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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:20 am

Early TP-Elections

Following the Early Elections of legislature and President in Dundorf the TP decided to also call early elections for their party.
The Results were very surpring for us.

The RKP (Fascists) did not participate in the elections, they did not give any statement.
Raphael Mader former TP-Leader only stated "What a pity"

Reihung Konservativer Patrioten 0% (Fascist) -18% (disbanded)
Reihung der Volkswirtschafter 68% (Centre-Right) +10%
Reihung Gemäßigter Sozialisten 22% (Centre-Left) +8%

After the assemblance the party voted to banish all people who openly call themselves fascists and those who are suspected to have contacts to right-wing extremists.
Andreas August former candidate and Fascist said "We did not think that they would start some kind of purge, it is crazy. They threatened us."

Bernhard Schütz said "This is a sign for all the other parties of Dundorf, that we, the Traditionspartei despise Fascists!"
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:39 pm

Reichspräsident Mader praises the political parties of Dundorf

As the title suggests the Reichspräsident Raphael Mader recently told us in a little speech he held that he thinks after the phase of many heated discussions and arguments the parties of Dundorf reached a point where they finally manage to work together constructively and are able to make compromises.

"I also have to take back my accusations against the Greens and the GRP, now they are, at least from my perspective respectable parties with which I would recommend everybody to work with."

Mader gained a grand applause and then went back to his office to continue his duties as president.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:38 pm

NE: party internal elections

There have been internal election in the NE for the first time. The last elections were only held to decide who is presidential candidate.

Dallor invited the formerly excluded DP members of the party to join the election, but they refused and many of them have already joined the TP.

VDVM (Militarists) 40% (+2%)
Völkische Einheitsbewegung (Fascist) 54% (-3%)
Dundorfische Sozialdarwinisten (Social Darwinist) 6% ( +1%)

Dallor will stay head of the party. He had no opponent in the election

Muench stays presidential candidate. He won the election with 82% percent of the votes, against Johann Mengler.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:41 am

Party-faction system gets abandoned
The Traditionspartei decided to abandon the Party-Faction system after the latest elections.
"Some of us think that we might seem more appealing to the population if we appear united and strong."
Statement of Gerd Frauenheld, Head of Government Candidate

The factions remaining two factions of the original four, merged into one and decided to abandon the system.
Now the party needs to solve problems of organisation and demotivation after the recent elections.

At the party-assemblance one of our reporters asked the TP-Leader Bernhard Schütz what the next plans are.
"Well, we hope that the other parties give us a chance to govern and are willing to coalate with us."
We asked him if he is going to propose a cabinet.
"No, our party decided to wait for the moves of the other parties. Many speculated that we are going to try for the TP-GRP-NE cabinet."
"But we decided to never coalate with the Nationale Einheitspartei."
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:24 am

Uniforms for the NEP?

Several hours ago the information was leaked that in the Willkür & Co KG, a clothing factory owned by Walburga Willkür, there has been placed a big order for a piece of clothing
which seems similar to a uniform. It is also known that the NEP has spent 175.000 DUM of their party budget for an unknown purpose. There has been no statement from the NEP side yet.
We have no real evidence that the NEP is behind this, because this is all the information we have.

Our Journal will keep you informed when new information is available.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:07 pm

Former President Paul Muench dies of a heart attack

On 10th of December of 4075 Paul Muench died. His death was recognized one day later by a doctor, who is also member of the NEP. He wanted to visit his patient because he had been ill for several days and was shocked when he saw that Muench had died in front of his own desk, while working on party affaires. Until his last moment he had been a politician and cared about the politics of his country.
His death is a big loss for all of us. His funeral will be held on 14th of December.

Dallor did not announce a new presidential candidate for his party. Instead he gave hints about his future politics. "We won't need a new presidential candidate, because in near future there won't even be the need for a new president like we in DUndorf have it now!". The crowd applauded happily to these words, however the statement could be dangerous for Dallor. Most people think that Dallor intends to install a constitutional monarchy in Dundorf, but some people fear he is gonna choose a far more undemocratic system.

Dallor at NEP assembly
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:44 pm

Dallor demands the right to have paramilitaries

Jürgen Dallor openly proposed in the parliament to allow paramilitary organisations. He says his party is in need of such an organisation, because of the frequent harassment of his party members.
They get attacked, threatened or just offended. This often happens on their very own property. In Dallor's eyes the "communist extremist scum" is to blame for this.
He says the police would work ineffecient in this cases and sees the only solution in arming his own party members.

Dallor enraged about the crimes against his party members
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:57 am

Former TP-Leadership murdered?
The former Traditionspartei-Leadership was found dead in their headquarters by the man who owned the building after he wanted to check if they paid the rent.
What he found scared him. The leadership was slaugthered, the whole interior of the building was demolished.
Former President Raphael Mader stated "Whoever did that, I will make him pay."
The only leadership-member that was not found that was Andreas August.
The police could not find him at his residence. The police-media-speaker said that August probably already fled the country.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:14 pm

NEP party factions are united
Dallor wating for the voting results
Dallor iniated a voting to merge the party factions into one faction under his command. 98% voted yes. 2% voted no. After the voting a few members of the militarist wing left the party.
The name of Dallor's office was changed to Führer of the NEP.
He also installed the highly debated 'Parteiwache' against the will of the parliament. There has not been a statment of the government yet.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Vodek » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:26 pm

Der Globus (The Globe): Pan-Dundorfian League forms, Lutz Kromer elected as President

Lutz Kromer stood at the front of the election meeting of the Pan-Dundorfian League in a beer hall in Neukirchstadt, Oderveld. Alongside Kromer were two long-time friends and allies from two other political organizations: Jürgen Krier of the Agrarian Land League and Felix Waibel of the Reich League both were elected as members of the Executive Committee which Kromer was then elected to chairmanship of. The stated goals of the Pan-Dundorfian League were published by a local newspaper in Oderveld which laid out a programe of intensive economic reforms, including mass privatization and ending the state capitalist economy while balancing the budget it also included points such as restoration of the Reich, social reforms to protect the Dundorfian heritage and culture. The final point of the 15 point programe stated that the Pan-Dundorfian League wanted to simply "Find Dundorfs place in the Sun." Lutz Kromer is standing for election as the Federal President, Jürgen Krier is standing for election as the Federal Chancellor and Felix Waibel holds the league position as Trade and Industry Director. Numerous members of the Pan-Dundorfian League are standing for election in the Federal Parliament.
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