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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:58 am


Aikums, Dolgavia
July 4th 4789

The news has been leaked that the Children of the Lourennian Royal Family are safe and sound in the Karzon Palace in Aikums. They have been safe in Dolgavia for several weeks now. It is still uncertain when they arrived however due to the fact that this information was leaked it is clear that this was a top secret operation. No official comments have been made by the Dolgavian Government however several newspapers including the Freie Presse have had a leak that identifies the Lourennian Children of the King and Queen as being in Dolgavia. This means that no matter what happens to the King and Queen of Lourenne, that the Lourennian Monarchy will live on. Again this news is not official but we believe that this is indeed the truth. The palace is located near the Dolgavian Royal Palace and near the Canrillese sector of town as well. Canrillese pro-monarchist supporters have taken to the streets in celebration as the crown prince and the future of the Lourennian monarchy is safe and sound!

Several politicians have sent messages to social media congratulating the Dolgavian intelligence service for rescuing the children. The work of these agents is astounding and their work should be praised. Well done to all involved, congratulations on a job well done!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:58 am


Aikums, Dolgavia
February 13th 4790

Dolgavia has reached the mark of 100,000 Canrillese Refugees. The recent unrest in both Kanjor and Lourenne and the persecution against the Pro-Monarchist factions have lead to many, many Canrillese people leaving their nations heading to Dolgavia. The two tyrannical leaders of Lourenne and Kanjor would not want you to believe anything is wrong but with over 100,000 in Dolgavia from both nations, something is clearly wrong. In both Noversk and Aikums there have been Canrillese sectors that have created organically and Canrille businesses and culture have thrived in these areas. Most of the Canrillese citizens are learning Dorvish or Dolgavian something that is helping them immensely. The mayor of Aikums is a recent Kanjorian refugee who is in her early 20's. She was elected last year and already has made reforms helping new Canrillese immigrants seek nationality. Marléne Cappelle has become a rising star in her party thanks to the rise in the Canrillese population in Dolgavia and her reforms that have made thing better in Aikums so far.

The Canrillese population has helped the Dolgavian population a lot. They have provided an influx of workers and have helped to jump start the Dolgavian economy. The Canrillese population has also grown the support for monarchism in Dolgavia as they fled their countries mainly because of this or having conservative/right-wing beliefs. This will lead to a healthy future for Dolgavia where Dolgavia will be more internationalized and more stable because of this. This truly is a historic moment for Dolgavia as it moves onward into the future.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby Lucipher » Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:49 pm

Dolgavas Tribīne
Dolgava's Tribune is the official news source of the DVMP and the nation. — November, 4796
Queen Konstanja I, Royal Family, and Other Nobles Flee the Nation Under Threat of Arrest and Trial

Aikums: After the DVMP-4796.1 Abolition of the Monarchy and Tribunals for All Involved bill was presented to the Central Committee of the People's Assembly last week for review, discussion, and vote, it was discovered that the Queen, who turns 53 next month, as well as members of her family and court had fled the nation. Preliminary intelligence reports have revealed that their destination was Istalia, a haven for former nobles. With the bill in question officially removing the House of Rothingren-Ludwig from the throne, as well as making nobility a criminal offense, it was expected that many would try to flee. Curiously enough, one noble who made no attempt to flee was Annalise I Ashé-Rivières, former High Queen of Telamon. Initially being arrested by local police, she was later released on the orders of the Presiding Councillor of the Collective Council and Chairwoman of the Political Affairs Commission of the DVMP. The reason given for her release was that Annalise "had been a revolutionary her whole life, and despite her obvious ties to nobility, those days are over."

As of now, the ideology of the DVMP is that of Metzism-Leonidism, in a similar fashion to the united front seen in their neighbor, Trigunia. However, smaller movements had arisen in the past, calling for a new ideology and structure to the nation. Those small movements were emphasized by the party's ideology, which involves elements of Kaminskism and decentralized power within the party. Some speculate that it will quickly become a rival for the official ideology, which could cause issues for their Trigunian allies, who have no such ideological splits.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:26 am

Prince Sigismund lll speaking to the press in Lourenne

Aikums, Dolgavia
August 15th 4856

The Dolgovas konservatīvā partija has reformed and has laid out its plans for it's future plans for Dolgavia. The party also welcomed Prince Sigismund the Third back to Dolgavia from exile in Lourenne. This comes as the public increases pressure on the party in power in Dolgavia. The Dolgavia Conservative Party has been disbanded for many years after monarchists and right wingers in the party bolted and the party disolved. This lead to years of Communist rule and other parties. After the current controversial anthem change renaming the country to Dolgar the right wing of Dolgavia had enough, the Monarchist and right wing elements to the public have joined together to form the first elements of the Pro-Monarchist Party.

The Conservative Party has had a long history in Dolgavia. They were in power for over 100 years and had 6 Prime Ministers and served 3 Kings and Queens. The most famous PM being Marika Pihlak who fought against Kalistani Pirates and brought Dolgavia a new age of world power. She alone brought the continent of Keris greatness and helped Dolgavia to jump to the international stage.

Former PM Marika Pihlak

The new leader of the party is Rainer Peetre who has big plans for Dolgavia. He wants to re-establish the Dolgavian Konigsreich and the Prince currently in exile to be the King of Dolgavia. His speech before a small crowd in Aikums was as follows

Today marks a new day for Dolgavia. A renewed day as I and many others are marking a new step forward for this country. The people have had enough. We are not Dolgar. The current government is like a fat pig, it can't move forward and looks tasty for the international community. Our government is inept and cannot do anything. We will not stand for it. I will be the next Prime Minister and I am telling you now, this phony party in power will be utterly destroyed! We will do everything we humanly can to stop them and their ambitions. They are a puppet of 3M and Endralon. They are a spineless hoard. They are not Dolgavian. They are Dolgarian... Whatever the hell that means... We will not stop, Lourenne our dearest friends have achieved a Monarchy once again and so will we!!! Long Live Dolgavia and Long Live the King, Thank You

Mr. Peetre speaking before a small but enthusiastic crowd

Prince Sigismund the Third also spoke for the first time in public about the events in Dolgavia from the Lourenne capital and his enthusiastic manner showed a new spark in the old Dolgavian monarchy,

I am so happy for my country. Finally a normal sensible party is back in power. I have only wanted to visit my homeland but alas I have never been able to. It is my dream to return to a home I have never been in. As Lourenne sees the light once again and becomes the world power I know it will become once again, we in Dolgavia need to speak up, fight against this treasonous party. Please restore a sense of stability. All I want to do is go home, but because of my beliefs and who I am, I am at risk of being murdered. This is enough, fight Dolgavians, I know you can, and to Mr. Peetre, Thank You! Thank You for doing this you are a brave man, you and your colleges need to be praised internationally. Thank You and God Bless You!!!!

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:05 am

A Mother and Daughter Embrace in Aikums, Prince and soon to be King Sigismund ll addresses the nation from Lourenne!

Aikums, Dolgavia
September, 1st 4857

For many this was not even supposed to be a race. Many pollsters saw the Dolgovas konservatīvā partija as a dead party with little to no hope of winning national elections. Nearly all national polls saw the incumbent Demokrātiskā partija winning another parliament, however this time the tables turned on everyone, including the pollsters. As election night started the mood was set almost instantly, the results came from Noversk showing a 71% to 36% lead from the conservatives against the current party the mood changed like a switch. People who were at first reluctant to come out into the streets starting doing so as hope started to swell. Suddenly as Point Homaar and the suburbs of Aikums started voting for the conservatives as well that is when hope turned to celebration.

Groups of friends and Monarchists gathered around their television sets as one by one the many constituencies voted in a landslide victory for the Conservatives. The visibly shaken President of the Republic conceded and that was that. The streets filled with a happy crowd as Monarchists after years of hiding swarmed the streets, celebrating the end of the Republic! The Now Terra Wide swing towards Monarchism as two Monarchist strongholds of years past, Lourenne and Dolgavia both did the unthinkable and returned to Monarchism!

Prime Minister to be Peetre spoke to the nations this morning announcing his plans for the nation saying

What a glorious day! Today democracy has prevailed, today the people have spoken and with 71% of the populous voting for me and my party, I would like to Thank You! This for many people came as a surprise but I could tell the mood of this country, we are tired of being curb stomped, Trigunia and their allies have looked to put us in our place at their feet begging for mercy, not anymore. Today my friends I am starting the process of bring Imperial Ambition back to Dolgavia. We will look for Imperial ambitions and we will bring this country back to a respectable nation. We will support our allies and kindle new ones, we will break away from bad deals and kick out any country that is undermining us. Today is a day of freedom, of fresh air. I would like to formally invite our dear King, King Sigismund ll back to Dolgavia, so he can step foot on this nations for the first time. When I am Prime Minister we will have the monarchy once again! I will be a PM of the people and I will do what I can to serve you, my people. Thank You, God Bless the King and God The Konigs Reich, Thank You

The Future PM speaking before a crowded Conference Center as he looks to the future of Dolgava

Parliament will be convening next week for the first time and the new Government will swear in Mr. Peetre as Prime Minister as soon as it can. For now the Conservatives are still celebrating and the next great celebration will occur when King Sigismund ll is welcomed home to Dolgavia for the first time!

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:50 am


Eroncourt, Lourenne
July 14th 4858

Dolgavia and Lourenne have announced a renewed alliance days before Dolgavia and Dorvik sign another new alliance treaty. These two events happened days apart and make Dolgavia's renewed entrance back into international affairs after decades of isolationism. Lourenne and Dolgavia are two historically monarchist countries that have both chosen monarchy in historic decisions and now are looking at building up a close alliance once again. Prime Minister Petree said in a statement in Lourenne

Today Lourenne and Dolgavia establish friendly and binding ties once again. It is a honor to stand here in front of two nations and declare our lasting friendship. Monarchy is one of the great tools that bring people together, two completely different cultures, people groups, customs in an alliance is a great thing for both sides involved. We look to the future once again as an old storied alliance is finally fixed and mended once again. The days of Capelot and of turmoil for Lourenne is over and the years of Communism and economic downturn in Dolgavia is over as well. We are stronger together and I look forward to increased cooperation and friendship for decades to come.

Dolgavian businesses will benefit from Lourenne's long history in the green energy sector and both economies will be able to help themselves up with increased competition and more resources and more markets. This is the government's first set of steps toward economic recovery which will have a large component of the plan going to international trade and market sharing.

Mr Petree will be flying to Dorvik to sign a second historic peace treaty with Dorvik who is credited with bringing Dolgavia into economic prosperity over 60 years ago. The peace treaty will include a plan to kick start the Dolgavian economy once again and bring the two nations closer!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:03 pm


Dolgava and Dorvik Signing the Alliance

Haldor, Dorvik
July 30th 4858 (postdated)

History repeats itself, Dorvik and Dolgavia have signed a binding alliance treaty that will solidify the lasting intentions of both nations in a lasting alliance for years to come. Moritz Florstedt of the Kingdom of Dorvik welcomed the Dolgavian Delegation to Haldor to sign the treaty. This is the second time in 2 centuries that Dolgavia has gone to Dorvik for economic help. The two Kingdoms will cooperate on both economic and military ties once again. The Prime Minister also went to Dorvik and was questioned about current international pressure against the law banning both Socialism and Communism he said

To be honest the international community is filled with backstabbers, hypocrites and regimes looking to undermine the Konigsreich and any country that opposes their view on the world. My ambassador to the General Assembly is doing a good job and she speaks for my government. We will continue business as usual and will continue to make Dolgavia the greatest country in Terra. If the international community has a problem with our government they should not use this setting to make their grievances known. We will again, not be bullied and we are glad that countries such as Dorvik understand our willingness to become an active member of the international community, we wish the SC would also take that view.

Trade between the two nations will be almost instantaneous with import and exports traveling from nation to nation very soon. The agreement lays out a free trade agreement, military alliance and a close friendship. The deal will help both countries immensely and will boost trade between Artania and Keris even more.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:29 am


Princess Cecilie and King Ratna of Utembo? Together???
The Headline from our Sunday edition following the bombshell report

April 2nd 4859

No this is no April fools joke, the staff at "A Look Inside" can tell you for a certainty that Princess Cecilie spent significant time with the 35 year old King of Utembo, King Ratna. Miss Cecilie was doing a shoot for a new movie that she will be starring in. The princess has gone through over 6 relationships over the past few months and from that bombshell story we got last week, we can say with a certainty that her family and her sisters especially does not like her behavior. She has fought with her family over the past several years and we believe is also not on speaking terms with the King of Dolgavia or her older sister the Crown Princess. She has probably disobeyed them and now she will start a new life in a different palace somewhere new! Cecilie left the royal palace in late at night yesterday and flew back to Luthori to do more filming shots on location for "Iron Magelian 2". No word has come of what will happen in this relationship but we can hope that maybe the Princess has finally found her new home!

One man who will remain anonymous who works at the Utembo palace as a janitor alerted Look Inside at the relationship he said

I saw them go in and out of the palace several days, they would talk for hours together and they would go out to the gardens, I have never seen His Majesty so open to another person ever in his lifetime. I have worked this job here with my fellow janitorial staff with the Prince for many years and we have never seen this.

This ladies and gentlemen is proof that their is definitely something going on here and we must keep a sharp eye out. This could be the story of the year! This is a once in a lifetime scoop and this paper is pround to say that they covered it first!


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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:13 am


Aikums, Dolgavia
February 4th 4860

The Dolgavan Defense Minister announced today a planned 5.5 billion DOLS in Defense spending to revamp the Dolgavian military, following increased pressure against the Dolgavan Government by countries abroad. Valentīns Krastiņš the Dolgavan Defense Minister called for a revitalization of the Dolgavian military following years of inactivity and limited movements.

Recent events have caused me and my staff to be concerned. We feel like the sovereignty of this nation is being threatened and so we must do something to prevent us being under the grip of another horrible regime. The International Community has failed us and we must, must take action! Our first priority is to take the mothballs out of our fleet in Dolgavaoloplis and to start training of the 1st, 2nd and 6th Infantry Divisions and the 14th and 16th Armored Divisions. Also we will be reopening our academy on Karzon and we will be revamping our small defense force of Unionfighter to Quadruple the current number. This is all a step in the right direction however we are going to do more. We have given 100 million DOLS in grants to companies wishing to work on Defense contracts throughout Dolgava and soon we will be back in business for the Defense of our home. The world is a different place from when the Socialist Government disarmed us. In Hulstria people are dying, we must avoid us becoming the next people to be in the news, dead!


The new Defense Budget was signed by Prime Minister Peetre today and the military is expected to start executing this plan in the coming days, the military is not over even after this by a long shot as trying to repair what the Socialists did will take years but for now we can take comfort in knowing that Dolgava is planning on getting back to what it once was, once again. Dolgavia has rumored to be over 500 tanks in storage and has around 12 missile destroyers and an aircraft carrier and escort ships in mothballs along with over 150 Unionfighters. The defense plan also indicates that the armed forces will indeed modernize this equipment to levels on par with the great powers. This will take some time as experts have to design or import from other places new technology but the current fighters that are meant for patrol and defense have these implemented in them so transferring this to the other fighters will be only a matter of funding

The end date for this re-armament is still unknown however it will probably be still ongoing once a majority of the military is up to modern standards because militaries across Terra are all evolving and getting better.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby DueWizard70 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:30 pm

People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
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