
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:59 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

7 May 4870
10% of power generation in provinces to be given to new company; debates over nationalization of the MEB; major expansion of infrastructure projects
A new company in two provinces has been given the exclusive right to produce 10% of their power generation; heavy debates begins over suggested nationalization of the largest bank in west Macon; announcement of major expansions in infrastructure projects nation-wide.

Fort Reinhardt, Kovmark - Mid November 4869, last year, Viktor Nordling a prominent bureaucrat in the Province of Kovmark started the Kovmark Industry Ab, or Kovstrin, a newly established company who's operational portfolio lands in the exploration, production, and distribution of power generation as well as chemicals. The largest bank in western Macon, the MEB, as well as the Shippington company both helped finance the creation of this new company. The Chairman of it, Nordling, presented this evening the signing of a major deal with the provinces of Kovmark and Sønderhavn. In the deal, it was agreed that the two provincial governments would allow Kovstrin to produce 10% of the electricity in both provinces. During a share-holder meeting, it was announced that they had plans to expand into the oil and gas markets in the near-future, setting to become a multinational company.

Despite being a company with no official government involvement, its founder and Chairman, Viktor Nordling, is heavily affiliated with the provincial governments of Kovmark and Sønderhavn as well as with the national government, by having been a prominent member of the All-Union Nationalist Party. However, any government involvement within the company has been strongly denied by both sides. In any case of a possible involvement, the market seems to look at the company through positive lenses, with a hard dedication, they have spent the entire year since its formation to building major power stations around its operational jurisdiction. And with an astonishing revenue of 76.3 billion LOD and a net income of 31.1 billion LOD, it is believed to soon hold a strong position on the Macon market.


Kivonia, Kovmark - Heavy debates and discussions have now arisen within the National Convention concerning the operations of the MEB, or Makoniska Enskilda Banken AB (Luthorian: Maconic Indiviudal Bank), the largest bank in Davostan-Kivonia and one of the largest on the Macon continent. Some social democrats and a large portion of one-nationists has called for its nationalization. To understand why the one-nationists would call for its nationalization, one has to understand the primary goals of one-nationism. One of those goals being self-sufficancy, in other words Autarky. The reason for why Pan-Makonism is popular among one-nationism is the concept of a self-sufficient Macon, the idea being that in the concept of a united Macon, Telamon will be the agricultural center, while Davostan will be the industrial center, and Hutori will serve as the political and the densely populated center, thus creating a balance to self-sufficiency. Critics of the nationalization of the MEB, have come from various directions even among those who believe in the Maconic autarky, stating that the Maconic self-sufficiency won't be realized if Davostan is brought on its knees before that could happen. In response to the criticism of the proposed nationalization, it has been stated that the MEB needs close supervision to make sure that the economy of the nation is at a continuing growth. The MEB representatives called to the National Convention responded by stating that the MEB is and will continue to serve its founding principles of patriotism and service to the State, even as a privatized entity.

The national government has kept a close eye to the debates, and has stated that they remain firm in the belief that the Convention will make the right decision. Interpret that as you wish, but since the entirety of the cabinet is made up of one-nationists it is impossible to know which side they are on. The Cederstam family and clan has controlled the MEB ever since its foundation, and has remained loyal towards the ruling House Reinhardt. Some experts state that the MEB is already in a way "nationalized", due to its heavy loyalty towards the State. The MEB has a history of ignoring potential revenue for its shareholders just to make sure the State and the nation's economy is in a good position. What can be expected in the coming weeks, would be extensive lobbying to keep the status quo of the MEB remaining officially non-nationalized.


Kivonia, Kovmark - The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport announced yesterday their plans to construct high level efficient high-ways and infrastructure that will connect large parts of the country, all from urban to rural areas. These constructions will begin in a year or so, and will be financed through the state-friendly Shippington company. "This will increase national travel and the flourish of local businesses at an enormous level", Minister Philip Ström stated and continued, "We are also looking into cooperating with Hutori and Telamon in constructing continental high-ways too". Large subways systems in the cities of Kivonia, Vermillion and between the island of Nyberg and the mainland were also at a planning stage and would if calculations are correct in 4873. The provincial Infrastructure Ministry in the Province of Dovmark, expressed a desire for a national endorsement to expand the port of the city Engelshøj, in order to increase the maritime trade in the Lievenian Sea, something they have tried to fight for for quite some time.

The state-owned 'West Macon Mining Industry' and the provincial Infrastructure Ministry in the Province of Sønderhavn laid out their plans to expand minor mining projects around the province, to increase the excavation and production of iron, steel, coal and the most important natural resource in Davostan, Tungsten. With the enormous success of the Dahlmine since its opening in 4792, has allowed the government to expand this area of production and increase its markets. The mining industry is an important if not a vital part of the Davostani economy and its enormous success in its economic growth. And state officials see a continuing potential of it, even looking towards the neighboring nations of Hutori and Telamon, hoping to expand their cooperation in this field as well. With the 4795 Treaty of Friendship between Davostan and Kundrati, it is stated that the former should prioritize the export of tungsten to the latter than to other nations, but Unionite state officials are beginning to question this part of the treaty mostly due to the Kundrati change in government system now and then, something that could be a potential risk to the Unionite economy, firstly if Kundrati instability would erupt in to civil war or secondly if the "wrong kind" of regime took over, none of these being seen, yet. Some propose to expand the prioritization of tungsten to all NACTO members, while others propose to restrict and limit and completely remove prioritization of the export of tungsten to any nation. Only time will tell which way the Unionite officials will go.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jan 02, 2021 2:17 am

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

3 September 4870
Assassination attempt strikes Carolus Adrianus, the Anförare ends up in a devastating coma
A short reign of not even three years, the young monarch of the UDK was put in a coma after being struck by a failed assassination attempt, his wife Elsa Cederstam was appointed regent until he wakes up or until their son Nicholas reaches the age of 20. Meanwhile, the new regent's grip on power and the state institutions tightens.

Kivonia, Kovmark - Carolus Adrianus, with three years into his reign has been struck by a devastating assassination attempt resulting in a possibly long-lasting coma. The 35 year old head of state was on his way with car through the city of Dovborg in the Province of Dovmark, when suddenly what appeared to be a man in dark military gear firing a rocket towards the ruler's car. His Excellency's personal driver was reportedly killed instantly, while the ruler was knocked out and later dragged out by security personnel. It has been confirmed that the suspect has been apprehended, however, by the State Security Bureau, which means that information about it him will most likely not see daylight until further notice. Chancellor Edvard Forsman has stated that the events is a deep horror to himself and to the people of the nation and that the government will assist the ruling family in every possible way. Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine was much tougher and harsher in her words by declaring this a national emergency, and that those involved in this "treacherous act" would be severely punished on levels not imaginable. Elsa Cederstam, the wife and consort of the ruler, has issued a statement announcing her sorrow in the matter, and hoping that the people of the nation would remain calm in these troubling time.

The main problem arose a day after the horrific event, with the chief doctor of the Kivonia Central Hospital stating that the ruler has entered a coma, which could depending on the physical and mental strength of him last for some time, in worst case scenario, the doctor said that the ruler might never wake up, or even perhaps even loose the will to live. Something that has worried the State Collegium as well as the national government. The former dealing with the issue by declaring Elsa Cederstam regent until either Carolus Adrianus wakes up or when their son Nicholas reaches the age of 20. The first action of regent Cederstam was to nominate her's and the ruler's son Nicholas as the Princeps Kivonium, that is to say the heir to the throne, with Nicholas nomination expected to the formally approved on the 30 August. Observers have however noted the increasing control that Elsa Cederstam has been able to establish over not only the government but also the State Collegium, something that could have a worrying affect in the near future.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:29 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

26 December 4870
Underground political extremists behind the brutal failed assassination attempt on the Ruler
The State Security Bureau releases public report on the ongoing situation concerning the failed assassination attempt on the head of state. They announced that a thorough campaign would begin immediately with close cooperation between SSB agents, military police and Leitz Squadron troops. Houses and estates would be searched, and a warning to the public was made to be careful to express any sympathies towards the terrorist, as that would lead towards a investigation against the suspected citizens.

Kivonia, Kovmark - The State Security Bureau released a public report concerning the failed assassination attempt on the Anförare's life, which resulted in his unfortunate coma. By means of strict and careful interrogation of the suspect, the SSB came to the conclusion that the suspect, a confirmed man, did not act alone in and were in fact in a larger conspiracy with a larger "power". And by carefully analyzing the movements of targeted suspected elements domestically, the Public Safety Committee of the SSB could confirm with a high probability of almost 95% of the attempt being the work of a domestic underground organization. Though not ultra-large, this organization has an estimated few thousand members. With SSB agents rooting out suspicious elements that are in some ways fulfilling the criteria of cohesion and endorsement in these crimes, the organization has been identified as the "Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignty", or "AEFNS" for short. A political guerrilla group composed of mainly ethnic Davostanis who has in recent decades been disgruntled over the close friendship between Davostan and Endralon especially with the rise of the larger cooperation in NACTO. The AEFNS' ideological stance of has been described by the SSB as a form of extreme leftist nationalism with a radical belief in a so-called "national revival". The Chairman of the Public Safety Committee declared during a recent press conference that the so-called Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignty shall not be treated as any other political organization but a terrorist group.

During another recent press conference, the General-Director of the SSB announced that on orders of the Regent of the nation, the "terrorists" and "traitors" would be rooted out through a thorough campaign. The General-Director warned citizens who are not members of the terrorist organization to not express any public sympathies towards them, as that would result in investigation against them. He stated that SSB agents, military police and Leitz Squadron troops would search up to hundreds if not thousands of houses and estates to find every conspirator. He also made clear that they would be tried by military tribunals to face harsher punishments for their actions. He also stressed the importance of restricting their movements and making sure no military conflict is broken out. With the weapon, a rocket launcher, used by the assassin, it would seem according to the SSB that the AEFNS has their hands of military arms, how they got them is not clear, but it increases the risk of open conflict. This is why the Leitz Squadron was called, due to their elite experiences in military ways. The General-Director said that a complete apprehension of the terrorists could take up to one or two years minimum.
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:54 pm

AEFNS Hijacked An ECA-Plane, Navy Shoot It
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:14 pm

State Address to the Nation by the Regent of the UDK
10 January 4872

Good evening dear citizens of our cherished Union. We are in difficult times in which our security and our peace is threatened. Our own head of state, our own Ruler, my husband, Carolus Adrianus, was brutally put into a coma through a failed assassination attempt on his life. I was given by the State Collegium the burden of carrying my dear husband's and your Ruler's duty as head of state. As Regent until his successful recovery – hopefully in the nearest future – I will lead this nation of glory and of freedom towards better days. Now we stand before a terrorist group rebelling against our right to free life. These traitors, these murderers have caused severe casualties of over 150 people around the member-states of NACTO, many wounded and hundreds dead. These terrorists who go by the name of the 'Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignty', have drawn the last straw. These rebellious Davostanis will be met with the sword and will regret the many who has fallen victim to their barbarity. Our military forces together with the Endralonian military will in no time commence a thorough operation with close cooperation with our State Security Bureau and the Endralonian Directorial Republic Investigation Office, to make sure the terrorists never see the light of day again. We will need the full cooperation of every citizen and every person within the territories of the UDK and the DRE, we will need every help we can get if we are to win against the enemies of humanity. I say this only one time, that I use my authority as Regent and temporary head of state of the nation, to declare a total war against these terrorists, a war that will be fought brutally but effectively. As I can promise every Unionite citizen at this very moment: We will bring these criminals to justice! We will punish them for going against humanity, against freedom, against our security!
May freedom and peace reign eternally over our glorious Union. Thank you.

Elsa Cederstam, Regent of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:13 pm

Grand Admiral Trón Heading The "AEFNS" Operation
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Strengthened Economic Positions In The Union
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:33 pm

NACTO Command Fleet Ready; Operation Unitatis
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:24 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

1 October 4875
Government splits with increasing tension over regent Cederstam's attempted usurpation
The Regent Elsa Cederstam and the State Collegium announced their intention to declare the former the new ruler instead of the agreed Prince of Kivonia, Nicholas Reinhardt. With rising tensions between Cederstam's faction and disgruntled ministers led by Minister of the Interior Erika af Augustine, an opposition government is formed led by Af Augustine in an attempt to remove Cederstam from power and install the Prince of Kivonia as the rightful head of state.

Kivonia, Kovmark - With no sign of the Unionite ruler Carolus Adrianus waking up, it was finally time for the now 20 years old Prince of Kivonia Nicholas Reinhardt to ascend the throne as the new ruler of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia as decreed by the State Collegium on the 30th August 4870. However, a surprising turn of events unfolded when the State Collegium revealed that they have no intention of formally declaring Nicholas the new ruler. A confusion for many, a confusion soon understood. The State Collegium instead announced their intention to declare the regent and mother for Prince Nicholas, Elsa Cederstam as the new ruler. Something that angered many of those who had sought to honor the 30th August Declaration. Elsa Cederstam's claim to the throne has a good legitimacy to it, for one she is the husband of the incumbent ruler Carolus Adrianus, second she is also the adopted daughter of the previous ruler, her mother-in-law Viktoriana. Cederstam has ever since her husband ascended the throne consolidated her power in the nation as the Head of the Office of the Rulership Delegation Authority, the agency responsible for administering the orders and information of the Unionite ruler. Her toughness against the AEFNS as the regent of the nation has also given her experience to stand on. The State Collegium, which is confirmed to be under her control, has set the date for her formal declaration as the new ruler on 10 Octobet 4875.

Several ministers in the national government have expressed their criticism and worries over Cederstam's behavior and planned usurpation. One of these ministers, is the prominent Minister of the Interior, Erika af Augustine, the rumored secret daughter of Viktoriana, who together with other ministers such as Minister of Finance Oscar Bengtsson; Minister of Health and Social Services Elliot Wahlberg; Minister of Food and Agriculture Ann-Louise Simonsson. Chancellor Edvard Forsman has expressed his support for Cederstam as the soon-to-be ruler. Af Augustine responding to his support as a "national disgrace". The rebellious ministers split from the government on 29 September 4875, to form their own opposition government led by Af Augustine as the "leading minister", this government being dubbed the "30 August Government" after the 30 August 4870 declaration. Af Augustine declared that the primary goal of her opposition government is to install the Prince of Kivonia as the rightful ruler and head of state. Many are hoping that this new internal conflict within the nation stays non-violent something political commentators say could be a "low-probability" due to the leaders of the opposing governments Elsa Cederstam and Erika af Augustine having been raised in Kivonian warrior-ways. Political analysts also add that both women are highly ambitious and cunning, which could result in something the nation is not prepared for in the coming months, weeks or even days.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:15 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

14 October 4875
Erika af Augustine successfully stops Elsa Cederstam from power and installs the Prince of Kivonia as the new head of state
After storming the capital city with hundreds of troops, Erika af Augustine is able to defeat regent and would-be usurper Elsa Cederstam in single combat. Af Augustine is made the new Chancellor, with Prince of Kivonia Nicholas Reinhardt becoming the new monarch of the nation as the puppet of Af Augustine.

Kivonia, Kovmark - Let us recap the extraordinary events that have just unfolded these past weeks which took the nation by storm: On the 10 October 4875, the day on which the State Collegium had intended on declaring regent Elsa Cederstam the new Unionite ruler and head of state of the Union. The formal session was scheduled for 10.30 pm, and right after the electors of the Collegium had assembled in the evening within the State Collegium building in the capital city Kivonia, a few hundred armed troops personally led by Erika af Augustine and the Prince of Kivonia Nicholas Reinhardt entered the capital city. None had suspected such an attempt, and the a small portion of the Capital Defense Corp was take by complete surprise, this resulting in both sides clashing on the streets and plazas of the city. The main force of the attackers pushed towards the State Collegium building, while a squad of around 10 troops with Af Augustine and the Prince heading towards the Temple of Glory, the place Cederstam was located at. With help from high ranking officers in the Army, Af Augustine and her small forces were able to take control over the city's entire communication system. After entering the Temple of Glory and being able to reach the throne room of the giant building with harsh resistance, Af Augustine and her even smaller squad now stood facing almost an equal number of enemy soldiers, with Cederstam herself standing in front of the throne. It is reported that Cederstam challenged Af Augustine to single combat, with the latter accepting. Witness reports that in full army gear, the two women faced each other with martial arts and smaller military weapons. In the end, the almost ten-years younger Af Augustine prevailed, with Cederstam later dying from her wounds. Af Augustine immediately declared a ceasefire, and end of hostilities.

On 11 October 4875, Erika af Augustine assumed the position as the new Chancellor of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, with the State Collegium declaring a month later on the 11 November 4875 Prince Nicholas the new Unionite Ruler, with the regnal-reference-name being Nikolaus. Former Chancellor Forsman, is exiled to the Island of Dovmark, under careful surveillance. Chancellor Af Augustine also succeeded Cederstam as the new Head of the Office of the Rulership Delegation Authority, giving her even more influence in the nation. And due to being the one to deafest Cederstam in single combat, an ancient Kivonian tradition, she is even more respected by the military and is considered the de facto ruler, with head of state Nikolaus seen simply as her puppet. Upon assuming the role as head of government, Erika Af Augustine, announced that in the coming years major reforms, administrative and constitutional would be implemented. A few days later after ousting Cederstam from power, statistics show that up to 40–50 soldiers, from both sides, lost their lives during the capital city skirmish. Af Augustine has remarked that on the 10 October 4875 "democracy was saved and tyranny prevented".
Last edited by Augustus Germanus on Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:33 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

4 February 4877
Wedding of First Citizen Nikolaus and Boros Barbara
The wedding has now been held between the Unionite Ruler Nikolaus Reinhardt and Boros Barbara, with a long procedure, and military marching, and religious rituals the two has finally vowed their union to each other and with the intention of having their honeymoon in the outskirts of the city of Eliseborg. Many are now cheering them on and hoping for a child very soon, in order to protect the stability of the state, since the main Reinhardt branch of the Vermillion dynasty is under threat of extinction.

Large crowd in one of the central parts of the capital city Kivonia | OOC: amberfoxphoto

Kivonia, Kovmark - Childhood friends, partners in crime, companions for life. That is the description one can give to the couple, Nikolas Reinhardt and Boros Barbara, who could be seen waving to the cheering crowd in the capital city Kivonia. A month earlier they had announced their engagement, and now it was happening. Regional branches of our newspaper reported nationwide celebrations, with intrigued masses gathering in front of large televised screens in major plazas in various cities. Everything began in 10 am, when a large portion of troops from the Popular Guard began their march through the Plaza of Glory towards the main building of the Temple of Glory, behind them the Unionite Ruler and head of state, Nikolas Reinhardt – who's regnal name was chosen to be Nikolaus – came riding on a white horse in his military uniform, as previous rulers have done, thus setting a third generational tradition. After the Ruler, roofless cars drove slowly after His Majesty, in one of these cars one could see the popular Chancellor Erika af Augustine and her husband Carl-Frederick Arvedahl, other ministers came after them. As the many state officials which had arrived began placing themselves in their designated spots within the Temple of Glory and the Hall of Ceremony – a religious section within the Temple – the next guests began arriving in their cars, however with roofs this time, in several of these cars were the extended family of the Ruler in the recently formed House of Almabore one notable member being Princess Joanna, the Ruler's aunt, another extended family being the Cederstams, and in several other cars were the bride's Boros family. The arrival of the major and minor guests took until 11.30 am, when at last the bride could be seen in an open carriage drawn by four horses, one could loudly hear the cheering of the crowds when she began smiling and waving to them.

In a long, large and beautiful white bridal gown, she took the hand of her father Boros Erik and stepped out from the carriage. Taking his arm, she walked up through the small steps and in through the large entrance to the Temple. With Populars Guards standing in strict and perfect formations lining towards the Hall of Ceremony, father and daughter slowly marched. Upon entering the Hall, the many guests present rose to their feet, with Nikolaus happily smiling to the bride. With slow but confident steps, and with a loud organ playing in the background, Barbara and her father walked toward the altar and the bridegroom. The head of the Boros family, proud over his daughter, handed her over to her soon-to-be husband. As the couple now stood beside each other, the Grand Marshal of the Temple not a religious priest but one of the highest state officials, began the process for their vows. In the middle of the process, the Grand Marshal, called for the Archbishop of Kivonia to bless their union in the faith of Hosianism, after this the Grand Marshal called for the High Priest of Satanil to praise their unity in the faith of Unholiness, and for a third time the Grand Marshal called for the Sigilis Maximus of the pagan religion of Anluanism to ritualize their vows. As soon as the religious processes were over the Grand Marshal declared in a loud voice "In the name of the Holy, Unholy and the State I pronounce you Husband and Wife", ending his role in the ceremony with the line to Nikolaus "You may kiss the bride", the couple then gave each other a long smooch with the many guests rising to their feet once more cheering and clapping with patriotic music beginning to play in the background. The married couple smiling, waving and nodding to the guests make their way out to the main balcony of the Temple to greet the massive crowd.

Arriving at the balcony, a roaring crowd cheered when one could finally get a glimpse of the two. The national anthem Glory to the UDK and the former anthem and patriotic Song of the Union Glory was played by the military band also present on the plaza, the crowd immediately began singing along. Soon after several military fighter jets flew right over them with leaving only behind the black, white and gold colors of the Union. One could also hear artillery firing blanks in a distance. The couple began walking down to the carriage of which the bride was brought to the Temple with. Several military officials giving the two salutes while the two stepped out of the main entrance and in to the carriage. With a large number of Popular Guards, the couple began their ride through the capital city, greeting the many people who had come to see the two. Once reaching the Reinhardt Palace, the now official residence of not only to His Majesty but also to Her Majesty, the two went inside to wait for their families to arrive to continue their celebrations in private. A four day celebration was announced by the National Government, this time shorten in comparison to the two others, due to the fact that many take advantage to get extremely drunk during such holidays. It was announced by the Reinhardt Palace and court that the now married couple would spend their honeymoon in the outskirts of the city of Eliseborg, in a beach mansion owned by the House of Reinhardt. Many hope that the honeymoon will be successful, not only for the two personally, but also for the nation, as a child of the two would secure the succession for the main Reinhardt branch of the Vermillion dynasty.
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Augustus Germanus
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