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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby -lanaerys- » Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:58 pm

PSR-A replies to PRL accusations

Julie Lemasson, PSR-A spokeswoman in parliament, replied that free enterprise and minimal government would not bring freedom, but only injustice, inequality, and eventually slavery. Furthermore, Lemasson claimed that democracy had allowed for successful and peaceful power exchanges between the PS and the PSR-A in the previous years, and that their coalition partner, the PI, was staunchly dedicated to personal liberties.

Party Vice-President and Justice Minister Philippe Jeanpierre went further and said that the PRL, by forming a government in-exile, was guilty of high treason; also claiming that all parties collaborating with them were traitors, enemies of the people and agents of the bourgeoisie. This remark was interpreted by political commenters as being obviously aimed against the PS, which voted against the constitution of the Socialist Republic, and according to them, might support a PS-PRL coalition in case of victory in the 4501 elections.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby -lanaerys- » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:14 pm

Sébastien Carré grants political asylum to Kanjorian liberal-communists

Sébastien Carré officially decided to accept the asylum request of the LCA members Koralie Laflamme-Larivière, Diamante Simard, Rubie Lavoie, Emeraldie Lemieux, Sapharina Boisvert, Jennifer Harris-Powell, and Rose Woods. The government had previously acknowledged that democracy was in danger in Kanjor and given military access to Trigunian forces.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:41 am

Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers Campaign for the Nouveau Parti Liberal

Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers (A LdR) is with journalist Leia Marois-Aussant (L MA) tonight, to speak about his political agenda and the goals of the Nouveau Parti Libéral.

L MA : Thanks you for being with us today, Mr Laframboise-Des Rosiers.

A LdR : The pleasure is all mine.

L MA : So, Mr Laframboise-Des Rosiers, can you tell us, why are you in politics, what are your goal, as the leader of the Nouveau Parti Libéral.

A LdR : Well, I am in politics, because I want to improve Alduria, I want to make Alduria Great again. And I will do, by improving an protecting our civil rights, improving our military while respecting human rights, improving the healthcare and the education system in Alduria, improving the protection of environment. And I will try to protect our nation from fascists.

L MA : What do you mean by improving civil rights in Alduria

A LdR : Well, Alduria is already a friendly nation to people, we will make sure that the government does not step in people's life, telling them who they can or who they can't marry. We need to keep religion out of government at all costs. Scientific research and people's lifes should be only subject to their own individuals choices

L MA : What do you mean by protection of the environment, aint Alduria already

A LdR : I mean, I'm gonna try to make Alduria 100% green and 100% free of nuclear plants. If our country rely on green energies and complete a total electrification of the transports.

L MA : What do you mean by improving our healthcare and education systems.

A LdR : I mean what I mean, investing money in our hospital and in our school to make sure we always the best institution available.

L MA : What is your economic stance.

A LdR : I believe everyone would be great, if the economy was in the hands of cooperatives. generally, the economy should shared between the public and the private sectors. the public could show the private sector the way, and the private sector can follow, as long a business is a cooperative, it does not matter if it is private or public, its democratic. however there are some sectors the state must control, like alcohol and some sectors the state must ban, like Tobacco.

L MA : So, you are saying you want the state to control distribution of alcohol and to ban distribution of tobacco. what about cannabis.

A LdR : Drugs who do not cause too much damage should be controlled by the state, while the drugs who cause too much damage must be banned.

L MA : What is your stance on foreign relations.

A LdR : I believe we must have good relation with others countries, being careful around dictatorial regime like Kanjor. Where the last democratic light have fallen.

L MA : What you mean by that

A LdR : I am speaking of the Liberal communist alliance, who was the last light of democracy in the place, as they were recently disbanded. Some of them went as far as to demand political assylum in Alduria. Kanjor government is fascists, there is no denying, and one of my goal is to protect my country from such threat, so I will demand the government of Alduria to build a big Wall, between Kanjor and Alduria to protect us from our fascists brothers. We shall make Alduria great again.

L MA : A wall, between Kanjor and Alduria, is this really needed

A LdR : Yes. Recently, the nationalists and the militarists lost the elections for the post of consul, but they were able to force their own cabinet, by threatening to legalizing. and seeing that the consul directly bend to theses threats, it make believe they are not serious defender of humans rights. Also, since the right-wing parties used slavery as a leverage for their own cabinet, it mean they do not really understand the meaning of humans rights. so Yes, we need to build a wall between Alduria and Kanjor and we must make Alduria great again, so that we don't suffer the same fate as the kanjorian left-wing, when come the times to negotiate with them.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:16 pm

Liberals take to the streets to protest the presidents decision to exclude The Liberal Republican Party

This morning, the streets of the capital surged with new energy as supporters of the Liberal Republican Party ventured out in protest of the Socialist Republican Party's decision to exclude libertarians from positions in the newly purposed cabinet despite having gained a slight majority in the chamber of deputies over the major leftist parties. A banner was hung over the chamber of deputies which read: WE ARE THE SILENT MAJORITY, LONG LIVE ALDURIA, SACRED AND FREE!
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:00 pm

Heavy rumors say Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers was speaking with Baltusians.

Apparently. the leader of the Nouveau Parti Libéral was seen, speaking with several Baltusian, in a cade of New Liore.
One of them was recognized to be Maya Darklight, former convicted of a murder in Baltusia, former secretary of environment as well former prime minister of Tropica. Apparently, Mr Laframboise-Des Rosiers was speaking about several politics with the Baltusia, one of the subject was surgorate motherhood.
Although they are not certain, our source believe the others person who spoken to the leader of the Nouveau Parti Libéral where Sarah-Rafaelle Darklight and Aloy-Sophie Darklight.

Our source believe he someting along the lign of: Everything depend on the quality of the soil. According to my experience as minister or secretary of agriculture, I can say that as long as our soil have high quality, we won't face risks of shinking grounds, due to overusage of aquaspheres.

That would mean, that the Nouveau Parti Libéral has not only no problem with Luthori, but they talk with people who declare themselves Satanailists.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:57 pm

PRL forms The Guardians of Liberty and The Republic

This evening, the leadership of The Liberal Republican Party agreed to begin forming a volunteer force designed to combat the extremes of communism on one hand and fascism on the other. Enlisted members will be given a firearm and uniform with the understanding that their loyalty lies with the Republican virtues of life, liberty, and property.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:13 am

October 4501
New Liberals party attack Republican Liberals, Maya Darklight demand the right to bear a child.

On the first news today, Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers and Sarah Rafaelle Darklight have complained against the Parti Républican Libéral, they argued that by forming a paramilitaries, the republican have willingly choose to disrespect the laws.

one must be assume the full responsibilities of their actions. The Republican Liberals have choose to ignore the laws voted by the republic of their own violation. This time, they have really committed treason against the republic. They must known that Alduria is not the country of the parti républican libéral, the law that apply is the law adopted by the Alduria Parliament, not the what the Parti republican libéral wish the law. they have to face the consequences of their actions.

Currently, the leader of the Republican Liberal, is being summon by the tribunal, Charges of treason and illegal paramilitaries activites where laid down against him.

On the second news, we heard that Maya Darklight, the sister of Sarah-Rafaelle Darklight, has demaded the right to bear her brother's child like her own. She say that with everything that happen to her and at her age, 62 years old, it is impossible for her to convice a child normally as she is not fertile any longer. But according to the latest, bearing a child remain possible even at an advanced age.

Maya Darklight, said she only need the ovule of an other woman and the sperm of her brother, Aloy-Sophie Darklight.

when he was questionned by the journalist, Aloy Sophie Darklight said he was not certain this was a good idea.
I am really not certain having a child, at such an advanced age is a good idea. me and Sage, and Sarah-Rafaelle, we were all too late, but we had children anyway. However at 62-63 years years old ? I'm really not certain about this.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby -lanaerys- » Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:27 am

Aurore Jourdain's reaction to the latest news; Corentin Corbin's interview

This evening, Minister of Internal Affairs Aurore Jourdain (PSR-A) announced her reaction to the recent news regarding the Liberal Republicans.

I'm going to be frank, even if we put aside our ideological differences, which I can understand, what they are doing is quite stupid. First, they announce that they have formed a government in-exile because of the formation of a socialist republic, a socialist republic, which as you all know, was never formed. Then, they get mad when we don't include them in government despite them openly considering our government as illegitimate. And then claiming to defend liberty and republic — which should make them allies of our government, a government which heavily promotes civil rights, republican values and personal freedoms, and has done so since the end of Maille's dreaded era — they decide to arm their members and found a paramilitary. This is of course a clear breach of Aldurian laws and endangers our Republic. Furthermore, it is precisely this kind of actions that breeds the extremism they pretend to fight, by building tension and promoting radicalism. This is why, as Minister of the Interior, I order the immediate surrender and arrest of the leaders of this new paramilitary group. Otherwise, there will be no choice but to use force to put an end to this lunacy.


Meanwhile, Minister of Education and Culture Corentin Corbin was called to represent the party and talk with journalist Séverin Lucas.

(Séverin Lucas) Thank you for coming today, Mr. Corbin

(Corentin Corbin) Thank you for having me on.

(Séverin Lucas) So, we are going to ask you a few questions regarding your policies and Aldurian politics as a whole. First of all, what is your current goal and the goal of the Socialist Republicans as a whole.

(Corentin Corbin) So, the main goal of our party is currently to reinforce cooperation between Canrillaise nations, and promote democracy abroad, especially in Kanjor. Next, we will focus on promoting civil liberties and personal freedoms throughout Alduria. And then we will attempt to secure internal stability, of course.

(Séverin Lucas) Speaking of internal stability, what do you think of the Liberal Republicans' actions?

(Corentin Corbin) Well, if you want my opinion, I think they are quite inane. I mean, it is pretty obvious our government promotes liberty and democracy — unless you believe the lies of the Socialists — so the Liberal Republicans are just being counterproductive here. I mean, since they are liberals, I kind of understand why they would criticise our government based on the lack of private property... but Alduria is a democracy, and they just need to be elected to make a change if they want to. If the voters don't favor their policies and they still decide to rise up against us, then they're just a turbulent minority, not the voice of the people.

(Séverin Lucas) I heard you talking about the "lies of the Socialists". Why do you dislike them so strongly?

(Corentin Corbin) Well, it is hard to like a party which actively despises you... Well, it looks like they despise everyone, so they kind of deserve it.

(Séverin Lucas) I mean, don't they have a point when they call the PSR-A fascists? After all, you are the successors of the PPA, right?

(Corentin Corbin) That's a mistake many make. Yes, our party has roots in the PPA, but the PPA was, at its core, quite a catch-all party. Of course it included full-blown fascists, like former President Constantin Maille, but it also included a pretty large radical left movement, close to socialists and communists, led most notably by our Leader and current President Noémie Campbell. Although Maille tried to marginalize them, and somewhat succeeded in this task, culminating in the defection of Aurore Jourdain to the PS at the heyday of fascism, Campbell's faction never truly disappeared, and broke away from the party after Maille's fall, forming the PSR-A. Therefore we are not related to the fascist elements of the PPA.

(Séverin Lucas) So... what about the Internationalists and New Liberals?

(Corentin Corbin) The Internationalists have always been a faithful coalition partner, and despite some policy disagreements, collaboration with them has always been easy and efficient. The New Liberals are a bit more eccentric; they are our fellow comrades, but there are prone to some oddities, like conspiring with Baltusian murderers or wanting to build a wall at the border with Kanjor... Nevertheless, they are faithful allies and we see them as such.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:28 am

Ministry of Justice confirm the arrest of 5 men.

Koralie Laflamme-Larivière confirm the police has arrested 5 men, suspected to have formed an illegal paramilitary. Charles Sevigny, Benoit Bruneau, Sébastien Drapeau, Jean-Philippe Veillete and Simon Loiselle, 5 members of the former, Republican Liberal Party, are all Facing charges of illegal possession of weapons, treason, participation in an illegal organisation, blackmail, fraud and etc. Its it nor certain if the judge, Nicole Legault will retain all charges that where presented before her.

The accuse may be sentence to years and to a fine up to 500 000 000 Lodamese Dollards, (LOD). Multiple has decried the heavy fine. but it is not certain that the judge will charge that much.

The ministry of justice is independent from the government and from political world and it shall remain, we have demanded an heavy fine, because we want to set an exemple, but how much will pay and if they are sentence, it shall depend on the judge. Its truth we pilled charges, we want to certain the consequences will be exemplary, not all the charges are going to pass through, and that's perfectly okay.

The minister of justice also profited of occasion to speak about the demand of Maya Darklight.

Maya Darklight demanded the right to bear her brother child and according to the law in place, this is legal. both incest and surrogate motherhood are legal in Alduria. Also we are not talking about an incest induced pregnancy, but another procedure, in the patient agrees to have the ovule of another woman injected into her womb. I would tell Miss Darklight to be careful because of her age, but there is no law that prevent her from doing such an act. And finally, regarding her conviction in Baltusia, it seem in our eyes that Miss Darklight served 15 years in prison and that her murder charge was overturned. So, I do not see a problem here. She's just another member of Society.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:55 am

Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers is happy about the passage of multiple bills presented by the Nouveau Parti Libéral.

during the last session, Multiple representatives of the Nouveau Parti Libéral, including Makoto Darklight and Mélodie Darklight, presented a total of 11 bills, 6 were adopted and 5 were defeated. The party also presented 1 anti-bill That gained a majority of Aldurian Parliament. The Bill on the rights of war Prisoners presented by Mélodie Kinney-Darklight, the Bill on worker's right presented by Makoto Darklight where unanimously adopted. For Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers, passing theses project of law was very important in order to improve the rights of people in Alduria. The party also passed several reforms to create a free public transport, to enact universal compulsory organ donation, to ban the consumption and the selling of tobacco products, to ban usage of pestice, to ban nuclear plants, to force the government to begin a complete transition of Alduria into a 100% green economy. However the fails to pass reforms on the administration of the army, failed to legalize private higher education and private industries and failed its tented liberalization of the medias.

We call our results satisfactory, we are going to continue working with the bill we were unable to pass. and we are going to try to negociate with the alduria socialists, in order to pass a compromise. We can assure the Aldurian population, that will never stop working until Alduria became a worker's paradise.

Informant say he found Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers could be homosexual

According to z, our special informant who does not want to reveal his names because he say he fear the consequences of revealing his information to the press. The minister of healthcare and social service could be homosexual. Z say he saw Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosier, was sleeping and maybe having sexual relation with Léon Kinney-Darklight, another man.

The News shocked the Town of Fleurville, from which Arthur Laframboise-Des Rosiers hail from. A very religious town, who does not really accept homosexuality.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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