
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby TenPoundTessie » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:02 pm

Delphine Bucher Makes Pitch to Voters as Election Season Heats Up

Delphine Bucher with Environment and Tourism spokesman Thibault Beaulieu at a meeting in Fleurville

Parti Démocratique de Centre-Droit leader Delphine Bucher is making her pitch to voters as the election season gets underway. Despite the election being 8 months away, Bucher has planned an aggressive program of events across the country, banking that voters will agree with her that President Benoît Meunier's anti-democratic reforms have been an abuse of power. Meunier passed legislation that extended his Presidential term by 3 years, and made it more difficult for opposition parties to propose legislation. Bucher is also adamant that Meunier's lack of cabinet proposal is a breach of the constitution, however, the claim has been controversial.

Bucher's support remains strong in Harkonia, especially in her hometown and Parti Démocratique de Centre-Droit stronghold Fleurville, however, she has a hill to climb across the rest of the country, facing embedded Parti Socialiste support everywhere, as well as a resurgent Nouveau Parti Libéral.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:52 pm

Makoto Darklight, candidate for the presidency of Alduria.

Today, Makoto Darklight was on the Stand with her Son and his daughters, as well as her electoral team, to confirm her intention to present her candidacy for the presidence of Alduria. IN a speech, the candidate of the new liberal party has identified the parti democratique de centre-droit as a economic danger to the country, she condemned the abuse of power of the socialist party through different legislation like the anti-neoliberalism law, she presented her own vision for Alduria, and she confronted the allegation from a journalist who claimed that she had relations with her own son.

Today, I announce that I am going to present my candidaacy to the presidency of Alduria.
The people need a strong liberal alternative, on the right we have a dangerousb right wing, who are going to strip people of their healthcare and education, as well to undermine our socialism. On the left, we have a party who decided to abuse power in order to keep it for themselves the longest time possible. None of those party are acceptables. To remplaced the socialist system in Alduria by capitalism is not acceptable and to hold power by restrictive law is not really acceptale.

What I propose is a third option. I propose a liberal, international socialism for our country. I propose to build a country that will accept cultural and religious diversity. I propose a country that will respects religion, while keeping the church away from all decision of state. I propose a state that do not intervene in the private affairs of citizen. And I shall work to keep our nation socialist, As I believe we can never be better then by ourselves. a central government or private entreprises cannot be trusted.

And yes, an international Alduria would mean to accept more immigration in our nation. There are multiple immigrants who are leading exemple life in Alduria, it make no sense to be afraid of them just because they come from another country.

And no, i'm not scared of anything, i'll even adress the terrible lies that where spread on me, about having relation with my own son. That never happened, at all. My daughter in law does not want get caught in things like political fire, so she choose to not give her name to her daughter in order to stay invisible to the medias. And I believe we should respect that choice, some people want to get in politics and are ready to get in the crossfire, other do not want to embark in it and they have the right to abstain from any political fires.
Makoto Darklight

The Nouveau Parti Libéral official electoral team
Candidate for presidency : Makoto Darklight
Director of communications : Vincent Fleury
Leader for Arcogne : Stéphane Lapointe
Leader for La Valley : Gilbert Parizeau
Feader for Benderie : Pierre Lafortune
Leader for Mondalat : Marie-Anna Pelletier
Leader for Nouvelle-Orange : Catherine Lanuit
Director for social media : Marie-Soleil Loiseau
volunteers : Alexandra Rouge, Rachelle Bleu, Arianna Vert, Auphélie Rose, Alicia Orange.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby TenPoundTessie » Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:51 pm

Bucher Falls Short of Presidency, Makes Big Gains in the Chamber of Deputies

Parti Démocratique de Centre-Droit leader Delphine Bucher leaves the partry headquarters in Downtown Fleurville

After a hard fought and often ugly campaign, election night was finally upon us yesterday, and after a nail-biting evening and early morning, Nouveau Parti Libéral leader Makoto Darklight clinched the Presidency, in one of the closest results in living memory. Bucher, who was shot in an assassination attempt last year, won the first ballot, but was pipped to the post in second round voting, losing 50.81% - 49.1%. Given her meteoric rise to the political forefront in Alduria, Bucher outperformed some analyst expectations, whilst under-performing in others. Her party did make huge gains in the Chamber of Deputies however, clinching 241 of the 500 seats up for grabs, 10 short of a majority. With a Socialist-Liberal legislative alliance the likely scenario, Bucher says she will support a coalition of left-wing parties 'for the good of the nation' after initial exploratory talks with the Liberal party collapsed. "Alduria deserves a strong, stable Government," she said. "And an equally effective opposition. It is clear that that is the role the people have chosen for us".
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:26 pm

The Darklight family celebrate electoral victory of the Nouveau parti libéral.

We must not let the result or divide us. We have managed to secure a stable future for our country and we have a new president. A strong Woman, who has already taken care of cabinet past in the past, and who is also my mother. Makoto Darklight.
Dominique Darklight.

During the first round, Makato Darklight received 18,430,707 votes, allowing her to present herself in front of Delphine Bucher, for the 2nd round, that she was able to win with 27,113,276 votes. In the legislative assemble, the Parti socialist won 88 seats, when then NPL won 171 seats, allowing them to form a majority government.
The NPL agreed to talk about a government formation with the Parti Démocratique de Centre-droit, however, the allegeance of the PDC to the Anti-Communist league and the Capitalists coalition does not allow the NPL to negociate with the PDC. Also, the NPL had already negociated a government formation with the socialist party.

Dominique Darklight gave a speech in front of the headquarters of the NPL in New Orange.

We have won. We have secured a future for all Alduria no matter their origins. As long as someone stand for our values and speak our language, we can safetly they are Aldurian, no matter what are their origin.
IN the future, we are going to present reform that should benefits all Alduria, improve our economy and our military, as well as our education and our healthcare service. Its time people receive the government they ask. A good government.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:44 pm

Nowogard, August 4526

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Sobk » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:03 pm

Stanis Rousseau pledges to lead revolution in Alduria if Parti Nationaliste is denied the vote
Stanis Rousseau standing in the Chamber of Representatives

Stanis Rousseau, the great-great-great-Grandson of the genocidal dictator Thomas Rousseau has gained quite the public attention lately by making controversial statements in the Chamber of Representatives. In response to taunting from the Parti Social-Démocrate, Mr. Rousseau stated "The people will have their say and if we are denied the floor in the House we will overthrow the government!"

Because paramilitaries are banned, it appears that a separate organization known a the Ligue Rousseauvien Nationale (National Rousseauvian League) or LRN has been created to operate as the de facto paramilitary of the Parti Nationaliste. The Parti Nationaliste's youth organziation the Rousseau Youth was also seen recruiting members and providing aid to the LRN. In the last 6 months, the LRN has recruited upwards of 700,000 militia men most of them old supporters of the Parti Nationaliste. Heavily fortified arms stockpiles are popping up across the nation. There are rumors that the LRN is not only receiving funding from the Parti Nationaliste but also from a foreign state.

It appears that Stanis Rousseau's promise of a revolution is no bluff.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Sobk » Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:41 pm

Assassination of the Governor of Nouvelle Orange linked to LRN, Parti Nationaliste backed group

Stanis Rousseau makes a speech in Latanne on Sunday

The Governor of Nouvelle Orange, Remy Le Pen, was assassinated in the state assembly building while conducting a vote yesterday. The Ligue Rousseauvien Nationale or LRN has been linked to his assassination. The group is backed indirectly by the Parti Nationaliste, the party that received the second most votes in Nouvelle Orange last election and still finds the bulk of their support in the region. Recent reports from the LRN's public relations department have shown that their recruits over the past few months have finally surpassed 1,000,000. Nearly all of those recruits are members of the Parti Nationaliste. Most recruits are young men but there is a sizable portion of young women.

Stanis Rousseau has yet to comment on the assassination but it appears that the Lieutenant Governor of the region has officially left the Parti Conservateur and is in talks with joining the Parti Nationaliste.

Since the election, Mr. Rousseau has calmed his revolutionary rhetoric and insiders report he is instead moving towards using the LRN as a vehicle to suppress opposing parties such as the Parti Social-Democrate which he called "enemies of the people and a cancerous cyst on our nation's history."
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Sobk » Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:51 pm

The LRN issues letter ordering members to begin stocking weapons and ammo in preparation for "The End of the Beginning"

The Ligue Rousseauvien Nationale has issued a notice to all of its 1.5 million members to begin stocking on various firearms and ammunition and insiders report that in recent months they have acquired a number of units of artillery and several tanks bought from an unknown overseas seller. Reports also show the LRN has purchased several crop airplanes along with several hundred thousand kilos of explosives. Where the LRN gets their money is officially unknown but the militia is known to be affiliated with the far-right Parti Nationaliste.

The LRN was founded years ago in order to "Safeguard the Aldurian identity". Officially membership statistics have pegged the LRN's membership at approximately 1.5 million for the past 5 years however insiders report that many of the groups activities have gone underground and there could be as many as 5-7 million militants associated with the LRN nearly all of them members of the Parti Nationaliste.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby -lanaerys- » Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:37 pm

Le Progrès
The official newspaper of the Futurist Party


Presidential election
After a very long campaign, the first round saw the incumbent Social-Democrat Frédéric Maret-Kamsoba emerge as leader, followed by Liberal Jean-Luc Marchand. The runoff ended up as a landslide victory for Maret-Kamsoba, who obtained 69.61% of ballots. Somewhat unexpected was the poor performance of former president Stanis Rousseau from the Nationalist Party, who finished fourth, behind the Futurist candidate Amaury Carré.

Legislative election
The Social-Democrats ended first in the legislative election, with 20.91% of votes and 106 seats out of 500, 31 less than in 4815. The biggest losers, though, were the Popular Socialists which lost half its 4815 seats, ending up at 61 seats and the Nationalists at 71 seats, losing more than half their 4815 seats. On the other end, the main winners of this election ended up being the newcoming Liberals and Futurists, ending at second and third place with 77 and 73 seats respectively. The Republican Socialists won 22 seats and reached 61 seats, while the National Conservatives ended last, falling to 51 seats.

Government formation
After the election, the Social Democrats put a cabinet proposal to vote in the Chamber of Deputies, hoping to form a left-wing cabinet including the Futurists, the Popular Socialists and the Republican Socialists. It remains to be seen whether this attempt will be successful, but the Futurists and Popular Socialists already gave their approval to such a cabinet. It would hold a majority of 301 seats out of 500, and would be supported by at least half the representatives from each region, including 78 out of the 100 Mondalat representatives.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby -lanaerys- » Sat Aug 24, 2019 4:21 pm

Le Progrès
The official newspaper of the Futurist Party


Presidential election
The Futurist-backed Social Democratic candidate Muriel Côté got elected during the first round with more than 54% of the votes. National Populist René Robineau came second and incumbent National Conservative Marie-Claude Loup arrived only third.

Legislative election
The legislative election was a massive victory for the progressive parties, proving the unpopularity of the National Conservatives' reactionary policies. which came short of a two-thirds majority, with the Futurists ending first with 35.52% of votes and 177 seats and the Social Democrats getting 30.73% of votes and 154 seats. The National Populists ended at 101, followed by the National Conservatives at 68, down from 149 in 4821.

Government formation
While a cabinet proposal as not been presented yet to the Chamber of Deputies, the likeliest outcome seems to be a coalition between the Social Democrats and the Futurists, which would be backed by a majority of 331 seats out of 500.

Regional results
  • BENDERIE Progressive parties: 70 (PF 60, PSD 10). Conservative parties: 30 (PNP 16, PCN 14)
  • NOUVELLE-ORANGE Progressive parties: 84 (PF 49, PSD 35). Conservative parties: 16 (PNP 10, PCN 6)
  • LA VALLEE Conservative parties: 63 (PNP 43, PCN 20). Progressive parties: 37 (PSD 24, PF 13)
  • MONDALAT Progressive parties: 77 (PF 43, PSD 34). Conservative parties: 23 (PNP 15, PCN 8)
  • ARCOGNE Progressive parties: 63 (PSD 51, PF 12). Conservative parties: 37 (PCN 20, PNP 17)
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