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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Aethan » Fri Nov 10, 2017 7:14 pm

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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:11 pm

Official Statement from the Jrl (Thaller) household regarding Juliana Mede

The Jrl (Thaller) dynasty is forever grateful for the generous offer from the Selucian government, and we are certain that in her native country Juliana Mede and her son will once again be at home.

Before Juliana Mede and her son consent to the offer however, they would like to know what charges are being brought against her. The new Barmenian government has accused her of "conspiracy against the state, false presentation of a government office, and the use of sectarian and ethnic violence to adhere to a terroristic ideology", which she finds to be absurd accusations that have no bearing on the reality of her time in Barmenistan. She was nothing more or less than the Sultan-Consort of one of the two Barmenian monarchs, and the Jrl household doubts it is in any way against Selucian laws for any of its citizens to marry whomever they wish. Nor do we believe that Selucian legislation provides that a citizen can be guilty for their spouse's crimes.

So in order to ensure that her rights as a Selucian citizen are respected, Juliana Mede will only consent to return to her homeland if it is clear what she stands accused of, and if a legitimate arrest warrant is provided. Juliana Mede has not forsaken her Selucian citizenship, nor does she wish to do so.

Additionally the Jrl household would like to inquire about the status of Set Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed-Mede. As the son of a Selucian national, surely he would have acquired Selucian citizenship, particularly given that the Selucian government does allow multiple citizenship and Selucian citizenship is granted to all nationals. If his status as a citizen of Selucia has been amended, the Jrl and Mede households want to know the causes that led to this decision.

If the Selucian government fails to provide satisfactory answers to these questions, we fear Juliana Mede and Set Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed-Mede will with great sadness refuse the offer to return to their native land.

Shb Zahr von Thaller
Spokesman of the Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed household
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:33 am

New response from the Jrl Household

We thank Mr. Yannis Hellada for his prompt and satisfactory response, and Juliana Mede and her son are eager to return to their homeland. My kinswoman does have one more aspect she would like clarified before she undergoes the dangerous journey to her country of birth. Mr. Hellada argues that a trial will take place in order to determine whether Juliana Mede has broken any Selucian or Barmenian laws. That is certainly the prerogative of a sovereign nation, but in most constitutional democracies governed under the rule of law, formal charges or an indictment are required prior to placing a citizen on trial. As no formal charges have been issued, either publicly or in person to Mrs. Mede, we fear that a planned trial against her may be both unconstitutional and the expression of bias against the Thaller Family on behalf of parts of the Selucian public.

Lastly, Mrs. Mede has personally expressed her sincere desire to return to her country of birth, and she is willing to undergo whatever procedures may be necessary in order to facilitate her return. As she is convinced of her innocence, she is also willing to defend herself in court, provided formal charges are issued.

Shb Zahr von Thaller
Spokesman of the Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed household
(location unknown)

Pagans Protest for Priestess
Selucian Pagans campaign for Juliana Mede's return


The ongoing dispute between the dethroned Barmenian Thallers and the Selucian government has led to heated public reactions in both nations. When the fact that Juliana Mede may be allowed to return to her country of origin was made public, some Selucians have started protesting against her return. The fact that a relative of the Thaller Family, even if Selucian by birth and citizenship, might be permitted to reside in Selucia, has inflamed the anti-Thaller sentiment that the Selucian public shares with much of the rest of the world. But the heated reaction against the Mede royal's potential return has also ignited an opposite reaction. Since the Selucian branch of the Mede dynasty, which Juliana Mede heads, had been fully integrated within the structure of Religio Seluciana, Selucia's second largest religion, the Medes have been one of the main leaders of Selucian Paganism for more than four hundred years. Juliana Mede herself is a member of the College of Pontiffs, the ruling body of the religion, due to her status as the High Priestess of the Temple of Lions. As such, many Pagans feel that she is being unfairly targeted by the Selucian government, not because of her connection to the Thaller dynasty, but because of her role within Selucian Paganism. Consequently angered Pagan crowds have taken to the streets to protest against the government's announcement of a trial for Juliana Mede, while also countering the anti-Thaller protests in Selucia. Drawing parallels to the Barmenian Refugee Crisis, the Pagan protesters are denouncing Foreign Minister Yannis Hellada as a new Voralbergius, referencing the Selucian leader at the height of the Crisis four centuries ago. The College of Pontiffs has also issued a formal call for Juliana Mede's return, while also condemning the policies and practices of the dethroned Twin Sultanates. It is unlikely that the Pagan protests would have any impact, however, especially given the profoundly anti-Thaller climate in Selucia. But the campaign for Juliana Mede's return is a painful reminder that the wounds caused by centuries of anti-Pagan discrimination and persecution have not yet fully healed.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:11 am

Ruhi Faith Legalized
Federal Republic legalizes new religion

Caliph Nasiba Rabban was released from her decades-long imprisonment

July 4302 - After the violent revolution that established a Federal Republic in Barmenistan in the aftermath of the assassination of Felinist Sultan Jemrjkai, the new regime drastically altered the old legislation of the Twin Sultanates, in an attempt to move away from the Thallerid Ahmadi-Felinist theocracy. Embracing secular principles and republican ideals, the Federal Republic adopted a series of laws that put an end to the legal discrimination of the various religions in Barmenistan, and the policies that had forced the young Ruhi Faith underground have been rescinded. As a result the Ruhi Faith officially applied to be recognized as a legal and distinct religion in the Federal Republic, which was finally granted in June this year. Another consequence of the removal of discriminatory legislation is the pardon granted to all those who had been imprisoned under the Twin Sultanates on religious charges, most notably Caliph Nasiba Rabban, the head of the Ruhi Faith. Nasiba Rabban had been imprisoned since February 4286, one year since the brutal execution of her husband Ismail Rabban, the prophet and founder of the new religion, and several months after she was elected as the Caliph of the young faith. Also released from imprisonment or house arrest were the surviving fourteen Apostles of the Messiah remaining in Barmenistan, the Ruhi prophet's closest disciples, as well as the prophet's son, Alí Rabban.

The prophet's son Alí was also released from prison

With the legalization of the Ruhi religion, the Caliph has initiated the administrative organization of the small religion in Barmenistan. She immediately petitioned the government for the properties of the faith to be returned to the community, including Ismail Rabban's childhood home in Varishehr and his house in Lowàsdomura, his place in exile, as well as his earthly remains. The Caliph announced that, as per the requirements of the religion, the Prophet's body is to serve as the qibla of the Ruhi Faith, and has thus initiated the construction of a mausoleum that could serve as the place of pilgrimage of the new religion. Additionally the Caliph announced that the three Apostles that have since deceased, as well as the Apostle currently in prison in Vanuku for violating the Kingdom's laws, would be replaced by four new Apostles chosen by the Caliph herself, in order to maintain the total number of 19 living Apostles. According to Nasiba Rabban, the task of the 19 Apostles is to protect and spread the Faith, as well as elect a new Caliph after her own death. Now that the visa restrictions on the Caliph's associates in Barmenistan have been lifted, they are likely to begin traveling throughout Terra to spread the new religion, a task that would be much more difficult with the Wolfsheim Plague raging throughout Terra.

Intrsmor in Vanuku
Dethroned Ahmadi Sultan fled south

Sultan Intrsmor had been traveling incognito for two years

August 4302 - Two years after the fall of Sekhmet and the reunification of Barmenistan under the Federal Republic, dethroned Sultan Intrsmor's whereabouts have finally been revealed. The Twin Sultan had fled his capital when it became clear that the city would not withstand a republican assault, so he escaped under the guise of a commoner among the hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians. Wandering Barmenistan for two years, hiding from republican law enforcement and the manhunt targeting him, the dethroned Twin Sultan finally arrived in the Twin Sultanates' closest foreign ally, the Kingdom of Vanuku. The Vanukean government confirmed his identity this month, and he will be temporarily granted refuge in the Kingdom. However, given the political tensions and uncertainty stemming from the electoral rise of a strongly republican movement in the southern kingdom, the dethroned Thallerid Sultan's fate remains uncertain. Although it is clear by now that he will not return to Barmenistan any time soon given that he remains wanted by the Federal Republic, it is also unlikely that the republican cabinet ruling in Vanuku would be willing to grant him permanent residence.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Polites » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:43 pm

Cat Elected President
Hldjeznka Nudara was elected Barmenistan's head of state

The president of Barmenistan is a cat

January 4304 - Last month's elections, the first under the Federal Republic, produced an unexpected and potentially destabilizing result when they ended in the election of Nudara, the Hldjeznka (Supreme Cat) of Orthodox Felinism, as the first democratically elected president of the new republic. Hldjeznka Nudara ran on the Orthodox Alliance ticket, the official name of the party founded as the "Orthodox Feline Alliance" before the Act of Defense for the Polity of the Republic banned sectarian and ethnic parties. As a result of the Act the Orthodox Feline Alliance adopted a new name and removed most religious references from its platform, but it is obvious to all that, its claims notwithstanding, the Orthodox Alliance remains the electoral vehicle of the Orthodox Feline Community, the fundamentalist and republican reform movement within Orthodox Felinism.

Thus the election of the Hldjeznka as head of state risks provoking additional sectarian and ethnic conflicts in the Federal Republic. Lionist Felinists, the largest sect of the religion, have denounced the election of Nudara and boycotted the election, although given their association with the Thallerid and Mede regimes their political influence has declined. The Ahmadi and Hosian communities in Barmenistan have also condemned the election as well as the rise to power of a thinly-veiled Felinist party. Secular Barmenians are equally critical of the capture of state power by a barely concealed religious movement, calling into question the legitimacy of the Federal Republic itself.

Orthodox Priest: Nudara can end plague
Orthodox Felinists claim only the Hldjeznka can end the plague

Akram and his human companion, Orthodox priest Krsyijkai Grno

March 4304 - The Wolfsheim Plague that has caused millions of deaths and devastated the Third World has so far spared Barmenistan. The brief civil war between the Federal Republic and the Thallerid strongholds and the violence and instability accompanying the regime change persuaded many Terrans to avoid the collapsing nation. Given the sorry state of the Barmenian medical system and the continued existence of refugee camps for civilians who fled the fall of Sekhmet, the Plague would inevitably cause significant damage in Barmenistan and the government would be nearly powerless to prevent infection, let alone help develop the cure that the most advanced nations have been working on for years. But Barmenistan's fundamentalist Felinist community has another theory as to why the nation has so far been spared the suffering and death of the Wolfsheim infection. Krsyijkai Grno, one of the leaders of the Orthodox Feline Community, declared that the plague is divine punishment of mankind for the sin of monarchism and its refusal to recognize the latest incarnation of Holy Bastet. Reverend Grno argues that the plague started in the Third World, the same region where the previous Supreme Cat had left to provide Barmenistan with a colony, as a result of the failure of Barmenistan to remain faithful to Orthodox Felinism's republican ideals, as well as a punishment directed at the Hulstrian monarchy, responsible for the execution of Galt Freyja IV nearly one thousand years ago. But with the republican revolution in Barmenistan and the recent election of the Supreme Cat as head of state, the nation may be spared divine wrath, claims the priest. Grno urged all Terran monarchs to renounce their thrones and recognize Supreme Cat Nudara as their Lord and Savior, so that their nations could also be granted the same blessing as Barmenistan.

Given the close if denied ties between the governing Orthodox Alliance and the Orthodox Feline Community, many fear that Krsyijkai Grno's line of thinking may be shared by the Barmenian government. Foreign Affairs Minister Aelius Vibius denounced these speculations, arguing that the governing party is secular and membership of clergy of any religion in the Orthodox Alliance is forbidden. If that is indeed the case, hopefully the government will take more pragmatic measures towards preventing the spread of the plague to Barmenistan.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Oakwood » Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:19 am

Following election, talks of Supreme Court challenge, unity government.


Former Governor and interim Vice President Mari bet Asmail, who recently lost the Presidential election.

July, 4304- The government in Varishehr has been in a state of chaos as, though the former President and his cabinet have left town, the remnants of his faction in the assembly, cross benchers, and even some anonymous members of the governing coalition which reportedly includes some dissident Hosio-Felinists and Embreonists have combined with a radical movement that has promised to impeach the President, invalidate the election, form a unity government, or all three.

The first salvo was filed at the Supreme Court today; in the case the People v. Nudara (it being filed as a civil case), the plaintiffs have alleged that as Nudara did not possess opposable thumbs or the ability to write, she could not have signed the forms necessary for her candidacy. As, per federal regulations, candidates must sign their own registration forms to avoid perjury, this would possibly create a valid reason to impeach Nudra, or a reason for the Assembly to call a fresh election.

Meanwhile, a coalition of the party now in opposition has reached out to members of the governing party in order to "ensure constitutional order".

"We cannot allow our Republic to be besieged by religious fanatics" said one anonymous member "Be they Hosian, Felinist or whatever; we must maintain order. An interim Vice President or Prime Minister must be appointed; I'm past caring if we call them Grand Vazier or the grand muffa of Hiza or whatever. We can't allow the Republic to be encroached upon like this."
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:27 pm

Kutsyl Hzsrlji Krsyjogad returns under Jazd Atabék as Apostolic Army leadership crisis ends.

Jazd Atabek, the new leader of the Sacred Hosian Union party and candidate for President of Barmenistan.

September 8th 4323- The former Foregin Affairs spokesperson of the Sacred Hosian Union (SHU) party has today announced his plans to reunite the failed party which imploded two years ago. The party at the height of its power was a major player in the Barmenian parliament and held strong links with the Hosian terrorist cell, the Apostolic Army, however with the death of Jusuv Frj, the leader of the AA in 4321 and the subsequent election defeat the party was unable to maintain itself and imploded into a small, fringe movement. What followed was two years of relative peace for Majatra as the AA fought amongst itself and the SHU remained leaderless, however after the failings of consecutive governments and the collapse of the dual monarchy, Atabek seized his opportunity and emerged as the charismatic younger face of the SHU. He managed to reunite the parties warring factions and in doing so installed his close ally, Kezkai Grno, as the new leader of the Apostolic Army. Bringing both organisations back to the forefront of the national conscience. A great sense of uncertainty has now descended over Barmenistan and many fear this will mark a return to the time of brutal attacks on non-Hosians.

Atabek's shadow cabinet announced.

September 10th 4323- Jazd Atabek has announced his shadow cabinet for the newly revived SHU party. The all male, predominantly jelbic cabinet is united and faithful to Atabek who has consolidated his grip on the party by surrounding himself with close allies and faithfuls. Some notable appointments include Lofrkadkai Sargon, former Internal Affairs Spokesperson as Deputy Leader and candidate for Head of Government, Wrntukai Tenkol, a former terrorist who has spent time in prison, and Osman Mouzij a Turjak-Jelbic who was a servant to the former Thaller monarchy.

This un-diverse cabinet promises to bring an end to the infighting and shape the party in Atabek's vision.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:01 pm

Kutsyl Hzsrlji Krsyjogad hail election success as a victory for God

July 4324- The Sacred Hosian Union party made huge gains in last weeks elections, leaving them only 5 seats behind their opponents. A huge blow to President Nasts bat Nasiv who has watched his iron grip on power weaken. Whilst he still remains the President, his two/thirds constitutional majority is gone and he may struggle to pass his more controversial legislation this term.

Deputy Leader of the KHK, Lofrkadkai Sargon, celebrating after the large gains made by his party.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:28 pm

Return to terror as Apostolic Army carry out first attack in three years.


May 4326:

Horror and fear grip the citizens of Barmenia today after terrorist group, the Apostolic Army in Majatra, raided the Varishehr Central Mosque and murdered worshipping Ahmadi's. Early this morning
four masked men stormed into the Central Mosque armed with machine guns, knives and makeshift explosives. They slaughtered more than 40 Ahmadi men who had come to the mosque to pray and be in peace. Once they had finish their butchering they decapitated the Imam of the Mosque and planted his head on top of the Katub, writing,
your god is a lie,
in blood on the wall behind. Police and military forces were not present until the end of the attack as a result two of the attackers escaped and the other two were killed. Many are blaming this barbaric act on the slow response of the civil protection forces, and are calling on President Nasiv to issue a formal apology and condemnation of the event, aswell as the creation of a parliamentary review committee for the top down restructuring of the nation's civil protection groups.

The head of the Varishehr police force, Genzius Fers, called the attack the worst act of barbary since the Thaller days. And refused to answer any questions regarding the slow response of the force. He read a short prepared statement:

The Varishehr police force regret the events of today, we have witnessed the worst act of barbary since the Thaller days, and our thoughts are with the freinds and families of those killed today. The police force acted with extreme bravery in the face of danger and responded in record time. Thank you.

The statement has been heavily critisced by both the media and the public, for being insensitive and fabricated. The police infact took 12 minutes to reach the scene, by which time the terrorists were already escaping. Corruptuon and laziness in the police force aswell as the armed services has today been brought to the forefront of the national conscience as well as a great deal of uncertainty for the future.

The Apostolic Army leader, Kezkai Grno, claimed responsibility for the attack and said he believed it was the firm and unwavering will of Eliyahu. He praised the attackers as martyrs and promised that the surviving two would return and exact vengeance for their lost brothers.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Pragma » Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:24 pm

Dina Kunan Slams Apostolic Army And Government // Herald


Dina Kunan, the Co-Leader of a new political party - the Alliance In God's Embrace - has slammed both sides of the established political divide, saying that the government has 'failed to protect the many groups of innocents killed by terror in our nation'. At the same time, she has also attacked the Apostolic Army and 'all associated forces', telling them that their actions were the antithesis of their purported faith. Her words come after widespread public outcry against the recent terror attack when the Varishehr Central Mosque was raided and dozens murdered by the Apostolic Army of Majatra. The police's slow response time has been critiqued by the public, and many are calling for an enquiry.

Kunan attacked the corruption in the government, which she said had directly led to the deaths of hundreds from attacks of terror. She also tied the incident in to corruption in other areas, which she said has let down the health, education and technology in Barmenistan. Kunan said that a reasoned alliance, putting differences aside, was needed after the next elections to replace the corrupt establishment, and expressed willingness to work with other parties to oust the President. At the same time as she extended the olive branch against the president, she condemned the terrorists, saying 'the lord they pray to does not look down on their actions and feel happy, he is horrified - he is mortified'.

Kunan's Alliance has emerged as a left-wing but outwardly Hosian alternative and third-way for those unhappy with the recent political order. Between the Sacred Hosian Union and incumbent government, this Alliance is seeking to break the political duopoly. Though the president's socialist government has fended off the SHU for the last couple of elections, with two new parties his position is threatened, especially as the Alliance threatens to hurt him from the left. Kunan will spend the rest of the term before the election trying to gather together a political alliance against the cabinet, who is deeply entrenched in his position. Concerns remain about her Artanian ancestry, and seemingly 'highly pragmatic' political stances.
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