
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:32 pm

Der Globus: Free Conservative Party storms the polls

Jubilation was the show outside of the Free Conservative Party's headquarters as the election results were announced. The Social Conservative Union called for a snap election due to the collapse of the Conservative Right and the Dundorfian Communist Party. As the election was organized for the following month, the Free Conservative Party set out on rigorous campaigning. The campaigning worked, the Free Conservative Party came in second largest in the House of Representatives and the representatives that were elected immediately set out to work. Lead by Xaver Kielholz who was elected in his home constituency of Zerlin, alongside Bastian Riedel who lost the Presidential race but won his seat the two immediately began pushing legislation starting with a cabinet proposal coalition between the Social Conservative Union and the Free Conservative Party.

The next set in the Free Conservative Party's agenda is open the economy and work to reform the tax code to entice people to come back to Dundorf after years of communist mismanagement. The Free Conservative Party's leadership in the various victory speeches across the nation have stated that they intend to work to reform the Dundorfian military and work with allies and neighbors throughout the world to rebuild the Dundorfians capabilities at home and abroad when it comes to international trade, commerce and understanding. Bastian Riedel stated that this election showed "...Dundorfians want to return to their rightful place. We believe in the Reich." At the victory party many new faces were seen, including members of the Dundorfian nobility, notably the von Rohr-Mauss family and the zu Völksau families.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:50 pm

Der Globus: FKP takes over Defense, Interior and several other ministries

The Free Conservative Party entered into a coalition with the Social Conservative Union after negotiations between the two parties. The Free Conservative Party achieved the ministerial positions of Minister of Defense, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Minister of Health and Social Services, Minister of Education and Culture and Minister of Food and Agriculture which makes them a junior partner in the coalition. The success of the Free Conservative Party however comes in the agreement in the restoration of the Dundorfian Reich, with a supermajority in the House of Representatives the deputies of the FCP proposed several constitutional amendments that effective returns the Dundorfian Reich; however at first the Kaiser will not return despite the wishes of both the FCP and SCU. The current President Marianne Clarabelle Luise von Thaller will take over as Reich President temporarily while the Electors Council, which is in charge of electing a new Kaiser at the death of the reigning one, meets and decides on the election of a new Kaiser.

While the election of a new Kaiser sweeps the nation, the members of the Free Conservative Party and hellbent on restoring the glory of the Reich. Rumors from the Minister of Defense's office have already seen vast amounts of current officers meeting with the newly elected Minister of Defense Adelbert Dümmler. Not only does the Minister of Defense have his hands full but the Minister of the Interior has been working to ensure that the Reich is protected, a joint announcement from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior is expected soon to announce the overhaul of the defense and security structures of the Reich.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:20 am

Der Globus: Secret Reich Police arrest several dozen leftist leaders

The Secret Reich Police (Geheime Reichspolizei, Gerepo) in conjunction with the Department V of the Supreme Army Command launched several raids throughout the country earlier today which captured several dozen Communist, Socialist, and "Progressives" which have been linked to violent riots over the past several weeks since the return of the Dundorfian Reich. Director of the Secret Reich Police Laurens Küttner spoke at a press conference with a spokesman from Department V of the Supreme Army Command, they discussed that the arrests were being dealt with at the utmost concern. Director Küttner noted that the lawlessness that the Dundorfian people had been forced to live under with the Communist and Socialist would not return and measures were being taken to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

Director Küttner has been in the job since the assumption of the Ministry of the Interior by the Free Conservative Party in 4189. Küttner is a former officer in the National People's Army, he served as a member of the Counter-intelligence directorate and was charged with investigating right-wing political movements. A further crackdown is expected as the Dundorfian people become freer despite some political commentators stating that they are trading one autocratic government for another.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:26 am

Der Globus: Reichsstatthalter's of Chontaloia and Oderveld to discuss regional economic cooperation

The Reichstatthalter of Chontaloia Karlheinz von Chonstaat-am-Bingen and the Reichsstatthalter of Oderveld Dietmar Wilhelm von Asnacht met earlier this week with their economic teams to discuss regional economic cooperation. Dundorf since 4189 has flourished despite many former state capitalist controls remaining in place. The two long-time associates now find themselves in positions of power and have spoken at great length at strengthening regional cooperation between the two states over the course of their terms in office, a large issue was trade and relaxation of local tariffs with Luthori and Kirlawa respectively, the two neighbors. The two governors have stated that they would be working with their Landtag to reduce local tariffs and encourage trade within their borders and with their neighbors as best as they can, both governors are former economist and have worked on numerous projects with the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association where they are both in leadership positions of the Main Economic and Administrative Office. The two have deep connections with Dundorfian nobility throughout Artania and have used their business connections bring a large portion of their respective states.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Auditorii » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:37 pm

Der Globus: Friedrich Augustus von Desidier named Director-General of the Reich Capital Fund

Informally organized in 4190 and recognized by the Ministry of Finance in 4191 the Reich Capital Fund was established as the sovereign wealth fund of the Dundorfian government. The Reich Capital Fund is meant to provide long-term, and some short-term investment and wealth for the Dundorfian Reich and it's people. After the announcement that the Dundorfian government had adopted the Reich Capital Fund as it's sole sovereign wealth fun and granting it further national authority the search began for the first Director-General, they found it in Friedrich Augustus von Desidier, the Baron of Desidier. Herr von Desidier is a Dorvish noble who returned to Dundorf following the rise of the Dundorfian Reich and promised to restore the Fatherland to its fallen glory. In his speech to a large majority of the employees of the Reich Capital Fund he discussed that they would forever be responsible for the success of future generations and that they would work towards building "...a new Reich for Dundorf, wherever they go." and with Herr von Desidier's business connections and former political connections the two will be integral to the success of the Dundorfian Reich.

Shortly before Herr von Desidier was announced as the Director-General of the RKF Desidier AG and Weinsedorf-Auspitz-Topol AG announced a nearly 2.5b DUM investment into Chontaloia and Oderveld alongside Reichstatthalter of Chontaloia Karlheinz von Chonstaat-am-Bingen and the Reichsstatthalter of Oderveld Dietmar Wilhelm von Asnacht in a meeting for the ages.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Friedrich » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:53 am

Neues Dundorf: König Jens von Dundorf Expelled to the Narikonisches Reich

Today, the socialist lead Government announced that the former head of State, König Jens von Dundorf und Großherzog von Albrunn, der Dynastie Eschenbach-Thaller, his famliy and court are to be expelled by the Eschenbach-Thaller Dynasty Expel Act ( http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=514729 ) . The opposition questionend this move of Premierminister Seidler and accused him of disrespecting the royalist part of the electorate. The Government denied this accusation and stated that teh King was treated welltthroughout the process and this move was the wish of the voters which should be respected. The former head of State, König Jens and his entourage will be expelled to the Narikonisches Reich after the Government reached an agreement with Reichskanzler Beatrix Lerche of that nation. Sources close to Dundorf's Cabinet said that in the socialist party (SED) there is some opposition concerning this measure as well caused by the fact that there was no independent judge involved.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Fri May 26, 2017 1:24 pm

Neumann announces Doctrine research

The newly formed cabinet of Dundorf consisting of the two Volksbünde appointed Paul Neumann as the Minister of Defence. He announed massive changes to improve the military capacities of Dundorf. "It is horrible what the SED did to our generals! Our new general staff shall be formed only by the best of the best. The new academy for officers in Zerlin was the first step towards a powerful army. Promising military figures like Marschall Renner and General Emil Masser are signs of a bright future."
Neumann pushes the government to relocate funds towards the research of land-doctrine to achieve the best efficiency for military operations. Experts say that Neumanns demands have potential, if he is able to push them through the harsh negotiations.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Sat May 27, 2017 9:57 am

Liberals announce Jens IV von Thaller as their candidate

The community of liberal electors announced that Jens IV von Thaller shall be their choice for the election, neither the VFD nor the socialists have announced if they will adapt their parties to the new system or stay traditional parties. Liberals see Jens as the perfect compromise, they hope to attract the votes of the traditionalists because he still is a Thaller but a very progressive one. "Young and energetic, he is the perfect choice" -Nikolas zu Lughammer former Chairman of the Liberale Volksbund

Zu Lughammers arch-nemesis Ricardo de la Vega, a charismatic industrial stated that he would rather see a coalition candidate with the VFD. Authoritarian Electors were the cause of the destruction of both the short-lived dundorfian Monarchy and the longer-lived narikatonite one. Also they would damage the international reputation of Dundorf, he seems very worried about the future of the young new dundorf. "It'd be terrible if we returned to the DDR or the United Provinces, these system were horrible."

But both camps of the liberals are united in one thought, the socialists must be kept out of government and the parliament.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Phibotic » Sat May 27, 2017 11:19 am

Authoritarian Thallerists present their candidate

After their liberal colleagues already announced their candidate, the VTB now presented Marlon IV as their candidate. The claimant to the throne of Narikaton stands for the classical Thallerist values and talks about himself as a national socialist.

Although he is a member of a monarch family he accepts the decision of Dundorfian lawmakers, that Dundorf will be a republic and wants to get his legitimation by the people, not by blood. While many see Marlon IV as a very prestigious and clever choice others think that this will drag Dundorfs reputation down after the disastrous end of the Thaller monarchy in Narikaton.
Most of the VTB that will soon reform into an elector faction think that the Liberals are the natural choice, but some even consider a coalition with the socialists.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Sat May 27, 2017 11:28 am

Jensist Movements present Election Campaign

Dundorf, Zerlin, in the liberal-influenced headquarters of Jens' election movement the team presented their advertisements.


The attitude of the supporters was in general very good, it seemed like they were expecting a good result.
Speculations say that De La Vega actually has contacted the VFD even after their declaration of Rebellion.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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