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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:33 am

HQ of Fordingham Automotive Industries, commonly abbreviated Ford
Sept 3rd, 3713

The Zardic Government today awarded Fordingham Automotive Industries (FAI) a lucrative multi-billion dollar contract to provide vehicles to the government. The deal, which was sealed last week provides 1.2 billion ZAR's to be spent over 2 years so the government can get a new fleet of cars for service. A spokesman for the President stated that the deal would help out a domestic automaker and provide thousands of jobs for Zards. Company officials were excited about the contract and stated that a planned expansion of a car factory in Endiraho.
The deal however has come under intense scrutiny because of the connections.The Fordingham family, owners of FAI are strongly aligned with the ruling Zardic People's Party thus raising the possibility of political business corruption. Watchdog groups have raised the spectre of corrupt deals benefiting closely connected families to the ZPP. Officials in the government have tried to play down any corrupt ties saying FAI put in the best bid and had the best products. However for most, this deal is painted with political back patting.

Zardic fans crowding around a t.v set in a bar in KB
Sept, 3713

Zardic officials from across the political spectrum have been voicing their support for the team as they make their way for the World Cup. The Zardic team has given a solid performance and our leaders have heaped praise upon the team.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:07 pm

Majatran Union Administrative Complex in Al-Kasraj
Jan, 5, 3714

The communist revolution in Kafuristan has created a series of intricate problems for Majatra, but most especially for Zardugal. Once being a firm supporter of the old Caliphate regime that the communists overthrew, Zardugal is now the destination for anyone connected to the old regime to flee to. Already several former top government officials and ministers have taken flights out of Kafuristan while hundreds of former middle ranking members are also filling up flights out of the country.
A more pressing problem are those seeking to flee the country that are still in Kafuristan. While the Zardic Chancery was closed due to civil strife weeks ago, it is still technically sovereign Zardic diplomatic property and over 500 people have taken refuge there in the vain hope that last shred of diplomatic immunity will protect them. Meanwhile just down the same road, the Majatran Union Administrative Complex- Kafuristan (MUAC-K), home to the MU offices in the country is even more inundated with asylum seekers. Nearly 1000 Kafuri refugees have taken up residence in the compound and are begging nations all over Terra and Majatra to help them. There is stronger diplomatic protection here as the Complex is still being operated and houses the remnants of the Zardic mission to Kafuristan. A multi-national security force consisting of officers from Zardugal, Vanuku, Cildania and Deltaria also protects the Complex and provides security for MU personnel. While Zardugal is in the process of trying to give these people asylum it is unclear how Zardugal will be able to remove the refugees if the Kafuri Government becomes more hostile and restricts access to the airport or land routes.

A worse winter than usual hit the northern hemisphere, picture of an engulfed town in Hutori
Jan 10, 3714

After two years of intensive international studies conducted by the Institute for Terra Climate Studies (ITCS), the Limenstomo Climate Research Centre and the Zardic Environment Ministry have yielded worrying results Terra wide. Global Cooling is real and becoming worse by the day. Scientists have stated that so many emissions and green house gasses have been pumped into the atmosphere that instead of feeling a global warming effect, the planet is trying to naturally cool the planet down resulting in Global Cooling.
Scientists in Northern Artania affiliated with the 3 groups noted dangerous fast depletion of the polar ice caps there and stated that with so much cool and fresh water entering the global ocean currents, the climate regulator they were was becoming undone and that it was helping cause the cooling weather scenario. With the ocean currents disrupted, warmer waters from the southern regions is being disrupted thus disrupting the warmer climate. The report predicts that an increase in volcanic activity will occur and that the weather will begin to cool noticeably across southern and northern Terra.
For southern Terra the problem is as acute. Zardic research vessels have noted that cooling temperatures threaten southern shipping routes, and that it brings the possibility of harsh winters in southern Majatra, something rare for the most part.
Zardic officials have expressed concern and members of the government are planning to introduce legislation to promote more environmentally friendly policies. On the international scale there is talk of pushing a Majatran Climate and Environment Policy for the MU and of engaging the Artanian Union and other regional bodies across Terra. A possible international conference on climate could also be called and Foreign Ministry officials haven't ruled out trying to organize one.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:26 pm

President Williams meeting with the Foreign Minister of Dorvik
Jan, 16, 3714

President Harold Williams (ZPP) has concluded what many see was a successful visit to the Dorvish Federation last week. As part of his "New Zardugal" foreign policy push, restoring relations with Dorvik and entering a period of warming for both nations. The trip started on the 10th when President Williams arrived by plane in Haldor and was welcomed by the Foreign Minister and several other government officials. As the week progressed the President had numerous "productive meetings and work sessions with Dorvik officials" and many bridges were restored between officials. The President also enjoyed some more recreational tours, being shown around the World Cup preparations and meeting with the Dorvish team. He wished them the best of luck, though not too much to beat Zardugal should the team make it!
On restoring diplomatic relations, the President said much progress has been made with resolving differences and that the Foreign Minister had an "open and frank discussion with myself and my staff. We are committed to restoring ties and we will allow Dorvik to reopen their Chancery in Belgae at a moments notice. We will work together. No more tension and opposition to each other. Zardugal and Dorvik can have a productive working relationship, there is much we can accomplish together and little we can do when we stand opposed."
Despite the official glowing of success there were still mild road bumps along the way. There was no bilateral meeting between the President's of the two nations and the position of the Social Nationalist Party remains to be seen fully on the matter. Further, a series of protests did disrupt the President's visit with the protests aimed at reminding both parties periods of alleged Zardic aggression and hostility.

Protesters outside the hotel where the President stayed. Most protesters were peaceful, if aggressive and no major incidents were reported.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1390
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:30 am

Radical communist protesters storming the vacated Zardic Chancery in Al-Kasraj where 400 refugees took shelter
Feb 1st, 3714
The protesters have drawn first blood. At the crack of dawn this morning, communist rioters and paramilitaries stormed the abandoned Zardic chancery and forcibly "arrested" the nearly 400 people seeking shelter on the property. Observers note that several members, mostly men, were executed on the spot for crimes known and that women, children and other men were dragged from the compound into military trucks and vans and driven off elsewhere.
People on the scene said it was one of brutality, slaughter and evil. There were blood streams in the road and while militia secured the area residents could still see blood on the walls and dead bodies not even bothered to be covered up.
A similar attempt was made later that afternoon to attack at the MUAC-K, but it was beaten back by a heavy use of tear gas and rubber bullets on the part of compound staff and security personnel. The situation remains no less dire there though...

A Zardic military contractor takes up a position to defend the MUAC-K centre, there are only 50 fully trained security personnel defending MUAC-K, mostly Zards and Vanukueans
March 3rd, 3714

Two months after the siege began of refugees and Majatran Union employees at the MUAC-K the situation can only be described as worsening. With no help from local authorities and with newspapers whipping the crowds into a frenzy, the few security personnel at the compound are doing the best they can to hold the nearly 900 refugees and some 100 MU employees working in the offices who themselves are now refugees. Protesters have tried twice to storm the compound but were beat back by a heavy use of tear gas and lack of heavy fire power to force their way in. The entrapped Zardic Ambassador, Melinda Gates has pleaded for the international community to rally to save the entrapped refugees and the Majatran Union Adminstrator, Dr. Hadi al-Badar has also sent out pleas for help. Officials warn that despite some food and water being smuggled into the compound, there remains a grave security and humanitarian situation to resolve.
Officials at the Zardic Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry are tight lipped but the panic is evident with the government ramping up security at Zardic diplomatic installations worldwide and activating most of the newly formed rapid response corps. No word yet on whether a rescue mission will be mounted but it is sure to be in the highest of secrecy....
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1390
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:58 pm

3 guided missile destroyers and 1 guided missile cruiser arrive to assist in the Vanuku operation
Jan 27, 3716

After nearly two years of being hostages, events are moving rapidly across Majatra that many think will resolve the stand off in one way or another. Vanukuean and Zardic ships are in position near Al-Kasraj and can now provide limited air cover and sea based support to the beleaguered MUAC-K compound in the city. Over the past two years, the compound has been repeatedly starved, blockaded and assaulted in all manner of ways from storming to exchanges of tear gas and even deadly gun fights. Of the nearly 1000 people who were initially holed up in the Complex some 150 have died along with 2 Zardic MU employees from the fighting. It can only be a matter of time before the situation is resolved.....

Zardic and Vanukuean forces landing on the outskirts of Al-Kasraj
Jan, 30th, 3716

After months of preparations and planning the rescue operation was a go at 0600 yesterday. Vanuku, Zardic and surprisingly, Cildanian forces launched a joint assault to rescue the workers in the MUAC-K with the Zards putting in an extra mission to rescue as many refugees as possible from the situation in Kafuristan.
At 0545 the coastal ships from the Vanuku and Zardic task force began sea based bombardments hitting key militia and defense installations trying to smooth a path to the compound.
Zardic and Vanukuean ships then escorted two ocean freighters supplied by Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation (KBMC) which carried the ground component of the mission. A Vanukuean task force and a joint Zardic-Cildanian special forces contingent quickly moved in and secured a small section of the port area while beginning a rapid push forward around 0615. By this time militia were already roaming the streets and heavy fighting was encountered as thousands of uncoordinated but heavily armed militia filled the city. The task force of about 200 soldiers quickly had its work cut out for it but by 0735 a route had been cut from MUAC-K to the two waiting cargo freighters.
A couple of hijacked buses got the MU employees and staff out while the remaining space was crowded by refugees. The Zardic Special Forces operators quickly commandeered some other transport methods including a technical, another bus and even a garbage truck to get as many refugees out as possible. Indeed fighting was made more difficult as hundreds of people besieged the convoy trying to get on and get out. Despite flooring it out and trying to weave through the confused mess militia did partially intercept the convoy as they came to a public square and fierce fighting broke out which only ended in Allied favor given the air superiority and sea based assets.
At the docks, over 300 additional refugees stormed aboard the cargo freighters and combined with the returning forces and convoy another 290 were squished together while the forces evacuated. Up until the very last people were climbing out to the ships by any means possible. Militia fire damaged some of the ships with small arms and RPG fire hitting the control towers but none was seriously damaged. By 0845 the ships were being hurried away from Kafuristan with the rescue contingent, the refugees and the MU workers. The Cildanian Special Forces were returned to their country by a Zardic destroyer. Kafuri reaction is most likely going to be violent. Initial casualty reports show that out of the joint task force, 9 Allied operators died, 5 Zards, 3 Vanukueans and 1 Cildanian while militia causality rates were estimated at 50+ with civilian casualties unknown.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1390
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:43 am

The ZNS Sitrepo on a mission in the Majatran Sea
October 24th, 3716

After the drama and intrigue over the MUAC-K compound ended earlier this year, the Zardic Government is preparing to take more long and medium term responses to the situation in Majatra. Already the Government is preparing a domestic sanctions regime including freezing old Razamid accounts in Zardic banks and preparing various economic sanctions on various sectors. Resource Development Corporation (RDC) has already pulled out from its dealings in the country while KBMC has cancelled all freighting routes to the country as well. Government backed sanctions include measures to cut off the flow of Kafuri oil and halt and make more difficult transfer of technology and assistance to help the Communists develop oil wells.
On a domestic level, there have also been some interesting twists and turns. At the old Kafuri Chancery in Belgae, PhD Benjamin Ali Mobarat declared the formation of a Government in Exile under the banner of the "Ahmadi Republic of Kafuristan." He stated that a full Cabinet would soon be forth coming and that it sought to lead the campaign to end the communist rule of Kafuristan. Already appointed to important positions are Brigadier General Mohammed Bin Haden, a former Razamid army officer was tapped to form a new Kafuri Republican Army (KRA). Other initial appointments include Professor Omar Al-Kitri, a former international relations professor at Al-Kasraj University as Foreign Minister and Bashar Al-Walad was named as Permanent Representative to the Majatran Union.
The Zardic Defense Ministry has already announced the opening of a joint training command and base to train members of the Kafuri diaspora along with supplying them weapons. Zardic officials were fully cooperative with the measures and became the first nation to recognize the new government and announced its full support.
Further on the international field, Zardic diplomats are working to push a round of sanctions at the MU with a focus on the crucial energy trade for Kafuristan. Zardic diplomats hope the communist regime will soon see the light of their errors.

Communist radicals in Gaduridos
October 31, 3716

As Majatra is once again embroiled in conflict as a result of the communist uprising in Kafuristan, the Zardic Federation is increasingly worried about a global communist threat. From Gaduridos to Davostag communist and other radical leftist types are raising their profiles and their paths to power. While Zardugal has largely been spared this wave of communism it is increasingly worried about the growing leftist threat worldwide. A perfect example of Zardic worries is the willingness of the Dark Communists in Gaduridos to freely and publicly ship arms to assorted communists in Davostag.
While Zardugal has long kept a quiet eye on the rest of the world, officials worry about having to go abroad to keep the broader communist threat contained.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1390
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:50 pm

Human rights activists protesting outside the Vanukuean Chancery in Belgae
Sept. 12, 3717

Some 150 human rights protesters led by the Majatran Observatory for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization launched a protest outside the Vanukuean Chancery in Belgae over what they claim is systemic and growing human rights violations in the country. Recent murders of opposition leaders in the country and police arrests of others have raised the human rights profile of the country to rights groups.
A report issued by the MOHR (not to be confused with the MAHR, an official MU body) stated the slow and steady growth of a police state in Vanuku which props up the "fascist government and keeps dissent to a barely tolerated minimum. Members of the Ahmadi faith are persecuted with extreme prejudice along with Hosians who don't align perfectly with the government and any other non-government supporter. While Vanuku beats its chest over pursuing justice for violators of human rights from the old Razamid regime, perhaps its time to look inward and bring to light government oppression and corruption in Vanuku."
While the protests were going on, requests for human rights investigations were made to the official MU human rights watchdog, the Majatran Agency for Human Rights (MAHR) and the Council of Majatra. Requests to give Vanukueans who cross the border refugee status were also made to the Foreign Ministry and the Internal Affairs Ministry though no official government response has yet been announced. Requests for a statement from the Vanukuean Chancery and Foreign Ministry were not returned.

Prototype missile launcher being tested in central Unkassa
September 15, 3717
Zardic Defense officials, nearing the completion of implementing the "Flexible Response" doctrine set out several years ago, are preparing the next phase of Zardic defense development: missile and strategic defense. While Zardugal has long maintained durable conventional armed forces, the country has long had an incoherent strategic defense policy. Officials in the Defense Ministry say this will change in the coming years. A new budget expected after the elections will show increased defense spending for missile development and retrofitting the nuclear weapons programs. A slight increase is also needed to shut down the development of biological and chemical weapons. While research and defense oriented chem-bio research will continue the government is committed to removing chem-bio weapons from the arsenal. A spokesman from the Government said that having nuclear weapons and chem-bio weapons was redundant and that a certain inhumanity was attributed to chem-bio weapons.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:30 am

President Williams addressing supporters
October 12th, 3717

With election day just over 2 months away the ZPP is pushing into campaign overdrive, showing its determination to keep its positions and power. Faced with an array of global and domestic issues, the ZPP is emphasizing its quality leadership over the past term and its successes in bringing Zardugal back to the world stage. Party officials appoint to re-establishing the constitution and rebuilding the court system as major pluses while a military renaissance is said to have taken place with a smarter, more efficient military being established to respond to an array of threats abroad. Perhaps most trumped is the successes they've made abroad. New relations with Selucia after decades of humming and hawing, bringing Selucia into the MU as well and a successful state visit to Dorvik to start rebuilding ties there though efforts have cooled some as crisis closer to home drew more attention.
Foreign affairs officials are quick to point out how well the spillover from the Kafuristan communist uprising has been contained so far, pointing to a spur in Majatran unity with diverse nations like Deltaria and Cildania joining the moderately successful Al-Kasraj rescue situation. Since then there have been strong approval in the Majatran Union so far for Zardic backed sanctions. However with Badara and Kalopia possibly joining the Kafuri communists not all is well at all.
However, as is usually the case with elections, domestic concerns will dominate. The government is touting its record of privatizations and free market policies as positives which are spurring new growth and opportunity. However there has been some concern over government social policy, given the generally moderate to liberal views there which could prove problematic in the more competitive districts. However the ZPP is clearly on the offensive already talking up an ambitious second term in power with their coalition allies the ZNK and so far the ADL has waged a lackluster campaign at best.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
Posts: 1390
Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:26 am

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Maxington » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:05 pm

Chairwoman of the ZNK, Jacqueline Castillo, addresses her supporters.
December 17th, 3717.

After 6 years of pushing forwards the ZNK General Election Campaign, the ZNK has only managed to take the last scraps of seats remaining in the Federal National Congress. Political Leader of the ZNK, Carlos-Valencia Franco, spoke to the Media yesterday at his Office in Limenstomo where he told reporters that after the Zardic National Coalition Cabinet reshuffle Prime Minister Candice Persad-Bissessar would have already been removed from her seat of Prime Minister of Zardugal and Chairwoman of the ZNK and replace with Former ZNK Director of Political Research (DPR), Jacqueline Castillo due to the fact that Prime Minister Candice Persad-Bissessar would be going into retirement after 35 years of Serving Zardugal on a Political Platform. With the ZPP taking 99 seats in the Federal National Congress the ZNK knows that the ZPP has new plans of developing Zardugal. Prime Minister, Candice Persad-Bissessar will address the nation for the very last time on 3rd February 3718. She will also have a short meeting with soon to be Prime Minister of Zardugal, Jacqueline Castillo outlining her a list of Project she hadn't completed within her time in Office as Prime Minister of Zardugal.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Aquinas » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:23 pm

July 3719

Mallan Reds celebrate 400,000th member

Hakim Forsido

Zardugal's latest political phenomenon, the Mallan-dominated Mela Zardugal Sosialist Niqinaqē (All-Zardugal Socialist Movement) first entered the scene 12 months ago. Back then, it lacked financial backing and its organisation was embarrassingly amateurish. Although styling itself as a socialist party with universal appeal, in practice its support was stubbornly confined to a small section of the Mallan intelligentsia. When Kafuristan's communist regime fell and socialism seemed to be in retreat across Majatra, few thought the Movement could have much of a future.

Yet with all of these factors counting against it, chairman Hakim Forsido has guided his organisation from strength to strength, capturing the public's imagination with vigorous denunciations of global capitalism and scathing attacks on the alleged racism and complacency of Zardugal's predominantly Augustan political establishment. This week, just months after being elected to the Federal National Congress in a Kalvarian by-election, Forsido proudly held a press conference in Belgae to welcome the party's 400,000th member. If the Movement can keep up the momentum like this, it will surely win more seats at the General Election scheduled for 4 years' time. Much will depend, though, on whether it can break out of its natural Mallan political constituency and win over Augustans and Irkawans to its cause. It is already beginning to do this, but will need to be much more successful in this regard if it is to become a serious force.
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