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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:05 am

Wiel warns Klepakhov
Intervention will mean war, says Wiel.

Vahri and two ministers after the announcement.

May 3987 - The Principality is taking a defensive yet determined course with the ever-increasing tensions. After Klepakhov announced that Trigunia would declare war on Hutorio if they would intervene in Deltaria they also started moving large formations to the Pontesi-Barmenia border and Trigunian vessels have been sighted on course to the Majatran Sea. "It is clear that Trigunia is not just planning to halt the Hutorians. Their troop movements clearly indicate they wish to invade Barmenia as well, their fleet sailing towards the Majatran Sea gives another clear signal: the Cildanians are not safe either. Vanuku shall not stand for this, if Trigunia assaults one of our allies on Majatra or intervenes in their hegemonies then we shall declare total war." said Prefect Cornelis S. Vahri at an announcement in parliament. Whether the Trigunians will heed the new warnings is yet to be seen.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby kylejenkins27 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:41 am

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:24 pm

Prince Juhn III murdered by the craven H'án
"Jelbania will pay in blood" says Prince Wrntukai II

Vanukean bombers fly over a "scorched earth zone" in Jelbania.

June 4006 - The Prince has been murdered while on a diplomatic mission to accept the unconditional surrender of the Jelbanian government. It was the H'án himself who snuck a knife into the meeting and proceeded to assault the Prince with the sharp blade of a true coward. The Prince collapsed from his wound as the Royal Guard rushed into action, led by the heroic prince Bunjamín Mjtresrmo. It was the adopted Majatran boy that killed the craven H'án and avenged his grandfather. The Royal Guard did their duty by neutralizing all enemy threats within the Purple Palace. Six heroes gave their lives to protect the Prince but they and their brothers slaughtered a dozen Jelbek traitors attempting to kill more brave Vanukeans who only came with peaceful intent.

The news of the demise of the Prince quickly spread to Wiel and the crown prince Wrntukai was immediately pulled from active duty and transported to Wiel. A quick and short ceremony crowned him Prince Wrntukai II of the Principality of Vanuku. The good and amiable Prince Juhn III was 79 when he was murdered by the treacherous H'án and now Prince Wrntukai II starts his reign at the age of 43. The Prince will be the second Wrntukai to reign in the Vanukean system of regal numbering with the previous one being Prince Laurens-Wrntukai, who also reigned as Khagan of all the Jelbics.

Destruction in a Jelbanian city by Vanukean marines.

Prince Wrntukai II has declared that the treachery of the Jelbanians shall not go unpunished and the aging Prefect Vahri could not object against the decree the Prince sent out to the commander of the Vanukean forces. Now all across Jelbania the Vanukeans are wreaking havoc on government buildings, military installations and places that contain valuables. The little crops that are left in Jelbania are being burned by the Vanukean invaders. The Prince also declared that a military government shall be imposed on Jelbania with strict martial law. The Jelbanians will not be let off lightly for their treachery.

Prisoners disappearing, watchdogs worried
The OHTPOW calls for investigation of Vanukean prison camps.

Movement of Jelbek POW's to a Vanukean prison camp.

June 4006 - The watchdog group OHTPOW (Organisation for Humane Treatment of Prisoners Of War) has called for international attention towards the situation in the Principality of Vanuku. Around 400,000 Deltarian and Jelbic troops were captured during the now famous Operation Dry Wind where the Vanukeans feigned weakness and then encircled most of the invasion force. The prisoners were distributed all across Vanuku and the OHTPOW reports that treatment was humane at first but that food became rationed the last two years and that since the murder of Prince Juhn III the situation went even worse. The OHTPOW reports that they noticed high decreases in the amounts of prisoners and were not given proper explanations by the local prison wardens. During the last few days the OHTPOW stated that they were even refused access to Vanukean prison camps. The authorities in Wiel commented that "fluctuations in the amounts of prisoners are normal as we give them day jobs, not everyone can be present during the headcount while they are cooking food or fixing clothes for fellow prisoners". Yet the OHTPOW states that this is simply a bad excuse and that their census takes these fluctuations into account. They have now called upon international authorities to either demand increased access or call for further investigations.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:43 pm

Kinsmen welcomed in Vanuku
Deal cut with Beiteynu to help Jelbic brothers.

Not all Vanukeans are happy with the treaty the government signed.

August 4006 - The government of Vanuku, urged by Prince Wrntukai II, has decided to cut a deal with the nationalist state of Beiteynu. For the last decade the Yeudish nationalists have been rounding up all minorities in their nation and international watchdogs have long claimed that genocide is only a small step away. The largest minority in Beiteynu are the Jelbics, the kinsmen of the Wrnukék and Vanukeans in general. The Prince himself stated that the nation could not look onwards as their brothers were kept like pigs and readied for slaughter. "It is our duty to protect our brothers, for we share the same blood" said the Prince earlier this month at a centre for Jelbanian refugees. Prefect Vahri signed a deal to, over the course of a decade, relocate millions of Jelbics to the Principality. The state of Beiteynu has assured Vanuku that the Jelbics will be well-treated and that they are paying for the relocation. It is only up to the Principality to properly integrate the newcomers into the nation. However, this is not as easy as it seems as there are still many cultural differences between the different Jelbics and the very Artanianized Vanukeans are unhappy with the relocating of the very traditional and poor Jelbics into their neighbourhoods. These developments have given rise to anti-immigration movements but with the parliament being firmly in control of the Crown Party it seems that these initiatives will be stuck within the powers of the local councils.

The heirs of Mandkh and Shlajkai III to rule Jelbania?
Prince Wrntukai II has personally met with the heads of the Vrn-clan.

The Prince photographed in the Military Administration Zone of Jelbania.

September 4006 - Ever since the craven H'án Intrsmor murdered the noble Prince Juhn III the nation of Jelbania has been under strict military rule, with all the hardships that come with it. The remnants of the local government have made the brother of the craven Intrsmor the new H'án, who now symbolically sits the throne as H'án Jeztri. Wiel has already stated that "the brother of the kinslayer can not sit the throne of Jelbania" and thus a new candidate had to be found. Instead of leaving this task up to the Jelbanians themselves it seems that Prince Wrntukai II has taken the initiative by meeting with the chiefs of the Vrn-clan. It was the Vrn's that brought Jelbania into the Khaganate, and so far all Vrn H'án's have been on extremely good terms with Wiel. It is clearly the intention of the Principality to find a loyal and sympathetic H'án to lead the Jelbanians into their new future guided by the wisdom from Wiel. For peace and prosperity on Majatra.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:57 pm

Cornelis S. Vahri dies in office
The Prefect was 91 years of age.

A honour guard regiment carries the portrait and flowers of Vahri.

November 4016 - The Rock of the Principality has passed away in office late last night. The Prefect, who served for almost 39 years, came to power after replacing the Iron Woman Sophie Bucék. By then the 51 year old made quite a controversial name for himself with his radical reforms and hawkish approach to foreign affairs. Yet Vahri remained steadfast in his reforms and tough approach, using the political game within the Principality to remove opponents from positions and help those who agreed with his stance. He guided the nation through the World War that waged for many decades and rightfully earned the nickname "the Rock of the Principality" as even Princes leaned strongly on the old veteran. Cornelis S. Vahri was named after the controversial fascist Chancellor Cornelis van Zanten and always persisted that he had been raised by the teachings of the Vanukean politician from centuries ago. However, unlike Van Zanten Vahri was from an Ahmadist Brmék family and has thus been buried with full state honours within a day as per the Ahmadi traditions. Parliament will have to decide a new Prefect in the coming weeks.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:25 pm

War-weariness causes unrest in Principality
Power of government threatened, reforms imminent.

The new Prefect: Bunjamín Mjtresrmo Banmek-Sntazed.

July 4017 - The strong guiding hand of Prefect Vahri is no more and His Majesty Prince Wrntukai II is a sincere but apolitical monarch. For a while it seemed like the Principality would enter an uncertain era of instability, yet in the end the Prince, the remaining ministers and the leadership of the Crown Party sat down together to discuss the future. But it was the adopted son of the Prince, Bunjamín, who became the vocal centrepiece of the talks. Well-spoken, albeit with a Majatran accent, the educated young man showed his natural talent at negotiating and clearly impressed the party leadership with his outspoken opinions. At the end of the talks the position of Prefect was offered to him, which he initially refused and it was only after the Prince insisted that he took the office of Prefect upon him. This however did not end the uncertainty in the nation, as many were quick to shout nepotism and incompetence at the new Prefect, who is both the youngest prefect ever and the adopted son of the Prince. Prefect Banmek-Sntazed however ignored these insults and quickly assembled a cabinet of ministers, bringing forward some well-known faces and even the war hero General Bókkatéz to act as Minister of War.

Yet troubles face the Principality, as the northern neighbour of Barmenia is having internal struggles. To protect the nation Prefect Banmek-Sntazed gave the controversial order to partially mobilize the Armed Forces, calling many veterans of the World War back to active duty. The Prefect stated that Vanuku has no intention to intervene but that "the Principality must prepare to defend itself against incursions". The re-mobilization has caused protests in the capital and other large cities, with those in Prinsenaard even becoming quite violent. The police acted decisively in breaking up the protest yet it is clear that things must change. Many are expecting reforms to revert some of the old Vahri reforms in hopes of appeasing the populace.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:14 am

Principality in deadlock after Banmék coup
Crown loyalists stand against apartheid republicans.

Prince Juhn IV pictured in Jelbania, an ironically safe area for the crown loyalists.

February 4044 - After the death of Prince Wrntukai II, a celebrated war hero but an undecisive monarch, several radical republican officers have attempted a coup while the brother, and heir, of the childless Prince was outside the nation. Ever since the state has been in a deadlock, the crown prince was able to re-enter the nation thanks to loyalists in Jelbania but the rebellious officers still hold the capital and a rather large army. Crown loyalist forces are in Jelbania and the southern parts of Vanuku and so far the coup d'etat has been bloodless and no conflict has broken out as both sides are weary of escalation. The coup was enacted by several Banmék officers and high ranking party members longing back to the days of republicanism and Banmék apartheid, where the large Ahmadi Krlmék group was rescinded of any rights within the Hosian fascist republic. The Banmek-Sntazed's have rejected this for centuries and modern politics have also put aside apartheid for a long time. Yet now in the capital city it has returned. So far the crown loyalists stand united behind Juhn IV, the new Prince who has not yet been coronated. The coronation would require him to travel to both Wiel and Vrkzel, cities held by the republicans. Currently the Prince resides in Jelbania, continuing his command of the occupational forces and having close contacts with the Jelbanian government. There are rumours that the Prince will seek the help of the clans and the federal government to regain his position in trade for ending the Vanukean occupation but the crown loyalists were unwilling to comment on this.

They did release a statement regarding the attempt of the Barmenian monarch to usurp the Vanukean title. "Far away the ambitious King Knstín has claimed Vanuku as his, citing that the male line of Prince Lazr has ended. A ridiculous claim, for my father had many children including three sons. Two of those are still alive. The thrones of Wiel and Vrkzel are mine by right and blood, his attempts to attain the most powerful royal title in the world are an act against our nation, against our people and against his own family. For he must not forget that we share blood and to steal from your kin is a crime unforgiven. I refuse his false attempts to "aid us" and denounce his claim. Soon the republicans will be ousted and I will be crowned, making my reign as Prince official. Many things will change and we might even change some things far up north" were cited as words spoken by the Prince himself. The brother of Prince Wrntukai II is known as a capable military commander and a dutiful man with a rash temper, clearly shown by his threats towards the Barmenian King. After a few decades of rest it seems that the Majatran powder keg might be facing many sparks in the nearby future.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:09 pm

Crown loyalists regain control over Principality
Bloodshed avoided after counter-coup within republican circles.

Prince Juhn IV, in civilian clothing for now, addressing a crowd on the central square of Wiel after his coronation.

January 4045 - The republican coup and political crisis within the Principality have ended. The end of the coup came after several high-ranking military officers within the republican circles enacted a counter-coup, revealing their royalist loyalties. The military officers and their own following were able to arrest most of the republicans, although the leading figures have fled the nation after a short exchange of gunfire on a small military airstrip outside of Wiel. So far there are no casualties except one loyalist who injured his arm while jumping away from a republican car that was speeding away from parliament. All across the nation the Armed Forces are now busy pacifying the area, assuring that no republican rebels can start an uprising. So far it seems that the nation is quiet and peaceful once more. Shortly after the removal of the republicans the Prince was able to return home from Jelbania, where Vanukean forces still occupy the defeated former Khanate. Today he was crowned during a sober ceremony and in the traditional post-coronation speech he declared he would be a man of deeds, not words. The speech was kept short and festivities were kept small although there was a large military parade. Others have already began referring to the new Prince as "General Prince" as a nod to the rather militaristic pose of the new monarch.

General Daníl Snahrib, the newly appointed Prefect of the Council. Snahrib is a trusted associate of Prince Juhn and now the head of a cabinet of technocrats.

Prince Juhn has assumed more executive powers than his brother, citing the need to do so to restore order to the nation. His first executive act was the Restoration Act, changing several laws and repositioning himself as the monarch of the nation to make his coronation official. After that he assigned a cabinet. Not many were surprised when it turned out that the cabinet is solely made up of technocrats, many of them from the Prince's inner circle. At the head of this new cabinet is General Daníl Snahrib, an experienced commander that previously held an active assignment in the occupational zone. Snahrib is a close friend of the Prince and has made a name as a diligent and efficient administrator during his time in the occupational zone. It is not surprising that the Prince has assigned someone capable who he can also fully trust. Most other members are from the inner circle of the Crown Party, aside from the Minister of War who is another warbuddy of the Prince. The new Prefect has declared that his first act will be to "purge the ranks" and to clear the Armed Forces and government from "any disloyal subjects". He also stated that "the Principality will act strongly against Barmenian warmongering and diplomatic insults" making many fear of a potential crisis between the Kingdom and the Principality.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:15 pm

Snahrib sets the mark with controversial reforms
Vanuku crawls towards absolutism, democracy reduced.

Prefect Snahrib, who combines his function as Prefect with the post of Commander-General of the Vanukean Armed Forces.

February 4047 - While previous major reforms in the history of the Principality, like those of Vahri and Bucék, the reforms of General and Prefect Daníl Snahrib are of a whole other calibre. The leaders of Vanuku have lapsed into a reactionary mode, restricting the civil liberties, increasing the powers of the military, limiting democracy and putting more and more things in hands of the state. The last century the Principality has been a constitutional monarchy with the Prince often occupying a semi-constitutional role. Most sovereigns however kept far away from politics itself. With Prince Juhn IV this has radically changed and he is by all means the ruler of the nation. The ruling elite has carefully gathered all the power and loyalty within the nation, removing and suppressing any anti-absolutist sentiments and movements. The cherry on the pie was the appointment of Prefect Snahrib as the Commander-General of the Vanukean Armed Forces. Laws were altered to make the Head of Government also the acting commander of all Vanukean troops, thereby repeating a feat from the days of the Vanukean Banded States. Vanuku has become, by all means, a military dictatorship. At the very least balance has been restored, the wages are in order and foodstocks are all filled to the brim once more.

Volunteers enter Jelbania
Thousands of Wrnukék volunteers join ranks of Temrkai III.

New recruits, marked with red cloth, march south to cross the border into Jelbania to join the forces of Temrkai III.

July 4047 - The Principality fo Vanuku has officially started supporting Khan Temrkai III. Reportedly Prince Juhn IV has even gone so far as to offer Khan Temrkai III a 'blank cheque insurance', basically guaranteeing that Vanuku will stand for any expenses the northern Khanate has to make in their war effort. The most notable thing is the foundation of the Bloodriders, a volunteer militia mostly consisting of traditional Krlmék Jelbics who follow the 'old ways' and the Ahmadi faith. The term 'bloodrider' refers to a Jelbic warrior on a path of vengeance and justice, who has made a bloodpact with the other riders to end a vendetta or other struggle. The Bloodriders of Vanuku have made their pacts to defeat the 'false H'án' and make sure that Temrkai III remains the sovereign of Jelbania. The Bloodriders are led by Bek Abdlmecid Mhmetsrmo Sancak. Bek Abdlmecid comes from a long line of Krlmék nobles, tracing their lineage to the days of the Caliphate where they nominally ruled most of modern day Vanuku for the Caliph. Bek Abdlmecid had the following to say about his militia: "Prince Juhn is the heir of Temrkai, his lineage comes down from the great ruler we all loved and respected, Temrkai III has the same lineage and therefore we must assure that the two heirs of Temrkai sit their respective thrones. Temrkai III has been wronged and betrayed by the treacherous southern dogs so we must bring justice". The Principality has officially not given any public support to Temrkai III but the Bloodriders have been allowed to pass the border without any hassle, bringing heavy arms, vehicles and even tanks.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Voorwaarts Vanuke / Wrntu Wrnuke (Forwards Vanuku)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:08 am

Air Force responds to Hutorian infringement of "hegemony airspace"
Jets corner Hutorian squadron, Wiel calls for Hutori to "leave Majatra immediately".

Vanukean Z-35's near the coastline, intercepting the Hutorian squadron.

August 4047 - The Vanukean Air Force has scrambled a large group of fighter jets to intercept the Hutori squadron approaching northern Jelbania. Wiel has declared it has sent a request to Hutori to retreat their aircraft and has issued the following statement along with it. "Currently there is a civil war ongoing in Jelbania, a tragedy. Officially no other nations take part in this conflict and we, as a stable and strong nation have taken it upon us to protect Jelbania. The nation has been a part of the Vanukean hegemony for the past few decades and even now that it is independent we still consider it a part of our protective sphere of influence. We will continue to protect the Jelbanians against any foreign intervention bar our own. So far the Principality has decided not to intervene except allowing the entry of the Bloodrider volunteers. Together with the Bloodriders we have allowed food and water to enter the northern area. The Hutorian intervention is unnecessary, imperialistic and insulting to the Majatran continent". The press office refused to comment on any further rumours regarding Vanukean intervention on behalf of Temrkai III except pressing that this conflict is Majatran and should remain Majatran. The hawkish approach of Vanuku may not go down so well in Hutori, who so far have not reacted.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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