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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:08 pm

Vanukuian Reich recognizes Islamic Republic of Barmenistan.

Wiel, Vahama/Verhamelen - Grand Chancellor van Zanten has signed a document declaring that Vanuku recognizes the Islamic Republic of Barmenistan. The Vanukuian government has stated that they believe that the Islamic Socialist Party and her de facto government are the only true government for Barmenia. All members of the real government of the Islamic Republic of Barmenistan and party members of the Islamic Socialist Party are all welcome in Vanuku. The came as a surprise to the international community as Grand Chancellor van Zanten is highly opposed to both left-wing politics and religious politics. To confront the Grand Chancellor with this matter one journalist asked him: "Chancellor, don't you hate socialists?" The Grand Chancellor promptly replied "Yes, but I hate cats even more.".

Grand Chancellor of Vanuku signs act to leave MU.

Wiel, Vahama/Verhamelen - In an act of isolationism the bill was signed by Cornelis van Zanten, both party leader of Volk en Vrijheid and Grand Chancellor of the Vanukuian Reich. The government of Vanuku declared it was not an act of hostility towards any member of the Majatran Union. Currently Vanuku is restoring from a long period of unrest and instability, according to Van Zanten Vanuku needs to be alone for the time being. The act was signed together with a long list of acts that made Vanuku resign from various treaties. Grand Chancellor van Zanten was quoted saying this: "Currently our nation is still in unrest, everything we have has been mutilated by previous rulers and we have to work hard to restore Vanuku to it's former glory. But we also have to do this alone! Vanukeanen are strong and proud, if we all work together our nation will be among the greatest in the world in a matter of years!". Another major reason to leave the Union was the fact that Vanuku was only an associate member. The government and the Grand Chancellor did not rule out that Vanuku might try to re-join the treaty in future.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:59 am

FA minister De Witt welcomes Barmenian ambassador.

Wiel, Vahama/Verhamelen - Foreign Affairs minister Hendrik de Witt has welcomed the newly appointed ambassador of Barmenistan Jabr Zaman. The Islamic Socialist Party has named mister Zaman the ambassador to Vanuku after Grand Chancellor van Zanten signed an act to recognize the in-exile Socialist Islamic state. Minister De Witt also said he hopes that, once the true government is in place, both nations can build up healthy relationships with eachother.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:07 pm

Three ministers present big plans to boost Vanukuian economy.
Vanuku's Grand Canal to be expanded.

Wiel, Verhamelen - Three ministers presented a very special plan to boost the economy of Vanuku today in the nation's capital. The project will be a co-operation between the ministries of Infrastructure and Transport, Science and Technology and Trade and Industry presented the ambitious project to expand the Grand Canal located in Schoorvesten. The construction of the Grand Canal started in fall 3100 and was completed in 3112 after more than a decade of hard work. But the hard work put into this project paid itself off as the Canal has been a massive boost to the Vanukuian economy, allowing ships to pass through the nation of Vanuku into the sea embraced by the continent Majatra. However in the last 100 years the canal has not received appropriate maintenance and neither can it's capacity match todays large transport vessels. The expansion plans for the Grand Canal include the following ambitious steps: widening the canal entrance and enlarging the amount of passes from 2 to 10, reducing waiting time by 80%. If the project is accepted by the Grand Council it will start as soon as possible, in fall 3211. Construction is set to be finished in 3220.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:20 pm

Volk en Vrijheid reforms continue.
No section in lawbook left untouched by the V&V cabinet.

Wiel, Verhamelen - The endless stream of reforms pushed through by Grand Chancellor van Zanten and his cabinet do not seem to stop just yet. Ever since the Volk en Vrijheid party took control of Vanuku they promised to restore stability. To boost the economy and provide jobs while giving the citizens far more liberties with a strong and present government. And no citizen in Vanuku can say that this cabinet does not deliver because since the day Grand Chancellor van Zanten and his ministers took power they already proposed 24 bills and according to a press statement released by the government they are not finished yet.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:36 pm

First batch of conscripts leave the Land Forces.
Size of Armed Forces continues to grow.

Military bases, Vanuku - Young drafted men today left their barracks after a 2 year national service. The trained and able soldiers will now continue civilian life, most of the young people will continue to study. With another batch of soldiers leaving the reserves of the Vanukuian Armed Forces continues to grow. Defence Minister Van der Aa released the following statement: "All able-bodied young men should have received military training. At all times we should be able to protect ourselves from foreign threats, especially in dire times like those we are facing today." The Minister also stated the positive effects of military service, the sports and discipline. According to the government it is just what the Vanukuian youth needs. In other news related to the Armed Forces; the first batch of new main battle tanks arrived with the armoured divisions today, making them truly armoured for the first time in years.

Grand Chancellor van Zanten pursues re-election.

Wiel, Verhamelen - In an interview with a journalist the Grand Chancellor Cornelis van Zanten admitted he will seek re-election for as long as he can. The Grand Chancellor turned 41 this summer and sees no reason to stop yet. He was quoted saying "I'm still a young. Well young is a strong word but I'm not old! Anyways, I got many years to go and the entire party and the cabinet are extremely happy with what we have achieved in the last 3 and a half years, the right persons are in the right place in our wonderful cabinet and even though being the Chancellor is a job that grants you 5 hours sleep, sometimes even less, I am greatly enjoying it and certainly will put myself and the entire cabinet up for re-election next year. We hope the people are with us." Currently there are no statistics on approval rates but the general opinion seems to be in favour for the Grand Chancellor and his cabinet, Vanuku is a stable nation with a growing economy, and that in only a few years.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:59 am

Thousands killed in bloody coup by Christian-Extremists!
Citizens flee Vanuku in large numbers.

Vanuku - The rightful leader and cabinet has been removed from it's position in Vanuku. Christian-Extremists have killed many citizens in nation-wide terrorist attacks. The armed forces where too busy to restore order and prevent further terrorist attacks when the Christian-Extremists stormed the Vanukuian parliament. The True Chancellor, Cornelis van Zanten, then chose to abdicate his position to prevent more bloodshed. Vanuku is now ruled by the illegitimate Christian-Extremist Andy van Heilvijk. Volk en Vrijheid will continue their battle for a free Vanuku.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby jackemsley » Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:54 pm

Van Heildvijk makes public appearance
Grand Chancellor urges peace after election fallout

The Grand chanellor of Vanuku, Andy Van Heidvijk , has made his first public appearance, months after taking office. Appearing in the capital, Wiel, Van Heildvijk addressed crowds of supporters in Central square.

There was a heavy police presence at the rally, which was attended by thousands of supporters. Fears of an attempt on the grand chancellors life were rife within the crowd, and two arrests were made at a counter rally in the West of the capital attended by supporters of the ousted dictator Cornelis van Zanten.

Van Heildvijk laid out plans to cut out any violence by the fascist rebels, and demanded that all rebels still loyal the Van Zanten relinquish violence immediately. During a crackdown on all rebels, the Grand Chancellor repeatedly urged for closer integration between the ruling party and the rebel Volk en Vrijheid, and has promised to allow them to participate in the next elections should they put down their weapons.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:59 pm

Former Chancellor starts arms factory.

Wiel, Verhamelen - The former Grand Chancellor and party leader of Volk en Vrijheid, Cornelis van Zanten, has started an arms factory in the capital city, Wiel. He has started this factory with former Minister of Defence Arnoud van der Aa. ZAA BV will start producing in December 3215 when the first factory opens it's doors. It remains a mystery how the two former nation leader have managed to fund this project as both men only had a middle-class income when joining politics. Van Zanten has stated that his factory will produce many new vehicles for the Vanukuian Armed Forces, fitting his own plans pressed through in previous years.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby jackemsley » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:50 pm

Last homosexuals removed from Wiel
Vanukuian forces participate in night raids against sodomites

Wiel is officially the first city in Vanuku to comply with new government guidelines to be rid of homosexuals in Vanuku. Two military jeeps pulled up outside a small suburban detached house in the Wiel suburbs in the early hours, and four armed men entered the building.

The raid was over in minutes, with two suspected homosexual men removed from the house handcuffed. One was seen struggling and trying to resist arrest, screaming foul, anti government obscenities.

The men will now be taken for questioning and if found guilty will be sent to the special correctional hospitals set up by the government to help cure homosexuals. Grand chancellor Andy Van Heildvjik has said the raids are "neccessary to rebuid Vanuku's greatness"
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:29 am

Volk en Vrijheid calls for aid.

The Volk en Vrijheid party has called for aid from other nations. Spokesman Cornelis van Zanten said the following; "The free state we once built up is gone. The democracy has disappeared, the Christian-Extremists are terrorizing this nation. They are arresting homosexuals and throwing them in concentration camps. Yes, concentration camps! Those sorry tales about correctional healthcare facilities is nonsense, no one has ever seen an arrested homosexual return. We need help, foreign nations must act!". The V&V party was at first highly opposed to a visible resistance to this regime but after two prominent party members where arrested for their sexual preferences, the party decided to take up arms. Party officials have been seen contacting foreign nations.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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