billion Davosti in order to pay for the costs, something the government has loudly shown its skepticism, however, with large and heavy debates it was finally approved this evening. The Ministry of Defense would also cooperate with the MEB (Davostan's largest bank) in order to relieve some of the costs. The Sword & Shield Defense Industry is now producing more than ever, and will most likely continue to do so. The Military High Command ordered the 4th Armoured Division to be stationed in the Endralonian Canton of Efínia, in the city of Hattyútó, where three Nyberg-class corvettes are already stationed. The reason for sending another division down to Endralon is to help with the exercises between the Endralonian and Unionite navies and air forces as well as to assume a stronger defensive position in the region as a response to the rise of the tensions with the war between Deltaria and Vascania. This, the High Command means, will also affirm the readiness of NACTO in the current climate.
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:44 pm

Szőke: 'Kasaema And Kivonia Are Romeo, I Am Juliet'
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:27 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

27 November 4867
Viktoria Reinhardt, Ruler of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia passes away!
A reign of forty-five years, the popular and absolute monarch of the UDK has passed away, crowds has laid waves of flowers throughout the streets of major cities around the nation. The succession of the Ducissa is without doubt clear, her son, Karl the Prince of Kivonia, is to assume the role as the new Unionite ruler. His reign will formally begin once the State Collegium has issued a formal declaration.

One part of the capital city Kivonia, with flowers laying on the streets

Kivonia, Kovmark - Viktoria Augustina Reinhardt, also known as Viktoriana, Ducissa; Princeps Civitatis Rei Publicae ("First Citizen of the Republic") and Altum Pilae Unionem ("High Pillar of the Union"), Lawspeaker as Presidency of the Congress, Commander-in-Chief of the Davostani Defense Forces. The Unionitiska Anförarinnan ("Unionite Ruler"), head of state and protector of the Unionite peoples of Davostan and Kivonia. Descendant of Dictator August Reinhardt of the Kivonian Republic, the founder of the modern state of Davostan, and Emperor Oskar I of the Kivonian Empire. A passing that will be remembered for many years to come. A woman who rose to the rank of general at the age of 21, she took control and restored order to the nation during the Conflict of 4822. She was proclaimed the savior and protector of the people. Reinhardt married the Istalian Imperial Prince Adriano, to which she received two children, Charles and Joanna. A politically and militarily active individual diligent in her quest for efficiency and perfection in work. With a prideful and stubborn personality, Reinhardt commanded everyone around her, and despite holding a self-made ceremonial role as head of state she could with a simple five minute conversation change the course of the government.

The funeral of the Ducissa is held through the streets of the capital city Kivonia, towards the Temple of Glory, inside being the officially ceremony and burial of her remains. Over a million spectators was quietly watching the coffin with the Kivonian Republic flag wrapped around streaming through the various streets and squares. Hundreds if not thousands were seen crying and sobbing, many doing so in silence to respect the procedure. At the front right side of the coffin was Viktoriana's children, Charles and Joanna, on the front left side was her husband Prince Adriano. The government ministers was seen several meters behind the coffin, with the exception of Chancellor Edvard Forsman and Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine, with the former walking behind Prince Adriano, and the latter walking behind the children. Once the coffin reached the plaza at the Temple of Glory, the massive crowd of a few thousands began singing the current national anthem 'Glory to the UDK' and the former national anthem 'Song of the Union Glory'. Her coffin with her body was pushed into the pedestal of a large statue of her within the Temple of Glory in the 'Graveyard of Rulers' section, a section dedicated to the great rulers of Davostan and Kivonia.

The unexpected death of the 66 years old Anförarinna was explained by the hospital team to be the cause of a heart failure, most likely due to high amount of stress. Some unfounded rumors speculate over a possible assassination, something that has been denied as "most unlikely" by the head doctor of Viktoriana. Some still believe that there is someone behind her death, and that it is a destined outcome for a Reinhardt. This speculation originates from the "Reinhardtian Curse", a myth, that revolves around the fact that every major Reinhardt, that is to say, Erwin Reinhardt, August Reinhardt, Elise Reinhardt and Julian Reinhardt (Viktoria's brother), all of these being assassinated in one form or another. Others believe that Viktoria Reinhardt was able to break her family curse by being the first Reinhardt to not be assassinated.

Viktoria Reinhardt was born on the 9th August 4801 to Fredrika Reinhardt and Gustav Hartenhöhen. She grew up together with her older brother Julian Reinhardt. At an early age she developed a fondness for the military and joined in various schools training future officers. She rose quickly through the ranks of the army and with the take-over of the state by her brother in 4822, she was made a general and sent to defeat the remaining Leitz Squadron forces. Once her victory was secured she found out that her brother had been assassinated by deputies of the National Convention, she immediately began her march on Kivonia, and seized power to avenge his death. Proclaimed as the Chairwoman of the Supreme Commission of Executive Emergency, she ruled the UDK until she was declared monarch in 4827. She reigned in total for over forty-five years.

Fortunately there is a clear succession, with the nomination and approval of her son, Charles as Princeps Kivonium (the heir to the Unionite ruler), a new ruler will be take her mantle in the coming months. The State Collegium is said to issue a formal declaration with a select positions and titles for the new ruler to bear as a sign of legitimacy to the position. Charles has also chosen his regnal name to be that of "Carolus Adrianus" in honor of the name his mother gave him, as well as in honor to his father, Prince Adriano. The soon-to-be ruler Charles, is without doubt a competent individual, who has received a life-time of training for this specific day by both his mother and father. His mother, Viktoriana, told her daughters Joanna and Charles' wife Elsa Cederstam that if he [Charles] would prove himself to be an incompetent leader, they would have her [Viktoriana's] permission to overthrow him. Something not uncommon but rather approved within Kivonian culture. The reign of Carolus Adrianus will be the beginning of a new era for the Union of Davostan and Kivonia.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:39 pm

Grand Admiral Barta: NACTO Shall Show Strength
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