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Re: Midway

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:21 pm
by Liukupukki
The Liao An government begins enforcing strict littering laws
There has also been talks of cracking down on unemployment


Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Khumpai speaks about the environment
This morning, minister Vitchu Khumpai gave a speech about the importance of preserving the environment. He talked about the damages littering causes to the natural ecosystems as well as human lives of Midway.
"The amount of trash found in the nature is only increasing, and it's a problem in urban centres as well. In cities, seeing trash on the ground is an inevitability. We want to change this, and our solution is to start enforcing stricter laws against littering, as well as increasing the amount of trash cans on the sidewalks. Starting September 15th, you can be fined up to 1000 LOD, depending on the severity of the offence. This may sound harsh to some people, but it is only for the good of Midway." Said Minister Khumpai

The threat of large fines is expected to cut the amount of offenses to a minimum, and providing the public with additional waste bins in cities will ensure that the practice of littering will not happen due to inability to dispose the problem otherwise. The Greens' President Wakayoshi Sumiko has pledged their full support to this bill, with all 17 votes going aye, meaning that the bill passed with ease (62 aye, 13 nay, 25 abstain)

Talks for improving the employment
The interior minister Pongpob Palapol has talked with other ministers and MoP's about the amount of unemployment the nation is in. Ministers Palapol and Ratsifa gave a statement, claiming that the solution is not as simple as providing employment and hoping for the best. So there has been talks of a government sponsored housing with free of charge meals to help those who cannot afford it themselves, as those individuals who can't live adequately on their own, are less likely to be employed due to them having to prioritize survival and life above getting a job. These talks have not made much progress though, as the proposal has not been popular with the conservatives, but the talks are continuing.

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:54 pm
by Liukupukki
"North Dovani is not our concern" says foreign minister Madu Orji

Midway will keep it's stance on neutrality
In recent times, many nations have imposed sanctions, severed relations and condemned the actions happening in North Dovani, but this noon, foreign minister Madu Orji gave a statement after a protest condemning the actions of the North Dovanian Junta demanding action from the Midwayan government. Minister Orji said that "North Dovanian affairs are not Midway's concern. Neutrality is rooted deep in our culture, not to mention our government program, so to me it seems weird that people are demanding action from us, while we are practically across the continent and not directly related to this incident."

"We are of course saddened by the atrocities happening on our home continent, and this truly does touch many of us (Midwayans) deeply. We hope for a swift end to the oppression of the people, but taking action on a nation's domestic affairs goes against our principles. We are of course happy to provide shelter to those who need it, but the government of Midway will not be imposing sanctions or anything of the sorts. North Dovani is not our concern." added Orji

"We know this is disappointing to some people who have been demanding that we would be joining the other nations in they boycotts, but picking sides, whether on the right or wrong side is not neutrality." Commented President Alamieyeseigha. "We will of course still be accepting refugees into our society for as long as they do need asylum."
These words have angered some supporters of the government, and the opposition party Radical Party's president Boluwatife has criticized the government on its inaction during a crisis that touches the whole continent deeply.

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:52 am
by Liukupukki
The government unable to agree on a solution to the rising unemployment

Unemployment is on the rise, solution isn't even close
As the rising unemployment in Midway is becoming more and more prevalent, the government has still not managed to agree on how to help the situation. Many good samaritan small business owners and citizens have organized small scale soup kitchens to help those in need, and while it helps it fails to solve the issue at hand, when more and more Midwayans are losing their jobs. "It's a tough economy. Small businesses can't afford to hire new employees, and even resort to firing their old ones to save money, and big corporations on the other hand are paying less and less due to decreased competition. The end result is that people are losing their jobs fast. Although the government has failed to create a solution to this rising problem, we the people are keen on helping those in need." said Dafina, owner of a small shoe shop in Manapo.

The government has tried addressing the people's concerns, but there doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem at hand any time soon. "We are aware of the issues of rising unemployment, and are doing our best to combat it. In a multi-party democracy it is not easy or fast to come to an agreement fast, but the negotiations are still happening." said Raharimampionona Ratsifa.
Many citizens are blaming the rise in unemployment on the conservatives, as they are slowing down the progress in the solution that was already proposed back in August. And others the communists due to their selfish attitude. But one thing is clear: with the conservatives strictly against the proposal, and the communists are refusing to cooperate with the centrists due to their negative attitude against the CPM the proposal is far from reality.

"Now they (Centre) have come crawling back asking for help, after calling us extremists and rigging our elections! Well, we are not working with those [redacted]. They refused to work with us, so why should we work with them" said Hoku Maru (CPM). The MCP reasoned their opposition to the proposal as obvious "We will simply not be passing any of these communist bills. End of discussion." said president of MCP Yajima Dayu

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:52 pm
by ChitinKal

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:59 pm
by Liukupukki
Midway begins modernizing it's armed forces

The defence ministry comments on army modernization
It has not come as a surprise to many that the Midwayan government seeks to modernize it's army. While distrust in the government and its program grown, following through on their promise of modernizing the army did not come as a surprise to anyone since the foreign minister and defence minister travelled to the Kitembo Union for not only a state visit, but to also negotiate a deal for arms and equipment sales. The first batch of their AR1 rifles and standard equipment has arrived, and as many as 10 000 volunteers have already signed for conscription, with many more expected. Piyapon Vilailuck, one of the conscripts says "I was unemployed for a period of 4 months, on the verge of losing my home and sanity, now I can join the army. While it doesn't pay well, at least it's a pay check."

Defence Minister Kimnai Kaewmanee (MCP) concluded that this is 'an opportunity for the unemployed to start doing something meaningful'. While this has been criticized by many due to the barely minimum wage conscripts receive, Kaewmanee insists that conscription should be done for the service of country, rather than monetary gain. "The military has free food, accommodation and activities, yet the people are complaining about pay? Being in the army is not some business trip, it's a lifestyle, a calling dare I say. Everyone should be doing it for the good of Midway, not for the good of themselves." the defence minister commented.

In the coming years, a total of 200,000 AR1 rifles and basic infantry equipment, 30 KDMS Faru armored personnel carriers and 7500 ATL1 anti-tank RPGs are to shipped over to Midway from KU.

Opinion: Midway is taking advantage of the unemployed for military might - Anonymous
Doesn't it seem odd to people that the government refuses to solve the problem of unemployment and homelessness because of some principles, but now of a sudden, when they get guns things start to go a different way? I thought so too! I think getting the problem to a point where all the unemployed people was just a plan by the government to boost its military might. Why else would the MCP refuse to accommodate and feed people, only to do a complete 180 few months after? They are ready to sell their principles, which forbade them from helping those in need, now that they have something to gain from it. Even the communists opposed the proposal to help people, but now they have not said anything. There has to be one guy behind it all. Politics and media, all run by some maniac who is brainwashing the population into believing there is actually multiple parties and politicians running the act, when in fact it's just some dude hidden behind curtains giving orders to all.

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:36 pm
by Liukupukki
6 dead and 21 hospitalized in an underground rave party

Manapo police break up illegal rave
Last night at approximately 3am the Manapo Police received a call about noise coming from an abandoned factory building, when the officers arrived on scene, they had discovered a huge underground rave of several thousand people. Many fled the scene upon the law's arrival, but the police department made a total of 37 arrests due to possession, but suspect that a majority of offenders had gotten away. A total of 27 overdoses were reported by the MPD, 5 of which were dead on scene, and an additional one passed away in transit to hospital. The rest have been sent to the hospital for treatment, and seem to be recovering quite well.

"An illegal event of this scale indicates that the problem has been living under our noses for a long time" commented the chief of Manapo Police Department Keyse Jilicow. "We will do everything in our power to stop these civilian deaths, but there is only so much we can do. It is rare for users or distributors to give our their suppliers, so unless they decide to have a conscience we are stuck waiting for more arrests and hoping to find a cooperative person" he adds. Citizens are instructed to avoid illegal parties, and instead head into bars and legal festivals for their party-urges. These illegal raves often have drugs like ecstasy, amphetamine and cocaine, which can lead to many side effects, and in the worst cases sudden death. People are encouraged to report any findings of illegal narcotics directly to the authorities.

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:10 am
by Liukupukki
Midwayan DJ, "Dr. Chickencock" on top of charts for third week

"People love to rave to my music"
Midwayan musician Ezechiel Dorsainvil, better known as "Dr. Chickencock" released an album called "Around Terra" which has had multiple songs on the top 10 of the most streamed list for 3 weeks now. Dorsainvil has popularized the genre of Canrillaisecore in Midway, which has lead to other artists in the genre to reach the top rankings, but Dr. Chickencock's Trip to Valruzia has remained on top ever since it's release. Dorsainvil says that every song on the album has been made during his travels around Terra, in their respective countries.

"I love that people love raving to my music, and I love making people rave! I never anticipated such a response from the Midwayan community, I only make music for the love of it. My music is available for free online, and while donations are accepted I plan to stay strictly non-profit" said Ezechiel Dorsainvil "Thank you to all my fans, I love you! Safe travels!"

See the track list below

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:31 pm
by XanderOne

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:17 pm
by Liukupukki
Famed DJ Dr. Chickencock arrested for possessing tens of thousands in narcotics

"This is how I feed my family" says the DJ
Yesterday, the famed artist Ezechiel Dorsainvil AKA Dr. Chickencock was arrested for possession with the intent to distribute. The estimated worth of the seized drugs is between 20 000 and 50 000 LOD.
Mr Dorsainvil was apprehended around 10PM last night, during yet another underground rave bust made by the Manapo Police Department, he was performing in the illegal event as a DJ. He was searched and a 'rock' of pure MDMA weighing nearly 100 grams was found in his backpack. He cooperated with the arresting officers, but refused to give out any names after a nightlong interrogation.
"I admit that I was going to sell it off. But you don't understand, this is how I feed my family! I don't make any money off of my music, and I have to bring something to the table." Said the DJ.

This is a major bust for the police department, but the large amount suggests that the drug problem is only getting worse, and experts say that its the result of unemployment and poverty which leads people to drug sales. And even though the military reforms have provided more employment, it hasn't improved the poverty at all, and more and more people are resulting to criminal activities to feed themselves and their families.
"This is a very serious offense. No matter how much the people love his music, he is a criminal and must be punished. His refusal of giving out his suppliers means that he will go to court and sentenced to a long vacation inside the state hotel. It doesn't matter how much you need the money, breaking the law is not tolerated, and will place you inside." says Justice Minister Auguste

Ezechiel Dorsainvil is in a holding cell in Manapo City Jail, awaiting trial. The sentence for severe drug offenses is between 10 years and life imprisonment depending on the circumstances.

Re: Midway

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:45 pm
by Liukupukki
Opinion polls shows major decrease in government support

Government support decreasing - President calls this propaganda
According to opinion polls, the Liao An government is losing support. Centre is down 10% in the polls, and the CPM has increased by 10% as they have promised to solve the poverty crisis in Midway if they get elected. If the polls are correct, the coming up elections will be a tight race between the left and the right, but another centrist government is unlikely with the plummeting of Centre's approval rating. Experts say that it is expected that the communists and the Left Union will only grow as poverty increases in the country, but the results are still uncertain and polls are never 100% accurate.

"Great to see the general public realizing the mistake that is electing the centrists. The left can actually help the people in need, instead of just empty promises!" Said the Communist Party's president Yajima Dayu. "If we (CPM) are elected, we promise to house and feed those who can't afford it, and provide actual jobs instead of making you serve in the army for barely minimum wage."
The Communist Party of Midway has begun extensive campaigning in the largest cities, promising better conditions for the people in poverty.

President Alamieyeseigha has called these opinion polls falsified by the communists, and that they are spreading anti-governmental propaganda and during a press conference he said "This is a nation with rights for all, so the communists can campaign all they want, but I will be keeping a watchful eye on their falsified statistics and smear campaigns!"
Even if the president's claims were true, the public truly seems to be leaning more and more towards the left, but the end result will not be seen until September.