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Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:00 am
by Rogue
OOC Source: Google

Niederung: The Socialist Party, reformed after the new constitution of Suyu Llaqta came into effect, has won both the legislative and Presidential elections, with their candidate Birkii Nimoonaa winning 58% of the vote in the second round of the presidential election and securing his only 8 year term. Nimoonaa, a former exiled oppossition figure, won from the conservative candidate Galma Iree, from the Federal Conservative party. Nimoonaa won, according to pundits, because of people seeing him as a fighter for good due to his exile and his experience in politics which is seen as a pro when it comes to overseeing a new democratic government after hundreds of years of dictatorship. On the legislative front, the Socialist Party of Nimoonaa also won a victory, winning 34% of the vote and thus 220 seats in the Federal Assembly. The Bundeskonservative came second with 25% of the vote and 160 seats followed by the Union for National Freedom with 22% and 142 seats, Far Front with 11% and 71 seats and the Democratic Party with 9% and 57 seats. This legislative results will make forming a government difficult however. The liberal oriented Democratic Party has stated it does not view a coalition with the communist Far Front or the far right UNF as "desirable" but, without either of the two, a coalition seems near impossible to form. Socialist Party candidate for Chancellor Eeyban Araarsa has stated that, due to his party being the biggest, the Socialist Party will seek the chancellorship and thus will try forming a coalition. President Nimoonaa upon his election has stated that he will appoint a chancellor that "can guarentee the formation of a coalition government" and that he wont appoint a Chancellor until parties have come to him with proposals. Observers see a small opening for the Socialist Party, as the Far Front has stated it is willing to form a government with the socialists the Democratic Party seems more open to the idea of providing confidence and supply to such a government, rather then going with the far-right. The Bundeskonservative have so far laid low, seemingly certain that a government with them at the helm doesnt seem to be one of the available options.

The presidential election results

The legislative election results

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:14 am
by Rogue
OOC Source: Africanews

Niederung: A Socialist government is now a fact as President Nimoonaa has appointed Eeyban Araarsa of the Socialist Party as the Chancellor of the country after which Araarsa announced the formation of a government with the "In the Front" party with confidence and supply from the Democratic Party. In the preliminary agreement between the three parties the only condition the Democratic Party placed for their confidence and supply was that the government may not enact radical propositions and that privatizations in retail, restaurant and other "down the line" sectors will be enacted this term. The Socialists and the Communists in their turn set in stone that energy production, distribution and selling will remain in state hands as will the public transportation system, the national airline and major sectors such as manufacturing for now. Araarsa, upon announcing the coalition deal, stated that his intend is to create "a new world economy where people can have the freedom to own a bussiness in their local town but where important institutions remain a government concern, ensuring stability and growth at the same time." Even if these small scale privatizations might happen it would be the first time in 250 years that private ventures are allowed in Suyu Llaqta and would in turn mean a whole new economic reality for the country.

In the deal Araarsa furthermore promised to strengthen democratic institutions and lay the foundation for future democratic governance as well as improving healthcare and trying to bring the economy back as it faltered under communist rule and plunged after the coup, putting millions of Llaqtese in danger of hunger and homelessness. Araarsa's government is likely to be confirmed next week by the Bundesversammlung.

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:03 pm
by Rogue
OOC Source: Kayak

Niederung: After two months of work the first Araarsa government has announced and revealed the intended plan to privatize the creation and operation of small bussinesses in Suyu Llaqta. This decision is a milestone, as it would mark the first time in 250 years that some form of private enterprise is allowed in the country after communsit rule. The initiative is headed by the Department of Economic Affairs and its Secretary Ifaa Jeyna. According to secretary Jeyna the plan will revitalize the Llaqtese economy and give new incentives for investment both domestic and foreign. In addition to this reform, the government will also allow foreign companies to invest into the Suyu Llaqtese economy for the first time, with the only condition that they may not hold a majority share. The sectors to be privatized are the tourism sector, hospitality sector (which includes restaurants, clubs, cafes, hotels, events and more), small stores in all categories such as groceries or retail and the advertisement sector which will be allowed to have local and small advertisement bureaus. Under the new reform any monopolies are still banned and big national chains are not allowed but this still marks a major shift in economic policy. Major sectors such as manufacturing, banking, housing and other areas will remain in government control under heavy pressure from the "To the Front" party in the coalition, which threatened to leave the coalition if to much would be privatized. This however does mark the first step to a more open economy, with Chancellor Araarsa hoping it strengthens the legitimacy of the government and will revitalize a broken economy. The Democratic Party was jubilant, hailing it as a victory for their party which advocated for a more open economic policy. Hardliners in the socialist party itself are uneasy about the change, but are likely to go along with it as long as it doesnt go to far while moderates in the SP also believe in the strength of the proposed reforms and have already expressed support.

With the coalition supporting the reforms, named the "National Economic Restructure" the package of over 518 pages of reforms is likely to pass the Bundesversammlung. The Federal Conservatives and their far right UFD counterpart have both stated they will vote against the proposal, citing it doesnt go to far and "clings to our communist past."

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:11 am
by Rogue
OOC Source: Wikipedia

Niederung: President Nimoonaa has signed a bill into law passed earlier by the Federal Assembly named the National Security Act. The bill, proposed by the Araarsa government, creates and reforms several security agencies meant to better coordinate security operations in and outside of Suyu Llaqta. The act creates two new agencies, the Bureau for Domestic Intelligence (BDI) and the Bureau for Foreign Intelligence (BFI). Both will work independently from the government, with only the head of both, being a director, appointed by the President. The BDI will be responsible for domestic security, overseeing domestic surveilance and being in charge of federal investigations into criminal conduct. They will furthermore be responsible for cyber security and protecting vital infrastructure and important individuals. The BFI will be will have a similar structure, being independent but having a appointed director by the President. The BFI will be responsible for foreign intelligence gathering, using a network to gather intelligence vital to the security of Suyu Llaqta. Besides these two new agencies, the Federal Police is to be reformed, with every state gaining their own regional branch of the Federal Police and having one overarching institution responsible for nationwide investigations or law enforcement action. The regiona/state branches will be responsible for working with local law enforcement and aiding them in complex investigations or during times of crisis. The national, overarching branch will direct nationwide law enforcement operations, conduct independent investigations into matters if they deem the states fail to do their duty or also aid local branches if they need further assistance.

As a further strengthening of the security apparatus the bill also creates the "National Security Council" chaired by the President and attended by the leaders of all the different security agencies, the Federal Gendarmerie and the Chancellor. This council convenes every week to discuss the security situation in Suyu Llaqta and furthermore make important federal decisions on certain responses to situations. It also convenes during times of national crisis. Both the President and Chancellor can veto decisions by the council if both sign such a veto. In normal circumstances, a majority vote is needed for actions to pass in the Council. All these laws and reforms combined are meant to enhance the security appartatus of the country and ensure strong and stable institutions protected by a comprehensive security apparatus capable of maintaining said institutions. It fits into Chancellor Araarsa his plan to strengthen democratic institutions and make sure his government lays the foundation for future democratic governments.

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:34 pm
by Rogue
OOC Source: Al Jazeera

Niederung: The crisis many had assumed over has seemingly resumed as soldiers in the capital of Niederung could be seen driving in convoys on their way to the government quarter, demanding better pay as the cuts previously proposed by the communist government will likely go on to happen. In recent privatization efforts, the government noticed while the economy improved their treasury did not. Araarsa, believing the military threat to be over, announced to continue cuts proposed by the previous communist government under pressure from his coalition partner "To the Front" which would see cuts to social spending and large cuts in the military budget including soldiers pay. But these cuts were highly unpopular within the military, add to this the military its distrust of the current government which includes former communists and has a left-wing orientation and it all combines into yet another toxic cocktail. This time, even the population seems to be encouraging the military protests due to the announced social cuts meant to improve the government its treasury. While no shots have been fired yet, the autonomous movement of army units throughout the capital without being given orders by the government seems to suggest that the government still does not control the military. International observers have warned for a deteriorating situation if nothing will be done.

Chancellor Araarsa has announced that the proposed cuts will be "put in the freezer until further notice", but this seems to be not enough for the protesting soldiers and people, as the cuts would be still on the table if the Chancellor decides so in the future. Will the fresh Llaqtese democracy falter when its just learning to stand?

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:50 pm
by Rogue
OOC Source: Al Jazeera

Niederung: BREAKING NEWS, the army has, for the second time in just 4 years, staged a coup and ousted the sitting government. Just one year after the first Llaqtese democratic government took seat in over 250 years the military, now with at least partial support from the population, has staged another coup and has arrested most government officials in the highest rank. Reportedly the Secretary for Energy and Secretary for National Security were killed in the coup while the President and Chancellor as well as other government ministers have been arrested, with the President and Chancellor held under house arrest. The coup came after the Araarse government refused to cancel and bin plans to cut military spending and cut social spending, a mistake the previous communist government also made. Now almost all of the Armed Forces seemed to be in on the coup, which is also enjoying some support from the population which sees the last year as a demonstration that democracy might not work in Suyu Llaqta. The leader of the coup, General Irbuu Demiksa, has held a televized speech stating that the "National Committee for State Security" or NCSS has taken over control over the country and that martial law now applies, which means the recent democratic constitution has been suspended and military law applies in the country. After the speech, more columns of armoured vehicles could be seen in the capital, roadblocks were put up and the Bundesversammlung was surrounded, with representatives arrested afterwards. On the local level, Federal and local police have worked with military officials in rounding up local politicians and military courts and administrators have taken over administration. The coup seems to be much better organized then the coup of 3 years ago, which caused major uproar in the country and the eventually caving in of the military regime. Now soldiers seem to know what to do and the population partially supports them. While accross the country the military is thus swiftly taking control and reastablishing their own version of order, its is still unclear what happens next and what the military has in store for Suyu Llaqta, with a population backing them and near total control of the country this time around. Reports have come from the northern regions that the "to the Front" party has gone underground there, with the state being their stronghold. Some fear they might launch a uprising, which could lead to yet another armed struggle in the country.

International observers all agree that the coup seems to be more succesfull then the previous and that the military has near total control both nationally and locally. One major problem however is the economy, with the Peso dropping to its lowest point ever this morning and small bussinesses, just recently opened, slowly closing in fear of military confiscation further damaging the already fragile economy.

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:14 pm
by Rogue
OOC Source: Metro News

Niederung: The Military Junta has, after a month of crackdowns, arrests and consolidation of martial law, announced a return to what they themselves describe as civilian governance. In a shocking turn of events, they announced the creation of a monarchy, creating the Kingdom of Suyu Llaqta if a reality. The proposed constitution, revealed by Junta leader Demiksa, reveals the creation of this kingdom which the military states will be a return to civilian rule. International observers have stated it is far from that however and have broken down the proposed constitution announced by the military. In this new constitution, the King would become Yadeta Daraara, to be known as Daraara I. Daraara himself was a army officer just months ago, leaving the country after the democratic government fired him. He has been described as a staunch militarist and authoritarian leader and, with Suyu Llaqta having no monarchist past, has been approached to create his own royal house and become King upon the adoption of the constitution. The king, in this constitution, will be the head of state and is described as the "soul, symbol and consciousness of the nation." The king will have the power to appoint a Prime Minister, with no conditions attached. Furthermore the King heads international visits, is the head of the armed forces, can disband parliament without conditions, has to sign bills into law (and may thus veto bills with no possibility of overruling). The King will thus have the power to oversee and partialy dictate government. Under the proposed constitution however observers see a pattern. Besides the king being from the military himself, the new constitution also features a provision which allows the military to form their own political party, makes it so the Supreme General Staff of the Armed Forces may appoint the Supreme Court and gives the right for the military to intervene in politics. The electoral rules for the new parliament are also highly dubious, once appointed by the King the Prime Minister may redraw constituencies without justification, furthermore campaigning time for parties is cut short to only 2 days of campaigning each election cycle, meaning that the military can circumvent this rule due to their pool of resources. The unicameral parliament, to be called the Legislative Council (Gesetzgebender Rat), will also be elected using the FPTP system, making it easier for a well resourced party to win.

All these restrictions and changes combined make international observers agree that this new constitution will likely mean a continuation of Junta rule, under the guise of civilian governance. General Irbuu Demiksa, leader of the current Junta, has already announced the creation of the Nationale Partei (NP) of which he is to become the leader and which will be financed by the military, confirming suspicions that the military will conspire to win the first elections and have Demiksa appointed Prime Minister. Under this constitution, the Prime Minister heads the government on a day to day basis and controls its security agencies, the military together with the monarch, directs and dtermines domestic and foreign policy and leads the government and all its ministries (with work delegated to ministers). As mentioned earlier, he or she may also redraw constituencies and create new or disband current ministries upon taking office. Meaning that the monarch and Prime Minister together control nearly all aspects of government.

The Junta is expected to ratify the new constitution in 3 months time, automatically putting Daraara on the throne and holding the first Legislative Council elections. The nation will work under a unitary system, with new to be created "region" to be granted only limited authority, largely meant to oversee the implementation of national law.

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2022 6:03 pm
by Rogue
OOC Source: The New York Times

Niederung: Former Junta leader turned Prime Minister Irbuu Demiksa has formally announced the creation of his first government under the new constitution following months of finding the right candidates for cabinet positions. The final government composition has sweared loyalty to the King, Daraara I, and has taken on the responsibilities of their offices. For many this is seen as a new chapter in the old playbook of the military, a continuation of military rule, but the government is trying its best to pretend that this is everything but a return to military rule, creating a rigged election, formally adopting a "civilian" constitution and pretending like this new government is a hallmark of succesfull governance. Whats clear to us and outside observers however is that this government is indeed a continuation of military rule under the coat of civilian rule. But nevertheless this new government is taking office and its leader, Prime Minister Demiksa, has already announced sweeping reforms largely aimed at the economy. He has revealed the "Plan for National Reconciliation" which features large privatizations of most sectors, with only rail and air transportation, banks and energy remaining in government hands. It also features financial reforms, allowing foreign investors to freely invest into the economy and handing out "encouragement subsidies" for industries considered to be "of potential" for future development. To attract foreign investment, the new government will also uphold the previously passed Security Act, which will mean that the newly established security apparatus, together with the newly reformed armed forces, will remain in place, meant to instill trust in Suyu Llaqta being a stable state to invest in. Social services will also be restored in a 3 phase plan, with the intend of doing it gradually and funded in part due to tax revenue from privatization. The tax system should also be overhauled if the plan is to be believed, taxing bussinesses higher then before to profit from renewed privatization efforts while granting incentives to foreign companies to settle in the country.

Demiksa hopes that by revitalizing the economy his new government gains some true legitimacy, later to be used to prop up the system. Will the Llaqtese people be courted with such a strategy? Is stability and economic prosperity enough?

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2022 8:14 am
by Rogue
OOC Source: AP News

Niederung: Werent these the people that not to long ago slaughtered eachother? said Prime Minister Demiksa during talks with international press following New Verham its criticism and subsequent sanctions, both diplomatic and economic, on the country. Demiksa, who was visibly angered, stated that the sanctions were a diversion, a diversion to distract New Verham its population from their own hardships and economic woes. While Demiksa his government is working to strengthen economic policies and establish their legitimacy New Verham has now openly called for the Dovani Pact to follow its lead in condemning and sanctioning Suyu Llaqta for the coup. But Prime Minister Demiksa has fired back, stating that the only thing these sanctions will do to Suyu Llaqta is hit our hard working population and plunge them deeper into poverty. Our government will work day and night to prevent that from happening and ensuring that the pockets and life's of ordinary citizens arent affected. Demonstrations were reported in several Llaqtese cities, with protestors burning New Verham flags and shouting "death to the traitors!" Foreign minister Goota Duuressaa has subsequently announced that the Llaqtese government will enact its own sanctions on New Verham, with a total ban on imports and exports for products and services from the country and a ban for any New Verhese officials from visiting Suyu Llaqta. In addition, the Demiksa government has send a delegation of diplomats to Yamabiro to lobby against the calls from New Verham for firm action. Prime Minister Demiksa has also ordered the Ministry of Defense to increase border patrols and ensure the "territorial integrity of Suyu Llaqta", citing the potential for "hostilities from within other Dovani nations" that could threaten that integrity.

The hypocrits rule Dovani. One day they slaughter eachother for power, the other day they condemn others for taking reigns in their own country. It is what it is. said Demiksa in his final statement. Tensions are clearly rising in Dovani.

Re: Suyu Llaqta

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2022 9:19 am
by Rogue
OOC Source: The Conversation

Niederung: The Demiksa government is seemingly preparing the Llaqtese economy for a possible Dovani Pact wide sanctioning of its economy, according to insiders familiar with the matter. The Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Financial Transactions and Services have drafted several scenarios the government can anticipate on while Demiksa himself has authorized attempts at increasing trade with the Majatran continent to mostly circumvent sanctions by Dovani nations and shield the economy for potentially devastating effects. By increasing trade with Majatra, the government hopes to shift the majority of its economic activities east and thus make any sanctioning of its economy by Dovani nations have less of an impact. Despite these attempts which are currently ongoing the Minister of Economic Development, Jirata Boorana, has acknowledged that a Dovani wide sanctioning of the Llaqtese economy could have "serious affects" on the economy but also reiterated that Dovani would shoot itself in the foot, citing the large amounts of natural resources and agricultural production in Suyu Llaqta which would be cutting off the Dovani Market. Meanwhile Llaqtese diplomats remain in Yorumba to lobby against the proposed sanctions, attempting to garner a majority of votes against the proposal made by New Verham. It would be the first and single largest sanctioning of a economy in Dovani history and members of Demiksa's government have already stated it would mean "severely diminished relations" between Dovani and the Llaqtese people. Besides the attempts at increased trade reports also seem to suggest that the government is actively withdrawing its funds from Dovani banks and moving them to either Llaqtese or Majatran banks, all in an attempt to prepare for the likely sanctions to be imposed on the nation.