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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Adithya » Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:12 am

Die Dunburg Welt Herold:-

Labour Party Holds Convention.

The Labour Party held its Third National Convention in the Capital City Albrunn,This three day discussion was held to discuss various policy matters and also to debate on Future course of Action of The party.

In the Meet,Chancellor Erica Schulz was renominated as Party Chairwoman and Leader with a vote of approval of 99.8%.

She spoke that the party intends to continue with its policy of ensuring"development with social justice and Highlighted Dundorfs need to Fight Fascism and stay as a beacon light of acceptance and Harmony.

Erica Schulz thanking Supporters After her Speech:-

Her Speech:-

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,Today has been a great experience for me,I met the Junge Liberale Wing of our party and their ideas and passion for this country was absolutely wonderful and lot of their ideas were good.

We have always been stressing on the idea of social democracy and a idea of equality with social justice,we intend to establish a welfare state which cares for everyone and a nation were nobody is left behind.

Yes Dundorf is a much more developed country now than what it was 3 decades back,but we must not stop here,we must ensure that Dundorf is an Economic powerhouse by encouraging Private Invesemt which will increase national income and create more employment opportunities.

We must ensure that every Dundorfian child has access to a better future,

Our Party together With our allies have been able to effectively implement many Programmes to Ensure a Robust Welfare State which provides for all Citizens.

Our priority has able been to rebuild the existing infrastructure and this plan has worked and infrastructure is very well developed in the current situation.

We have ensured Quality Education and Quality Healthcare to all Dundorfians and are ensuring free service,about which i am extremely proud of.

We favour a Private Sector Dominated Economy but with a Strong Public Sector which provides a base for the development of Private Enterprise.

Regarding International Issues,the rise of fascism in Dorvik worries us and we must be open at all times because fear causes division and this division causes the downfall of the World"s Progressive Order.

We must always believe in acceptance and Diversity and Harmony.

We Dundorfians must Unite and ensure that our openness is an example to the world.

Thank you.

In the same Party Whip Mrs.Helen Fischer was appointed as Deputy Leader,she told that this was a" great Honour and Privilege to serve this great country of ours through this great party".

Photo of Mrs.Fischer Meeting Reporters after the meet:-


Party Critic for Food and Agriculture and Former Minister Mr.Gerard Schwartz was appointed as chief Whip and floor leader of the party.

"I have been entrusted with a huge responsibility and I will do my best in my position as Party Whip and House Labour Leader".

Gerard Schwarz Waving to Party Members:-
Last edited by Adithya on Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung Difficult Times for the VfFuD

Postby FPC » Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:39 am

The Volkspartei für Freiheit und Demokratie is expereincing a period of uncertainty and doubt unlike any in its history. Reportedly communication has broken down within the party and all channels of outward communication are disused. The party has not been out of government at all, during the times when it has been active, so this period is the first tester. And following the decision of several parties too change their minds and back a republic, they have had a crisis of confidence with themselves and other parties. It is unknown what the future holds for this once great party, that now sits as a shdaow of its former self. It has never been a smooth ride for the party, and we are anxiously waiting to see what happens to them.

Report in the Dundorfer Tageszeitung
Used to be relevant
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Adithya » Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:43 pm

Bundeskanzler Kicks off Party Campaign.

Chancellor and Arbeiterpartei Leader Erica Schulz kicked off the campaign in a party event in Albrunn,Zarkitsch.

Erica Schulz kicking off the party campaign:-


Erica Schulz speaking to supporters in a different event,this time in zerlin:-

The event was one of the largest ever in Arbeiterpartei"s History as more than 500,000 people attended the rally and filled the Streets of the Capital City

Erica Schulz Spoke in the Bundestag about why she called the election:-

Good evening Members of the Bundestag,I think we can conduct early elections,I am going only based on my record as Prime Minister/Chancellor and my career will be decided by the decision of the voters whom I have served with absolute commitment.We have implemented major reforms to the pension system,Healthcare system and Education system.Dundorf is playing a major role in the world stage and economic development and Welfare of The citizens is both at a better Situation than it ever was,I am going by all these reforms and hope that the voters re-elect my government.i request the Bundestag to support the early election motion.

Thank you,.

She also released the party's manifesto:-

The Arbeiterpartei will fight the election based on its record and will:-

1.Reduce Draconian Environmental Regulations but still develop a responsible Environmental policy which will not harm the Environment as well as citizens personal freedoms.

2.Reducing taxes for the Middle class.

3.Increasing Spending for Healthcare,Education and Infrastructure departments.

4.Reject any referendum on the Artanian Union.

The Chancellor is still very popular,Poll by Der Unabhangigen and Die Dunburg Welt Herold.


Do you approve of Bundeskanzler Mrs.Schulz?

Don't know/No response:-2%
Last edited by Adithya on Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Adithya » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:27 am

Erica Schulz Concession Speech,says it is a hard blow and indicates that she will resign soon,Party members reject resignation:-

Bundeskanzler Erica Schulz giving her concession speech


Labour Party Leader and Bundeskanzler Erica Schulz conceded her defeat and stated that Dundorf has never stopped being great and that our nation must continue in the path forward.

Her Speech:-

Good Morning Dundorf.

The Campaign was hard,the polls were rough towards me and my party,and I believed that it might be a washout but it has been a much better result than expected,but still,I believe that my work as chancellor has been rejected by the people.And I would like to thank the 12 Million Dundorfians who stood in Favour of me and I thank all those who voted for their participation in this huge democratic process.I believe that it is time that a fresh face leads the party and that I down as leader.

I have a very proud record which I can boast of:-
1.Dundorf is playing an active role in foreign policy and is providing support to many poor countries.
2.An Economic Boom is underway in the country, Unemployment rate has fell to 5%.
3.We have ensured Compulsory Public Pension to all Dundorfians.
4.We have improved the Quality of Healthcare,Education and Infrastructure and are ensuring that People are able to afford Health Services and are able to complete their College Education at free of cost but with high quality.Dundorf has become a center for Students from All over the world who come here to study in our wonderful higher education institutions.
5.We have been a beacon for openness and Diversity and serve as an example to the whole world.

I am proud of all these reforms and will continue to stay as leader until a newer face is chosen.
I must say this finally,our nation has never stopped being great!

Thank you Dundorf.Thank you.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Adithya » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:35 am

Arbeiterpartei members reject Erica's resignation:-

Labour party members rejected Erica Schulz"s resignation by 95 to 5%

Do you Believe that Erica Schulz must resign as leader and do you accept her resignation?.


Erica Schulz short statement to reporters after The decision.

This is absolutely Stunning for me,I never thought I would receive this much support from party members,and yes,I will reconsider my resignation.


Bundeskanzler Schulz meeting the press:-

As she told that to reporters in the live conference party members in the Headquarters burst into cheers.

The Bundeskanzler still has an approval rating of 80% according to a poll by Die Dunburg Welt Herold with 18% disapproving her.
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Neues Dundorf

Postby Sturmgewehr » Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:20 pm

Neues Dundorf: DKP calls early elections

October 4184

DKP declares the current situation to be "ungovernable, caused by the right"

With those words President Kroeger described what he considered to be "a rigged system". Having won the presidential elections in 4183, Kroeger has expressed his discontent with the current state of affairs regarding the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives. Lacking a 2/3rd clear majority, the DKP has thus far been unable to form a coalition which could re-establish the DDR. That being one of the main goals of the DKP, Kroeger has called for new elections to take place, hoping that the recently passed socialist reforms will give his party a clear majority.

Giving a speech in Dosmund in front of thousands of supporters, he stated his intentions to "wipe the fascists out". He also praised the Arbeiterpartei, which has been governing with the DKP in a coalition since the elections in 4183. Calling the party "the only other party of the workers", Kroeger said plans have already been made for a new cabinet including the Arbeiterpartei.

DKP supporters after the speech took to the streets
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Sturmgewehr » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:34 am

Neues Dundorf: Right wing cabinet formation halted

The recent elections called upon by President Kroeger were by all means no victory for the socialists.

The political climate in Dundorf reaches an all time low as neither side can form a majority coalition in the Repräsentantenhaus. Having lost seats to the newly founded right wing parties, the DKP barely managed to hold on to the presidency. The right proposed to form a cabinet with the Arbeiterpartei, a long time ally of the DKP, only to be rebuffed by them.

President Kroeger had the following to say:

"The situation remains tense as this leaves the country virtually leaderless. The monarchists find themselves however stopped dead in their tracks, with their cabinet proposal having been crushed by our friends. Ironically the right has now created a situation in which the current socialist cabinet remains seated. The only alternative for us would be to form one without the SKU, but we doubt that they are willing to work for that.

So much for Dundorf, eh?"

The proposed cabinet by the right

And the proposed anti-monarchist cabinet, notice the irony in the debate.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:27 am

Der Globus: Free Conservative Party forms to counter left-wing dominance in Dundorf

Outside a relatively small office building stood officials from what is now known as the "Free Conservative Party". The announcement came with little forewarning and was mostly attended by members and supporters of the political organization that it had spawned from the "Project for a New Dundorf" which was a political think-tank dedicated to national conservatism in Dundorf. The announcement included information regarding the platform of the party which was plainly stated by National Chairman Bastian Riedel as "...as political organization for Dundorfians, by Dundorfians. We're dedicated to our way of life. We firmly believe in a conservative agenda that make progress and backwardness. We are firmly anti-Communist and anti-Socialist, far too long have we suffered underneath the Communist and Socialist. We must break that trend! It's time for a democratic Dundorf. We will restore the economy, we will restore our military, we will restore our place as chief among Artanian nations!" The National Chairman discussed several other plans including working with fellow right-wing parties and branching out to "traditional political structures within Dundorf" to cooperate and work alongside. The relatively small office which the Free Conservative Party calls their national headquarters is relatively small and signifies that the party itself started as a grassroots political organization. The party has prided itself on being exactly that, a grassroots organization that is dedicated to the common Dundorfian.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:13 pm

Der Globus: Is National Monarchism the future for Dundorf?

Xaver Kielholz, the Secretary of Foreign and Artanian Affairs for the Free Conservative Party is one of the leading political strategist and political theorist within the FCP. At a speech today at the University of Zerlin to a crowd of students, Kielholz proposed the development of a new ideology: National Monarchism. Kielholz stated that the concept of the monarchy in Dundorf was sacred to their existence as a people and an culture, it was the one unifying factor that the Dundorfian people retained after years of left-wing abuse. Kielholz discussed that the concept of National Monarchism played into the fact that the Dundorfian people were weary of democracy as their earlier history had led them down the path of austerity and damaging left-wing rule. Kielholz noted that the blending of the "good parts" of National Socialism and Monarchism could be the future for Dundorf and it could lead Dundorf to finally having its own "place in the sun..." while joking that colonies were a thing of the past but that hegemony was no different, just a little less harmful.

Kielholz discussed the restoration of the Kaiser and the return of the titular "Dundorfian Reich" though it would be solely in name as the former states of the Dundorfian Reich are far from interested in amalgamation again. Kielholz noted that Dorvik had fallen far from its former self, becoming obsessed with democracy as that it always had been and that the former states of the Dundorfian Reich had eschewed their identity as "Dundorfians" for whatever they had become in the modern era. Kielholz did applaud the recent efforts of the Pan-Dundorfian movement which had strengthened the Volksdundorfische through Artanian but stated that the movement did not do enough or go far enough, more was needed. The unification of all Volksdundorfische was necessary but in this modern era, it would be difficult. Kielholz then attacked the collapse of the Artanian Union but stated that Dundorf underneath the Free Conservative Party would look for an intercontinental organization that would foster unity and cooperation.

During the question and answered period several students attacked Kielholz for "...masquerading National Socialism as Monarchist movement..." and "...the left will forever lead Dundorf!" but Kielholz simply brushed them off and stated that sooner or later the elections would show where the Dundorfian heart was, and that was firmly with the right.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:19 am

Der Globus: Where is our government?

The leadership of the Free Conservative Party held a leadership conference today for its growing member base and National Secretary Matthäus Hoehman (who also serves as Secretary for Education and Culture as well as the chief legislative councilor to the party leadership) challenged that right-wing parties in Dundorf for their lack of a government. "The right-wing political parties in Dundorf have a collective seat number of over 300 and yet we have a government comprised of Communist and Socialist. This is a outrage to the people of Dundorf who clearly have given a mandate to the right-wing political establishment. We are not attacking our allies on the right, merely we questioning why they aren't working towards a new future for the Dundorfian people." At the leadership conference the various leadership of the party spoke and described that the party would set out to organize it's members, the conference was focused on around recruiting and educating members on the ideology of the party. It should be noted that the political ideology section of the conference was headed by Deputy National Chairman Xaver Kielholz, a proponent of an ideology which he calls "National Monarchism".

National Chairman Bastian Riedel discussed the leadership of local units and how to best organize; he introduced a descendant of the Rommel family Reinhold Gabriel von Rommel who would be spearheading the effort to recruit members into the party through a variety of means. The connection between Riedel and von Rommel was made when Kielholz introduced the two through Kielholz's connections to the Dundorfian's monarchy. Critics of the party state that the involvement of the nobility in another political movement was worrying and that connections to a militaristic party were worrying. National Secretary Hoehman stated that the party was dedicated to democracy and the restoration of the Dundorfian Reich.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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