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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Franco Urquhart » Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:34 am



AL-KASRAJ, KAFURISTAN -- First Minister Mustafa al-Ghaffari has made a televised national address, announcing his government's plan to authorise military activation and deployment of troops, as the regional conflicts in Majatra escalate, with the Security Council approving action against Beiteynu, whose government has been accused of human rights violations and illegal occupation of Badaran lands. The First Minister outlined the new national security directives that would seek to secure the nation's borders and keep all outside activity limited for good reason. Since all factories and production facilities in Kafuristan are bombproof, after government support of making all economically strategic facilities bombproof was introduced, factory workers and office workers who have not been conscripted will be allowed to remain in their workplaces, and sleeping overnight in the underground reinforce bunkers under the entirety of Kafuristan, to ensure minimal economic disruption. Military rule has been almost completely enacted, with the military given broad powers to shoot, arrest or torture suspected criminals and potential threats to national security. All men and women from ages 16 to 50 have been conscripted into the armed forces, and Kafuristan is now preparing for the worst, as all conscripts will be trained, armed and will have to be report to their military activation centres within 5 minutes of notification, if war happens.

The cause for the sudden crisis was mainly due to dissatisfaction among some regional powers of Kafuristan's closer cooperation with Yeudish nation Beiteynu with regards to their occupation of Communist-ruled Badara.

First Minister Mustafa al-Ghaffari had earlier this year, amid loud cries of opposition from Istalia and other nations, signed an agreement with Beiteynu to allow Beiteynu to use Kafuristanian military bases for military actions. The rationale of this, as Defence Minister Abdul Haleem al-Talweed said, was because Kafuristan viewed that Badara's government, the Communist Party has been very oppressive towards its capitalist minority population and has been a destabilising force in the region. According to foreign policy expert Mr Abu Hussein al-Ramadi at the National University of Kafuristan, the Communist Party's rule of Badara has been very oppressive and not at all beneficial for the nation, with Badara's economic foundations at a very weak state, heavily dependent on government financing to support economic growth, which is not sustainable in the long term, he also stated that he endorsed Kafuristan's cooperation with Beiteynu, a very strong nation regionally that has more potential to invest in Kafuristan and help it grow and develop, as its stable internal government allows for long term planning and cooperation.

Kafuristan's foreign ministry has indicated no interest to engage in direct conflict with Istalia, hoping that instead of fighting along ethnic lines, Istalia can support removal of Communist rule in Badara and restore a free economy and a free population to Badara. Kafuristan's Consultative Assembly has been in active mode, debating and preparing to pass a series of bills that will increase military powers, improve effectiveness of government and lock the nation tight in preparation for a possible war. More updates will be available.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby derpy » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:34 am

مكافحة الشيوعية الصاعدة - Anti-Communism Rising
Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah
June 4312

Since the rise of the United Workers' Front, little action has been taken politically. But as the the Workers' Front begins to accelerate it's political change and reforms in the Majis al-Shura, the non- and anti-communist elements of the nation grow more and more uncomfortable. In reaction, a Congress of the non-leftist working class, religious authorities, nobility, soldiers, small-business owners, and minority communities was called to order in al-Baydi. With somewhere in the park of a thousand to three thousand attendants, with varied and largely different voices made loud and apparent. Ranging from fear of the Communists' seizing the livelihoods of many people without sustainable repayment for their lose to concerns of religious & ideological liberty not being substantially maintained under the rising red menace over Kafurstan.

Bird'seyes view of the anti-Communist Congress

Ramzi al-Miah, a former soldier who has recently left service due to the Workers' Front's proclamation of power, spoke several times to the gather crowd. Even giving footnotes in several minority languages, including Luthori. The following is an exert from his second speech, about fifty minutes into the rally.

... The matter of the fact is that Kafurstan is facing a nightmare and the world cares not. No one elected these communist lunatics in deep thought, no one thought that only good will could arise from the communists' holding power, but none the least they're now in full control of our government. I'd expect us to already be rioting in the streets, wait, we already are. But that's beyond the point, all of Kafurstan must begin to resist, politically and violently if need be, the communist crooks currently in government that threaten 90% of our livelihoods and 90% of our lifestyles. Otherwise, many, many people will be killed, forced into hiding, or brainwashed into submission. We maybe of different faiths, of different races, of different lifestyles, of different beliefs. But now is the time for action, now is the time of any to fight. Otherwise we shall face suffering never seen before in Kafurstan. We must unite under a bloc regardless of ideology... And fight till either no communist is left standing or there is no anti-communist left standing! ...

Ramzi spoke very harshly about the Workers' Front, but a good portion of the crowd was responded positively. With small groups of communists waving flags with hammer and sickles in the crowd, but these individuals were soon enough removed as violence broke out. With about five cases upon the fault of the communists and three cases upon the fault of those opposed to them. For around five hours after this, the rally continued. A huge number of speakers coming up to make their voices heard. From Yeudi religious ministers to trade union leaders, until Ramzi came to speak to the crowd again.

The following is an exert from Ramzi's third and final speak, said to be improved in the moment.

We can not attempt this huge undertaking divided neither, the Yeudis can't have their own specific anti-communist group, the Ahmedis can't have their own specific anti-communist group, the homosexuals can't have their own anti-communist group. We must'nt allow for our differences to divide us and make us extremely weak in the face of the terrors before our eyes, we must instead come together into one front. This isn't a question; we must. We must form up into one group. [...] For further information, check at www.salama.org online, I beg you all. If you wish for a better tomorrow!

Soon enough the rally began to thin. Slowly but surely the city square of al-Baydi was emptied out. With a very questionable and different future ahead for Kafurstan, as the anti-communist opposition has shown itself to be extremely strong and fanatical in it's approach. Willing to compromise in every way if it means the removal and destruction of communism & communist movements in Kafurstan.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby bee777 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:16 pm

FKP organized the 1st Federative Kongress
The Federative Capitalist Party held a large nationwide meeting in the capital of Kafuristan al-Kasraj, which took the form of a protest against the more unitary ruling Greens. Approximately 650,000 people arrived at the meeting and met in several al-Kasraj Squares during twelve days. During the meeting, prominent party figures, including chairman Tabassum Bousaid, also played several bands from all federal states.
We will make every effort to prevent the Green Party from destroying our federation. A federation we've worked hard for years on. The Green Party does not understand the meaning of the job, they are just opportunists and leftist left-wingers who go only for their own benefit and don't care about the well-being of the citizens and not the economy at all. They mask with environmentalism.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Tomík38 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:30 pm

Green sent police patrols to guard against demonstrators violating laws. President Rabi'a Al-Hashim called on demonstrators to demonstrate peacefully and moderately. He assured FRWM supporters and supporters that they do not want to cancel the Kafuri Federation. He also recalled that the Green Union had a mandate from voters and was democratically elected, with a clear majority of 66%.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby bee777 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:56 pm

The NFP organized next Federal Congress
The Neoliberal Federative Party hosted the 2nd Federal Congress, this time in the city of Dhihidah in the Federal State of Jerze'har. This year's attendance exceeded 1,200,000 people and became the biggest political event of the year.
The hotels were crowded, people lived in the city and around the city. But even then the action was successful.
One of the organizers

The whole event was carried out in a similar spirit as before, crowds of people gathered in the squares and listened to the speeches of known politicians. Several demonstrations and parades were also organized, especially against defederalization. The main topic was the increasing popularity of the new monarchist-oriented party.
Many dangerous things threaten the federation, but the most dangerous of them is certainly monarchism. They want to break the federation and build a kind of utopian Kafuri-Badar monarchy from their fragments. This must be avoided at all costs. That's what we're doing.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Tomík38 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:05 pm

The Green Union officially supports the NFP action. The increasing support of the monarchists is not a pleasure and we strongly condemn this extremist organization. If citizens choose to vote and get a strong mandate in the election, we will respect that, but we'd rather go to the government coalition with the NFP. We believe that we will maintain the majority with the NFP, and that country will remain the presidential republic.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:10 pm

Massive Pro-Monarchy Rally In Capital As The Association Makes Official Declaration To Federal Assembly

Pro Monarchy Protesters In Federal Square, al-Kasraj

The Association of the Guardians of the Sultanate have held massive rallies in al-Kasraj today in celebration of the organisation's official declaration to the Federal Assembly. 10,000 people lined the streets of the Capital to congratulate the Association on making it's first step towards instituting a pan-Majatran Sultanate. Various religious leaders were in attendance to hear Mullah Waail al-Afrif give his speech;

Today is the beginning of the end of the illegitimate republic. The House of Kufi have heard our call, and have accepted our offer to serve as the future Sultans, Akim willing! May this declaration be the cornerstone with which we build our grand Majatran Sultanate.

The Association also put forward their first party program, 'The Program of the Guards', which laid out the initial plans of the party and it's support for a semi-constitutional monarchy.
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