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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby MarkWill » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:44 am

Election 4131: Bourdain Beats Vanier in Second Round
Nouveau Centre Makes Surprise Showing; Rildanor Premier Falls to Fifth Place
L'Ancien Observateur
November 4131

Lionel Vanier gives his concession speech before supporters in Arloux, Morbanaque.

Gertrude Bourdain of the political party 1République won the presidential election in the second round with a resounding 62.63% of the vote, helped by the backing of the Rildanor Premier party. Nouveau Centre contender Lionel Vanier, a newcomer to the political arena, won 37.32% of the vote. Nonetheless, Nouveau Centre presidential candidate Lionel Vanier surprised many with a second place finish in the first round of the presidential campaign with 16.57%, behind first place finisher Gertrude Bourdain of 1République who garnered 26.3%, and ahead of Nicholas Baker of the Parti Socialiste de Rildanor (PSR) with 14.8%. Few had expected the relatively new party to attract so many voters. Furthermore, the fifth place showing of Premier Rildanor, formerly the largest party in the Assemblée Nationale, was another cause for shock.

"We have truly conducted a beautiful campaign," said Vanier to the applause of a crowd of dejected but hopeful supporters in Arloux, Morbanaque. "Even though I have lost tonight, the ideas that we have fought for live on to tomorrow! The fight has just begun!"

Despite Vanier's loss, the Nouveau Centre tied with the PSR for second place as it concerned seats in the Assemblée Nationale. The Nouveau Centre and the PSR both won 17 seats, behind 1République with 26 seats. Travailleurs Radicaux came in fourth place with 11 seats, Rildanor Premier tied for fifth place with the Parti Humaniste at 10 seats, and the Parti Nationaliste came in last with 9 seats. 1République won the cantons of Meroix, Niraldonne, and Sirdour, while the Nouveau Centre won the largely wealthy and well-educated canton of Tiralouse and the Travailleurs Radicaux won largely rural Morbanaque.

Aurelien Chatal Heads Center-Left Government
Coalition Bypasses 1République To Form New Minority Coalition
L'Ancien Observateur
February 4132

Aurelien Chatal is the new Prime Minister of Rildanor.

With the passage of the Cabinet Proposal of November 4131, Aurelien Chatal, Nouveau Centre Floor Leader and Deputy for Tiralouse, will become Prime Minister of a center-left cabinet. Following the November election, a group of center-left political parties united to form a minority coalition government which excluded 1République, the largest political party in the Assemblée Nationale. It remains to be seen whether the center-left government will be able to cooperate with center-right President Gertrude Bourdain, but Chatal spoke optimistically on the floor of the chamber.

Monsieur le President,

The Nouveau Centre supports this cabinet proposal and hopes that the involved parties will create a stable government that will put policies before politics. We believe the Nouveau Centre, with the ability to reach out to both the right and left, will be able to bring about effective administration in the Prime Minister's office and the Ministries of Finance, Health and Social Services, and Environment and Tourism.
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby MarkWill » Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:10 am

Chevrier Motions Vote on Economic Reform Package
Centrist Finance Minister's Four-Piece Plan Would Revitalize a Stagnant Economy
L'Ancien Observateur
August 4132

Sidonie Chevrier speaks in favor of the Tax Reform Act of 4132 on the floor of the Assemblée Nationale.

Sidonie Chevrier, a Nouveau Centre deputy from Tiralouse and the current Minister of Finance, motioned for a vote on four pieces of legislation which together compose the Economic Reform Package, Chevrier's brain child which is intended to spur growth in the stagnant Rildanorian economy. All four bills are expected to receive intense scrutiny from most of the other political parties, who have long histories of regulatory and statist tendencies.

Chevrier had unveiled her Economic Reform Package last week in the National Assembly. The package consists of four bills: the Tax Reform Act of 4132, the Income tax proposal of February 4132, the Industry Ownership and Secondary Strike Action Reform Act of 4132, and the Budget proposal of February 4132. The Tax Reform Act of 4132 would lower the tax rates of corporations to 35% (down from 50%), lower sales tax on essential goods to 5% (down from 20%), and lower sales tax on luxury goods to 20% (down from 50%). The Income tax proposal of February 4132 would simplify Rildanor's tax code and reduce revenues by roughly 20 trillion RCR to 62,917,000,000 RCR. The Industry Ownership and Secondary Strike Action Reform Act of 4132 would private certain industries currently run by the state and would also limit secondary strike action to only closely related trade unions. The Budget proposal of February 4132 would cut the government's budget drastically from 250,000,000,000 RCR to 184,100,000,000 RCR.

Sidonie Chevrier, a member of the Nouveau Centre's more conservative wing, has long publicly called for cutting taxes and paring down on Rildanor's historically bloated bureaucracy. While introducing her legislation to the floor of the National Assembly, Chevrier stated, "Taxes in Rildanor are too high. While we have come to appreciate the government services we all benefit from, our current tax system is simply too restrictive to the private sector."

The Industry Ownership and Secondary Strike Action Reform Act of 4132, if passed, would also be a significant step towards a free market economy and away from an interventionist and socialist economy currently in place with the historic backing of most of the political establishment. The "third component" of her Economic Reform Package, the bill did not, however, make it to the floor without some compromise. Seeing the necessity of support by as many government and opposition parties as possible, Chevrier quietly agreed to remove an article on the privatization of the recreational drug industry in order to secure the backing of the Rildanor Premier party.

Companies throughout Rildanor, including Groupe RSA (the country's largest corporation and a major worldwide automobile manufacturer), have been playing close attention to the progression of the Economic Reform Package, and although they have not publicly stated their positions, most political analysts and economists agree that the private sector would largely welcome Chevrier's reforms.

"These companies are paying half their income in taxes, and although they are historically attached to Rildanor, you can being to see the exasperation and frustration building up," said Jean Dumons, an economics professor at the Université de Tiralle. "Under decades of socialist, regulatory policies, the business climate has become so hostile that it is arresting their growth and preventing expansion. Of course, they will not speak out for fear of political retribution and popular backlash, but they certainly see these reforms as potentially liberating."

A further impending question is the direction of the Nouveau Centre's fiscal policies. Thrust into power following the November 4131 elections with a coalition of center-left parties, the Centrists have struggled with an identity crisis of sorts. Although Prime Minister Aurelien Chatal is personally seen as more moderate on economic policy than Chevrier, he has given tacit support to the Economic Reform Package, telling reporters outside the National Assembly chamber, "The Economic Reform Package makes drastic changes because drastic changes are necessary. Rather than strangling businesses, the government must respond, and free markets are the avenue which we will take at this time."

Will the Istalia-Rildanor Relationship Be Revived?
Prime Minister Supposedly in Talks with Istalian Government
L'Ancien Observateur
August 4132

Information from an anonymous source with ties to the Prime Minister's office has told the L'Ancien Observateur that the Prime Minister is engaging in talks with the Istalian government over an impending diplomatic agreement that would further economic and cultural ties between the two nations. Though the Prime Minister's office had previously released an announcement to the Terra community promoting foreign investment in Rildanor, it is a pleasant surprise to see such a rapid response from one of Terra's stronger economies. Such a move would add a boost to the Chatal government's domestic image while also opening up Rildanor after decades of isolationist policies and integrating the nation into the global community.
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby MarkWill » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:46 am

Chevrier Resigns as Finance Minister
Economic Reform Package Expected to Fail As Left and Right Unite in Opposition
L'Ancien Observateur
February 4133

Sidonie Chevrier speaks to reporters outside the National Assembly Building following her resignation announcement.

Earlier today, Sidonie Chevrier (Nouveau Centre-Tiralouse) announced her resignation as Minister of Finance following stiff opposition to her Economic Reform Package by a coalition of left and right parties in the National Assembly. All four bills, introduced in an attempt to cut taxes and deregulate the economy, are expected to fail as the National Assembly prepares a final vote in the coming weeks. Speaking before reporters in the National Assembly Building, Chevrier said, "Clearly, the time has not yet come for the changes I thought necessary to help boost our economy to take place. The National Assembly is the voice of the people, and I respect it. In the interest of this country and this government, I will be resigning as Minister of Finance. I will remain in the Assembly to represent my constituents in Tiralouse, and I hope that this issue does not distract from the other issues Prime Minister Chatal's government is taking on."

Prime Minister Aurelien Chaval spoke to the press regarding the resignation, saying, "Chevrier's Economic Reform Package may have been highlighted by the media as a catastrophic failure, but the job requires so much more, and I thank her for her work and her service in the Ministry. I know she will continue to serve the people of her district with the same vigor and passion she always has."

Chevrier's resignation removes the sole outspoken fiscal conservative voice in the current government, a relief to workers and federal workers who have come to live with the system. Rildanor boasts one of Selaya's largest GDPs, but economists have expressed some concern over the amount attributed to government spending. Nonetheless, Rildanor's continued surplus is expected to encourage investment, and the economic outlook looks stable.

With only a few months away until the election in November, it is unlikely the National Assembly will have the time to fill the vacant cabinet position. As for Chevrier's future political career? "Who knows?" said André Rougement, a former activist and close friend of Chevrier. "Sidonie has never given up. She's fallen down before and only came back stronger. I am willing to bet that she will come back to the forefront of the Party. Not now, and perhaps not even in two years, but I believe she will at some point."

National Assembly Set to Ratify Istalia-Rildanor Treaty
Complete Removal of All Trade Barriers between Both Nations Expected to Boost Economic Growth
L'Ancien Observateur
February 4133

The port of Port Retagne, Sirdour is the busiest port in Rildanor.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Flavie Arthur (Parti Socialiste de Rildanor) introduced the Treaty of Friendship and Trade & Economical Cooperation between the Repubblica Istaliana and the Rèpublique de Rildanor following negotiations between the Rildanor and Istalian governments. The treaty would assures mutual non-aggression, formally establishes diplomatic relations between the two nations, allows for easing restrictions on travel for their respective nationals, and removes all barriers to trade. If it passes the National Assembly, the Istalia-Rildanor treaty will be the first bilateral agreement ratified since the Treaty of friendship between Rildanor and Ibutho in 4024.

The agreement is expected to pass as approximately 70 deputies from both the government and the opposition have expressed their intent to vote in favor of the measure. It is widely accepted among economists that free trade is capable of benefiting everyone, and businesses throughout Rildanor released statements lauding the government for the deal. A spokesman for Groupe RSA stated, "Istalia is a large and affluent market which represents a prime opportunity for Groupe RSA and other Rildanorian companies to sell our products overseas. Furthermore, free trade benefits consumers here in Rildanor as companies now must compete, driving down costs and driving up quality. While there may be a few voices in the business community who wish to be protected under the wing of the government, Groupe RSA welcomes this competition and we are willing to show the world the quality automobiles Rildanor has to offer."

The deal is also considered a success for the Chatal government, in line with what the Prime Minister recently dubbed was "Rildanor's plan for Middle Diplomacy." Though it is evident Rildanor cannot compete economically or militarily with the existing superpowers of Terra, the Prime Minister's objective include becoming a regional power in South Selaya through the accumulation of soft and hard power. Free trade agreements are seen as a key tool in that effort.
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby MarkWill » Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:11 pm

Election 4133: Vanier Ousts Bourdain in Rematch
1République and Nouveau Centre See Big Gains
L'Ancien Observateur
November 4133

Lionel Vanier speaks before a crowd of enthusiastic supporters in Labonne, Tiralouse.

In a rematch of presidential proportions, President Gertrude Bourdain (1République) and Nouveau Centre presidential candidate Lionel Vanier competed for votes in the second round of the presidential election. With the endorsements of the Parti Socialiste de Rildanor (PSR) and the Travailleurs Radicaux, Vanier handily won with 58.98% of the vote compared to Bourdain's 40.87% of the vote, a marked reversal from two years ago. Voters mostly accredited Vanier and his centrist tendencies as a reason they voted for him, as well as their disapproval of Bourdain's erratic behavior, in particular, calling for essentially a 0% income tax.

National Assembly election results were more surprising as leftist parties across the board saw fewer votes and lost seats. 1République came in first place with 36 seats, winning the cantons of Niraldonne, Morbanaque, and Sirdour, while Nouveau Centre came in second with 25 seats, winning the cantons of Tiralouse and Meroix. Though the Parti Humaniste kept the same number of seats (10), the Travailleurs Radicaux lost 2 seats for a total of 9, the PSR lost 9 seats for a total of 8, the Parti Nationaliste lost 2 seats for a total of 7, and Rildanor Premier lost 5 seats for a total of 5. Polls showed most voters punished the leftist parties for voting against the Privatisation of Entities Act, a major piece of legislation that would've privatized certain industries.

Rildanorian Companies Flood Istalian Markets
Groupe RSA and Delamare Products Received Positively
L'Ancien Observateur
November 4133

Groupe RSA automobiles are unloaded at a port in Istalia.

Following the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship and Trade & Economical Cooperation between the Repubblica Istaliana and the Rèpublique de Rildanor last month, Rildanorian companies from all industries have rushed to compete and sell their products in Istalia's large and affluent market, now seen as exponentially more lucrative with trade barriers completely removed. In particular, Groupe RSA and Delamare S.A. have rushed to sell automobiles and pharmaceutical products, respectively. Stocks for the two largest companies in Rildanor, as well as major stock indexes on the Labonne Stock Exchange (LSE) saw substantial gains, with the Indice Financier 100 closing at a record high of 4,987 RCR.

Istalian products have also begun appearing on Rildanorian shelves, and consumers in both nations are expected to witness a wider array of products of better quality at lower prices due to the free trade agreement. It also appears that Istalia will receive major boosts in tourism as Rildanorians flock to its sandy beaches and prime tourist destinations. Prime Minister Aurelien Chatal spoke to reporters outside the National Assembly Building as the first few products from Istalia began coming in. "Free trade is not simply a theory. It is a fact of life, and working families throughout Rildanor will be able to purchase more things with their hard-earned crowns. Furthermore, Rildanorian businesses will grow as they begin to sell homemade products overseas. What's not to like?" (Editor's note: Crowns are Rildanor's currency, formally known as the RCR.)
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Zanz » Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:14 pm

New Canrillaise Front publishes manifesto
"Unification, strength, freedom"

Rildanor's newest party, Front Nouveau Canrillaise [FNC], has released a manifesto on its national website following in preparation for the election of September 4228. That manifesto places the FNC squarely among the ranks of Terra's classical liberal parties, advocating for reduced government, local autonomy, and opening of borders, particularly with Kanjor and the Canrillaise sphere.

Foreign Affairs:
  • Gradual reduction of diplomatic barriers between Rildanor and Kanjor and the rest of the Canrillaise world with the eventual aim of the restoration of the unified state of Canrille.
  • Free and unrestricted trade with all nations of Terra, particularly those of Selaya and the Canrillaise sphere.
  • Formal reorganization and re-establishment of diplomatic relations with all nations of Terra.
  • Removal of regulation wherever possible, in favor of local legislation drafted by each Canton.
  • Removal of the influence of parasitic unions and the revitalization of free enterprise.
  • An end to state subsidization and monopolies in favor of free enterprise.
  • Withdrawal from treaties limiting economic or military sovereignty.
  • Strengthening of the military, particularly the navy, as an impetus for economic growth.
  • Seek out international partnerships to train the military, particularly the navy.
  • Secure the land border with Mordusia until such a time as it joins the Seleyan Union.
Civil liberties:
  • Remove the influence of the central state in favor of the Cantons.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Zanz » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:52 pm

New Foreign Minister calls for reestablishment of Canrille
"Stronger together", says FNC minister

In the wake of an unexpected electoral victory and the creation of a "Canrillaise government coalition" with the Parti Socialiste Impérial de Rildanor [PSIR], the Front Nouveau Canrillaise [FNC] Foreign Minister made the government's first address calling on legislators and executives in Rildanor, Kanjor, Alduria, and Lourenne to reestablish Canrille, a multi-state nation built upon the shared cultural heritage dominant in those four states.

"The nations of the Canrillaise sphere stand on the brink of an incredible opportunity" opened the Foreign Minister in a conference attended by press from each of the four states. "We exist in the aftermath of a world economic recession, each fundamentally aware of the shortcomings of our isolated economies. Our geographical region is forgotten by the great states of Terra - Indrala has withdrawn upon herself and Seleya and Dovani stand on the brink of chaos. How better to face this opportunity than together as brothers and sisters in Canrillaise solidarity? The people of Rildanor have empowered our government primarily to work for this possibility - I know pose the question to the peoples of Kanjor, Alduria, and Lourenne - will you join us on this endeavor?"

It is unclear how the suggestion will be received in the other states - Though each of the states is now republican, the historic Empire of Canrille was ruled by the Orleans-Vasser monarchy. The FNC has not formally established itself as a monarchist party, though its Presidential candidate, Jean Baudouin d'Orléans-Vasser, is a distant descendant of the ruling family. Analysts have noted that it is unlikely the FNC will make strong claims for the necessity of a monarchist Canrille unless the prevailing winds in enough of the four states seem amenable to the idea.

The government has announced the congregation of a conference in Labonne to discuss the re-creation of Canrille, and has announced that each of the governments and parties of the four states will receive invitations shortly.
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Mbites » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:41 pm

PSIR Chairman supporting FNC Foreign Minister

Recent statements of the new foreign minister from the Front Nouveau Canrillaise called for a reunion of the Canrillaise states. These statements were one of the few points which the chairman of the socialist party of Rildanor commented in the first press conference given by the party. "Absolutely right" were the words Ricardé Tallér had as an answer after he was questioned about his stance on this issue.

"Even though our differences are great and our ideologies are opposites we stand together in the belief of a stronger, united Canrillaise Empire."
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Zanz » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:59 pm

"The people will remember", President chastises parties who call for early election 4 months after nearly 91% turnout
"A desperate play for power"

President Jean Baudouin d'Orléans-Vasser [FNC] publicly chastised the Parti Nationaliste, 1République, and the Front Nationaliste in an interview with the television show Bonsoir Labonne this morning, after reports that the Front Nationaliste joined the PN and 1R in support of an early election to be held in January.

"The establishment parties will stop at nothing to halt the advance of those parties which threaten their power," said the president when questioned by hostess Katherine Labeau. "The political scene of Rildanor has exploded with diversity following the Front Nouveau Canrillaise's call to action for those who hold freedom and Canrille in their hearts. Numerous active parties have sprung from soil that bore no fruit under the PN and 1R administrations. But here we are, after a nearly ninety one percent showing at the polls in September, already wasting time and money at the polls. The people will remember - it's a desperate play for power. They wish to silence the Parti Liberal National, the Liberty Party, even my nephew's pet-project, Debout la Rildanor. It's desperation, Katherine."

Commentators are unclear as to why the election garnered the support of the Front Nationaliste, which has not had a history of supporting the PN or the 1R officially. Some FNC members worry that this may signal a rising alliance between the establishment parties in an effort to oust President d'Orléans-Vasser and the FNC/PSIdR minority government. Others point out, however, that this seems unlikely, as the PN and 1R could have orchestrated such a government after the previous election and did not.

President "not thrilled" at ascendancy of nephew's Debout la Rildanor, sources say
"The president has never liked him"

Sources close to the president say that Jean Baudouin d'Orléans-Vasser is privately irate at the national presence of Debout la Rildanor under the leadership of Léopold d'Orléans-Vasser, the president's nephew. Rumors have abounded in tabloids that the president has taken to social media anonymously to taunt and ridicule Léopold and his populist platform. In particular, the account @LoLéopold is rumored to have ties to the administration, and perhaps even to be personally owned by the president, himself. Source close to the president told the Associated Press "the president has never liked him," hinting that the distaste might be rooted in some undisclosed argument at a family reunion several years past.

When asked for comment, the administration declined.
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Zanz » Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:27 pm

LABONNE A MATIN EXCLUSIVE: You won't believe these LEAKED photos of Léopold d'Orléans-Vasser!
Number 3 will make your skin crawl!

The head of Debout la Rildanor is a man of action now, but we bet you won't believe your eyes in these exclusive leaked photos!

1. The headgear
The fearless leader of DlR was once feared on every playground.

2. The prom
*panties drop*

and, yes, she's wearing angel wings.

3. The emo phase
Far left. Check out that half sleeve.
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Kubrick » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:50 am

Eccentric royal millionaire enters politics
Debout la Rildanor running on radical platform.

Léopold Alexandre d'Orléans-Vasser during his army days. He served for five years as a Lieutenant.

June 4233 - The campaign has been underway for several months now and the party has been on the ballot twice but with an official speech at the Léopold Tower in the Rildanor capital of Labonne it is now official: Debout la Rildanor (Arise Rildanor) is on its way to get big. The party leader is led by the eccentric millionaire Léopold Alexandre d'Orléans-Vasser, a nephew of the former President Jean Baudouin d'Orléans-Vasser. The two never liked each other, although family members have said that the big split came at a family event around fifteen years ago. Léopold Alexandre inherited a large sum of wealth from his father but before that was given a "small loan of a million crowns" to start his own venture. His company, L. A. d'Orléans-Vasser, is now worth around 600 million crowns with his own net worth hanging around a stable 200 million crowns. Léopold is mostly known for his irregular tweets, where he often starts going on and on about the globalists, his nephew, the social collapse of Rildanor and reptillians.

The party presents itself as reactionary, ultraconservative and ultranationlist with a surprising focus on environmental politics as well. Apparently mister d'Orléans-Vasser quite enjoys "all that green, you know, not tainted by globalist paws". The fresh party leader has begun pouring large amounts of money into his campaign, with posters appearing all across Rildanor portraying him as the man who will "make Rildanor rise again". Ideally he would see Rildanor become a monarchy and he has often spoken of Canrillaise unity. To achieve his goals his right hand in his endeavours is the experienced politician Jean-Philippe Cailloux. A man so controversial he was once removed from 1République party for being "too radical".
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