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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:53 am

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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:05 pm

Disaster at Sigor State Nuclear Plant, Cāsere's fate unknown
Sigor State Nuclear Plants reactor exploded at 01:23 a.m. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere and over an extensive geographical area. The Capital is out of bounds, Godwin's fate is unknown.

Freccan Tanks bar the road to Sigor, no one is allowed in or out.
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:40 pm

Godwin Alive, Attacks Maxmilian Industries as Cause of Failure
In perfect mental and physical health, our Cāsere lambasts the Capitalists for blowing up the reactor of Sigor's Nuclear Power Plant, and calls on loyal Anglo-Deltarians to attack the Capitalists within the Thule Soceity itself.

Godwin, Cāsere and Master of the People of Thule wrote:This attack was brought about by <static> Jewish Tree fuckers in pay of <static> of the secret banker blood lines of Luthori who are the ones behind <static> and cancer. They <static> the reactor with dynamite because <static> socialised healthcare. Capitalists within the highest levels of Thule itself <static> Eni Hereic <static> Maximilian <static> Doron plot to steal Angeln sperm to make <static> abomination to nature <static> Capitalism <static> disloyal engineers <static> dare call me mad! <static> in the Freccan too <static> Eni Hereic! <static> Republican Land Distributors are spawn of Maximilian Industries <static> I strip the Legislative Assembly of Authority <static> the plant was safe, I designed it! <static> Bestiality! They worship bestiality! The <static> blood drinking <static> Deltarian Catholics <static> the opposition will kill us all! <static> steal my shoes! <static> Eni Hereic, it all leads back to Eni Hereic!! I tell you <static> we had a deal <static> never trust capitalists <static> Kill them all, the enemies! <static> Everywhere, anyone! <static> even amongst the Convention itself <static> bestialophiles! <static> Free Masons <static> Alien life exists, I saw them <static> the reactor <static> Jews!

<Static> Freccan, attack them! <static> Welsh, Gao-Showans, Ni<Static>ers, it's all the same, all Jewish! Luthorians doing world a service <static> burning in their money ridden thousands! <statics> Paranoia is a Jewish concept, it doesn't exist! <static> international Bestiality Conspiracy! <static> Eni Hereic <static> it all fits! <static> kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! <static> Kill!

Grand Master Eni Hereric has been named as a Anti-Nuclear Capitalist Liner in the pay of the Brotherhood of Bestiality and Blood Suckers that controls all opposition to the Thule, we think.
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:32 pm

New Grand Master Denies Godwin Unstable, and denies he is an unimaginative Ultra-conservative
"The sanity of our leader is beyond doubt" said newly appointed Grand Master Alchfrid Ceolwulf "what we should be questioning is the sanity of the opposition, whose obsession with bestiality has made a mockery of Voron politics. The sanity of a man like Dawson McZerga, who purposes that the future of our nation lies in the legalisation of bestiality, is surly nonexistent. This is the greatest issue facing Voronland today, do we continue with the politics of Totalitarianism, or become a nation of sheep fuckers? Compared to this, the economy and the Cancer endemic caused by the Sigor disaster are nought but secondary concerns. I also object to the oppositions characterisation of me as a unimaginative Ultra-conservative with no human qualities, I am a human like any other, I simply suppress my own dangerous tendencies towards individual reasoning.
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:13 am

Election Special: Interviews With Members of Opposition
The opposition did pathetically in the election.

Question Time
Bertwald: In this election VSN is proud to report that the Thule Soceity has been completely open in it's dialogue with the electorate, for the first time Godwin (still in quarantine) has relieved his first name to the electorate, Aethelwulf, and a good traditional Anglen name it is.

Berðun: Which is more than can be said for our next guest, a raving foreign extremist hailing from Kafuristan.

Abbal Babbal: Helllllllllo! My namea isa Abbal.

Bertwald: Now, Mr.Babbal why did you join the opposition?

Abbal Babbal: McZerga isa a lovely man, he paya alot money for me to pretend to be a........ Vo.... Vor....

Berðun: Voron?

Abbal Babbal: Yes! (serious expression) I'ma from Godwinheafool, I'va no civil rights.

Bertwald: It's Godwinhēafodstōl. Now, did you know this women? (shown picture of so-called Bella Norson)

Abbal Babbal: Yes, she isa from Kafuristan too, she still liva there. McZerga say we use her as picture cos she hot.

Bertwald: And that shows how little McZerga knows of our culture, because we find her repulsive. We prefer the naturally blonde, pale white, blue eyed women of our proud race.

Abbal Babbal: They frighten me, they tall and won't data me!

Berðun: Now, will we speak to a member of the legislative assembly who supports the opposition. <blows Abbal Babbal's brains out with a shot gun>

Smet De Jong: Hello, what's with all this blood?

Bertwald: Paper cut. Now, your a Doron who supports the opposition?

Smet De Jong: Yes, my people have been viciously oppressed by the Anglo-Deltarians-

Bertwald: Is it true your party supports bestiality?

Smet De Jong: Well, we do purpose that it isn't the business of the state too-

Bertwald: So you admit it? How can you look at yourself in the mirror, knowing the monster which lies within you? How can you live with yourself, after selling your soul to fuck beasts?

Smet De Jong: Can't we discuss-

Bertwald: What is wrong with you?! How can you do this, think of your wife! Your children! For God sake think of the children! What are they thinking right now, watching their daddy, their only daddy, arguing for bestiality on live Television, while their mummy cries her eyes out in the kitchen?

Smet De Jong: Look, I don't-

Bertwald: As I expected, you don't have a family do you? Your alone in the world, driven mad by your satanic urge to degrade yourself with husbandry!


Bertwald: So now he denies it!

Smet De Jong: People of Vorona, don't <mouth moves without sound coming out>

Berðun: And that ends todays Question Time.
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:33 pm

Godwin Still Alive, Denies he is Dying from Radiation Sickness in Second Broadcast from Forbidden Zone
Godwin's head is fine, no damage has come to our leaders head. He's just decided to start wearing a crown.

Godwin, Cāsere and Master of the People of Thule wrote:Rumours of my imminent death are groundless. I'm in perfect health, perfect! I can't die form radiation sickness, I'm protected by God! I should know, I'm head of the Prodestant Church, I talk to God! All who question my stability are bestial maniacs bent on turing our country into a.... a.... democracy. Yes, brothers, a democracy. And we all know what democracies are like, the clever people are ignored and the stupid made king. I remember it well, my genius was insulted by stupid liberal Judo-freaks who controlled the education system. They gave me mere A stars in every subject, instead of naming me as master of the other students as I deserved! Well, they were wrong! My achievements prove their wrong! That is what we will return to if we allow democracy to return. Think about that, next time you enjoy the body of your personal Doron sex slave, that soon you will be forced to treat these subhumans as if they were equals, even though they are clearly not Anglo-Deltarians! You will have to respect other cultures, and listen to women talk as if they made sense, is that a life for a son of the Anglo-Deltarian race? For any one who carries the sacred Deltarian heritage (expect of course Dorons)?
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:06 pm

Grand Master Ceolwulf says Cancer Epidemic "Nothing to Worry About"
Grand Master Alchfrid Ceolwulf has dismissed the increasing amount of mutant births and cancer cases as "not a serious problem. Compared to the positive benefits of the Nuclear Plan, these side effects, though tragic, are mere trifles. Besides, scientists have shown that positive thinking can prevent cancer, a hypothesis proven by the continued health and sanity of our glorious Cāsere. In fact, those who are dying only have themselves to blame, for only the positive thinkers can be considered worthy to breed" He also refused to apologise for the damage done to neighbouring countries by the Sigor disaster "God is clearly punishing the people of Gaduridos and our other neighbours for not adopting the Nuclear Plan themselves, that is why they're people and wildlife are suffering."
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:35 pm

What the Opposition Hates: the Real Voronland and Voronian People

Who are the Voronans, what do they do and what do they think? The opposition, headed by a foreigner, seems to have trouble getting Voronians to support it. All of it's articles are written by people without Anglo-Deltarian names, though Anglo-Deltarians are the majority. So, to help McZeger understand the country he wants, like a spoilt child, to buy like it is a toy. We are running a special, showing everyday Voronians and their customs. We hope this is of help to the illegal immigrants of the opposition.

A typically student, dressed in the uniform of Godwinhēafodstōl University, heads off to an entrance exam for the Thule Soceity. Only the best and brightest are allowed to enter the Soceity, if he fails he will serve in the Freccan.

Young Anglo-Deltarian women visiting the Syndical Capital Sigor, before the slight mistake which rendered the city unvistable.

Voronians are a cultured people. Here a Patriotic band performs traditional Anglo-Deltarian songs with a modern twist.

It is a common mistake that Voronland is a one-party state, it is a Totalitarian Democracy. Many different factions exist within Thule, here a member of the þringan Voronland (Forward Voronland) fraction argues for membership in the League of Slaver Nations.

Geférrǽdenism ac Cāsere (Socialism and Emperor) present a different view, placing more emphasis on separateness form other races as opposed to mastery over them.

The current heir to the throne Redwald Godwin, in the head-dress of the Prodestent Church of which he is Archbisceop, with his carefully selected friends.

Prodestents, unlike the Terran Catholic Church, believe God is in all Deltarians. Therefore, each Deltarian has his or her own road to God, without the need for Popes.

Doron's, though they too toiled with us in the fields of the Lackovićovská Dynastia, are nothing more than Catholic scum who are good for nothing expect back-breaking labour.
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:05 pm

Godwin Very Quiet Lately, Things Must be Going Well says Grand Master
Grand Master Alchfrid Ceolwulf wrote:The recent silence of our glorious leader surly indicates he is not displeased with the progress of the nation towards the goals he has set it, and so feels no reason to contact us. Rest assured brothers, when we are able to re-enter Signor we our leader shall finally be able to continue to rule us directly. However, and I'm sure the Cāsere agrees as he has not attacked me for it, Signor may remain a No-go Zone for quite a few more years. I'm sure he has found some way to feed himself, judging from his immunity to cancer.

Immin Hunwald, Minister of Health, believes that their is slight reason for concern but "not anything to worry about".
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Re: Voronland Syndicated-News and Entertainment

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:10 pm

Illgimate Child of Opposition Member Discovered! SHOCK HORROR!
Spawn of the oppositions beliefs in the destruction of our race.

The mutant lamb born with a human-like head stayed alive for several hours until the frightened village residents killed him. The Major of the village where the ugly goat was born said that the little goat was the fruit of unnatural relationship between the female goat and a member of the opposition.
"This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing," he reportedly said. "The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control. We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features," he added "this is what not believing in the power of the Totalitarian State to decide every aspect of human existence leads too". Local residents said that even dogs were afraid to approach the bizarre animal. The locals burnt the body of the little goat, and biologists had no chance to study the rare mutation.
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