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Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:12 pm
by jellybean


Armed Forces purchase anti-air guns from Lodamun
September 4915

The Hobrazian Armed Forces have agreed to purchase 50 anti-air craft guns from the Lodamese defense company of Axon Industries, for the sum of 3 million LOD. The anti-aircraft guns will be distributed across Hobrazian military bases, along the Hobrazian-Malivian border, and next to potential political, cultural, or military targets. The purchase comes as part of an ongoing initiative to strengthen national defense and to ward off sabre-rattling from expansionist states like Malivia.

Vakhtanid Technical Institute synthesizes Caverna veterna
September 4915

A team led by Dr. Mamish Yanok at the Vakhtanid Technical Institute has successfully synthesized the drowsiness-causing chemicals produced by the Caverna veterna fungus, which is endemic to Muzalkaz cave systems and caused a a rash of "Muzalpox" cases two years ago. Preliminary animal tests appeared to cause undesirably long-lasting effects, which will halt the drug's development progress. Dr. Yanok assured Radio Free Hobrazia that the drug will be refined to make its effects temporary and controllable before testing begins on humans.

Musical school opens in Astoria
September 4915

Renowned composer and violent Givi Rapava, formerly of the National Symphony Orchestra, has announced the founding of the Hobrazian Academy of Music in Astoria. The Academy aims to become the premier musical institute of southern Artania, and will open to students from across Hobrazia and the world in March 4916. Rapava expressed hopes that "the Academy will bring the light of classical music to aspiring musicians," and will "advance the culture of Hobrazia and all of Artania." Social critics have commented that the Academy's tuition cost is more than the median household income in Hobrazia, and have called for Rapava to decrease costs and increase financial aid opportunities.

President Abram Giorgadze proposes state visit to Malivia
September 4915

President Giorgadze sent shockwaves through Hobrazia's political sphere when he announced his intent to visit the Greater Malivian Empire. Hobrazia currently maintains no formal relationship with its Southern neighbor and bans the entry of all Malivian citizens and products. Tensions have steadily risen between the two nations as Malivia has claimed a right to Hobrazian territory, leading to such incidents as the poisoning of Hobrazia's beef supply in the border region of Deltaria. Most of Hobrazia's national defense initiative has been aimed at preventing Malivia's expansionist claims from being translated into military action.

As Giorgadze explained, however, recent events have caused the Hobrazian government to re-think their relationship to Malivia:
I must be clear that Hobrazia will never bow to Malivian pressure or recognize the validity of any claim on our territory. However, we cannot always be enemies with our neighbor, and I have come to believe that our two countries face common enemies.

Chief among those common enemies is Communism. Both the Malivian and Hobrazian governments have included prominent, outspoken anti-Communists, an ideological bent that has become more pronounced as Deltaria has re-emerged on the international scene. Giorgadze's planned visit to Malivia will address both existing Malivian-Hobrazian tensions, "with renewed hope for reconciliation," and a coordinated plan to counter Communist activity in Southern Artania.

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:35 am
by Aquinas

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:19 pm
by jellybean


Path to Paradise's Gates continues to expand
March 4917

The Luthori-based new religious movement, Path to Paradise's Gates, has continued to expand in Hobrazia. In the 3 years since Radio Free Hobrazia first reported on the group, the group has more than tripled in size and now reports approximately 10,000 Hobrazian members. Due to the unstructured nature of the movement, the true number may even be higher, with some demographers estimating that some 20,000 Hobrazians may see themselves as being aligned with the group even if they do not formally belong to it. As the movement spreads, books authored by its founder, William Gardener, have found their way onto bookshelves across Hobrazia.

Both Hosian and Hobaist groups within Hobrazia have denounced the group as dangerous to the nation's spiritual wellbeing, but Hobrazian authorities have previously commented that no illegal activity has been detected and thus no action can be taken. A source within the Hobrazian Ministry of Justice reported that despite public claims to the contrary, the national government is investigating the group for potential criminal activity, which could provide a legal way to stem the group's growth.

Vakhtanid Technical Institute seeks expansion abroad
March 4917

The nation's premier science and technology university is seeking to expand by creating an international campus. University President Khatia Gakharia expressed hopes that creating an international campus could "enrich opportunities for collaboration and dialogue," while also providing Hobrazian students with "valuable international experience." While the University has not formalized any plans, Gakharia hopes to establish a campus in Dorvik, Endralon, Lodamun, or Yingdala.

Yingdalan Academy to be established in Astoria
March 4917

With Parliament's ratification of the Yingdalan Academy treaty, the first Yingdalan Academy in Hobrazia is expected to be opened in the nation's capital of Astoria K'alak'i. Minister of Education & Culture Daxe Kadruk commented that the Academy would "strengthen Hobrazia's growing bond with the Yingdalan people" while also enriching Astoria's "cultural atmosphere."

Reindeer sausages catch on in Hobrazia
March 4917

After Hobrazian celebrity chef Gaioz Esadze featured reindeer sausages on the menu of his renowned Element'ebi restaurant in Muzal K'alak'i, demand for the food has skyrocketed. Restaurants across Hobrazia, from the heights of gourmet cuisine to the most run-down family diner, have added the once-rare dish to their menus. While this is good news for reindeer herders (though maybe not such good news for the reindeer), there's a problem with this sudden demand: reindeers cannot live in Hobrazia, and all sausage must be imported. Minister of Trade Medea Chkonia has confirmed that the government is seeking an import deal with northern nations, and will hopefully act soon to satisfy Hobrazian demand for the product.

Hobrazia offers concession to Fortland
March 4917

Concerned that rising sea levels may endanger the micronation of Fortland, President Abram Giorgadze has announced that Hobrazia would be willing to offer a small concession of land in Kiduran to the small nation, and that Hobrazia would be willing to assist in relocating Fortland's platform to land. Due to Fortland's miniscule size, the concession would hardly deprive Hobrazia of future development opportunities, but Giorgadze hopes that the gesture of goodwill would both preserve Fortlandian lives and boost Hobrazia's reputation on the world stage.

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:21 am
by Aquinas

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:20 pm
by jellybean

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:30 pm
by jellybean


Prime Minister Qeit Dagovy looks to grow Hobrazia's population
March 4918

Citing economic benefits and a desire to ensure a large working population in the future, Prime Minister Dagovy has set his eye on a new prize: increasing Hobrazia's population growth. As Hobrazia has modernized, population growth has stagnated, and at current trends the birth rate is expected to fall below the replacement rate of 2.5 children per woman by the year 5000. To reverse the trend, Dagovy's laid out a plan to issue child subsidies to every family, regardless of size or income; expand state-backed parental leave programs; and release a series of targeted advertisement campaigns to explicitly promote child-rearing.

Dagovy is also seeking Parliamentary backing for a new agency, the Ministry of Population and Demographics, that could oversee the promotion of growth. Most importantly, said Dagovy, "we must understand the reasons why someone chooses not to have children and address them head-on." Dagovy has reportedly also floated the idea of restricting women's working and education rights, drawing the ire of Hobrazian feminist groups and more moderate members of Parliament. President Abram Giorgadze directly responded to Dagovy in a weekly Parliamentary question session, saying that while he supported efforts to expand the population, eliminating women's rights was "off the table."

Vakhtanid Technical Institute opens campus in Aloria
March 4918

The Vakhtanid Technical Institute, Hobrazia's premier private university, has announced the opening of a new international campus in Rhudemm Cape, Aloria. University President Khatia Gakharia is reportedly "thrilled" to be expanding operations internationally, saying that the new campus will increase Hobrazia's international prestige and afford students vital experience in the increasingly important realm of international business. The campus, planned to open for the Fall 4919 semester, will offer a mathematics program, a Hobrazian studies program, and an international business school. Students will be recruited from Aloria, although many students at the main VTI campus are expected to study abroad in Rhudemm Cape.

Earthquake disrupts oil drilling in Zargundia
March 4918

A moderately-sized earthquake in Zargundia disrupted operations for oil extractor Zargundian Resource Group. Two drilling platforms and a section of the Trans-Hobrazian Oil Pipeline have been damaged in the quake, leading to an oil spill that Hobrazian authorities are scrambling to clean up. While ZRG managers are hopeful that oil access could be restored quickly, the damage will likely cost millions and lead to sustained environmental wreckage.

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:44 pm
by jellybean

"Time for the Northern Council to leave Hobrazia," says government
March 4919

In an open letter to the Northern Council, President Abram Giorgadze & Prime Minister Qeit Dagovy have requested the early withdrawal of Northern Council forces from Hobrazia.

In the wake of the Northern Council's invasion of Hobrazia, the Council established three bases in the nation: a Zargundian base, which closed in 4905; a primary base of operations near Muzal K'alak'i, scheduled to close in 4925; and a logistics base on the Kidurani coast, scheduled to close in 4950. While the Hobrazian Traditionalist Party, particularly former President Eduard Maisuradze, supported the Council's intervention, Giorgadze and Dagovy have grown more skeptical of the Council's benefits.

Hobrazia's closeness to Endralon and Yingdala, a relationship that includes military equipment leases from Yingdala, has "alleviated the need for Council oversight," asserted the country's top leaders. In addition, "changes within the Northern Council" have altered Hobrazia's relationship to the international organization: in recent years Narikaton & Darnussia and Lourenne have left the Council, and a sea change in Dorvish politics has contributed to a significantly different Council. "In these turbulent times, we must be certain that our allies are stable and dependable. The Northern Council is, unfortunately, no longer stable."

Giorgadze and Dagovy's letter also cited recent developments of the Hobrazian military and Southern Artanian politics: "The Hobrazian Armed Forces have developed considerably since the Fascist regime was toppled, reducing the need for foreign protectionism [...] and with the warming of relations with Malivia, Hobrazia no longer feels the need for foreign protection."

While the government has not yet received a formal response from the Northern Council, Giorgadze and Dagovy were clear that "Hobrazia wishes to remain friendly with all nations, and hopes that our commitment to charting our own destiny will be received warmly, with the recognition that Hobrazia is a part of the international brotherhood of free nations."

Research team announces success in creating drug based off "Muzalpox" fungus
March 4919

Years of research have culminated in the release of SleepAid, a general sleeping aid and calming drug that utilizes chemicals produced by the Caverna veterna fungus endemic to Muzalkaz. The fungus made headlines almost a decade earlier, when visitors to the Muzalkaz National Park reported chronic, unexplained drowsiness, apparently as a result of exposure to fungal spores. Today, a research team led by Dr. Mamish Yanok has finally created a human-safe drug that utilizes the fungus's properties. The Hobrazian Development Corporation's pharmaceutical wing, which financed Dr. Yanok's research, will have the exclusive rights to produce and distribute the drug for the next 70 years, but a spokeswoman for the Corporation promised that "the drug will be priced so as to be available for all."

Already certified as safe for human consumption, SleepAid is expected to pass final review of the Hobrazian Ministry of Health & Social Services and should reach shelves by next year.

Dr. Yanok expressed his great enthusiasm for the drug, believing that "SleepAid will be useful for all kinds of applications: it can help treat insomnia, anxiety disorders, and much more."

Hobrazian Agricultural Supplies to import Malivian cow dung
March 4919

After receiving a grant and special permission from the Hobrazian government, the farming supply company Hobrazian Agricultural Supplies has agreed to purchase a considerable amount of Malivian cow dung. Malivia, which hosts the world's largest cow population, suffers from an excess of dung - but where some see pollution, others see opportunity. "We're excited to bring more high-quality fertilizer to the Hobrazian market," said a spokesman for the company. Although the logistics of importation are still being worked out, the influx of new fertilizer is expected to be a boon for Hobrazian farmers, gardeners, and produce consumers.

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:02 am
by Drax

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:39 pm
by jellybean


Hobrazian Armed Forces participate in CESU Defense Exercise
November 4919

The Hobrazian Armed Forces proudly participated in the Confederate Economic Security Union's first joint military exercise. Hobrazia's primary involvement was through the Coast Guard, which created the 1st Hobrazian Naval Task Force for the exercise. The Task Force was led by Admiral Baadur Bakhsoliani, the nation's highest-ranking naval officer, who coordinated with the Trigunian, Likatonian, and Endralonian navies.

The Task Force consisted of two Tavisupleba-class corvettes and five Mamatsi-class patrol boats, along with a range of small boats. Due to the Hobrazian Coast Guard's small size, Bakhsoliani's command focused on support activities. In a real conflict, the Hobrazian Coast Guard would likely serve primarily through logistical support and close-to-shore defense.

The FRV Kobalia, a Tavisupleba-class corvette, patrols the waters of Likatonia
(OOC: A Kotor P-34 frigate)

The exercise constituted Hobrazia's first significant military activity since the withdrawal of Northern Council troops last year.

Hobrazian Development Corporation CEO Albina Zhodokovy dies in plane crash
March 4921

The long-serving CEO of the Hobrazian Development Corporation, Albina Zhodokovy, died in a shocking plane crash in Dolgava. Taking a rare vacation, Zhodokovy and her husband Arkady chartered a small private plane for a tour of Dolgava's islands. Midway through the tour, the plane apparently suffered a mechanical failure and rapidly descended, crashing into a rocky shore and killing Albina & Arkady Zhodokovy along with the hired pilot.

Zhodokovy's sudden death leaves a power vacuum at the Hobrazian Development Corporation, by far the nation's largest firm. Rising from humble beginnings as a student at the University of Muzal K'alak'i, Albina became a well-regarded figure in Hobrazian business, and her appointment as HDC's first CEO in 4904 was met with wide acclaim. The Corporation's next CEO will inherit a substantial business empire and an important place in Hobrazian society. Arkady, Albina's husband of 37 years, was a painter.

A public funeral will be held for both Albina & Arkady Zhodokovy in Astoria.

Ministry of Education offers Syldavian language classes in Hobrazian schools
March 4921

In a move meant to strengthen Hobrazians' ability to navigate the tricky world of international commerce, the Ministry of Education has announced a new program to bring Syldavian language classes into every major Hobrazian public school. Minister Daxe Kadruk has recommended introducing a Syldavian language requirement for graduation, but that proposal is still under consideration.

The Syldavian language is already a common "business language" in Hobrazia due to the country's close relationship with Endralon, a majority Syldavian-speaking nation. Most business schools already require students to demonstrate proficiency in the language, and an ability to understand it is considered essential to conducting any large-scale business in Hobrazia. Minister Kadruk expressed her hope that the program would "better prepare students for life in modern Hobrazia."

Hobrazian Orthodox Church blesses the Armed Forces
March 4921

The Hobrazian Ministry of Defense has requested that the nation's largest Hosian church bless the equipment - including weapons - of the Hobrazian Armed Forces. Although it will take months for the Armed Forces' full inventory to be properly blessed, priests have already responded by performing blessings at Hobrazia's military bases and outposts.

A priest blesses an armory in Kiduran

Hobrazia's sizable Hobaist community largely panned the move, with one commentator calling it "yet another unacceptable entanglement of the government with Hosian interests."

Re: Hobrazia

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:41 pm
by Aquinas