
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:53 am

Legion "Freies Majatrien" forms from Volksdundorfische.


The al-Sadhi Organization today released information and images of men dressed in military uniforms outside a military base in an undisclosed location, the men wore an arm patch with the words Legion "Freies Majatrien" which is Dundorfian for Free Majatran Legion. One of the images shows what some suspect to be the Selbsschutzverband Reichsleiter Victor Werkner, head of the Volksdundorfische-Majatran Affairs Office meeting with Baqir al-Sadhi. Reichsleiter Werkner works closely with many Majatran governments, namely Vanuku and Kafuristan to keep the Volksdundorfische people close with the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association. Victor Werkner is a former Dorvish Army officer who was responsible for force multiplication training of the Dorvish Stability and Security Group and served as an instructor of asymmetric warfare at the Dorvish War Academy.

What this means, is that either the Dorvish government is funding a secret foray into what political commentators are calling the "Kafuri Civil War" or that local influence from the Majatran-Dorvish Bank found a favorable candidate in the al-Sadhi Organization compared to the lawlessness of the current Kafuri state. Whatever the case may be, the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association has found its way into Kafuristan.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:51 am

OOC: Vanukeans are a Jelbic people. Only 30/35% of them can claim relation to the Dorvish and they speak Vanukean not Dundorfian.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:18 am

Kubrick wrote:OOC: Vanukeans are a Jelbic people. Only 30/35% of them can claim relation to the Dorvish and they speak Vanukean not Dundorfian.

OOC: I won't get too much into this here, and if you'd like you can PM me. Off of what I've seen with Farsun's work to the whole Volksdundorfische thing, I think it means just relations with those who claim to be Volksdundorfische, which the Dutch (from Ikradon according to the games history) would be considered. Not necessarily that all Vanukeans are Volksdundorfische, but the ones that claim ancestral something or other to Dundorf.

Also they are primarily being drawn from Dorvish-Kafuri citizens, Dorvish citizens who volunteer to fight as well as existing members of the paramilitary organizations of the Volksdundorfische.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:22 pm

Qusuri Order strikes al-Kasraj

The Army of the Men of the Qusuri Order, a Sahabi religious militant order associated with the Majatran Socialist Baath Party and the current al-Sadhi Organization has struck out against the Ahmadist State in Kafuristan in al-Kasraj the former capital of the Kafuri Republic. The current interim government of Kafuristan is out of Zerin, the provisional capital. The attack on al-Kasraj was reported as a small attack on an arms depot and a checkpoint, the Qusuri Order claimed to kill about 12 militants while the Ahmadist State in Kafuristan stated that none were killed, it was the first such attack by the al-Sadhi Organization outside of Pabeus.

The government of Kafuristan underneath Prime Minister Razeen Sattar condemned the attack and stated that they would "end the al-Sadhi Organization and that the Majils would be voting on new measures which would see the Armed Forces of Kafuristan start an offensive against both the al-Sadhi Organization and the Ahmadist State." Baqir al-Sadhi however released a video stating that the organization would continue the strikes against both the government and the Ahmadist State should they continue to oppose the organization.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:22 am

al-Hafaz becomes provisional capital of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan.

The al-Sadhi Organization today announced that they have captured the city of al-Hafaz, a major city in the Pabeus Governorate and the first city to fall to the al-Sadhi Organization. The images sent to the Unified Press (I guess the Associated Press of PT? No idea.) show the flag of the al-Sadhi Organization being raised just below the flag of the newly declared Majatran Republic of Kafuristan. Baqir al-Sadhi would go on to release a video to the Unified Press that the conquest of al-Hafaz was a significant step in the return of governance to the Kafuri state and that it wouldn't be long before the al-Sadhi Organization had conquered the entirety of the al-Hafaz district.

The capture of al-Hafaz grants the al-Sadhi Organization access to former military bases of the Armed Forces of Kafuristan as well as airports to potentially flying in supplies into. The military base, General Ibrahim al-Sultan Military Base was shown in disrepair but it provides the al-Sadhi Organization the ability to begin to train new recruits, stockpile supplies as well as potentially gain aircraft due to a small runway that exists that is capable of handling smaller propeller aircraft and jets, if elongated.

Baqir al-Sadhi also said in his taped message that the services in al-Hafaz were being restored while the government denied allegations that the al-Sadhi Organization and captured al-Hafaz.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:24 am

Baqir al-Sadhi announces Presidential Council and Council of Ministers.

Baqir al-Sadhi, the newly chosen President of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan has announced his Presidential Council and the Council of Ministers. He has named long-time ally and former Baathist economic Mutasim Hameed as the Chief Minister of the Council of Ministers and head of the government. The draft of the Constitution of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan was kept scarce from the public eye but several key provisions were in it such as references to the Baathist political organization as well as the organization of the Armed Forces and the Presidents power.

The Presidential Council appears to be the de facto authority within the fledgling Majatran Republic with several key members of the Council of Ministers and what appears be a rudimentary organization of an armed forces has began under former officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kafuristan. Information remains scarce on the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan and what the al-Sadhi Organization has planned for it but it appears as if the capture of al-Hafaz was the catalyst for power and change to the entire al-Sadhi Organization.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:27 pm

"Pabeus is under our control."

Baqir al-Sadhi announced the bold claim today at a press conference attended by dozens of foreign reporters and domestic reporters. In recent months the al-Sadhi Organization backed up by substantial contributions by the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association and the Dorvish-Majatran Bank have been able to purchase swathes of surplus weapons and military equipment from various arms dealers throughout the world. Baqir al-Sadhi, the President of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan announced that Pabeus had come underneath the control of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan and that they had begun to process of restoring all services to the Governorate of Pabeus as the press conference was going on. It has been almost been two years since the capture of al-Hafaz since the al-Sadhi has announced any massive captures, finally with the recent shipment of arms, they were able to push the Ahmadist State in Kafuristan out of Jerecha and Lehaza and captured al-Pazadh from government forces with little fight.

In influx of deserters from the Armed Forces of Kafuristan and recent militias has made the new Kafuri Majatran Army incredibly strong, they have been trained by officers from the Free Majatran Legion, the Volksdundorfische military group that has been fighting side by side with the new Majatran Republic of Kafuristan. The Free Majatran Legion is supplied with surplus equipment dating back to the mid-1900s from stores of equipment purchased by the Selbstschutzverband after the "Collapse of the Reich" period of Artanian history. The Kafuri Majatran Army has been supplied with technology from around the same time period but recent captures of stores of the Armed Forces of Kafuristan have added modern equipment to their arsenal.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Xinz » Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:30 pm

The long road to al-Kasraj.

Baqir al-Sadhi has taken his first trip out of Pabeus as the Free Majatran Legion and the newly formed Kafuri Majatran Army have announced the capture of the former capital of the Emirate of Kafuristan and Ahmadi State in Kafuristan, al-Kasraj. al-Kasraj, close to the Pabeus-Abi'nadi border was the site of fierce fighting between the Ahmadist and the al-Sadhi Organization but with greater firepower and fanatical support from the Free Majatran Legion, the flag of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan was raised over the former Presidential Palace, where Baqir al-Sadhi gave his first speech since undertaking a massive campaign to restore services to the Kafuri people located in Pabeus.

On the steps of the Presidential Palace reporters gathered to hear the President speak, they were not unsure why they were there but rumors had spun around that the President was announcing something major. Information had leaked that both the Trigunians and the Indralans were invited to assist the fledgling al-Sadhi Organization fight back against the Ahmadist but nothing ever came to fruition. Political experts still believe that Dorvish Armed Forces are operating within Kafuristan due to a long standing alliance and presence of large amounts of Volksdundorfische fighting in Kafuristan, but neither of those were accurate. President al-Sadhi took the stand and announced that the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party - Kafuristan Region would be forming underneath the banner of the al-Sadhi Organization and the al-Sadhi Organization would hereby be known as the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party, or simply the Ba'ath Party. As President al-Sadhi addressed the crowd, it ruptured in applause, many from journalist that had been vocal opponents of the interim Kafuri government.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby knizar » Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:09 pm

Hizb al-Ummal wins elections

The Hizb al-Ummal won all the seats for the People's Assembly. Voter turnout was a miserable 15.37%. The party led by Isa Ithan commented that he was happy of the outcome of the elections. He said that the low voter turnout was expected as the people of Kafuristan are happy to be led by a government that is guiding them in every aspect of their lives and felt no need to have their voices heard. He promised the supporters who did cast their votes that the Hizb al-Ummal will continue with policies that will make Kafuristan a more equal society for all.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby knizar » Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:37 am

Nationality At Last

The parliament of Kafuristan is deciding whether or not to grant nationality to those who were born in Kafuristan to non-nationals residing illegally in Kafuristan.

If this bill is passed, it will effect about a million of mainly Orang Asli descent born in Kafuristan to parents who have been residing illegally. These Orang Asli workers found in many industries in Kafuristan are mostly paid low wages. These workers however decided to stay in Kafuristan mainly due to the similarity in the Ahmadi religion.

Most of these immigrants had come to Kafuristan to study the Ahmadi religion or on religious pilgrimages. They have decided to stay illegally thereafter and are employed in industries such as domestic helpers, plantation workers and marine industries.
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