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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:14 pm

Protests grow larger in Wiel
Anti-Trigunian and anti-Aldegarian protests all the rage.

A pro-gay rights protest in the capital of Wiel, where many anti-Trigunian slurs were heard.

January 3969 - During the last few weeks more and more protests are popping up in the major cities of Vanuku, with the largest protests being in the capital city of Wiel. Yet in contrast to protests a few years ago these are not being scattered by the police, instead they enjoy police protection. All protected protests are aimed at Trigunia and Aldegar. Only a few days ago there was a major protest against the lack of gay rights in Trigunia, and today a large group protested against Aldegarian warmongering and marched to remember the fifty fallen fishermen, whom many have called "victims of Aldegarian imperialism". Vanukean nationalists have also been protesting, feeling that the state is not doing enough to protect the interests of the nation. Anti-intervention protests however, are nowhere to be seen, mostly because these groups do not enjoy police protection and the nationalist "militia's" are hard-pressed on silencing the "anti-Vanukeans" and "traitors". The calls of the protesting people have not gone unanswered, as Prefect Bucék declared that Wiel would take a "stronger stance against those who oppose us".

First Fleet sent to protect Saridan
"You slaughter their people, you are touching us"

Admiral Bernard van Swaelfort, commander of the Naval Forces.

January 3969 - Prefect Bucék, after talking to the Prince, has decided to redeploy the First Fleet to the coast of Saridan. The Iron Woman stated that the situation was "getting out of control" with Aldegarians "mindlessly slaughtering innocent civilians". The commander of the Naval Forces, Admiral van Swaelfort, also had some strong words to share. "You slaughter their people, you are touching us" he said, referencing to the fifty fishermen that an Aldegarian submarine killed. It is yet unconfirmed if the fishermen were from Saridan, yet the general concensus seems to be they are. Even though the government explicitly stated that the deployment of the fleet is to protect the citizens of Saridan, military experts state that it is most likely in an answer to Trigunia, who have also redeployed their fleet in the area. The First Fleet is the largest and most modern fleet of Vanuku, led by the supercarrier HVMS Támnr, which ironically was built in Trigunia. The fleet has been shadowed by many Vanukean submarines, who will patrol the seas in wolfpacks. Admiral van Swaelfort warned the Aldegarians with a final message: "Be careful, as our submarines are the most modern of the world. Ours can tell the difference between a fishing trawler and an ill-willing Aldegarian tub."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:58 am

Trigunian planes remain grounded after 24 hour wait
Wiel declares a "no fly zone" against "dangerous states".

Wiel Airport, with the iconic blue and white airplanes of Kárak & Lahm, Vanuku's largest flying company.

February 3969 - The entire fleet sent by the new President of Trigunia, Damir Vetochkin, has been grounded by the Vanukean air traffic control at Wiel Airport. The fleet of aircraft was sent there to pick up Trigunians from Vanuku and the Trigunian state gave explicit warnings to not obstruct the air-fleet. Yet the air traffic control of Wiel Airport had little choice when the Ministry of War issued a "no fly zone against dangerous states" above all of Vanuku. This does not mean the Vanukeans go guns blazing against every aircraft from an undesirable nation, yet it does mean that all "suspicious foreign aircraft" are grounded and submitted to thorough inspections before being released. The Trigunians were already boarded into their airplanes when the order came, and now it has been 24 hours since the planes were told not to leave. Wiel Airport spokespersons stated that the planes would be released "within the next 24 hours" after all inspections had been done. Political analysts state this is merely a symbolic move to send a strong message to Trigunia.

Vanukean troops enter New Endralon
Wiel considering sending more troops to Saridan.

More troops waiting to be shipped to the brand new military compound in New Endralon.

February 3969 - Within a month civil engineers, together with Vanukean military engineers, built a hi-tec military compound and improvised naval base in New Endralon. Preparations for the base had been laying around for years, but the actual building happened in almost no time. Colonel Jeztri is very proud of the new record "his boys" have set. "The Confederation is a strong ally of Vanuku and they need our protection against the imperialist bigots of Trigunia. Who in hell am I to not give it my fullest then? My boys are the finest engineers in the entire Forces and we showed them. Three weeks was all they needed and look at it now, an entire base ready for thousands of troops. That's the true Vanukean spirit." said Colonel Fred Salyzr, commanding officer of the Third Expeditionary Force, the special unit attached to New Endralon. Earlier today the first five-thousand infantrymen entered the base to get settled in. Wiel stated that more will follow and that a small fleet will also be permanently attached to the Confederation. The Ministry of War also announced they were planning to send more troops to Saridan, increasing the already large troopcount there, but that they were waiting on permission from the Saridanese government.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:28 pm

Vahri replaces Bucék
Iron Woman retires, citing frail health.

January 3977 - The steadfast political ruler of Vanuku has decided to retire. Mrs. Sophie Bucék, known across Terra as the Iron Woman, has been the Prefect for one and a half decade and has helped grow the Principality even more. Yet now the former Prefect has announced through a spokesperson that she can no longer continue her duties. Instead she declared that she believes Cornelis S. Vahri would make a good successor. Luckily for the nation, mr. Vahri has accepted the honour. Earlier today mr. Vahri has presented his cabinet to the Prince, who personally gave it his consent. Consenting with the cabinet is one of the few powers the Vanukean Prince has left in modern society.

Prefect Vahri is rather new to politics, but relies on a long career in the SSA. Mr. Vahri has served with distinction in several departments and has stood at the rear of the National Order department for over nine years. The public statement by Vahri is the first official sound out of Wiel since 3969. The military may have been moving, but the politicians have been silent. Many expect this to change with the new "sheriff" in town.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:53 pm

Unhappiness with new tax plan
Costs rise for all Vanukeans, incites small protests in capital

Several snowmen protesting against the new budget and taxes in Wiel.

January 3979 - For two years Prefect Vahri and his cabinet have been working hard to reform the nation. Vahri himself stated that Vanuku has "steered away from the Bucék Doctrine" and that this new tax plan and budget will "steer us towards a better tomorrow". The Vahri Doctrine has cut the age old 'flat tax', instead imposing several brackets with no merciful percentages. The immense amount of new tax Marks have made it possible for the government to firmly increase spending on every department. To the surprise of many the largest increase did not go to Defence. Yet the military did receive extra funding to "combat international threats". It is expected that the standard of living will increase greatly with the new budget, yet the spending power of Vanukean citizens will diminish as well. With the new tax plan the corporate tax was raised as well, but the 5% increase is unlikely to scare away foreign investors or holding companies. Several loopholes in the law still make Vanuku a tax evasion paradise for some of the larger companies of the world. The government has announced that it has no intention to change the "perfect capitalistic system" that is currently in place. Even though the nation will improve from these reforms it seems that the average citizen is quite unhappy with having to pay more taxes. The disgruntled taxpayers have organized several small protests and online petitions to call the government to revert the plan or to at least adopt "more reasonable tax rates". So far however it seems that the government has no intention to give in to these protesters.

Space debri crashes in Bommelaer
Crash site isolated by the State Security Agency.

An unclear aerial picture snapped of the crash site.

January 3979 - Earlier today a large object crashed near the city of Gorods in the state of Bommelaer. People living in the area reported the crash around noon, stating it looked like a meteorite had crashed in the hilly countryside. The persons who first arrived at the site however claimed they saw pieces of debri. Several minutes after the police arrived and requested everyone to leave the area. Within an hour large amount of SSA field agents were present and the entire area was quarantined. A spokesperson from the police stated that the crash was probably a big piece of space debri from previous space exploration missions. When asked why the scene had to be quarantined it was said that it is unclear whether the debri contains dangerous materials. The SSA stated that they will clear the scene in the next two days.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:48 pm

First Fleet moves to Saridani coast
Tensions increase as Vahri refuses to back down.

Cornelis S. Vahri, Prefect of Vanuku.

July 3979 - The 'new' Prefect of Vanuku is striking quite a figure with his relentless method of ruling the nation. So far he managed to push through his radical new tax plan together with a budget that increases the national expenditure over thirty percent. Now the SSA veteran has shown himself to be a rather hawkish leader as he has repeatedly refused to give in to the Saridani terms. Vahri has always described himself as "apolitical" yet his uncle revealed in an interview that the Prefect was named after Cornelis van Zanten, the notorious fascist chancellor who together with his political opponent Andy van Heilvijk managed to put Vanuku back on the international map. So far however, Vahri's fiscal policies do not seem very far right. His hawkish eye on foreign affairs is seen as asserting Vanukean dominance on the international scene.

To assert this so-called dominance the Prefect has decided to deploy the First Fleet back to the Saridani coast. However, the Minister of War stated that this was "purely to defend our men and women on Saridani soil". Prefect Vahri made it very clear in his announcement speech: "The current Saridani regime is trying to steal from us. Many years ago an arrangement was made between the Saridani and Vanukean governments. At our expense we came to Saridan, we trained their armed forces and we donated tons of material, we even sold them new firearms at discount prices. In turn we asked to construct a base on their soil, together with a port that our ships could access for resupplying with international missions. It was Vanukean troops that kept the Aldegarian threat at bay during the Trawler Crisis, let us not forget that. Our troops have always behaved at their best, solely with the interests of both the Saridani and Vanukean people at heart. We gave them training, our expertise, free material and heavy discounts. Now they have all that and they come back on their end of the bargain, now they kick us out! This new Lindenist regime is a regime of thieves and I will not stand for it." A further statement from the Ministry of War made it abundantly clear for the Saridani's: touch our troops and we attack.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:38 pm

Jelbic peoples stand divided
Brothers are at each others throats.

Prefect Charles S. Vahri revealing more parts of his Vahri Doctrine.

July 3982 - 100 years ago the Jelbic brothers stood side by side, united by a common sense for pan-Jelbic unity. The nations of Pontesi, Barmenia, Jelbania and Vanuku all stood under one Jelbic monarch. Together the Jelbic brothers enjoyed decades of prosperity and power. But with the fall of the Khaganate came the slow fall of the Jelbic peoples. Pontesi has ever more been the victim of the Crimson Crusaders, who have been ethnically cleansing the nations from the inside for the last decade. Barmenia has finally found peace after years of turmoil but the Brmek brother is frail. The Jelbanians have lost all sanity and now align with slavers and imperialists. Vanuku however still stands, proudly, as it did in the days of the Khagan. It is no surprise that the Khagans were of the Wrnukek blood, the most hardy of all Jelbics. Nowadays Pontesi and Jelbania have aligned themselves with Trigunia, the dangerous rogue state trying to break the international peace at all costs. Barmenia stands with the wisest brother and so it is two against two; brothers against brothers.

Tanks being moved to the South-Eastern border.

Prefect Vahri announced that pan-Jelbic unity was a great goal and a noble thing in the past, but not anymore. With Pontesi allowing Trigunian troops on their soil the government has already reached out to the Barmenian state, seeking closer military cooperation. Many expect that Vanukean troops will be deployed in Barmenia to be ready for a potential invasion. Vahri also stated that Jelbania is becoming "exceedingly dangerous to the local stability". The poorest of the Jelbic brothers is being tarnished by cartels, internal unrest and even rumours of slave trade. Vahri explicitly stated that "it is no business of our state to control their state but if problems come our way we will clean up". Jelbania has moved far away from Wiel's influence in the last few decades and closer to Deltaria, also a former ally of Vanuku. The current situation in Deltarian politics is not looking favourable for Wiel either, with the state openly cooperating with Trigunia. With all these developments int he South Vahri has ordered the Corps on the Jelbo-Vanukean border to be increased in size until it is a Field Army. With Vahri's new fiscal plans fully in motion the many departments of the government are starting to reap the benefits: the military has started a modernization program and DFN, the largest arms manufacturer in the area, has received many orders from the government.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:53 pm

Old Lion awakens and roars!
Armed Forces stir into action with modernization program.

Royal Guards stand watch in Wiel, as international tensions rise.

January 3894 - The Vahri Doctrine is focused on retaining the Vanukean international dominance at all costs. Politicians in the nation have been starting to refer to Vanuku's international influence as 'the Hegemony', with Vanuku of course being the hegemon. So far Vanukean influence can be felt in Cildania, Badara, New Endralon, Saridan and earlier it was announced that Vanuku has sent several divisions into Barmenia to protect the northern border, prompting many to add Barmenia to the list of nations with a close military connection to Wiel. The crisis in Saridan was carefully resolved through a diplomatic solution, with Aldegar no longer being a threat the troops on Saridani soil were becoming redundant. Now the base has been sold for a small fee and Wiel has invested in a brand new naval base, to be constructed by local workers. Now the navy knows no limits as it can sail freely all over the globe. Yet more troops are being deployed in New Endralon as well, to stand vigil over the close friends over the far seas. Cildania itself is growing greatly in power yet still formally answers to Wiel on military matters. But as the Hegemony grows on an international leve, the government is losing grip on Majatra. Jelbania, Deltaria and Pontesi have all turned their backs on Vanuku. A hundred years ago the nations stood united under the banner of the Khagan, with Deltaria being a loyal friend from the Tripartite Alliance. But today the brothers are at each others throats, with only Barmenia standing by the strongest brother. But where old friends become enemies, so do old enemies become friends. Insiders have leaked that the government is in talks with Zardugal, yet details about the talks are vague and mostly mention the royal question of the Augustans. But the world does not doubt one thing: if tensions continue to rise as they have the last fifteen years then there will be a war.

To the left the updated battlesuit, to the right a regular infantry grunt as of today.

The fiscal plans of Prefect Vahri have greatly increased the budget for the Armed Forces and have freed up resources in other areas. Now that the entire nation has gotten used to the new system the Prefect has ordered the modernization of the Armed Forces. The Plan 4000 has one goal: introduce new modernized equipment by the year 4000. Experts of the DFN and the Ministry of War have formed several research groups together in designing the new Vanukean soldier. The sketch above already shows the outline of the plan. This new battlesuit will offer better mobility, protection and combat efficiency. So far there are plans to equip the more elite divisions of Vanuku with this new technology but the Ministry did not rule out that in the future "all our troops will be deployed with the finest equipment". Bulk orders have also been placed with the DFN to produce new firearms and several naval vessels have entered drydocks for maintenance and further upgrades. The Old Lion has awakened and is roaring again, the world will know that Vanuku will never be afraid of international threats and terror.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:17 pm

Juhn III, Emperor of the Augustans?
Vanuku might enter personal union with Zardugal.

Prince Juhn III might soon be crowned Emperor Ioannes I of the Augustans.

May 3984 - Several months ago the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, acting on direct orders of Prefect Vahri, sent an ultimatum to the new "Empire of Zardugal". The Emperor Antono claimed to be the 'Autocrat of All Majatra' in his rather controversial imperial title. Minister Senner informed his Zardic colleague that this was unacceptable and that harsh measured would follow if Zardugal did not remove the blatant claim to Vanukean soil from the imperial title. Vanukean historians and dynastic experts also filed a report with the Minister that clearly proves that Emperor Antono is not a true descendant of the Emperors of old. After this fact was mentioned the Zardic Secretary of State mentioned the possibility of a better candidate: a Banmek-Sntazed. The dynasty of Banmek-Sntazed is that of the two Khagans, who by right of conquest also claimed the Empire of the Augustans, furthermore they have a direct matrineal line to Temrkai Khan, the Emperor of the Augustans before the Khagans. With this reasoning it is only logical that Prince Juhn III of Vanuku is the perfect candidate to absorb the throne of the Augustans. If this happens then Juhn III will ascend the throne as Ioannes I, while the world will know him as John. The Vanukean Emperor would serve a purely ceremonial role, leaving Zardugal as an independent and democratic state solely connected to Vanuku through a personal union. The personal union would protect both nations from threats of war and greatly boost the national economies of the two Majatran powerhouses. However, the proposal requires two-thirds of the Zardic parliament to vote in favour, and the Democrats only have slightly over half of the votes. The opposition is stubborn and refuses to acknowledge it, but they may have to as the government in Wiel is already set on seeing this plan end up in completion.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Zanz » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:58 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:09 am

Vanuku readies for war: First Fleet sighted in Majatran Sea
Kalistani provocations and Majatran tensions create worries in Wiel.

More troops are being deployed on the Jelbanian border.

November 3986 - International tensions are at an all-new high. Jelbania has laid claim to the Protector of the Jelbic Peoples title, Kalistan has openly attacked the Indralan navy and Zardugal has been struck by a civil war of which one party fights for Prince Juhn III. With all this going on it seems that Wiel has certain worries, as the First Fleet was sighted in the Majatran Sea. The First Fleet is the international force of the Principality, and is rarely seen near the homeland. Prefect Vahri simply stated that "it was time for our men and women to return home", thereby confirming that the First Fleet has indeed returned to their home continent.

WIel has also deployed even more troops on the Jelbanian border, while also sending an extra division into Barmenia. It is clear that Wiel is anticipating the conflict to erupt soon and that perhaps these last troop movements are an attempt to disencourage their enemies from making another move. So far however, neither side seems to back down.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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