
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:53 pm

Kaiser Chann II, CNP's young chairman, Re-Elected; Prompt Restoration of Chann Rule


ACHARIYA, CHANN - The CNP won a decisive victory at the polls in 4045, running on its progressive platform. THings got even better when the KNP collapsed shortly after the dismal election results and the remaining members of the Provincial Council, all CNP, were able to call early elections and restore one party rule.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Fri May 19, 2017 5:22 pm

Ba'athist Regional Command forms, Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party celebrates with paramilitary parade
May, 4213

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - The streets were filled today with black mask, khaki uniformed men as the newly formed Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party announced their reformation. The Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party is seen as the successor to the Nationalist Party for the Kafuri Resurrection and the al-Sadhi Organization, both of which held power in Kafuristan. Regional Secretary-General Abdul Fattaah el-Galla spoke today regarding the need for "Socialism, Liberty and Majatran unity" in today's world and how the current government was nothing but a pawn of Artanian and Seleyan governments and the workers need to rise against them to cast off their chains and become class aware. The rise of the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party, commonly known as the Ba'ath Party is seen as a response to the economic crisis in the early 4200's which the world is still recovering from, 13 years after the worst portion of the economic collapse. Despite the traditional belief that many Ba'ath followers are more right-wing, the current party leadership is widely believed to be from a strain of radical Communist and Socialist who believe in exporting the revolution of the workers and spreading the Ba'athist ideology to all of Majatra.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:24 am

Ihya Party Demands MRSF Accession

September 28, 4230

al-Tasari rousing supporters at the petition handover

The newly founded Majatran Socialist Revival Party (Ihya) has marched to the Presidential Palace with a petition signed by its 284 members to demand that he accede to the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation. The party's Regional Command Secretary Ayman al-Tasara addressed members at the gates of the palace.

Our historical mission is to reunite the great Majatran people under the one banner and nation that outside forces have denied. The nations that were historically born out of Ahmadi civilisation are merely fragments of the true nation. The criminal influence of many outsider oppressors like Istalia must be ended in blood and iron. The MRSF is an imperfect vehicle on the path to revival of the great Majatran nation. Mr President, we ask you not to do Istalia's work and oppose entry into the MRSF. It is where we belong and where the Majatran dream of unity, liberty and socialism will be realised

The authorities are thought to be quite uneasy at the impressive organisation of the party, the leadership of former military officers like al-Tasara himself, a former Captain in the Presidential Guard and the likely rise in support for Ihya in the populace. The 42 year old al-Tasara retired from the Armed Forces two years ago in order to pursue his dreams of founding a pan-Majatran socialist movement.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:13 am

Ihya Renamed to Ba'ath Party
March 15, 4231

Following a merger with a number of remnants of the old Ba'athist Party and other Majatran socialist/nationalist groups, the Ihya Party has been renamed to the Majatran Socialist Renaissance Party (Ba'ath Party) Ihya leader Ayman al-Tasara was elected Regional Secretary of the new party with Dr. Hashim al-Azma his deputy from Ihya elected to his former role. It is really just Ihya absorbing the smaller fragments as no changes were made to the party platform and just two new members from the other movements were elected to the 15 member strong Regional Command, the party's national executive

al-Tasara fired up delegates with a vow to "liberate Wantuni from its Istalian oppressors and their agents" should the Ba'ath Party wins next year''s elections. The socialist movement has grown swiftly in Kafuristan with the Ba'ath Party boasting some 93,000 members already and 6,500 "patriotic youths" in the Ba'athist Defence League. The "patriotic youths" have caused some concern in the big cities where they roam around "educating" citizens about the basic precepts of the Ba'athist movement. Their quasi-military organisation and propensity for violent solutions when they meet apposite political activists.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:26 am

Al-Tasara Elected President
January 17, 4232

Ba'ath Party Regional Secretary Ayman al-Tasara has been elected President of Kafuristan. The 43 year old won the presidency with just under 56% of the vote while his party also captured a majority in the Majlis where it won 72 out of 130 seats, a healthy but not quite the overwhelming majority the Ba'athists had hoped for. The election is to prove one of the most disputed with many complaining about the activities of the Ba'ath Party's militias, the Popular Army and the youth oriented Ba'athist Defence League. It has been alleged that they targeted heavily religious areas and prevented voters from going to the polls. The investigation into such allegations in the muhafaza of Jerze'har was stopped abruptly after the local election commission chief was shot dead on his way to work. No one else has dared to raise the issue since. The Ba'athist militia continue growing rapidly with the Popular Army thought to be close to 8,000 members now while the Ba'athist Defence League claimed to have signed its 5,000th member a few days back.

President Ayman al-Tasara

The newly elected President has declared his special interest to be security and foreign affairs, devolving management of the planned economic reforms to the First Minister Dr. Hamid al-Watan. The domestic reforms are centered on strengthening security forces and ameliorating the still stale economic situation viainjection of large amounts of funds into the economy. President al-Tasara has already set out to reform Kafuristan's recently non-interventionist foreign policy, most notably proposing that the country enter the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:08 pm

Kafuristan Signs 10 bn LOD Arms Deal With Vanuku
June 5, 4132

Kafuristan has signed a 10 billion LOD with the Kingdom of Vanuku. The east Majatran nation purchased a large consignment of combat aircraft and advanced naval ships (split 75:25 in favour of combat aircraft) from Vanuku on what analysts have deemed to be a "sweetheart deal" and industry experts value the purchased arms at closer to 16-18 billion LOD rather than the 10 billion agreed on. Speculation as to why Kafuristan was able to secure such a good deal is centred on Vanuku's presumed antipathy towards Istalia, a feeling shared by Kafuristan whose leader President Ayman al-Tasara called Istalia, "a thuggish regime intent on global domination, chaos and moral supremacy."

A cartoon on the deal

The weapons will be delivered over the next eight years while Kafuristan will also pay out what it owes over the same period. The country's economy seems to be recovering while a 3% cut in oil production appears to have helped nudge oil prices in the right direction. Kafuri Defence Minister Munif Aflaq said that the Government hoped to conclude more arms deals in the years to come in order to restore Kafuristan's national defence forces to "her former glory". Concerns have been expressed that the weapons might be used to suppress domestic dissent by what a Human Rights Watch affiliate observer organisation termed to be "the fastest rising tyranny in Terra."
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:45 pm

Kafuristan Concerned at Supposed Events In Kalopia-Wantuni
December 4, 4232

Kafuri border forces

Kafuri Foreign Minister Dr. Hashim al-Azma has expressed ''strong concerns" over reports of instability which is believed to be rocking many cities and towns in the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni. Dr al-Azma said that the Kafuri government had received reports of violent protests and riots throughout the Federal Republic. He urged calm and reiterated that Kafuristan would be willing and able to help restore order in the young nation. Kafuristan has shut down its border with Kalopia-Wantuni and also appears to be beefing up security measures in the border area, most notably sending around 2,000 troops to the border. Dr. al-Azma also accused " certain imperialist forces" of creating the situation in order to arrest the development of assertive and rising nations like Kafuristan.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:17 pm

More Troops Sent to Kafuri-KW Border
May 8, 4233

Kafuristan has deployed an extra 30,000 troops at its border with the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni bringing the total to 32,000 men. President Ayman al-Tasara announced the decision citing reports that the instability in Kalopia-Wantuni had escalated significantly with reports of armed fighters appearing in certain pockets of the Federal Republic. al-Tasara said that the troops were meant to prevent any potential over-spill of violence and instability onto Kafuri soil. He refused an intervention into KW, saying that Kafuristan had a moral duty to intervene if things deteriorated in the neighbouring nation. He blamed the situation on various outsider imperialists who had encouraged a non-viable territory to declare its independence and "play at being a country."


It is unclear just how many men al-Tasara is willing to commit to the western border. A leaked report from the Ministry of Defence shows plans of deploying up to 8 divisions on the western border along with several hundred tanks and hints at fighter jets being deployed for ''potential installation strikes" The Government has denounced the leak as a fake leak of fake documents perpetrated by "foreign imperialists". News organisations which published the documents were prosecuted by the new Anti-Fake News Agency...the lucky ones. The unlucky ones were paid visits by battalions from the Ba'athist Popular Army and Defence League and are now history.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:41 pm

Further Deployments Begin

In response to what President Ayman al-Tasara termed as ''unjustified and serious verbal aggression", Kafuristan has begun to increase the number of troops mobilised at the border with Kalopia-Wantuni from 32,000 to 68,000. The deployment of various Istalian military forces close to Kafuri land and sea territories was termed by al-Tasara as a "severe threat". Kafuristan has deployed some of its naval forces, most notably two of Type 196 submarines into its waters, warning that it would sink any ships which violated its maritime waters.

One of Kafuristan's Type 196 submarines

The border area is now so heavily militarised that many fear that a small incident might just spark outright war in eastern Majatra. Kafuristan has repeatedly declared its intentions to restore order in Kalopia-Wantuni by military force if necessary. It has also rejected Istalia's claims of any sort of special relationship with the breakaway republic. The appearance of Istalian forces has only strengthened the resolve of the Kafuri government which blames Istalia for the chaos in Kalopia-Wantuni, accusing it of engineering the crisis in order to give itself an excuse to extend its presence there.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:28 pm

Kafuristan Concerned By Situation In Kalopia

AL-KASRAJ, KAFURISTAN -- The Government of Kafuristan has expressed its strong concerns over the ongoing situation in neighboring Kalopia stating that it is vital for the stability of not only Kalopia but of the entire region that the basic needs of law, order and a functioning government are restored in Kalopia.

Sources in the Ministry of Defence have stated that the army's border forces have been put on high alert and that the country's Armed Forces will take the necessary measures to safeguard the country’s sovereignty and safety, as well as protect the lives and property of Kafuri citizens living along the border. Kafuristan has not intervened in the Kalopian situation, but might do so if Kafuri citizens, in either Kalopia or Kafuristan, were threatened
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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