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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:45 pm

Image ... e_Conflict

KIWANE – Last night, the Coburan Armed Forces have successfully take back control of the northern enclave of the self-declared Free State of Meshtikistan. the House of Representatives voted in favour of military actions against Meshtiki Liberation Forces, following public outrage after the leak of a decapitation video of a Coburan policeman. The death toll on Coburan side has been officially stated as 12, whereas MLF losses are estimated to be around two or three hundred.

Coburan battle tanks and helicopter gunships attacked suspected positions of Meshtiki rebels near the Giweh Pass on Wednesday. The military offensive also reportedly included shelling of guerrilla hideouts in northern Meshtikistan, which is predominantly MLF-controlled. Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye announced a vote on Monday which ruled in favour of parliamentary authorization of a large military operation. The preparations "are done, as is the House with the everlasting threats from Meshtiki terrorists" he said. In his speech, he added: ‘’No longer will the Meshtiki terror continue to destabilize growth in the Central High region. Since the fake government of Meshtikistan is unwilling to surrender themselves and continue to violate Coburan sovereignty, the Cabinet sees no option but to retake it by force. It’s what we owe to the poor people of Meshtikistan who are being oppressed by a violent militant group with no vision except Coburan carnage’’.

Coburan troops were blocking rebel escape routes out of Meshtikistan while F-16 and F-14 warplanes and Cobra helicopters dropped bombs on possible hideouts, CONA news agency reported. The military had dispatched tanks to the region to support the operation against the rebel Meshtiki Liberation Forces, or MLF, which the Coburan Government has branded a terrorist organization.
Also Wednesday, assailants hurled a hand grenade at a police vehicle in the capital city of Myhardakir, killing a police officer and wounding four other people, according to reports and officials. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Meshtiki rebels have carried out similar attacks.

Elsewhere, authorities detained 20 Meshtiki’s (), including eight women, at the Wahur border gate with Jakania, the Dilganato governor's office said. Two of the 20 were carrying false ID cards. The office said the suspects had attended an MLF meeting and that those attending were told to prepare for violence against government offices. International news agencies said the suspects - most of them university students - were detained as they tried to escape Cobura. Rebels often cross back and forth from bases in Jakania, using remote, mountain passes that are difficult to monitor. Coburan military leaders have described an incursion as a necessary tactic to push back the rebels and disrupt their safe havens and supply lines. The Cabinet is also deeply frustrated about the Meshtiki call for independence, and under pressure to show resolve to an outraged public.

From the beginning of Meshtikistan’s fight for independence, the government of Cobura has always taken a distance. Despite several declarations of independence, the Coburan Government did not recognise the Free State of Meshtikistan, as it was proclaimed by terrorists. Nowadays, no Terran nation supports the Meshiki claim for independence. Despite several local initiatives to arrange meetings and conferences, both sides have never had official negotiations. Given the region's low income and underdevelopment, the MLF has never had the opportunity to become of economic importance nor create a noticeable military force.

However, Coburan intelligence agency NISA has recently brought out a public report, notifying the government of the growing number of illegal heavy weapons in the region, mostly obtained by the MLF. A week later, a video was posted on the site MyVideo.cob, showing a Coburan police officer being beheaded after both his armed are cut off. These events have led to nationwide shock and embarrassed the Tesfaye cabinet. As a result, the Prime Minister gave the terrorists an ultimatum: ‘’Hand in your weapons or expect appropriate measures to be taken’’.

With the deadline passed and military action imposed, its only waiting for the International reaction to follow and decide the course of this conflict.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sat Jun 23, 2018 1:03 pm

SHARBA - President Calenda landed in Cobura early this morning, kicking off a two day trip in which he will visit the capital of the nation, which re-entered the Esinsundu Empire seven years ago. It has been the first time an Istalian sitting president will visit the country in almost a century.

President Calenda's first stop was the National Gallery in the nation’s capital of Sharba, a national museum for arts, history, and antiquities which he toured with Coburan Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye. Following the tour, the two held a bilateral meeting and discussed a number of issues, including climate change, global security challenges, and the current conflict between the Coburan Armed Forces and Meshtiki seperatists in the Central High region. President Calenda spoke: ‘’With Coburan public order pressured, I am proud to say that Istalia supports the Coburan government, its ally, in this crisis that has no legal justification and should be seen as a violation of Coburan souvereignty.’’ After his words, he was applauded by the audience, after which Prime Minister Tesfaye called the support ‘’brave’’ and ‘’decisive’’, as well as ‘’a true sign of support’’.

President Calenda then traveled to the royal Triad Palace to participate in a historical bilateral meeting with Esinsundu Empress Aminatu IX, serving as representative for the other Esinsundu nations. His visit lasted longer than planned, and the Empress and the President were reported to ’’get along well’’. Following the meeting, the Empress was asked whether she enjoyed the meeting, on which she responded: ’’Mister Calenda is a very nice man, and has great manners. For a first-time meeting, I think one could say it went well.’’. After this, President Calenda and Prime Minister Tesfaye joined other Coburan leaders at the first Coburan-Istalian Relations Summit. At the Summit, Cobura announced it seeks to enrich trade with Istalia. Minister of Trade and Industry Aloncio Mariano announced the repeal of import tariffs against Istalia, and expressed his hope Istalia would do the same. The first day of the trip was ended with a state dinner, including both the Prime Minister and the Empress.

Tomorrow, President Calenda will attend his last meeting at the Prime Minister’s official residence. The leaders will issue a declaration after the meeting, reaffirming their support for Cobura’s sovereignty and condemning recent terrorist actions by the Meshtiki Liberation Forces or MLF.

President Calenda will end the trip with visiting a Kabado match in the Sharba International Arena. The match, which will be a face-off between national champion Manshopi Pythons and the Kuracgrad Bears, is claimed to be the most exciting of the season. After this, President Calenda will have to take off to continue his international tour. Despite the visit still having to end, Coburan newspapers already decribe the visit as ‘historical’ and ‘diplomacy done right’.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:16 pm

WIEL - Coburan Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye and Vanukuan Prefect of the Council Jlekai Nasir have met for talks about the future of the Majatran Alliance, as the leaders of one of the alliance’s key members discuss a common position on recent issues. Wednesday morning, PM Tesfaye landed in the Vanukuan capital of Wiel. He was given a warm welcome by a cheering crowd gathered at the airport.

Shortly after, he took a drive to the Grand Council, where he met with the Vanukuan Prefect. The two leaders had a lot to discuss, namely the increasing worries about the Jelbanian civil war, the future of both nations in the Majatran Alliance and of course the relationship between the two countries. The talks, which have been top news story for several days now, were initiated by Prefect Nasir.

PM Tesfaye spoke:
I am truly happy to be here in this beautiful nation. Of course I am honoured by the invitation, and in Vanuku I see a strong and important ally for Cobura. Of course, Vanuku can expect the same from the United Governorates of Cobura.

Furthermore, the Coburan Prime Minister stated that the MA ‘needs strong leadership’, and ‘lacks determination to achieve’. These words are the result of Tesfaye’s internationalisation-politics, which he started since he came to power in 4403. Core idea of this policy is to bring Cobura back on the international stage. And with key member Selucia out of the Alliance, Cobura is more than willing to take its place. For decades, Selucia has always been an important voice in protecting vulnerable groups in the Alliance such as women, war victims and the LGBT community. With this important figure out of reach, Cobura sees an opportunity to take over this duty and re-establish itself as leading figure on the international –but at least the Majatran- stage.
Tesfaye and Nasir also discussed the improving relations between both countries. Cobura has long celebrated Vanuku for its ‘leading and powerful’ approach in the Jelbanian Civil War. However, military support is still far away, due to the very negative public opinion of the war at home. Desmo Kilhiti, army general, added: ‘have you seen how big the Vanukuan army is compared to the Coburan Armed Forces? I don’t think our help makes a difference. And besides, it’s not our war to fight’. Nonetheless, the Coburan PM promised Nasir financial support for the Vanukuan cause. ‘Cobura must stand with those who dare to take the lead and protect those who can’t protect themselves’.

However, not much words were spent on the current Meshtikistan conflict in Cobura, where independence-seeking Meshtiki’s are clashing with the Coburan Armed Forces after being branded a terrorist organisation. ‘We hope we have Vanukuan support on this’ was the only thing the Coburan Prime Minister told the press, when asked about the issue.

At the final press conference, the subject took a surprising turn. Press officer Helmin Dagelet told the press both leaders also discussed what was described as ‘the Zardic issue’. Cobura has recently criticized the Zardic involvement of the war, and several Cabinet members have spoken up against the Zardic government, which has been dominated by either communist or Augustan supremacist parties. Coburan worries about the international intents of its neighbouring country have been spoken out several times during the last couple years, but with little action. PM Tesfaye called the issue ‘worrying’ and added that Zardugal should ‘tone it down’. At last, both leaders spoke out their approval of the decision of the new Zardic government to retreat entirely from its occupied territories in Jelbania. Prefect Nasir referred to it as ‘a step closer to a solution’.

The following morning, the Coburan Prime Minster took his plane back to Sharba, where he will meet with several Coburan union leaders to lead the negotiations about a possible raise of the national minimum wage. Coburan newspapers have applauded his meeting with the Vanukuan Prefect, with the Vanukuan ambassador being titled ‘a friend’.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:14 pm

MYHARDKIR - Following the final chapter in the Meshtiki independence conflict -the battle over the Meshtiki capital of Myhardakir-, various news sources report more than two hundred MLA fighters who surrendered in trade for a Royal pardon will not be pardoned. The bargain to surrender was made to end the violent siege of the city by the Coburan Armed Forces, which had taken the lives of more than three hundred Meshtiki soldiers. In return, the remaining MLA fighters claim to be promised 'a royal pardon' by secret agents of the National Internal Security Service (NISA). However, before preperations of such a deal were to begin, Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye announced he will block any royal pardon for 'Meshtiki terrorists'.

The 204 MLA fighters, who were immediately arrested and put into solitary confinement after surrendering to the army, are now calling for the House to investigate this matter, as the Meshtiki soldiers are still Coburan citizens who feel deceived by their own government. Meshtiki resources claim to have reasonable evidence that proves a direct order from the Prime Minister himself was given to promise amnesty, and thus denying it later will make it official abuse of power and corruption. Speaker of the House of Representatives Neshi Liberi has already released the following press notification:

Following the accusations made by the MLA surrenders against the Government of Cobura, the House will set up an official inquiry to investigate:
- Whether MLA surrenders were promised amnesty in return for their surrender by government officials, representing the Empress and the Prime Minister;
- If so, whether the Prime Minister was aware of this arrangement;
- If so, whether the Prime Minister has abused his power to unfaithfully promise this arrangement in order to quickly and the conflict.

The Prime Minister defended himself in the House a couple days later, after being questioned thoroughly by Representatives. He claimed he knew 'absolutely nothing' about the agreement, and that he 'would never order to arrange such things'. The Cabinet has always branded the Meshtiki Liberation Army or MLA to be a terrorist group, a claim supported by many world powers, such as Istalia and Vanuku. Public opinion of the conflict declined quickly after hostilities took a violent turn. Independent researchers have stated that ''The Cabinet could have been under such high pressure it was capable of anything to end the conflict and save its electorate''.

The official House Research Report will be presented as soon as the inquiry has been done.

SHARBA - In a four day trip to the Nation, Kazulian Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristian Husby has been a guest to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a move to strengthen the existing diplomatic relationship between the Governments in Skalm and Sharba, in what has been coined the first Kazulian visit to Cobura in more than half a century. Subject to discussion was, of course, the Jelbanian Civil War, in which Cobura took part after endorsing Vanuku in the battle, and trade relations between the two nations. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pamounmes Sidom said:

Cobura has always rewarded strong and decisive acting in times of conflict, and Vanuku is no exception to that. Their acting in the Jelbanian Civil War is an example of such strong leadership to provide troubled populations with peace and stability. The Coburan Government is known to acknowledge the ideological good in such actions and it is my sincere goal to continue to do so in the future. And of course, as we have seen with Zardugal's wrongful treatment of Jelbanian citizens at their own side of the border, Cobura is never afraid to raise their concerns and demand reasoning and justification for such actions, as well as fiercely defend the dignity and integrity of its actions and representatives on the international stage.

Having said that, I would like to conclude that the United Governorates of Cobura is a nation that doesn't want to bond itself to political power blocs nor wishes to exclude negotiating with nations who do not align with its current political views. Unless a country has proven to violate internationally shared norms and values, Cobura will morally seize contact until such issues have been dealt with. Therefore, we are more than willing to welcome the representatives of all kinds of great nations such as Vanuku, Istalia and now Kazulia. Cobura is open to the world and the world is open to Cobura!
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:59 pm

SHARBA - Cobura’s Queen Aminatu Saksoure IX has accepted the resignation of the country’s embattled prime minister, the palace said in a statement, previous to the vote of the House of Representatives regarding a motion of distrust.

Diamo Tesfaye’s departure came after a crushing report, in which the House Committee On Meshtiki Bribery (HCOMB) found out the Prime Minister lied against the House in his adress, and used his power to deceive surrenders of the Meshtiki Liberation Army or MLA.

In the last few days, rallies have spread across the streets of the pro-Esinsundu nation, with protesters marching to the prime minister’s office and demanding that Tesfaye step down.
Having served for fifteen years, Tesfaye, a long-time diplomat and minister, presided over a popular government that implemented large economic reforms to make the Coburan Government the 4th biggest in the Majatran Alliance. However, his immense popularity was struck by the Meshtiki Liberation Crisis two years ago, when Meshtiki terrorists claimed independence for their lands in the Central High region. This led to the Tesfaye Government launching a large-scale military operation against the MLA called ‘’High Justice’’. The operation led to high casualty numbers on the Meshtiki side, which forced them to retreat to their capital of Myhardakir in the late summer of 4416.

Being surrounded by the Coburan Armed Forces, the MLA fighters claimed to have been offered a deal: surrender in trade for amnesty. Despite promises made by the CAF, the fighters were arrested and sentenced to jail shortly after their surrender. Several of their leaders called the House to investigate the matter, which was claimed to have been set in motion ‘by the Prince (nickname for Tesfaye)’. Following this, Speaker of the House Neshi Liberi launched an inquiry by the HCOMB to investigate whether amnesty was promised from the Prime Minister, and if he used his power to deceive the MLA surrenders.

The final report, which came out a month ago, had a simple conclusion: The Prime Minister was aware of the deal, and prevented amnesty on purpose after MLA fighters made the deal. His reasons were expected to be ‘’to end a very unpopular conflict in Cobura and save his popularity’’. The report also concluded that Tesfaye ‘’Used his status and power as PM to pressure army negotiators to promise MLA fighters amnesty and deceive them into surrender’’. Crown witness in the case was army general Makhail Newlati, who claims to have been present in the secret meeting with the PM when the deception strategy was created.

Following the report, the House immediately called for a debate, in which the PM fiercely defended himself, but admitted he knew the deal was on the table. ‘’I did all I could to prevent the filth in Myhardakir from harming who could be the last victims of the conflict’’, he stated. ‘’After challenging the nation’s sovereignty, slaughtering innocent Coburans and destablising the Central High, they deserved nothing more than what they have gotten. In my opinion, they are lucky things ended this way’’. The House, which consists entirely out of Tesfaye’s party members of the Justice and Prosperity party, reacted shocked and furious about the PM’s way of misusing his power.

The debate was followed by a two weeks long Supreme Court Trial, where the PM was accused of abuse of power. However, it ended in a failure of the prosecution to convict the PM when Newlati refused to take the stand. The defense quickly took advantage of this moment, claiming that the prosecution ‘’pressured the witness to much to give a false statement –because we all know he is lying- and therewith making him a tacky tool for reputation damage’’. In the end, the SC was forced to release the PM on a lack of evidence.

However, after the trial, the House lost all its confidence on the PM and a motion to make a vote for a possible motion of distrust was accepted, which scheduled a possible cabinet resignation by the House on Thursday. The vote was very likely to align with the public opinion, namely impeaching the entire Tesfaye cabinet. In light of the events, Tesfaye accepted his fate and resigned yesterday to save what was left of his reputation as 15 year Prime Minister of Cobura.

The resignation had been widely anticipated and Ameny Mouthrate, director of the Sharba Morning Post, said the move was likely to provide at least a temporary break to the protests.
Tesfaye’s departure will prevent the entire cabinet from impeachment, and give the House the right to call out new elections, after which it will have to find itself a new Prime Minister. Sources inside the House tell us the new PM is likely not to have any political experience, but as far as now that is just rumours.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Axxell » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:29 am

Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:47 pm


SHARBA - The leaders of over than eight Majatran nations will meet in Sharba on Wednesday and Thursday (9 and 10 February 4434) for a Climate Change Conference at the historical Triad Palace. Together, they will take decisions to encourage green initiatives, step up in the fight against global warming, and achieve fairer burden-sharing in fighting climate change.

The goal of the conference, also referred to as M3C, is to establish a treaty in order to encourage Majatran nations to engage in the fight for a greener future, and lowering down global warming. At the beginning of the conference, al lattending leaders are welcomed by Prime Minister Zemala and other cabinet members, for a state dinner in the Red Keep.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:20 pm


ISPLJUVAK - Prime Minister Asha Zemala added to the chorus of the Zardic Government’s critics after the communists have taken power over the government in Beleco, which she called “alarming on many levels." Zemala, who’s known to be a big critic of the far-left –and almost every Zardic government-, spoke at an Politiko Magazine panel discussion in Ispljuvak on Saturday. During a question and answer session, the PM said that “the great mystery is why the Zardic people forget about all the bad things communism has brought to them in the past, and also what horrors it has brought to their neighbours.”

Following the collapse of the Zardic Nationalist Democratic Party, the Majatran country had fallen into a lawless state for more than three months. Following the turmoil, communists have now taken power after hosting a snap election, in which they won all the seats. After this, more than twenty thousand Zardics have gathered at the Zardugal-Cobura border, applying for refugee status by claiming that their political beliefs make it impossible to live under communist rule without being forcefully oppressed.

A Zardic refugee holds up a sign begging the government to let him into the country

With the Coburan intelligence committee warning that with the new, more radical government, Zardic hackers could again be trying to undermine the Coburan electoral system today, Zemala agreed that Beleco’s covert influence is still a big risk. Zardugals’s radical switch to communism “is a direct attack on democracy in Majatra and destabilizes the Southwestern region”, Zemala added. After the announcement that the Zardic parliament would ban religion in general and imprisoned its opposition members, she responded that ''they will be granted temporary citizenship during their exile''.

Minister of Defence Feyza Hadire already announced to station more troops at the border to safely guide the stream of people, which reports say has grown to over twenty thousand. Several human rights groups in have already set up petitions to encourage the government to give refuge to the Zardic applicants. The online petition ‘Keep our brothers safe’ has been signed for more than 400,000 times. However, a reaction from the Prime Minister is yet to come.
Last edited by November on Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:16 pm

SHARBA – With more than 98 percent of the votes counted, the Prosperity and Justice party (PAJ) has yet again the acquired full possession of the House of Representatives. However, this time, its not the right-liberal wing that has the most members voted into office, but their opposites: the social democratic wing.

For the first time in nine years, the right-wing liberals have lost their popular mandate to deliver the PM to the social democrats, in a 100-124 seats loss. This means that the successor of retiring PM Asha Zemala will probably be Teksousia Osir, leader of the social democratic wing after the unification with other social democratic campaigns, namely with former Irkawa governor Mishe Otek Sisem and Egato-based politican Karim Soroya, who are both expected to return in Osir’s cabinet.

Addressing the media after those results were announced, Osir vowed to repay the trust put in him by millions of Coburans. “I will govern with rectitude and justice. I will not fail you. I will not disappoint you. I won’t betray the people,” she said. She to rule for people of all social classes, all sexual orientations and all points of view. “We will listen to everyone. We will care for everyone. We will respect everyone,” she said. “But we will give priority to the most humble and to the forgotten.” These remarks are rumoured to be an offensive against the most liberal members of the House, who are known to block laws and regulations that favour lower incomes over the general public. For years, such proposals were regarded as ‘encouragement to stay poor’, but after the election result, which saw a turn to more social policies, things could stir up a whole lot.

Miss Osir during one of her pre-election interviews

The Coburan national election system divides the governorates into 71 smaller pieces, named constituencies. These constituencies each elect one representative to represent them in the House of Representatives. It is also possible for constituencies to form a united ballot, meaning that they merger for the election to have two or more representatives chosen over a larger area. This is mostly done in rural areas with low population density.

With the ruling Prosperity and Justice party winning unopposed, one can think: but isn’t there not much of a choice? And that is where it becomes interesting: the PAJ consists of several party wings. From least to most right-wing: Social democrats, social liberals, religious wings and right-wing liberals. Thus, the overal stance of the party is liberal-right. When in an election, several PAJ candidates go on the ballot, each representing another party wing. When all representatives have been chosen, it is usual that the biggest party wing elects a Prime Minister with the help of other party wings, in trade for cabinet positions. For example, retiring PM Zemala was leader of the right-wing liberals who got elected PM with the help of the religious wings, because she couldn’t seek aid from the other wings after her victory over social liberal leader and then PM Leona Touhore.

Ahmadi-wing leader Ismad Bel Hadid said: “As I said to her a few minutes ago on the phone I recognise her triumph, express my congratulations and wish her the best of luck for the good of Cobura. the citizens wanted a change and they opted in their majority for the alternative that she represents.”
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:19 pm

SHARBA - Over 130 thousand refugees and migrants have fled to Cobura by sea or land this year, many on board dangerously inadequate vessels run by people smugglers, according to figures just released by the Coburan Foreign Intelligence and Security Agency.

A more than two-year long migration crisis has caused immigration to become a major political issue in many West-Majatran countries, including Cobura. Official asylum requests rose 139 percent to exceed 130,000, the highest “in at least a century”, according to Coburan State Secretary of Immigration Iyassu Sidhom.

The FISA’s latest figures show that some 31,500 people had reached Cobura across Lake Majatra in 4434. Of these 1,235 were missing, believed drowned. The landmark figure, which was reached late on September 29, also indicated that 84 per cent of those arriving in Cobura came from Majatra’s top refugee producing countries, strengthening FISA’s belief that most of the people arriving in Cobura were fleeing war and persecution.

“Over fifty thousand people have landed on Cobura’s eastern shore, fleeing war and persecution, seeking a better life for their families,” said Immehad Totek, FISA Director of the Bureau for Immigration. “Tragically, around a thousand other children, women and men did not survive the perilous journey by sea and their hope for a fresh start died with them.” Around eighty percent of those crossing the Lake Majatra this year – 24,000 people - were Jelbanians escaping the chaos in their country, which had been the stage of a violent civil war for more than a decade. Zardics accounted for 20 per cent and other nationalities for less than two per cent.


In addition to the sea crossings, recent figures also estimated that a record number of 98,000 refugees have crossed from Zardugal by land. The number of people displaced by war and conflict is currently the highest seen in Majatra since the Badaran Civil War, when several conflicts broke out in the former Badaran Communist State. Reason for the extreme influx is the revival of communist rule in Zardugal, following the violent oppression of any opposition to the regime. Following the inauguration of the communist Prime Minister, Coburan PM Zemala said ‘’All Zardics who feel threatened should be welcome. Cobura should always be a safe haven for those who cannot think or speak freely in their own countries.’’ Following her remarks, the Zardic refugee influx at the border rose to even bigger numbers than reported in the record year of 4433, where over 90,000 asylum requests were filed to the State of Cobura.

Today, the House of Representatives passed a motion from Minister of Internal Affairs Karim Soroya, asking for an emergency funding addition to the Immigration budget. At the moment, estimates say that 150,000 refugees are residing in Cobura in over 90 permanent Refugee Processing Centres (RPC’s) and 210 temporary refugee camps and housing centres. Soroya stated that ‘’Border towns see RPC’s and camps popping up everywhere around them, and the National Border Patrol agents are already working double –if not triple- shifts to maintain order at the borders, naval and by land, while being assisted by an understaffed corps of Immigration officers and process aids. We need a lot more money to process the record number of applications, and must seek help from other Majatran nations to relieve us from refugee pressure’’. A whopping 210 million Cobur has been added to the immigration budget.


In numbers:
• 130,000 Asylum requests in 4434
• 210 extra refugee centres
• 90 already existing centres
• 14,000 immigration officers and additional staff
• Another 6,000 needed
• 7,000 Border Guards with additional 5,000 Army personnel stationed at the border.

In addition to the extra funding, Prime Minister Teksousia Osir has promised to send more soldiers to the border to maintain order, and will also accept all asylum applications with a FISA protection label, meaning the applicant is proven to be in immediate danger when returning to his/her home country. ''About 70% of the applicants is expected to acquire such a label, and will be legally able to live in Cobura for a period of at least 10 years, after which they will have to choose between applying for Coburan citizenship or returning to their home country. Non-FISA labelled applicants will be deported back to their place of origin or transported to other Majatran nations'', she added.
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