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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby SSR » Mon May 15, 2017 12:04 am

January 24th 4211

So we are a year in now since the elections and the new SKSR/Federalist government is in full swing. Some describe the government as the "Extreme Coalition" considering the Far Left policies of the Federalists and the Far Right policies of the SKSR, but the interesting thing about this is that the methods of governing have been described by many as moderate. People are already starting to think about the election in 2 years. There is still a huge question of who voters of the old Liberal Democrat party will end up supporting. Will the Anarcho-Nihilist Collective gain any support? Time will tell but if polling is correct, it seems that many of the Liberal Democrats will end up supporting the UPM.

Consul Maximianus Domitius

After a year in office, you can't accuse Consul Domitius of being lazy that's for sure. Through partnership with Tribune VerinGuard and the Senate, the official name of the nation has been renamed back to Confederation instead of Union. The new flag has been approved. SKSR bills that have been passed through the Senate over the past few years are now being fully implemented now that the SKSR has executive power.

"The SKSR will no longer tolerate being excluded from the government." stated Domitius in a recent speech. "We have make every attempt to join a government that included all major political parties but have been block by the UPM and former Liberal Democrats at every turn. We may not agree with the Federalist in principal but at least they have principals. We may not agree with the Federalists with their desire to centralize the power of the national government, we can at least work with them to ensure that the power that the national government has is used in the best interests of Kundrati citizens. We will ensure that taxpayer money is spent properly and in an efficient manner. We will continue to terminate government employees who do not live up to these standards. Our people deserve nothing less than the best serving them in the national government. This we can agree on."

This is definitely an interesting time in Kundrati history. Things are happening fast.
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:56 pm

"Fronte Lata Laboris Kundratis" Celebrates Electoral Victories

Following the 4235 election, in which the communist Broad Front of Labour of Kundrati gained a monumental 100 seats in legislature and formed a governing coalition with the Head of State's Party (Union for a Popular Movement), the Broad Front has gone to great pains to ally themselves with those center-left forces and radicalize them on the basis of opposition to the largest party, the Conservatives
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby Pragma » Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:49 pm


Egunsentian - A New Dawn?
October 4429

Above: Edur Ochanda

Kundrati is a quiet nation, yet another shape on the map that only the most gifted children in the geography class are able to name unaided. For centuries, Kundrati has languished in obscurity as the rest of the world moves on. The nation of a truly unique ethnic and linguistic group is featured more times on "Top 10 Countries You Haven't Heard Of" lists than it is on the floor of the General Assembly. This brings sorrow to many of its citizens, who disagree with keeping Kundrati in the shadow of its more influential neighbours on the continent: Luthori; Dorvik; Hawu. According to one businessman-turned-politician, Edur Ochanda, this is where his new party steps in. 'Egunsentian' - 'Dawn' in Kundrati - also known by its Selucian name 'Aurora', is a nationalist party that Ochanda says likes to think outside the box. Third way? A bit, though very stringently conservative.

Ochanda lived in Dorvik for a while, where the adopted the faith of the Children of the Spirit. The new age movement, which has nearly 10 million adherents in Dorvik and a few million more across the remainder of the globe, and Ochanda says that through the teachings of the church he was inspired to do something about his homeland. Uniting with friend and long-time colleague Keltso Chaurren, Ochanda started a movement within the Kundrati-speaking community to talk about where Kundrati was and were it aught to be. The majority of these people were Hosians just like Ochanda and Chaurren, and they said they wanted a Kundrati that had a strong path in the world, influenced by religious teachings. The plurality-Hosian nation, they think, ought very much to learn from the old into the new and to gain a national identity they can then thrust up onto the world stage.

This search for a national identity - which they say would be inspired by Hosianism, but also new wave philosophical and theological views - would be one of nuance and a unique nature. "Kundrati", says Ochanda, "has languished behind because it does not stand out, it is bland. Now is the time to become the unique place on Terra that we are deeply within ourselves, and it is the mission of our party to develop that new identity". There are, of course, many concerns about this new party. The party has already announced support for abolishing euthanasia and abortion in line with its seemingly strongly religious morality, and this has fuelled the idea amongst many liberal commentators spectating the formation of this party that it is authoritarian, and it plans to foster a malevolent ideology to pass off as a new identity for the nation. Others, from the international community, dismiss attempting to revive a country dead on the international stage. Conviction and hope, however, can take an idea far.
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby Pragma » Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:14 pm


Egunsentian's Controversial Proposals Spark Concern
May 4430

Above: Edur Ochanda

Much controversy has swirled in Kundrati over the extreme, religiously-based proposals of the party calling itself "Dawn" - Egunsentian in Kundrati. The nationalistic party with a lot of theologically-rationalised rhetoric and proposals have put together six "platform proposals", all of which have been struck down by the incumbent one-party government. While these proposals don't turn into law, they're painting a very clear picture of the party and it's causing a lot of concern among liberal, socialist and centrist commentators. It all began with the party's Health platform, which suggested banning euthanasia, abortion and smoking. Many called these proposals too authoritarian, and depriving people of their rights. The party, however, disagreed fervently and said the proposal was 'protecting the vulnerable and ill-educated from damaging themselves morally and with regards to their own health'.

Next game the Economic platform. The socialist economy of Kundrati which has been imposed by the current government would have been opened up under the proposals which calls for banning closed shops, union shops and agency shops, abolishing sales tax on essentials, legalised stock exchanges and banning DWCs. Socialist commentators say this would cause destabilisation in the nation's rigid economy, and would be economically irresponsible. Capitalist commentators and the party say it would allow the economy to finally grow beyond the middling state it stands in. Around the same time came the party's religious proposals to lift taxes on churches, open the nation to foreign missionaries and to create a state religion. Secular commentators say this would turn the country into a theocracy, while Egunsentian passionately states it is trying to stand up for people's freedom of religion.

More recently, the party has proposed mandatory military service, usage of drones in warfare, research into chemical weapons, testing of parents, limiting adoption and divorce, expanding the police force and recording all citizens' DNA. All of these proposals have been called authoritarian, totalitarian, restrictive and militaristic. It paints a clear picture of a party that wants a big government more focused on the military and being involved in the social affairs of the nation. Supporters of the Dawn, of which there are increasingly quite a fair amount, say this is why they are supporters. They want a nation that 'gives a shit about itself', according to Edur Ochanda - who leads the Dawn. "I think people in Kundrati have had enough of a party that wants to control their wallets but lets lawlessness and immorality imprison this country," he says, "and we must thus abandon our current state of failure and become a great nation sure of itself finally".
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby Pragma » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:08 pm


Egunsentian Narrowly Misses Out On Taking Vital Third Of Total Seats
February 4433

Above: Sekundina Mendialdu, the new governor of the state of Jildrath

Egunsentian has failed to take enough seats to take a full first third of the seats in the national legislature. This would have enabled Egunsentian to prevent the government from making any changes to the constitution without the support of their right-wing opposition, which would have provided the Dawn with some genuine power in the legislature to be an arbiter of legislation. The Dawn would have need 206 seats to prevent changes to the constitution or the country signing on to new treaties, but ended up winning 183 seats. The party won very nearly a full first third of the votes cast nationally, but ultimately failed to meet that mark either. The party was financially unable to put up a serious electoral fight in the regions of Celania and Lernak, which were considered areas too strongly in the corner of the government, and a waste of money to invest in.

Had the party invested in these areas and put up candidates, despite polling very low in both of them respectively, it is possible the Dawn would have won enough seats to get to that 206 seat threshold. The party would have had to have won 23 seats, which seems low but considering how new the Dawn is and its lack of visibility on a number of key issues that matter to locals it may not have been possible to reach that number even with a serious campaign having been put into those areas. Nationwide, the Dawn's Presidential candidate - party co-leader Keltso Chaurren - did only slightly better than the party on a legislative level, winning 31.28% of the vote and 14,505,179 votes nationwide. Eudoxia Placida won 68.72% of the vote, and won 31,874,088 votes nationwide - ultimately combining to create a total landslide for the incumbent governing party the UMP.

While the results may be disheartening to many of those on the side of the right, the leader of the party Edur Ochanda was there to put a positive spin on things. While some may see the gubernatorial victory of Sekundina Mendialdu in Jildrath as the only success of the party that night, Ochanda noted that it was the party's first election, and even if the 183 seats of their party aren't power-brokers they are enough to provide a strong voice for those in opposition to the government - even if it is only symbolic. He also noted that the party had not seriously ran in two-fifths of the country, a 'mistake we will rectify in the next election' - which leaves open the possibility of potentially a lot more seats left to be won. He also said that the low turnout, combined with how new his party is means there is a lot of room for the party to grow and pick up new support. Most encouragingly for the party, in the three seats it ran in the combined vote totals actually put Dawn ahead overall, meaning they won overall over the government where they ran. Does these provide hope for the right in Kundrati? We will have to see.
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby Pj123 » Sun May 12, 2019 9:51 am


Marcus Papius is a citizen like you and I. He was a teacher in a highschool, in Kasaema, and, like you and I, he was demolished by the defeat of the Unio enim si quis Motus Populi, in the elections of 4571 by the Unio Autem Centrum, a center right political party. Marcus Papius felt bretayed by the politicians that represented him, probably like you and I, and started his own political movement, one that will start a change from bellow, from the citizens like you and I, the Unio par mutatio socialium

Our ideology is one of state intervertion in the capitalist system (a socialist market economy), of enviromental protection, not only for our wellbeing, but also for our`s childen, of the protection of human rights, and of bringing Kundrati to the place it deserves in Artania, by our entry in the Artanian Union.

Our ideology can be seen in the recent laws we have proposed in the Senate, the Safe Strike Act, a bill that will secure the right to strike without unjust consecuences, the Green new deal, a series of measures that will increase the quality of public transport, as well as a mandatory reforestation, and most importantly, the PPNH, a law that will most likely pass on its voting sesion and that will nationalize part of our health care system.

Fowards, citizens of Kundrati!
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Re: [KNN] Kundrati National News

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon May 25, 2020 4:34 pm

16th of June, 4761
The Nation Mourns
Today is a tragic day for the people of Kundrati, for the founder of the Socialist Worker's Party, Nettuna Libitina, passed away earlier this morning. She had been struggling with cancer for the past 2 years and today the battle was finally lost. Her career in politics began in 4711 when she joined the Union for a Popular Movement in their Foreign Relations Department, where she worked for over 15 years. She was one of the biggest advocates for Kundrati signing the Kirlawan Diplomatic Treaty, which was finally ratified in 4727. After a conflict with Cornelius Fronto, she decided she could no longer be in their party. This led to her founding the Socialist Worker's Party in 4731. She was Kundrati's Consul from 4732 to 4736. After her period as Consul, she stepped down as the Chair of the party but continued as an active member for over 20 years. She mentored some of our nation's most recent leaders, such as Trachalio Leontius and the current Chair, Pius Anullinus. Her contributions to our nations don't stop there. She was one of the most advocate and vocal for some of our nation's most recent bills, such as the RES-4731, that reformed our economy, or the Healthcare Act of 4733, which revolutionized the healthcare in our nation. A memorial will be held in the next couple of days. Nettuna Libitina will always be remembered as an advocate for equality and for worker's rights.


Nettuna Libitina
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:29 pm

Endralon-Kundrati Treaty of Friendship, Free Trade and Mutual Defense
8th of July, 4779

Earlier today, our nation finally ratified the Endralon-Kundrati Treaty of Friendship, Free Trade and Mutual Defense (http://classic.particracy.net/viewtreaty.php?treatyid=4628). After months of deliberation, first with Endralon and then within the Senate itself, the treaty was finally accepted. Today our glorious leader, Consul Quintinus Vespacious met with theirs, President Father Pius Lajos to sign. Although it was Kundrati's Foreign Affairs Secretary, Cardea Iovis, who first drafted the treaty, many in the senate were sceptic to whether it would be good for our country or not.

The signing of the treaty is a great first step to helping both nations improve their economies. "Kundrati has been isolated from the rest of the world for the past two centuries. It is time to change that. Signing this treaty is the first step to making Kundrati an economical power" said Cardea Iovis after being questioned by the KNN for the reason why she proposed this treaty. In addition to the economic and military support that both nations will provide to each other, there are also talks about allowing the More Medicament Manufacture (3M) and the Lieveian Trade Group (LTG) into Kundrati.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
Demokratische Hosianer von Dorvik Dorvik-INACTIVE (4908-4918)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:21 pm

Lievenian Trade Group In Kundrati Since Now
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Re: Kundrati

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:40 pm

CEO As The Guest Of 3M Corporate Kundrati Department
The Liberal Economist Is A Libertarian Newspaper Focusing On Domestic And Foreign Economics
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