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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Pragma » Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:40 pm

Elisa Stromberg: Valruzian Government Has Burnt Bridges


The Dorvish Minister of Education and Culture and Co-Leader of One Dorvik, Elisa Stromberg, has accused the Valruzian Government of having 'burnt diplomatic bridges' with a warning recently issues to those travelling to Dorvik. She said that the Valruzians had 'misrepresented and exaggerated' the changes caused by the law, and said they should have consulted with the Government on how the laws would affect foreign citizens and tourist before issuing their warning. According to Stromberg, the government of Valruzia has 'hurt relations with Dorvik irreverently and presented our nation as a theocratic wasteland'. Such a projection of Dorvik's image by the government of Valruzia has also caused public outrage.

The laws the Valruzian Government are referring to are the Religious Dorvik Bill articles. One article makes blasphemy a criminal offence. However, as Stromberg explains, this does not mean that those with other views will be arrested, only those who use hate speech against Hosianism and Hosians. Furthermore, another article forces people to dress according to religious codes. This does not, as Stromberg continues to explain, mean that all people have to 'dress like a Nun', as she put it, but simply to 'respect public decency and keep skimpy outfits to one's private homes, because children shouldn't have to see that'. Stromberg says that these matters could've been explained better with consultation.

This lack of communication between the two governments and passive-aggressive warning to Valruzians travelling to Dorvik have damaged relations with the country, which were building up over the past few decades after deals which stimulated trade - particularly via air - between the two high-income-countries. While Stromberg offered to put the incident under the bridge if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Valruzia issues a clarification on their notice, but said that if it continued to 'misrepresent' the laws of Dorvik, and continued to be labelled as a "warning", then relations would sour. The announcement of the notice as a 'warning' has made Dorvik seem like a third-world country, according to Stromberg.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:27 pm

Nowogard, October 4320


The Ministry for Foreign Affairs confirmed earlier today that the recently issued warning remains for travelers to Dorvik remain in power and that everybody who plans travel to Dorvik should either postpone it or remain increased attention and caution. This information was issued by the ministry after the statement of the Dorvish minister of education and culture in which she said that Valruzia 'burnt the bridges'. The statement was later commented by the Valruzian Minister Jacek Bodnarski, he said that all countries have this kind of lists and Valruzian Ministry decided to inform the citizens of Valruzia about the potential threats of travels to Dorvik, and reminded that the protection of citizens is the primary goal of the Government.

Valruzian Prime Minister, Jakub Polaniecki announced that the intentions of the bill enacted by the Dorvish State Council are clear and that no further negotiations and consultations between Dorvik and Valruzia would bring anything new as the Valruzian Government reacts very seriously about any form of limiting of individuals right, and religious freedom and freedom of expression, undoubtfully are one of the key rights of an individual. Polaniecki also said that the intention of the Valruzian Ministry was to inform the citizens of Valruzia, and not ban them from traveling to Dorvik, Prime Minister also said that he personally is very worried about the situation in Dorvik and the government's sharp turn to the right and as long as religious freedom won't be restored in Dorvik, as long the warning stays in place.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:12 am

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, May 4321

Office of the President of the Council of Ministers informed that the Prime Minister Jakub Polaniecki has decided to use his right to refrain from nominating the official representatives to the World Congress. By virtue of the Constitutional Amendment on the Nomination of Representatives to the World Congress enacted by the Sejm in July 4320, it's the prerogative of the Prime Minister to nominate representatives to the World Congress. The amendment proposed by the Government is said to be beneficial for the Republic as now representatives of the World Congress will know and defend the interests of the Republic in the WC. Prime Minister, however, decided to represent Valruzia personally and refused to nominate anyone.

This is the official notice from the Office of the President of the Council of Ministers:
The President of the Council of Ministers informs that on the basis of the Article 4. of the "Constitutional Amendment on the Nomination of Representatives to the World Congress" - ... lid=550038 - the Prime Minister resigns from nomination of the official representatives of the Republic of Valruzia in the World Congress and will represent the interests of the Republic personally.

Nowogard, May 4321

President of the Republic of Valruzia Marek Astor nominated Julia Godlewska-Baranska for the position of the First President of the Supreme Court. By virtue of Constitutional Amendment on the Creation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Valruzia, President of the Republic nominates the First President of the Supreme Court.

Born in 4263, Godlewicz-Baranska grew up in Brzansk and at the age of 16 she moved to Gryfitow where she attended High School for young lawyers, at the age of 19 she began studies on the Law University of Haldor, she defended her thesis and got her Master's degree in 4288. She specialized in the constitutional law and the issues connected with the separation of powers. In 4289 she began work at her alma mater where she worked for 5 years. In 4294 she became associated with the Gloria Iustitia for which she conducted research and conducted the legal analysis. In 4299 she began work in the central common court in Nowogard. In 4299 Andrzej Krauze nominated her for the position of the president of the central court in Nowogard, which at the time, served as the supreme court of Valruzia. In September 4316 President Marek Astor awarded her with he academic title of the professor.

Now the Sejm will vote on the nomination of professor Godleska-Baranska and if appointed, she will serve the term till the end of the current Sejm's term.

Nowogard, May 4321

The Sejm nominated 15 Judges to the Supreme Court with the Party of National Coalition nominating 8 judges and the Valruzian Party of Working People nominating 7 Judges. It is the Sejm's responsibility to nominate 15 Judges to the Supreme Court. Together with the First President of the Supreme Court Julia Godlewska-Baranska nominated by the President of the Republic Marek Astor they form the Supreme Court of the Republic of Valruzia. The term of the Supreme Court will last until the end of the current Sejm's term and then can be renewed once.

The Party of National Coalition (PKN) which currently is the largest party in the Sejm and together with the National Unity (NU) form the cabinet, nominated 8 Judges:

1 - Jadwiga Tugierycz, born 4263
2 - Robert Jarosz, born 4268
3 - Teresa Krasucka, born 4261
4 - Henryk Amborziak, born 4269
5 - Jerzy Lisicki, born 4273
6 - Bogdan Fedurkiewicz, born 4259
7 - Jarosław Bartusiak, born 4259
8 - Krzysztof Opania, born 4272

The Valruzian Party of Working People as the only opposition in the Sejm nominated 7 Judges:

9 - Halina Majcher, born 4269
10 - Michał Jaryła, born 4263
11 - Szymon Budziszewski, born 4258
12 - Jolanta Zagoniewicz, born 4259
13 - Andrzej Nowak, born 4259
14 - Tatiana Anielewicz, born 4269
15 - Michalina Uściech, born 4267
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:44 am

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, February 4322

Valruzian economy closed last year with the economic growth of 3.2%. This is not as fast and great economic growth as Valruzia was experiencing three decades ago when the GDP rose at a rate of about 8% annually, however, it's something to be exuberant about as the Ministry of Finance prognosis state that the economy will hit another record high this year. The initial prognosis states that the GDP will rise by 4% this year.

Experts, including Jan Sokolnik from the Vlruzian Economist, say that this growth is the result of major tax cuts for individuals and corporations, the stable fiscal policy of the government which managed to avoid any deficit in the last 10 years and constantly secures a budgetary surplus of several billion pesos. Currently, the surplus is almost 4 billion pesos. Valruzian market marked a significant number of new enterprises which started as start-ups and received fundings from the ministerial programme "Start-Up Valruzia". Ministry of Finance informed that the National Register of Financial Evidence registered 1.2 thousand new small and medium-size companies which in total established 2.5 thousand jobs.

Valruzian motor and air industry were the sectors which enjoyed the largest growth and both created 4 thousand new jobs. Automotive company of Böning which opened a new factory in the Sycow County created 1.3 thousand new jobs in manufacturing. Ministry of Trade and Industry announced that Dorvish-based Reglair Flugzeugbau AG and the ministry are in the process of negotiations over the establishment of a factory in Valruzia. This will create additional 900 to 1.3 thousand workplaces. The Ministry of Finance tells the Valruzia Daily that thanks to the record-low unemployment of just 6.9% the economy may be hurt this year thanks to the lack of workers on the market.

Nowogard, March 4322

Valruzia expects its unemployment rate to hit the lowest level in the Republic's history as youth employment picks up. The prognosis of the Ministry of Finance puts it at 6.5 percent, lower than at any point since the establishment of the Republic. Since the overhaul of its economy, Valruzia has continuously registered double-digit unemployment rate, except when it dipped to a rate of about 8% in 4310.

Continuous economic growth, even at the time of the financial crisis, helped Valruzia weather the difficult conditions in the global economy. The country avoided the fate of neighboring Baltusia and Tukarali which registered a sharp spike in unemployment over that period and are still recovering from it.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:17 am

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, August 4322

Logo of the newly-established VASA.

VALRUZIA will now join the growing global space industry after Prime Minister's Polaniecki Cabinet proposed the establishment of the Valruzian Aeronautics and Space Agency which will handle all state-controlled activities connected with the exploration of space and cooperate with private economic entities aimed at the exploration of space, telecommunications, and advanced electronics.

The National Government hopes the agency will be able to take a majority of the national budget for space exploration and aeronautics industry, and in long-term, will create thousands of new job opportunities.

Currently, Valruzia operates without a designated and independent space exploration agency and instead Departments of Ministries of Trade and Industry, Infrastructure, and Transport and Science and Technology were responsible for all state-connected activities in the sphere of space exploration and telecommunications.

Despite the lack of an independent agency, Valruzia operates several dozens of commercial and public satellites. However, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced that the presence of a designated agency will allow for a significant progress and will allow for the establishment of national space-based radio navigation system called VALNAS (Valruzian Navigation System)

Valruzian Minister of Trae and Industry Rafał Joński said:
I believe, and I think that the Government as a whole believe, that the Valruzian Aeronautics and Space Agency will be less about sending people into space and more about creating jobs for people on earth.

The Ministry of Science and Technology in a recently released announcement said:
VASA will build and operate a relatively small fleet of telecommunication satellites tailored for Valruzian needs and which will allow for improvement of the Valruzian economy. Valruzia thanks to its location has a possibility of maintaining large number of satellites on Terra's geostationary orbit which will be the unquestionable asset of VASA.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:49 pm

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, May 4324

Federica Heikler (third from the left), Jacek Bodnarski (fourth from the left).

NOWOGARD - Valruzian Minister for Foreign Affairs Jacek Bodnarski found himself in the center of attention after a controversial statement on the situation on the political landscape in the Republic of Dorvik. Bodnarski in a short inofficial press conference held at this house he was joined by Federica Heikler, great-great-granddaughter of former Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Dorvik Suzanne Heikler. Federica Heikler, aged 39, now lives in Nowogard and is a close associate to the President of the Republic of Valruzia Marek Astor, she recently commented the situation in Dorvik including the political instabilities and the establishment of extremist parties like the Bright Alliance (dun. Heillige Allianz).

Heikler raised concerns about the instability on the Dorvish political scene and said that Dorvik needs a stable and trustworthy government which will effectively represent the interests of the Dorvish society. She said that the often snap elections only undermined the legitimacy of the pelting governments and in addition to that Dorvish political scene became vulnerable to extremisms. The best example for that is the recent establishment of the Bright Alliance which in her view represents the politics. She said that she considered going back to Dorvik and try to revive her Great-great-grandmother's party the Hosian Democratic Union (dun. Hosianich Demokratische Union) and that she was consulting this idea with several politicians which supports or have supported in the past the idea of establish a center party in Dorvik.

Minister Bodnarski, who personally is a close friend with Federica Heikler, said that he understands the concerns of his friend and that "Dorvish politics have indeed become a weird place..." and that the government during its upcoming session will consult the situation in Dorvik and that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will monitor the potential risks for the companies with Valruzian financial capital operating in Dorvik. Jacek Bodnarski said that the fact that a fascist party is allowed to operate in Dorvik and in fact is a part of the Government heavily impacted the recent decision to revise the ministerial warnings for citizens of Valruzia traveling to Dorvik.

Bodnarski also said that should the Bright Alliance enter the government or gain enough support to enact its policies, the Government of Valruzia will start a Terrawide campaign to oust Dorvik from the Security Council and replace it with more reliable and stable State like Luthori or Malivia. Minister Bodnarski finished the conference with the following statement "There is no place for fascism in the Security Council".
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:15 am

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, August 4324

NOWOGARD - The party Party of National Coalition (PKN) of Prime Minister Jakub Polaniecki, was the most voted in the parliamentary elections in Valruzia, held on Sunday. According to official projections, with nearly 25 million votes, 42% of the total, it has the largest share of the Sejm's seats of 186. Despite being the main political force at the national level, the party lost in several key constituencies.

Party of National Coalition maintained in control of the Capital City of Nowogard, the Free City of Brzańsk, but lost in Szary Kamień, Gryfitów, and Hel. PKN won 186 seats with nearly 42% of votes, the Valruzian Party of Working People (WPLP) won 150 seats with 32% of votes, the National Unity (JN) won 118 seats with 24% of votes, at the fourth place, the minor party of Patriots' Time managed to secure 11 mandates with 2% of votes.

The elections to the Voivodeships' Sejmiks allowed the ruling coalition to remain in power in 4 out of 5 Voivodships, in the Chynberg Voivodeship the Party of National Coalition managed to secure all 93 seats in the Sejmik, in Kampania, Ruzian and Gryfit Voivodeships the coalition of JN and PKN will remain in power for another 4 years. The WPLP managed to secure the majority in the Sejmik of Valusian Voivodeship where it won 50 out of 93 seats.

It is predicted that the Polaniecki cabinet will enter another term unchanged. The PKN indicated that plans to remain in control of the crucial ministries as Polaniecki announced yet another corporate tax decrease. The PKN will most likely use its time this term to consolidate Seleyan Union and promote the Alboro Agreement which is intergovernmental agreement on the liquidation of border checks at the SU's internal borders. Polaniecki government announced also that it will seek the re-establishment of relations with Rildanor and negotiating the Rildanor's membership in the SU.

Nowogard, August 4324

NOWOGARD - The Valruzian economy defied increased political risks and picked up speed in the third quarter of 4324 as companies invested more, consumers and the state continued to spend and exports soared despite the threat of rising protectionism.

Seleya's fifth biggest economy grew by 0.4 percent in the quarter from the quarter before, when it expanded 0.3 percent, the Ministry of Trade and Industry said on Friday. Valruzia is set to end the year with a further acceleration in economic growth, bolstered by an unprecedented expansion in manufacturing.

With unemployment at a record low, solid global demand for its exports and continued support from expansionary National Economic Fund, the one of the region’s largest economies is brushing off any uncertainty related to the recent parliamentary election. The gross domestic product probably expanded 3.0 percent in 4234, according to the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Last edited by Masionette9 on Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Roman » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:11 am

State Chancellor, Berthold Fischer, insists fascism won’t win in Dorvik

Upon the passing of the new Cabinet in Dorvik, Berthold Fischer promised the country and other governments that fascism will not succeed and directly addressed the Valruzian Minister for Foreign Affairs when stating that the incoming government would reverse the trend in authoritarianism and being back religious freedom to the country.

I can promise the people of Dorvik, and the world that fascism has no place in Dorvik, and that the recent trends in policy will be reversed, and to directly address the concerns of the Valruzian Government we will guarantee religious freedom to all that live and visit our country.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:31 pm

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, November 4324

NOWOGARD - Valruzian Ministry of National Defense announced today that the Air Defense Forces of Valruzia (PSO) has finalized a deal to purchase new planes from Dorvik-based Reglair Aircraft Industry (dun. Reglair Flugzeugbau AG) to serve as the next generation of transportation of Valruzian VIPS, flying future Presidents, Prime Ministers and Valruzian authorities around the Terra for decades to come.

Reglair representative in Valruzia, Johannes Bergman told the WAP that his company prepared three initial offers to the Valruzian Ministry of National Defense with three different planes: i7, i3, and i4.

Valruzian Government chose the largest of the three, the Relgair i10x and initially placed an order for two aircrafts to be used by the special regiment of the Air Defense Forces of Valruzia responsible for transportation of highest authorities of the Republic.

Jerzy Bartoszowicz, Commander of the PSO:
The PSO awarded a contract for the delivery of two new planes to be used for transportation of Valruzian authorities to Reglair Flugzeugbau AG due to the good experience in cooperation between PSO and Reglair. That's why we filed a motion to the Ministry of National Defence to surpass the tendering process and directly place an offer to Reglair. We understand that this can cause upset of other big aircraft constructors like Ajace or WZL but we hope that the cooperation between us and them will be as splendid as possible.

President of the Republic of Valruzia, Marek Astor, on several occasions, criticized the constantly increasing costs of the new planes. At the beginning of November, the Ministry of National Defense informed that the cost of the purchase and operation of the new planes exceded 1 billion pesos and that is was the result of additional agreements between Reglair and the Government which include the establishment of production lines in Valruzia, this would mean that the future planes would be built in Valruzia which in the outcome would mean more jobs in Valruzia.
Last edited by Masionette9 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:35 am

Walruzja Codziennie || Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, April 4325

Reglari i3 family assembly line in Brzansk factory.

Building aircraft in Dorvik torn by political instabilities which affect the economic stability of one of the largest economies in Terra is becoming financially impossible, said the head of Reglair in Valruzia. The likely result will be a partial shift of production to Valruzia to take advantage of the weaker peso. Reglair in fact already operates one factory in Brzansk opened February this year in which the company builds i3, i4, i5, and i8 planes but Johannes Bergman, representing Reglair in Valruzia said that the company is considering the partial or even entire production transfer to Valruzia.

The decision of Reglair management is dictated by the soaring instabilities in Dorvik which affect its economy. Reglair, according to Bergman would benefit from Valruzian lower corporate tax and the stability of policies of the Valruzian government. Dorvik has recently seen the increase of tensions between main political forces caused by indecisive legislative elections which forced the now ruling Our Party (dun. Unsere Partei) to form coalition formed out of 5, relatively different parties. Additionally, the political landscape saw the rise of extremist parties like Communist Party or fascist Bright Alliance and Dorvish Fascist Union, and this all put together caused the Reglair's increased interest of moving the production of its planes to Valruzia.

Valruzian Minister for Trade and Industry Rafał Joński said he greeted the news with joy and happiness, and that the Valruzian Government will hopefully help Reglair in the process. Minister of Interior Affairs said that the Reglair representatives consider moving the factories from Haldor and Fairfax to Brzansk and Hel, the long-term process would according to Reglair take at least 10 years and create at least 60 thousand new jobs in Valruzia. The company said that it will offer some of their workers in Dorvik the option to move to Valruzia in order to be able to work in Reglair. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the Ministry would propose a law which would bypass the immigration laws of the country and establish special conditions in order to fully integrate the company and its workers with the Valruzian market, but at the same time would secure the interest of the Valruzian society.

Reglair said that it is interested in using the Valruzian Special Economic Zones established in July 4275, which would allow the company to save money and increase the investment. Company's representatives announced that the total investment cost may surpass 3 billion Dorvish dollgars (3.9 billion Valruzian pesos).
Last edited by Masionette9 on Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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